The system is that simple.

Nothing fancy at all.

The only function is to condense the water of life.

As for the so-called Yang point and Yin point, after Chuck's exploration in the past few years, he has roughly understood the rules of operation.

Live your daily life according to your own wishes, and you will automatically gather some positive points.

If you live an exciting day according to your own wishes, you will automatically gather 1 negative point.

Regardless of daily life or excitement, there are always special days, after which you can get positive and negative points measured in multiples.

When the positive and negative points gather 365 points each, they will automatically collide and explode to produce a drop of water of life.

The function is literally to enhance the essence of life.

It has been many years since Chuck traveled through time, and it has been 3 years since the system was activated. In total, he has only condensed a drop of water of life into himself. His body and mind have been nourished to varying degrees, which has slightly alleviated the pain of mismatch between body and spirit, and his physical attributes have been significantly improved. growth of.

If there is an endless supply of water of life, he believes that one day this incurable disease will be cured, and the constant pain will disappear. By then, the suffering will be over, and he can live the life he really wants.

In the past, there was only an accountant label on his business card, because he liked mathematics, was good at accounting, and his income was quite generous at the beginning of his life.

But after discovering that it is easy to grow the positive aspects of life but almost difficult to increase the negative aspects of life, he expanded the label of a detective.

Detectives often encounter thrilling things, which can easily increase their negative points.

These thoughts kept flashing through his mind.

After a long time.

He got up and turned on the light, entered the bathroom, and started taking a shower.

After taking a shower and tidying up everything in the room, he lay down on the flat quilt like a vampire in a coffin, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Although his consciousness wants to sleep with a beautiful woman, the mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder that comes with severe autism make him feel comfortable sleeping only in this way.

The previous daily communication with Alex was just like the ten minutes of strong light and noise, it was a forced adaptation.

This is already his limit.

The next day.

Alex got up early, packed everything up, took a shower, put on clean new clothes, walked to Chuck's door, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

Chuck had also gotten up and was making breakfast and lunch boxes when he heard a knock on the door. He walked to the door and looked through the peephole before opening the door and letting Alex in.

"Is it Indian food?"

Alex is also an old acquaintance and knows Chuck’s personality and habits quite well. She knows that he likes to cook his own meals, so the rooms he chose are suites with everything. As a travel expert who often travels on business, he is well-informed. One sniff and she knew what Chuck was doing.

"Well, it's clean and hygienic."

Chuck replied and went back to making colorful paste.

"Of course what you did was clean and hygienic."

Alex naturally knew this joke and couldn't help but laugh. Seeing Chuck cooking there, and knowing that he didn't like her being near people, she had no intention of going up to help and sat on one side of the long table. , staring gently with ice blue eyes.

"How long will you be in Chicago?"

After watching for a while, Alex couldn't help but ask. Before Chuck could answer, she continued: "Due to the economic crisis, our industry is very prosperous. After all, many companies need to lay off people. , I have not had any rest throughout this year, and my work schedule is full. I have already sent it to you. If our schedules overlap or are close to each other, please tell me and I will come to find you."

She is an outsourced human resources expert who specializes in layoffs for large companies.

As for outsourcing, as long as the layoff target is achieved, how to lay off employees has nothing to do with the big company itself.

Therefore, the worse the economic downturn, the busier her business becomes.

She was practically a trapeze artist.

"It's not decided yet. I'll make a note of it for two weeks."

After Chuck prepared the meal, he placed two plates and handed one plate to Alex. He sat on the other side of the long table before speaking.

"It smells delicious."

After listening to Chuck's few words, a smile instantly broke out on Alex's face, and she took a deep breath on the dinner plate.

After Chuck sat down, he put his hands to his mouth and blew on each before starting to enjoy the food.

"Why do you think of cooking Indian food? Do you like India?"

Alex took a bite and realized that she really got the essence of Indian food, which was authentic and authentic, so she subconsciously asked.

Chuck ate slowly, and after a while he replied: "I spent time in India when I was a child, and the investigator on this case is an Indian."


Alex looked surprised.

The flexibility of her body is a female physical attribute and gift, but a strong man like Chuck, who is 1.92 meters tall, can do more actions than imagined. Coupled with this authentic Indian food, she should have guessed it. Chuck has been to India and practiced there.

Time was limited, so Alex did not continue to dwell on this issue, but began to talk endlessly about her own affairs. Chuck listened quietly and occasionally replied briefly and concisely.

Just finished breakfast.

Chuck put the extra things into a thermal box, packed them up, and then walked out with Alex one behind the other.

"I'm going to the airport, remember to contact me."

Alex said somewhat melancholy.

"I went to court."

Chuck nodded, looked at each other in silence for a moment, then turned and left.

Alex watched Chuck disappear, then she dragged her small suitcase, put away her melancholy mood, regained her style as a strong working woman, and boarded the plane in high heels.

Chicago Courthouse.

"Thank God you're finally here."

When the female lawyer saw Chuck, she let out a sigh of relief: "Why are you here?"

Chuck raised his hand and tapped his watch to indicate that he was very punctual.

The female lawyer was helpless when she saw this. She glanced at her boss Diane who was visiting the court with her two nephews. Thinking of what the other party said, she could only straighten her women's suit and was not prepared to rely on Chuck to help her. , everything depends on oneself.

"You can go in by yourself later and find a seat to observe carefully. We will talk about the results after it's over. If it's urgent, write a note and ask Kelinda to bring it to us. Try not to expose yourself."

This kind of specially looking for someone to read the micro-expressions of jurors to figure out their thoughts and then formulate a defense strategy. Even if it is not a gray area, it will easily arouse the resentment of the judge and the jury. A bad move will not only have a subversive impact on the case, but It may even affect the life and death of the entire law firm.

After offending the abbot, you still want to live off the Shaolin Temple?

Chuck nodded and waited for the female lawyer to enter for a while before following the other spectators. After finding a seat that was convenient for observing the jury and sitting down, he saw Kelinda already sitting not far away. He looked at him expressionlessly.

As an investigator for a law firm, she needs to comprehensively investigate the characters involved in the entire case, whether it is the plaintiff, defendant, witness who testified in court, or even the opposing lawyer.

It is naturally her job to observe and investigate judges and juries who can influence or even determine the outcome.

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