American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 299 The three major injustices in Ping'an Town will rectify the injustice!

"Judge Jackson is here!"

Following the reminder from the staff, the judge walked in and walked to the stage.

This is the layout of the courtroom.

In the center of the front is the judge sitting on the stage, looking down at the audience.

Below the stage are several symmetrical rows of auditoriums.

In the middle is the aisle.

In the front row on the left side of the aisle sat the prosecutor and the assistant prosecutor.

In the front row on the right side of the aisle sat the defense lawyer and the defendant.

The jury sits in two dedicated rows of seats on the right side, tilted toward the judge.

The position of the court stenographer is under the judge's bench, not far in front of the defendant, and at 90 degrees to the bench and the defendant.

In other words, Lisa, the big Texas girl who had just replaced the bald stenographer and became the new court stenographer, was facing Esther sideways.

As the saying goes, it looks like a ridge when viewed from the side and a peak when viewed from the side.

The slope of the ridge is gentle.

The peak is more extreme.

But Lisa is already a perfect Texas girl. From this perspective, she is really infinitely perfect.

So much so that it was still difficult for Ester to maintain his condition despite repeated reminders from himself and Harrison Pwell.

The whole person has lost the impressive acting skills before.

But it didn't attract much attention.

Because most people's eyes fell on the most eye-catching people in the court today.

Lisa, a Texas girl who just settled in Ping'an Town, is naturally the first to attract attention.

The vast majority of the audience couldn't help but be attracted because of the right line of sight.

On the jury's side, their eyes were directed towards Chuck and the others, and they were completely attracted by the two major housewives of Ping'an Town on either side of Chuck.

One was Mrs. Beth Boland.

One is Mrs. Gloria Pritchett.

The two housewives also deliberately wore clothes that highlighted their figures, clearly showing off their extremely domineering figures.

After Judge Jackson sat down and motioned for everyone to sit down, his eyes glanced below and he didn't know where to look for a moment.

no way.

There will always be people in the future who feel that only Texans in the United States look like truly normal people, and it’s not without reason.

You can tell just from their aesthetics.

I just like a big character.


Same as a certain coconut milk.

In fact, this is the common aesthetic left in the DNA of human evolution.

And now Esther is facing this kind of impact from her DNA.

Judge Jackson finally controlled his eyes, and then found that except for Chuck, everyone else in the courtroom, whether it was the audience, the jury, or the staff, their eyes were sometimes wandering, sometimes straight, and they were not in the state at all.

"Prosecutor, you may begin."

Judge Jackson shook his head helplessly.

"Yes, your honor."

The bald prosecutor stood up with a smile: "After testing by Dr. Beverly Hofstadter and multiple IQ testing institutions, Esther's IQ is only average. At best, she is just smart. She is not a genius at all, let alone Talk about a super genius.

So the so-called kind master Ge Esther is completely lying.

With her ordinary qualifications, it would definitely take three to four years or more to learn explosion theory and research and produce high-quality remote-controlled explosives.

Moreover, these dangerous knowledge textbooks and materials also require time and effort to obtain.

It is definitely not something that the so-called second evil personality that only takes over the body when threatened can learn and do it in that short period of time with an IQ that is at best smart.

Therefore, it must be this so-called kind master Esther who has the time and energy to do this.

And why does a little girl with a so-called mental age of only 9 years old spend so long learning and practicing such dangerous knowledge?

After committing those cruel crimes, why would you lie in public?

There is only one answer.

That is, as Dr. Wolfe said, there is no such thing as the second evil personality Emma.

There is only one evil Esther from beginning to end!

She knows everything and is always ready to commit a violent crime.

The key is that she takes advantage of the pity and sympathy of kind families for orphans, and uses this to sneak into one family after another that should be happy, and then destroy it with her own hands.

This has destroyed not just one family after another that should have been happy.

What's even more devastating is people's kindness towards orphans, which scares away these good people.

The orphans who originally needed and hoped to be adopted, feel the warmth of family, and grow up in a happy family, lost this hope.

This is the real heinous crime!

Your Honor, fellow jurors, I hope you can consider this point and sentence criminals like her severely. "

Under the passionate speech of the bald prosecutor, all the jurors also turned their eyes away from the two big injustices in Ping'an Town and nodded frequently.

Harrison Pwell found with a bitter look on his face that the two less determined jurors he had paid attention to earlier were also nodding.

"Damn Detective Chuck! He actually used such a despicable trick!"

Harrison Pwell cursed secretly in his heart, but his palms were firmly holding Esther underneath.

Because this trick may not be very clever, but it depends on who it is used on. Obviously, it has a great effect on Esther.

That classic quote sums it all up: Cuteness is nothing in the face of sexy!

Or: Cute is for children!

As soon as the three major injustices in Ping'an Town appeared, they completely distracted the attention of the audience and the jury, which directly offset Ester's charming acting skills and allowed them to view the case more rationally.

And this is not what he is most worried about.

What he was most worried about now was Esther's own strong reaction to this arrangement, which made him tremble with fear.

"Your Honor, fellow jurors."

It was Harrison Pwell's turn. He stood up, walked slowly to the jury, and began his speech.

“Everyone is unique, so everyone’s situation is different.

Whether every super genius has multiple personalities, and whether each of these personalities is a super genius, is completely unknown territory.

The few existing cases are not enough to draw a final conclusion.

It would be too cruel to rashly use this to convict my client and let the kind master, Esther, go to jail for the second evil personality Emma hidden in the depths of his mind.

You know, she is just a little girl with a serious medical condition who will never grow up.

Even because of the tragic experience in Mao Xiong, his mental age was permanently fixed at 9 years old.

How could such an innocent little girl be a match for the evil and super-smart alter ego Emma?

It's so normal that she doesn't know anything.

Therefore, the most prudent and responsible approach is to send her to a mental hospital for treatment instead of sending her to prison.

Just imagine, a 9-year-old girl is in prison and has no one to rely on. What despair and fear she will feel..."

Before he finished speaking, Esther, who had been sitting in the dock, rushed out, reached out ferociously to grab the big Texas girl Lisa, and cursed: "Bitch!!!"

There was an uproar in the courtroom.

Everyone sat back and watched the petite Esther and the big Texas girl Lisa fight each other.

Compared to others who were shocked, at a loss, or wanting to see more of the show, Chuck was one step ahead of the bailiff, came to the front row, and controlled Esther.

No matter how ferociously she tried to get out of control, she was held tightly in the air, facing the jury, which frightened all the jurors into hiding.

"It's over."

When Harrison Pwell saw this scene, he knew the final result with a splitting headache.

Facts have proven so.

Such a ferocious and terrifying Esther completely dispelled all the remaining concerns of the jury, and they all chose to believe the prosecutor's accusation.

"what happened?"

After the jury announced the guilty verdict and the judge imposed a harsher sentence, Harrison, who was absent-minded, blocked Chuck's path: "Why did Esther suddenly go crazy?"

"want to know?"

Chuck looked at him.


Harrison Pwell looked at Chuck unconvinced.

"I won't tell you."

Chuck said seriously.

The three people from Ping'an Town nearby were immediately amused by Chuck's turn, and they all burst into laughter.

At this moment, Harrison Pwell seemed to understand something.

When he went to see Esther who was imprisoned, and after repeated inquiries, he realized that it was indeed true.

It turns out that during his impassioned defense of Esther, the Texas girl's speedy recordings in the court stenographer's position were getting bigger and bigger.

Although it's not as big as a trembling flower, that's Lisa, the big Texas girl sitting to the side!

This was already unbearable for Esther.

It happened that at this moment, Lisa followed Chuck's instructions in advance and glanced sideways at Esther. It was this action that made Esther completely explode.

You know, due to physical illness, Esther's body shape is permanently fixed at the age of 9.

But her mental age keeps growing.

At the age of 33, her desire for love between a man and a woman has long been seriously distorted by the reality that she cannot get what she wants.

After all, when normal adult men see her, they will only feel love, not desire, except for those perverts.

She was so twisted that every time she was adopted, she would spy on her adoptive parents' married life, which became more and more intolerable, and then she would try to persuade her adoptive father.

But it's different from being opened up to a new world in the United States, where you know how to use your body's advantages to threaten those perverts who can be seen everywhere.

Under normal circumstances, her subconscious choice would be to steal her adoptive mother's cosmetics and clothes to dress her up in a sexy direction for a mature woman.

She is the one who feels the deepest and most convinced that "cuteness is nothing in front of sexiness".

Therefore, her appearance is permanently fixed at the age of 9, which makes her extremely inferior, envious and jealous, and this is even for ordinary mature women.

When faced with Lisa, a big girl from Texas, most mature women also feel extremely inferior and envious.

One can imagine how much visual impact Lisa, a big Texas girl sitting not far in front of her, had on her.

How could Esther, who is smart and extremely sensitive to this, not know what these arrangements are for!

In her twisted and violent mind, she relied on her last shred of reason to hold back the urge to explode immediately.

But since Chuck arranged for Lisa to sit there, of course he wouldn't just sit there.

The natural movement of the big Texas girl Lisa's body while typing was a little exaggerated intentionally or unintentionally, constantly stimulating Esther's sensitive and violent nerves.

The most important thing was that sudden sideways smile, which fell into Esther's eyes. It was like a spark was put into the powder keg and exploded instantly.

Over the years, Esther has faced various bad situations, and the first one that most easily triggered the most evil thoughts in her heart was her adoptive father's rejection.

Every time a crime is committed, it is almost a brutal massacre that breaks out after the failure of the makeup artist's adoptive father.

And that kind of rejection is usually more tactful and gentle.

Just like that, she couldn't bear it and killed her directly.

The big Texas girl who now made her feel inferior to the extreme suddenly looked at her with a smile while clearly mocking her figure. The detonating effect definitely exceeded the evil thoughts of her adoptive father after his failure in makeup construction.

What sense?

What acting skills?

To hell with them all!

She must catch this bitch immediately!


Harrison Pwell knew that it was exactly what he thought, and he sighed helplessly.

Even if he is a man, he can imagine what this kind of ridicule means to a psychologically twisted woman.

No wonder Esther went crazy.

The only hateful thing is that he, who had the advantage and would definitely not lose, actually lost again.

"Tell him, I won't let him go!!!"

Esther also understood at this moment that these were Chuck's arrangements, and shouted ferociously to Harrison Pwell: "He will definitely regret it!!!"

"I hope so."

Harrison Pwell said with a wry smile: "Although there is little hope."

"As long as you help me..."

Esther's eyes were ferocious and dangerous.

"The case is over."

Harrison Pwell felt a thump in his heart and declined with a smile.

He did hate Chuck and wanted to defeat Chuck, but if he struck within the scope of the law, at least he wouldn't be caught by Chuck's pigtails and sent himself in.

And now Esther obviously wants to use more extreme and illegal means to retaliate.

He admitted that he was scared.


After Chandler walked out of the court, he said to Chuck in a funny way: "Now, can I represent everyone and use one word to represent our voices?"


Chuck nodded.

Chandler looked serious, dragging his voice and shouting word by word: "holy shit!!!"


These are the words that normal people can't help shouting on their lips or in their hearts when they see any of the three injustices in Ping'an Town.

What's more, now there are three of them together.

Three exclamation points must be added to slightly reflect their excitement! ! !

Faced with this sigh, Mrs. Beth Boland seemed a little reserved, but from her eyes, it could be seen that she was still relatively happy inside.

After all, she was just an unsuccessful housewife before, and the family situation was a bit bad.

Now, not only has he been invited by Ping'an Town's most famous detective, Chuck, to participate in the world-famous court trial, but he also seems to have played a key role in it.

How could she not be happy about this.

Gloria showed a proud smile on her lips, and her figure became taller and taller, showing her extreme dominance.

She is actually very familiar with this trick.

When her husband's business needed it, she would often take advantage of her reputation to get opportunities for her husband, and she was already very good at it.

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