American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 405: I will support your wife, but I have to pay more!

"Take it back to the police station."

Chuck said to the annoyed detective who gave him two thumbs up.


Detective Shenfan stepped forward and handcuffed Eli Wardricky, who had been kicked out by Chuck and lost his fighting ability as the God of War. He repeatedly used force but failed to pull up the burly man who was lying on the ground struggling. He looked at Detective Amy Santiago awkwardly.

Detective Amy Santiago rolled her eyes, but came over to help and worked together to pull Ares up.

They have a deeper understanding of the level of power of Chuck's kick that can send people flying.

"Come to the police station and find Mr. Wardrickey."

Chuck called Mrs. Wardricky and asked them to go to the police station to help Ares regain his consciousness.

99th Precinct.

"Do you know who you are?"

In the interrogation room, Detective Shenfan acted like a red-faced bad cop to the God of War who was tied there.

It's a pity that the God of War looked at him with cold eyes, as if to say: "If you have any torture, just come to me. I am the God of War's special soldier, and I am not afraid of any torture! Does Rambo understand?"

"Mr. Wardricky, we are here to help you."

Detective Amy Santiago acted as a good policeman with a white face and said warmly: "Do you remember Lucy? It was she who asked us to help you!"

When the God of War heard Lucy's name, his eyes moved.

"It's a good thing you remember Lucy."

Detective Amy Santiago saw the reaction and said with a smile: "She and your wife are on their way here, and you will be able to meet them soon."


The God of War immediately became excited: "Don't let them come, this is a battlefield! It's dangerous!"

"This is not a battlefield."

Detective Amy Santiago was not surprised by Ares' reaction and sighed: "This is New York, your home. You have returned home from the war. Have you forgotten?"


The God of War shook his head excitedly.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Chuck walked in. The God of War's excitement immediately stopped, and he looked at Chuck with vigilance and a hint of fear.

"Do you remember Susan?"

Chuck didn't have the heart to slowly bring his thoughts back to reality, and he came out forcefully: "In the hospital, you took Susan to see a doctor, and you were treated to death by the quack doctors in the hospital. After your death, you were immediately forged. Organ transplant donor card, and then you went crazy, remember?”


Detective Shenfan and Detective Amy Santiago twitched at the corners of their mouths.

One of them has a red face and the other has a white face.

Chuck what's this?

Laser face?


The God of War was stunned for a moment by what Chuck said, and then he covered his head and screamed violently, constantly shaking and hitting his head. Because his arms were cuffed, he pulled and hit his head regardless of the force. The force was too great, and his arms were strangled. dripping with blood.


The God of War's painful wails echoed in the interrogation room.

"The famous alcoholic doctor who treated Susan to death has been sentenced to 20 years to life in prison, and the nurse who forged Susan's organ transplant donation card will soon be sentenced to ten years in prison."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "Now Elijah Robinson, who bought Lucy's blood, is dead, and Noah Fogel, who cooperated with Elijah Robinson and wanted to get the Galahad Institute's $5 million bonus, The doctor is also dead, do you have anything to say?"

After hearing this, the God of War stopped wailing in agony and looked at Chuck blankly.

"The doctors and nurses were able to be sentenced so quickly because of the help of Detective Chuck."

Detective Amy Santiago saw that the extremely red laser face completely calmed the PTSD war god, and quickly showed off her white face again.

"The question now is, did you kill Elijah Robinson and Dr. Noah Fogel?"

"I want to kill them!"

The God of War gritted his teeth with murderous eyes: "I want to kill all the evil people who hurt my daughter!"

"Yet you did nothing."

Chuck said bluntly: "He's just a big evil man who only kills innocent civilians!"

"I don't……"

The God of War subconsciously retorted, but under Chuck's expressionless gaze, the scene that happened in the early morning suddenly flashed through his mind, and his whole body began to tremble, and he murmured: "Those are not innocent civilians, those are enemies, enemies... "

"That's college security!"

Detective Amy Santiago sighed: "Real civilians, our people, are not the enemy!"

"He also has a wife and children."

Chuck said calmly, leaving the God of War in even greater pain, and left the interrogation room.

"No more trial?"

Outside the interrogation room, the director of the 99th Precinct looked at Chuck who came out expressionlessly.

"The answer is clear."

Chuck said, "What else is there to try?"

"So the murder of the two biologists was really framed by someone?"

The branch chief believed in Chuck's judgment and nodded.

"I already know who it is."

Chuck said the answer directly: "Hunter Beckett!"

"The son of Dedali Beckett, the owner of the Galahad Institute?"

The branch director also knew about the case: "What's the motive?"


Chuck explained: “I have investigated his financial situation and found that he likes luxury and his consumption is too high, which is beyond what he can afford.

Not long ago, his father Dedaliki had surgery. After he was discharged from the hospital, he merged the family fund established for him into the Galahad Research Institute, hoping to increase efforts to stimulate breakthroughs in medical technology. After his father's death, Recently, there have been breakthroughs in life sciences that have extended life. "

"As a result, his consumption level and quality of life will be significantly reduced."

The branch director immediately understood: "And Noah Fogel's research is about to make a breakthrough, and he is about to receive the Galahad Award of 5 million US dollars. This not only means that the fund he should have inherited has been reduced a lot, but it may also Because this medical breakthrough will allow his father to live longer, he may never be able to access his own funds and spend them as he wishes.

Now that we have the motive, how do we get started? "

"A murderer for hire."

Chuck said.

"Can the murderer be found?"

the branch chief asked.

"No need to check, he's already here."

Chuck gestured.

"It's him!"

The branch director followed Chuck's gaze and saw Mrs. Wardricky walking over, supported by her youngest daughter Lucy and a burly man.

He remembered that this burly man was Max, the special forces friend of Mr. Wardricky, the God of War. He also remembered that after he retired, he worked as a security guard at Galahad Research Institute with the God of War.

"Is there any evidence?"

"Hunter Beckett put $100,000 into an account."

Chuck said seriously: "And that account is the account of Max's wife. It can't be a female figure. That's too much."


The branch director's mouth twitched.

Is it too much or too little?

He sensed Chuck's deep malice toward the soldier.

This made him a little unhappy because he was also a retired soldier.

"Director, I heard that Eli was found?"

Max walked over, supporting his comrade's wife and daughter, and asked the branch chief.

They had met before and they were both veterans, so they were naturally close.


The branch chief motioned for them to look through the one-way glass into the interrogation room inside.

"Is Eli okay?"

Max couldn't help but ask.

"What do you think."

The branch chief's face was expressionless, and he kept paying attention to Max's expression out of the corner of his eye.

"Why are you interrogating my dad?"

The youngest daughter Lucy looked at Chuck.

"Because he killed Columbia's night security guard."

Chuck doesn't hold back.


Mrs. Wardrickey burst into tears.

"No! Impossible!"

cried Lucy, "My father is not that kind of man!"

Max shook his head and sighed.

"You don't seem surprised?"

The branch chief looked at Max: "Do you know something?"

"What can I know?"

Max shook his head and said: "The reason why I'm not surprised is because Eli probably doesn't even know what he did. He is suffering from PTSD.

He probably thought this was a battlefield, so he attacked targets he felt threatened.

Director, you are also a veteran and should have heard about this. "

"Where are the two biologists?"

The branch chief asked: "Did they also threaten him?"

"Poor parents in the world!"

Max looked at Lucy: "Susan's incident made Eli collapse. Compared to threats to himself, Eli, who is in a state of PTSD, prioritizes eliminating targets that threaten his daughter. Class."

"Did I hurt my father?"

Lucy still didn't understand, and burst into tears.

"Sounds reasonable."

The branch chief nodded and looked at Max: "But someone told me that someone is setting the blame on Eli. What do you think?"

"Bringing the blame?"

Max was surprised: "Who would blame Eli?"

"If you pin the blame on Eli, you can get a reward of 100,000 US dollars, and your wife and I can support him. Do you think anyone is willing to do it?"

When the branch chief looked over, Chuck looked at Max expressionlessly.

"I don't understand you."

Max's expression didn't change.

"Detective Chuck, what do you mean?"

Mrs. Wardricky could only cry: "My husband was framed, wasn't he? Lucy, what are you doing?"

After saying that, he suddenly looked at his little daughter Lucy in confusion.

But she, who was originally being comforted by her little daughter and Max, was pulled over by Lucy and separated from Max's hot and powerful chest.

"Mom! Don't you understand yet?"

Lucy pulled her mother and looked at her Uncle Max warily: "What Chuck means is that he is blaming dad!"

"What nonsense! This is impossible!"

Mrs. Wardricky subconsciously refuted: "Your Uncle Max is your father's best friend. He can't possibly..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Lucy: "Really? Mom, don't think that I'm still young and don't know anything. Before Dad came back, every time Uncle Max came over, you... Humph! Dad! If you were framed and sent to jail, or even died, wouldn't you throw yourself into his arms?"


Mrs. Wardricky was immediately speechless.

Her husband has been stationed overseas for a long time. As a comrade in arms, Max would come over to visit the mother and daughter on his behalf every time he came back from his rotation. If there was any heavy work at home that needed men to do, Max would take the initiative to do it.

This went back and forth, and as time went by, the most important and most needed work in the family, farming, of course had to be entrusted to him.

She always thought that what she did was very secretive, and she made an agreement with Max when chatting afterwards that they would never destroy each other's families. Max also promised repeatedly that he was Eli's best comrade and would never make Eli sad. of.

Who would have thought that all this would fall in the eyes of the youngest daughter Lucy, and there would be no secrets left.

"What's going on with the $100,000?"

Mrs. Wardricky looked at Max with suspicion.

If he just wanted to possess her, there was no need for him to do that.

But if you add in the $100,000 benefit, she's not sure.

"I really don't know anything about $100,000!"

Max looked helpless: "I don't even know what you are talking about! Eli is my best comrade and friend, how could I treat him like that?"

"You didn't say this to Hunter Beckett, did you?"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "Otherwise, how could I have sent you away with just $100,000! I must add more money!"

"plz follow me!"

The branch chief motioned for Max to follow him into another interrogation room: "Do you need a lawyer?"

Max fell silent for a moment.

Logically speaking, if you don't do anything wrong and just have a conversation, you don't need to hire a lawyer.

But now he hesitated.

Especially with Chuck here, if you don't hire a lawyer, you'll be in trouble if you say the wrong thing.

Having a professional litigator like a lawyer ensures that the legal loopholes will be opened to him.

Not to mention that he can't be convicted now, even if he can be convicted later, he can rely on such professional litigators to bargain with prosecutors to reduce his guilt to the lowest level, and even make a deal to provide for Hunter Beckett. A bargaining chip in exchange for an acquittal or a lesser crime.

The only thing that gave him pause was the price.

That’s right!

Once a lawyer is hired and two people are killed, all the hard-earned US$100,000 will be lost to the lawyer, and he may even have to pay back the money.

This is why he calls the lawyer who can best help him at this time a lawyer.

Is it easy for him to kill people and make some money at the risk of being imprisoned for life?

But these litigators could exploit him openly and openly, which was even more ruthless than murder!

never mind!

His life was important, and he didn't want to sit in jail for too long.

If the money is gone, you can earn it back quickly by taking on more murder orders, but the person is locked up in prison forever, but he can only be forced to work, and his family has to pay him to go to jail.

"I want a lawyer!"

Thinking of this, Max finally made up his mind.

After actually saying this, he no longer struggled.

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, paying for a lawyer also has an invisible benefit, which is that it can help him get rid of moral pressure.

Murder, blaming a comrade, cheating on your best friend, these evil deeds that cannot be washed away, can be packaged as "cannot discriminate against criminals" and "should be more tolerant to criminals and support them to start a new life" in the mouths of these litigators. 'It's not illegal to have sex with your best friend, don't have too high moral requirements for others, that's not good' can improve the social moral pressure on him after he comes out, make it easier for him to integrate better, and make quick money for him to be killed again. Money work lays a "mass base".

Otherwise, as soon as he came out, everyone looked at him with strange eyes and were wary of him. If he made the slightest move, someone would report him, so how could he return to his old career?

The money earned by risking one's life is spent even if it is not spent, and it is considered well spent!

If the lawsuit is handled beautifully this time, I'll look for him next time.

But next time he must give him a discount as a long-term customer!

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