American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 464 Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Don’t bully young people into poverty!

"You know him?"

Caroline was surprised.

"Of course he knows little Sheldon!"

MAX smiled and said: "The theoretical calculation of the recyclable rocket he was talking about was sent to NASA when little Sheldon was 9 years old."

When Ma Mars in the Mediterranean looked embarrassed, MAX joked: "Don't think I didn't see you holding a notebook and peeking at it frequently. That should be the notebook that Little Sheldon sent to NASA, right? And you can't remember it? There are complicated mathematical calculations, so you need to review them from time to time.”

"Do you have the notebook I gave to NASA?"

Little Sheldon was surprised.

"As I said before, I am very interested in space technology as a field related to the future."

Although the Mediterranean horse Mars was embarrassed when MAX exposed the truth, he soon recovered and explained with a smile: "Although I have just entered Wharton School of Business as a freshman in economics, I am very obsessed with these theories. Naturally, Efforts will be made to collect this information.

Hard work paid off, and I received a response from NASA scientists and obtained this advanced theoretical calculation. "

After saying this, he looked at little Sheldon sitting there and sighed sincerely: "Mr. Cooper, I have to say, you are really a genius!"

"If I lose 60 points from my IQ, I would be a genius!"

Little Sheldon frowned.

Others called him a genius before, but he was willing to admit it.

But since Chuck and the others came up with the concept of super genius, he is now disgusted with the term genius. When he mentions it, he easily thinks of Chuck and Peggy expelling him from the Light of Texas Super Genius.


Mars, the Mediterranean horse, is a little unaccustomed to Little Sheldon's uprightness.

If it weren't for the American Princess Carolyn Channing, who could save him a lifetime of hard work, he would definitely have to fight this bratty kid because he was so proud in his heart.

"You are so interested in my theoretical calculations and can still understand them. You can be considered a true genius."

Little Sheldon looked up and saw that Martian, the horse in the Mediterranean Sea, was silent and kept talking about topics that interested him. He started to chat with him about the theoretical calculations of recyclable rockets.

But unfortunately, without the notebook he had given to NASA, Ma Mars in the Mediterranean looked embarrassed and could not reply a word.

"I finally understand why you already have such a hairstyle at such a young age~"

Young Howard laughed and said, "I must be very scratching my head at ordinary times, especially when I want to learn these advanced mathematics and physics theories but find that I can't understand them at all. That kind of entanglement will make my hair go bald."

Little Sheldon was also dissatisfied with the performance of the Mediterranean horse Mars: "You said you plan to study for a PhD in physics after graduating from college?"


If the train hadn't already started, Mars, the Mediterranean horse, would have wanted to get off directly.

This is so embarrassing.

He and others could talk about these profound theories before, and even showed off the 'Future Technology Computing' from Little Sheldon in front of Caroline and MAX.

He is indeed very interested in recyclable rockets, a very important and promising technology, but he can only have a rough understanding of theory and specific mathematical calculations, and he is actually blind.

Therefore, he naturally couldn't answer a purely theoretical conversation with Little Sheldon, who was more interested in mathematical calculations. Seeing that Little Sheldon no longer talked about pure science, of course he quickly answered the conversation, his mind racing rapidly, ready to make amends.

"I've always been interested in physics..."

Before he could even consider his words, he was interrupted by Little Sheldon at the beginning: "You'd better not go for a Ph.D. in physics. Judging from your IQ, you definitely won't be able to get a Ph.D. in physics."

"Even if you find connections and successfully enroll in a Ph.D. program, you will probably find an excuse to run away within two days."

Little Howard continued to make up for it: "But with your hair volume, you are very advantageous. After all, many Silicon Valley bosses have this hair volume. You can say it's not because you can't read, but because you want to learn." The senior dropped out of school to start a business.”

"Give me my notebook back!"

Little Sheldon said with disgust: "Your IQ is not even as good as Leonard's, at most it is about the same as Howard's. You are not qualified to own my notebook."

Mars, the Mediterranean horse: "..."

Little Howard was happy after finishing the last hit: "..."

"It's just a notebook. If you send it to NASA, little Sheldon, it belongs to NASA. They can give it to whoever they want."

Seeing Ma Mars from the Mediterranean Sea being so embarrassed and being ridiculed by everyone, MAX couldn't bear it, so he smiled and smoothed things over: "It can be seen that Ma Mars is indeed very interested in space technology. It's enough for an economics student to be interested in space exploration technology." Explodes most people.

As for the issue of hair volume.

Don't worry, I heard from the boss that wherever there is demand, there is technology.

Especially in a place like Silicon Valley, the most important thing is money.

So if you follow the path of the Silicon Valley elite in the future, you can definitely have a hair transplant when you have money, and then you will easily have a head of thick and enviable hair.

Maybe we can even advertise shampoo! "

"There are indeed hair transplants in Silicon Valley."

Ma Xingxing, who had just grown up and became a Mediterranean man, saw MAX coming to his rescue. Although there was still ridicule in his words, his face finally looked much better and he nodded with a smile.

“There are not only hair transplantation technologies, but also bone-breaking and height-increasing technologies, as well as slimming down without exercise and other technologies. I believe that as long as technology continues to develop, otakus can also have a body and appearance that everyone can envy.

This is why I have always insisted on studying economics at Wharton Business School first, and then studying physics, the Internet, clean energy, and space exploration technology that I like.

Because only if you have money can you realize all your wishes. "

After saying this, he glanced sideways at little Howard, who had been eccentric for a few times: "Believe it or not, I can make you look up to and admire me no matter what I do. Even if it's just washing dishes, if you meet me, you will be very honored to be with me." Wash the dishes together?"

When a braggart encounters an awesome real person, it’s okay to be ridiculed by him and a cruel beauty like MAX who is also the best friend of Her Highness the Princess of America.

Who do you think you are, little Howard?

A little boy who looks very wretched at first glance dares to ridicule himself at every turn. Do you really think that he has no temper when he is young?

"I believe!"

MAX smiled and said: "This should be the feeling that the boss often said, 'Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty'!"

"Thirty years to the east of the river and thirty to the west of the river, don't you bully young people into poverty?"

Mars, a Mediterranean horse who was just 21 years old, was shocked and said with great emotion: "He is indeed Detective Chuck! One word completely describes the fire in my heart!"

"Are you going to do a lot of layoffs and wash dishes for charity at the food bank where the laid-off former employees can only go, and still say to me, 'Doesn't it feel good to come here to help people in need?'"

Howard Jr. was also very unhappy and laughed again: "And then you asked me to echo 'helping others is the best feeling' against my will?"

The Mediterranean horse Mars was stunned and thought for a moment: "This is quite interesting, isn't it? How did you guess it?"

He deliberately pretended not to understand the first half of the taunting, saying it was simply fun for Howard to slap him in the face.

Because even though he is only a freshman at Wharton School of Business, he has actually understood the secret of making money without losing face.

It's really a very good idea to perform a large-scale layoff while doing charity in front of former employees who have been laid off and have no hope of life and can only receive relief, as little Howard mocked.

He feels that the future can be used as a reference.

"Because I'm Jewish!"

Little Howard pointed to his pointed nose: "The only time I will wash dishes in the future will definitely be for women and lie to beautiful women!

And if you really grow up to be the ultimate idol in my eyes, as you said, you will definitely be synonymous with capital by then.

He also came over to clean dishes for charity and said, "It feels good to be here to help people in need." That must be just for show and to deceive people!

Trust me, I know this.

Every year at our community gatherings, we watch the rich bosses impart their experience. This kind of show-off and deception technique is just for beginners.

For money, we can stab anyone in the back~ No one knows how to show off and deceive people to make money better than us~"

While speaking, he also pointed to the sky, implying that his ancestor was the one who stabbed God in the back, Judah.


The Mediterranean horse Mars, who was inspired by "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty", was left speechless by Howard Jr.'s vision and in-depth analysis of the future.


If he really grows to that level in the future and does charity work and washes dishes, it will definitely be for show.

After all, what he hates most is sports.

Like all homebodies, he doesn't move as much as he can.

This is also the reason why he is as familiar and yearning for the non-exercise slimming technology and hair transplantation technology in Silicon Valley.

Because he also likes to eat, it is not so obvious now that he is young, but he clearly feels that his weight is increasing by ten pounds every year, and he will soon become a fat man in the future.

I'm afraid he can only put on a show like washing dishes for two minutes at most.

No more!

"Stop talking about those boring things."

Little Leonard couldn't help but interrupt: "You said there is bone-breaking and height-increasing technology over there in Silicon Valley?"

Mediterranean horse Mars looked at little Leonard and said in surprise: "Are you worried about your height at such a young age?"

"A friend of mine is interested."

Little Leonard said awkwardly.

"Just tell me your name."

Howard Jr., who is also short, complained.

"I'll go see the boss."

MAX said and walked to the next car.

"I'm with you."

Caroline naturally followed quickly.

The Mediterranean horse Mars actually wanted to follow, but was entangled by Little Leonard and the others. Little Leonard didn't blame him, and he couldn't just ignore them, so he could only stay and talk.

VIP carriage next door.

"Boss, here I come!"

MAX knocks on the door to remind.

That's right!

Chuck's VIP car was closed on both sides, so you couldn't get in without permission to prevent people from running around and affecting the ride experience.

Monica immediately came over and opened the door, letting MAX and Caroline in.

Professor Alicia Harper is playing chess with Peggy.

Chuck, on the other hand, sat aside and looked at his phone.

"Boss, what are you looking at?"

MAX greeted the girls and immediately came over.

"Preliminary preparations for rocket launch."

Chuck explained: "Let me take a look and try to avoid errors to the greatest extent that will affect the success of the satellite launch."

"Do you understand this?"

MAX exclaimed.

You must know that aerospace is a big project. If you want to achieve what Chuck said, even a master who knows a lot about aerospace technology would not dare to say that he can intervene in every possible pre-launch inspection.

"This shouldn't be a question!"

Caroline said with admiration in her eyes: "Chuck is simply omnipotent! In fact, I am also very interested in space launch technology and want to contribute to human exploration of space. Unfortunately, Chuck does not agree with me to invest in space exploration technology. company."

"Ma Xingxing hopes that you will become a shareholder in his future space exploration technology company. You will have the majority share and I can work for you, but you are not interested."

MAX immediately laughed at his best friend: "So what is it that you are really interested in and want to invest in and contribute to?"

Caroline was immediately embarrassed to answer the question.

There are not only MAX and Chuck here, but also many people.

"Mars Mars?"

Chuck glanced at MAX.


MAX took Caroline to Wharton Business School, and then met Mars, a Mediterranean horse. He actively acted as a tour guide and heard that they were going to Texas to visit the launch of God's Eye. He immediately expressed that he was very interested in it and heard that The news was ready and everyone was told the whole story.

Chuck nodded, then ignored it.

Just a celebrity.

He has seen too many things, and if he can't add some yin and yang points to him, even if this person is the real-life Iron Man who will completely establish the reputation of Space Exploration Technology Company in the future, he can't let him take a second look.

So Professor Alicia Harper continued to play chess with Peggy, and MAX moved closer to Chuck to watch the preparations before the launch, while Caroline and Monica sat further away and chatted in a low voice.

During this period, the Mediterranean horse Mars got rid of Little Leonard and came over to come in, but was directly waved by Caroline to wait until he got off the car. He did not want to stay with Little Sheldon and Little Howard who had just embarrassed him. , so he could only leave the VIP car, take his ticket, and go to the ordinary car in front.

The train stopped in Washington DC.

There was a knock at the door of the VIP carriage. Outside the glass door, a woman waved to the inside. Monica got up and went to open the door.

"You must be Al."

Monica smiled and shook hands with the other person.

"Hello, Monica."

Al, the female agent from the BAU, smiled and shook hands with Monica, then walked over to say hello to Chuck: "Last time Reed and JJ took your cruise back, but they were jealous of us. It's finally our turn this time." I took your luxury car on a business trip.

After all, BAU will not reimburse me for the VIP carriage ticket! "

"Are you going to Texas on business?"

MAX joked with a poisonous tongue: "You are the BAU, shouldn't you help catch criminals and rescue hostages after a case occurs? What can you do in Texas?"

"Haha, you are so funny."

Al, a female BAU agent, immediately understood MAX's Texas martial arts jokes and knew that MAX was teasing criminals who dared to commit crimes in Texas. They had already been overthrown by physics before their elite FBI team could arrive.

"These are all stereotypes. The real situation is not like that. People in other places can also be very moral, and Texans who are supposed to be very moral can also be very cowardly. It cannot be generalized."

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