American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 420 Damn Ursula, Goddess Detective Monica!

"Charles, what's going on?"

Chandler looked at the male detective in surprise.

"Please call me Detective Boyle!"

The older male police detective corrected him expressionlessly with a straight face.

"It's me, Chandler Bing!"

Chandler pointed to his nose: "Jack's good friend, Chandler Bing!"

"I know you, comedian Chandler Bing, but I'm not your fan!"

Detective Boyle said coldly: "And I am Jack's best friend! Please always remember this!"


Chandler complained: "You still care about this?"

"I always care!"

Detective Boyle said emotionally: "I am Jack's best friend forever! No one can take Jack away from me!"

The female police detective Rosa next to her rolled her eyes.

In the NYPD 99 branch in New York, before Chuck appeared, Detective Shenfan was the number one detective and executioner in the branch. Of course, he would not be without admirers.

This man is the old-looking Detective Charles Boyle.

He is the most loyal fan of Detective Shenfan, he can do anything for Detective Shenfan, and he likes to brag about Detective Shenfan all the time.

Of course, he also cares most about the title of Detective Shenfan's best friend.

The appearance of Chuck subverted the understanding of other people in the branch, but it still could not change the ideological stamp of Detective Charles Boyle.

He still admired Detective Shenfan the most.

But the appearance of Chuck not only brought incredible detective methods, but also brought Chandler.

They are both real happy comedians. As soon as Detective Shenfan saw Chandler, he immediately made him his confidant. He even tried his best to persuade Chandler to apply for the police force, and then the two teamed up.

It didn't matter to others, but it made Detective Charles Boyle jealous and jealous. He tried many times to get the annoying detective's attention and told many ridiculous stories.

Fortunately, Chandler has no intention of becoming a police officer, so Detective Charles Boyle retains the title of best friend of the annoying detective in the police station.

But as soon as Chandler showed up, Detective Shenfan immediately lost sight of him.

This made him particularly unhappy with Chandler, how could he possibly give him a good look?


After Joey was planted with a bomb by two police detectives, they ignored him again and asked him to wave his hands urgently and remind: "How did Prelas die?"

"She took too many drugs and by the time the ambulance arrived, it was already too late."

Female police detective Rosa said expressionlessly.


Joey immediately shouted: "She never takes drugs!"

"Are you sure?"

Detective Rosa looked at him intently.

"Of course I'm sure!"

Joey nodded vigorously: "Although it is said that there are not many people who are engaged in art in drama schools who do not take drugs, Prelas is an exception.

She is a good girl!

I'm very impressed with this.

Because since Chuck has repeatedly emphasized the disadvantages of taking drugs, not taking drugs has been a tight string in our minds.

When I found out that Purelas didn't take drugs either, I used this to have a very interesting chat with her!

Of course I'm sure!

Moreover, her mother is always with her and is very strict with her. It is very difficult for friends like us to talk to her, let alone taking drugs. "

"Have you ever struck up a conversation with her?"

Female police detective Rosa said contemptuously: "She is still a student!"

"She's 19 years old!"

Joey felt a little guilty, but still said it as a matter of course.

"A 19-year-old is still a kid! You can't even drink!"

Female police detective Rosa sneered: "How old are you? You are so much older than her. If I were her mother, I wouldn't let you get close to her like this!"

"Do you suspect someone drugged her?"

Chandler has followed Chuck for a while and is familiar with police investigations: "This can't be Joey!"

"She was not drugged!"

Detective Charles Boyle said expressionlessly: "If she was drugged, it would be impossible for her to overdose and die without even being able to be rescued. She swallowed the whole bottle of pills at once!"

"Suicide by swallowing pills?"

Chandler was even more surprised: "Since it was suicide, why did you go out? It's not like Chuck often goes to your place and even corrects the style of your NYPD, right?"

"You dare to insult our NYPD?"

Detective Charles Boyle looked excited.

"That's not what I said!"

Chandler knew at a glance that the other party wanted to find trouble with him, and immediately smiled playfully: "I'm quoting Chuck's words, can't you NYPD be able to make big problems trivial? Just do this when trivial things are trivial. Otherwise, there are so many crimes in New York every day. Are you busy? Isn't it strange that you just close the case that gives a clear signal of suicide, but you still come to investigate it seriously? "


The excitement on Detective Charles Boyle's face suddenly dropped as he heard Chandler Tichuck.

He wanted to pick on Chandler, but he didn't dare to pick on Chuck.

"Before he died, the deceased kept saying, I don't want this, I don't want this."

Female police detective Rosa said the reason: "With so many people watching, of course we have to investigate such an obvious problem. Hey, boy, what do you know about this sentence?"

"I do not know."

Joey said subconsciously: "I'm not the kind of man who thinks that when a woman says this, she means the opposite. I respect women very much..."

Having said this, under the cold gaze of female police detective Rosa, he shuddered and said with a smile: "I don't mean anything else, but I really can't think of what Prelas means by saying this!

She is excellent!

Being able to enter the New York Academy of Drama at the age of 19 is such an enviable achievement.

You must know that the School of Drama has no less than 1,500 people applying every year, but only 50 people are admitted. The admission rate is so low, I can't even imagine it.

But she got into it and became an excellent drama school student. Her starting point in the future is much higher than that of wild people like us, and her achievement ceiling is also higher than ours.

This is all thanks to her mother.

Her mother was also in the entertainment industry before. I heard that she started training her when she was three years old and took her to audition.

With qualifications and education, she has unlimited future prospects. I really can’t figure out why she committed suicide by taking drugs, and she said over and over again that I didn’t want to do this. "

"Idiot! Check her mother!"

Monica's shouting voice suddenly came from Chandler's cell phone, attracting everyone's attention.

Chandler raised his cell phone to everyone and said with a smile: "She was going to tell me a joke just now, and then you guys came, and I didn't hang up. It was obvious what she wanted to say, so I didn't Yin, even though it doesn’t seem necessary~”

After saying that, he still spoke in a voice-over: "Monica, you said to check her mother? Why do you say that?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Monica complained: "Since she was three years old, her mother has been leading her everywhere to want to act. She was able to enter the drama school at the age of 19 with an admission rate of 30 to 1. She must have spent these years in various studies. She Her life is like a doll, obviously a game played by her mother, suppressed for so many years, and suddenly exploded, it’s not surprising at all.”

"Listen to her, she is very experienced~"

Chandler gestured to everyone to listen to Monica on the other end of the phone, making witty remarks.

"That makes sense."

Rachel and the others all nodded in agreement.

Monica does have a natural say in this regard.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder and mysophobia that brought Monica and Chuck together were forced by Monica's mother since she was a child.

This group of old friends saw this in their eyes.

Every time Monica's mother comes over, Monica's apartment is full of depression and terror. Their old friends watch with fear as they make various preparations over and over again, and Monica may go crazy at any time. Card.

And the facts also prove that Monica is not like this without reason.

Monica and Chuck have known each other for more than a year, and even Chuck, Peggy and Little Sheldon, who are severe mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder patients, all recognize her.

But when Monica's mother came over, she would still point out the spotless and well-organized apartment that Monica had taken care of, pat the sofa pillows that Monica had patted countless times, and move them according to her wishes. The furnishings always had a way of driving Monica crazy.

Monica said more than once that if she died one day, it would definitely be because she couldn't stand her mother.

Now it seems that this 19-year-old female student from the Drama School has failed to resist the manipulation of her puppet master mother, and she no longer wants to live.

"its not right."

Chandler suddenly questioned: "The deceased's mother was determined not to let her daughter take drugs, and she also refused to let her daughter associate with people like Joey. She seems to be a good mother, so she shouldn't force her daughter to death, right?"


Joey looked at Chandler resentfully.

He felt that his good gay friend had really changed completely.

Not on his side at all.

At this time, a hand was put on his shoulder and patted him. When he turned his head, he saw Detective Charles Boyle, who had a nose but not a nose and eyes instead of eyes. He looked at him with great sympathy and recognition. .

At this moment, he suddenly had an unusual understanding of Detective Charles Boyle's mentality, especially when he discovered that they were almost the same height and both were short men who were easily teased. This sense of identification became even stronger.

"The more this happens, the scarier it becomes!"

Monica complained on the other end of the phone: "Chuck has always said that the roots of this society are rotting, that the general environment is controlled by large groups, and that it is starting to erode young people in all directions.

Ordinary people are like this.

Not to mention the entertainment industry, which was originally the hardest hit area for gambling.

This Purillas is only 19 years old and is still a student at the School of Drama. She is usually surrounded by classmates and friends who advocate the so-called freedom and do whatever they want. She is actually controlled so that she does not get into these bad habits at all.

If her mother's control over her had not penetrated deeply into her soul, she would not be able to be followed forever. She would always have the opportunity to learn from her peers and release herself.

But she didn't.

This is already very telling.

Go check to see if she has any best friends, ask her how she and her mother get along, and how she has persisted until now. Maybe she also has her own Dr. Beverly Hofstadter, so that she can know more clearly. Understand her heart, figure out what's wrong with her, and then find out who gave her so many things that can kill her... hello? Hello? Why aren't you talking anymore? "

Monica talked for a long time, but didn't get any response from the other party. At first, she thought the phone was hung up, but when she looked carefully, she found that it was still connected, and she was suddenly surprised by the question.

"What else can we say? You've said it all!"

Female police detective Rosa complained.

"Monica, you are really good."

Rachel couldn't help but joked: "What do you and Chuck study when you do scientific research? Investigate crimes? What do you cosplay like? Detective?"

"Want to learn?"

Monica immediately came back with a smile and a joke.

"Think about it, think about it!"

Rachel nodded repeatedly.

"I teach you?"

Monica teased.


Rachel was immediately disappointed.

She was not interested in the lace thing. When she was in college, she was a little confused when she was young. In such an environment, everyone wanted to try something new, so she gave it a try.

I don't have that interest now.

"Chandler, ask them to send me this girl's information."

Monica explained.

"Do you really want to be a goddess detective for once?"

Chandler teased.

"I'm just concerned about what happened to this girl."

Monica sighed: "Maybe this is another me?"

"You really forced yourself in."

Chandler said this, but still asked Detective Charles Boyle to send him information. When Charles was unwilling, he reminded him that Monica was Chuck's long-term strategic research partner, and everyone was his descendant. , Detective Charles Boyle reluctantly posted.

Peaceful Town.

Mountainside villa.

After Monica hung up the phone, she got up and went to find Chuck, telling him the good news that Joey and Rachel were fine.

"It's okay for now."

Chuck corrected bluntly.

"It's good that it's okay for now."

Monica smiled and said: "I believe that after this fright, they will feel some emotions, restrain themselves, and pay more attention to their own safety."

At this moment, her cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was the information forwarded by Chandler. Looking at the pretty girl in the photo, Monica sighed: "It's such a shame. She is so beautiful at such a young age." Xiaoyu died, most likely because her mother forced her to do so. Chuck, you are so right. Drug abuse is so harmful. Drugs are rampant and available to anyone. Those who can't think of it at the moment may be too many. It’s a bit more troublesome. After that time, I didn’t want to die, but now I died because I got enough calves to kill me. I don’t know who the bastard sold the calves to this poor girl.”

"I know!"

Chuck glanced over.

"you know?"

Monica put the phone screen in front of Chuck and said in surprise: "Do you know this poor girl?"

"I've seen her."

Chuck nodded and said, "As for which bastard sold her the baby, you know that bastard too."

"I know?"

After Monica was surprised, she began to think hard: "I don't even know a few people who take drugs, let alone those who sell drugs..."

"Just a reminder, this bastard just went to hell and is still hot."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"Still warm... Ursula?!"

Monica exclaimed.


Chuck nodded: "When Santiago and I went to find Ursula, we happened to meet this girl coming out of Ursula's apartment."


Monica was shocked: "Chuck, do you think this girl committed suicide not because she couldn't bear her mother's sudden outburst, but because she was infected... Damn Ursula!"

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