American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 456 We all have a bright future!

"What trap?"

Julie expressed concern.

As someone who came to study and exchange and wanted to stay in the United States, she was of course very interested in this situation.

After all, in Maslow's need theory, safety needs are the second need after basic survival needs such as food, water, and air.

Others also looked at Chuck curiously, waiting for Chuck's explanation.

They really don't know what the trap is.

"This rhetoric has serious logical flaws."

"She said she ran around the corner and saw the license plate first," Chuck explained.

Then she said the car was coming toward her at a high speed, so she saw Randy in the driver's seat and Mrs. Boland in the passenger seat.

But this car from the Bolander family's fish market did not have a license plate on the front of the car. A month ago, the Bolander family's license plate number had expired. If they wanted to change the license plate, the municipal staff had not changed it.

So if she saw the license plate first, she would only be able to see the license plate on the back of the car. The car was speeding towards her, so it was impossible to see Randy and Mrs. Boland on the driver's license. "


Ross complained: "Since everyone can see this logical flaw, how can it be considered a trap?

It's just that she loved her dead boyfriend Tim Chang so much that she wanted to help him, even at the risk of breaking the law. What kind of infatuation is this! "

After saying this, he looked at Julie affectionately: "True love between people is like this. If she can do it, so can I."

"I'm afraid not everyone can see it, right?"

Julie was originally very moved, but now she heard some dangerous elements in it, and she was afraid to move. She looked at Chuck questioningly.

"Of course it's impossible!"

Rachel, who was extremely transparent, looked at Chuck with admiration: "Only Chuck, the divine detective, can deeply penetrate this abyss-like trap and make the trap completely useless and in vain~"


Everyone's mouths twitched.

Although what Rachel was talking about seemed to be Tim Chang's case, they always felt like Rachel was driving, and they didn't know if it was an illusion.

"Is this useless?"

Julie became more and more interested in the details of the case, ignoring Ross's repeated use of the case to make romantic metaphors, and began to use her brain.

"Even if the prosecutor can't see it and uses this as evidence to testify in court, the defendant, a barrister hired by a wealthy foundation of the Borland family, will help fight the case. This logical flaw will definitely be discovered as soon as possible, and then it will be brought to court. The one who refutes this witness testimony.”

"The more sinister way is not to expose it."

Chuck said calmly: "Let Tim Chang's girlfriend Katie confirm this testimony, and then let the jury make a verdict, unanimously ruling that the defendants were guilty of second-degree murder, and sentencing them to jail.

After it is done, a few days later, they will launch a fatal blow to expose this serious logical flaw and set off a storm of public opinion. They will use wrong prosecution and perjury to force the district attorney to overturn the case again and give Bolan, who should have been sentenced severely, The De family were all acquitted. "


Julie was shocked: "Can this still happen?"

After saying this, under Chuck's too calm gaze, she knew that she had said nonsense and couldn't help but ask: "Then you won't continue to sue the Boland family?"

“If things continue like this, the result will be that Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone cannot bear to prosecute a 17-year-old girl who has ‘good intentions but bad intentions’ and drags her before the jury.

District Attorney Adam Schiffer would say, 'You want a new trial, but where are you going to find an unbiased jury?'

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone would joke to himself, "We can appeal, even if it goes to the Canadian border for trial."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer would say, "I think I prefer the murders to the prosecution trials after the murders."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone would exclaim, ‘The whole world is crazy’!

Then, there is no more. "

"What do you mean there is no more?"

Julie was stunned: "Where is Tim Chang, the Chinese genius boy who was shot innocently? What should we do with his case?"

"Forgotten, ignored!"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "The police have worked so hard to catch the criminals, and the prosecutors have tried their best to prosecute, what else do you want?

This is an understandable mistake, a small regret that is inevitable in a fair judicial system.

The Chinese-American genius Tim often lost his life, but during this case, the justice of judicial procedures and the absolute respect for the human rights of living people were vividly demonstrated.

This is a great victory for freedom and human rights!

Mrs. Boland, who instigated the murder, shot Randy Boland three times and killed Tim Chang. Carl Boland, Tim Chang's good friend and classmate, designed a trap and destroyed evidence in order to cover up his family's crimes. None of them were found guilty. crime.

Eggman Katie, who betrayed Tim Chang and deliberately perjured herself to help the Carl family make an extreme comeback, thoroughly proved that eggs spoiled too easily.

They will continue to live a sweet life.

It's as if Tim never appeared, maybe Katie and Carl will get married in the end. "

"Etc., etc!"

Julie was already dumbfounded, but when she heard this, she exclaimed in shock again: "What are you talking about? The reason why Tim's girlfriend Katie perjured herself was not to avenge her dead boyfriend and bring the murderer to justice, but to deliberately Let the murderer's family get away with it?"


Only then did Ross understand what Chuck meant and said angrily: "Absolutely impossible! Katie is not that kind of person!"

Just kidding, he just used Katie and Tim Chang, a white and Chinese love couple, to prove that it is possible for him and Julie to have true love and a future.

He also repeatedly said that what Katie can do for Tim, he can also do for Julie!

Now that Chuck said this, he completely overturned the power of this good role model that could move Julie so much that she would fall in love with him tonight.

Not to mention it's completely overturned.

Katie did this not only to have a normal relationship with her dead boyfriend, but to make her boyfriend die in peace. How strong is the impact on Julie, who has a strong sense of substitution?

It's not weaker than Detective Chuck's impact on his goddess Rachel... At this moment, this metaphor flashed in Ross's mind for no reason, but he quickly shook it out of his mind and didn't dare to think about it anymore. Otherwise, it always feels weird.

In short, he will never allow Detective Chuck to talk nonsense about this kind of thing and wantonly distort and subvert his and Julie's present and future!

"If she didn't mean it, why would I say it was a trap?"

Chuck looked at Julie and Ross expressionlessly.

"are you sure?"

Julie's expression became serious, and she couldn't even keep the forced smile she had before.

If we say that Katie, who is the girlfriend of the Chinese genius boy Tim Chang and is called the Egg Man by her white friends, accidentally did bad things with good intentions, even if her boyfriend Tim Chang died tragically in the end and just sat back and watched the acquittal of a group of murderers. If she refuses to die with her eyes in peace, then she can still understand and forgive Katie.

But if Katie is, as Chuck said, she is also yellow-skinned, she simply cannot imagine how dangerous and miserable the living conditions of Chinese Americans in American society are.

Once she confirmed it, she had only one thought: cherish life and stay away from the United States!

"Why do you think she came here to add insult to injury when the evidence was solid, and took the initiative to provide perjury with obvious logical loopholes?"

Chuck said calmly: "Why did you dare to offend the Boland family, who are also white, after the death of your boyfriend Tim Chang? Aren't she and her mother afraid that the Boland family would kill them when they came out?

Even if they are not afraid, aren't they afraid that other white classmates, friends and neighbors will reject, insult, and threaten them?

Tim Chang himself was innocently shot and killed, and the murderer was prosecuted. Tim Chang's sister and mother were harassed, attacked, and threatened by racists, not to mention her behavior.

You know, anywhere, the traitors and the Japanese are far more infuriating than the enemy.

I talked to her while I was investigating.

The relationship between her and Tim Chang was just a mutual affection between young men and women, and it didn't go deeper at all.

Even when asking her some questions, she admitted that she didn't know many things about Tim Chang's boyfriend. They didn't communicate much. If we want to know more, we can ask Tim Chang's friends in the 1600 Club and the physics instructor. .

What would she say if her relationship was truly so good that she could risk going to jail or even being insulted, ostracized and attacked to fight the whole world for him?

In my opinion, she just wanted to be friends with Tim Chang because she was able to win a NASA award in high school and was a real genius. She had a crush on him, who is also a genius and sexy, and her mother actively supported him. of.

Their feelings are not deep.

There isn't even that strong connection of hormonal impulses between young men and women.

So she would be sad that Tim was often shot innocently, but she would never do such a high-level thing for him to do a few days later when he was completely unable to calm down.

She said herself that she and Karl were also good friends, and she also liked Karl's parents and family very much.

Therefore, there is only one truth, and that is that she and her mother were affected, and after careful consideration, they chose to betray their dead boyfriend, and were instructed to do this behavior that would ultimately benefit the Boland family. "

Before Ross was eager to retort without talking about logic and only talking about emotion, he said expressionlessly: "All this happened when I received a call from Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone informing me that Katie was going to testify. The problem was first noticed.

Then when I went to the District Attorney's office and met Katie and her mother, I had my suspicions confirmed.

After our frank communication, they admitted their shameless behavior, cried and said that it was not what they wanted to do, nor did they want to, and asked the prosecutor not to prosecute them. "


The entire apartment fell silent for a moment, everyone was shocked by this shocking truth, their senses were numb, and their outlook was shattered.

Can it still be like this?

At the moment, these kind-hearted old friends felt that Katie was one of their own who believed in truth, goodness and beauty, and only talked about feelings without thinking about race.

But the next moment, there was such a shocking reversal that they, who were good at complaining and teasing, lost the ability to speak for a moment.

They were pretty good, but they sighed too much and were speechless for a while.

Ross and Julie are completely different.

After receiving Chuck's complete confirmation, Julie finally threw away the last trace of fantasy in her heart and welcomed this real magical world.

A native Chinese-American genius boy who has won a NASA award and has the strength to compete for the Nobel Prize in high school. A 17-year-old child, a true American, actually said that his death was in vain.

If it was just in a dark alley, being targeted and assassinated by someone like the Court of Owls, a huge privileged force that really controlled Gotham City, she thought it would be acceptable.

But now it was broad daylight, on the street with people coming and going, and a lower-class white family was shot to death three times because their reading and IQ were inferior to them.

During this period, the investigation and prosecution process continued to have twists and turns, racial discrimination pervaded every corner, and vicious traps were set up one after another.

Even the lovers, who were thought to be a loving couple, not only did not plead their innocence for the 17-year-old genius Chinese American boyfriend who died innocently and tragically, but instead helped the murderers complete a gorgeous comeback.

If you die, your death will be in vain!

How incredible this is!

What despair and fear this is!

I don’t know what others think, but Julie, who has the same yellow skin and a far inferior identity label than Tim, is extremely frightened and has completely given up the fantasy of staying and getting a green card to naturalize as an American.

I even made up my mind that during this period of communication, I must protect my own safety, survive this dangerous period, and leave as soon as I can.

As for Rose, she still needs to find a way to break up peacefully and tactfully, lest Rose, who seems to be manic, take advantage of her and use American free gun skills on her.

It'll probably be fine if he tries.

But she died.

Although Ross's IQ and EQ are not high, he is very aware of Julie's emotional changes at this moment. He knows that this time he has fallen out of love again.

Still falling in love at the speed of light.

And it's all damn Chuck's fault!

Not only torturing his goddess to death, but also torturing him to death!

He hates this bastard Chuck!

So he shouted loudly: "Julie, I know Tim Chang's case has shocked you a lot, but please remember, this is all because of Chuck!

Because Chuck, you know there's so much behind this kind of case.

But also because of Chuck, the final result is not as pessimistic and hopeless as you imagined. The criminal traps of those bad guys have no way of hiding in front of the detective Chuck!

All were seen through by Detective Chuck and easily resolved.

So in the end, the murderers who brutally killed Tim Chang will get the fair trial they deserve!

You can trust Detective Chuck! You can trust American justice! I can even believe that if you stay in the United States and New York, you will have a bright future..."

Seeing Ross shouting there, Monica and the others were worried at first that Ross would attack Chuck because he was falling out of love again, but the sharp turn behind them almost missed their waists.


Those who didn’t know thought that these words were Chuck in Rachel and Monica’s eyes!

Joey even couldn't help asking a soul question: "Since it's all because of Detective Chuck, then Julie should go directly to Detective Chuck..."

Before he could finish his words, he was stared at by Rose's angry eyes that were almost blazing, and he couldn't continue. He just kept laughing with him.

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