American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 484 Detective Chuck, you can’t fool me!

"You mean I deserve to die?"

Phoebe was pretending to be pitiful, and when she heard Ross scolding, she immediately looked over pitifully.

"...I'm not talking about you!"

Ross said depressedly: "I'm talking about this damn world! There are these crimes everywhere. What the hell is wrong with New York?"

"It's not like you only found out on the first day."

Rachel said in surprise: "Didn't you get robbed by Phoebe when you were a child?"

"That's not what he wanted to say."

Monica reminded clearly: "He is unhappy that Chuck is involved in this case, and it also affects him."

"Hey! It's this case!"

Only then did Rachel have the intention to take a closer look and suddenly said: "It's the one the police came to ask for help after you got off the cruise ship, right?"

Seeing Monica nodding, she asked in confusion: "Chuck is involved in this case. I understand that Ross is upset, but how did it affect him?"

"It's very simple, I haven't given up on Julie yet."

Joey smiled and pointed out the key point.


Rachel suddenly drawled her voice and showed a knowing smile: "It turns out that what you can't get will always cause turmoil~"


Ross glared at her angrily.

But under her smiling eyes, no anger could burst out.

After all, in this time and space, the goddess Rachel is still the goddess Rachel, something he has never gotten, so naturally his patience with the goddess Rachel is at its strongest.

Not to mention a few words of ridicule, even though he knew that Rachel and her sister had become Eskimo sisters for Chuck, he could still endure it after hearing it with his own ears for a long time.

Although I don't want to admit it, this is indeed the strongest explanation of "what you can't get is always turbulent"!

Same thing with Julie.

He didn't have such strong feelings for her before.

In the original time and space, no matter how good Julie was and no matter how perfect a match she was with him, he would just dump her.

But since she didn't succeed in this time and space, it was because Chuck asked her to stay away from him. This lack of success was mixed with the emotion of counterattack and revenge.

Seeing Julie dazzling in front of his eyes day by day, but not getting it, how could he be willing to do so.

So during this period, not only did he not give up on Julie, but his feelings for Julie became stronger and stronger. It was not as true love as the goddess Rachel, but it was also overwhelming.

"Julie had always stayed away from him, but how long has it been since the Tim Chang case? Another case like this has come."

Monica sighed: “Although I am not of Chinese descent, I am still an immigrant, and it is the real life status of legal immigrants in New York.

If you do business well, you have to face gun attacks from street gangsters more than once.

He resisted desperately, and was later prosecuted by the prosecutor and sentenced to jail time.

In this harsh living environment for immigrants and law-abiding citizens, how do you let people like Julie who are qualified to choose their own lives choose? "

"Does Julie know about this?"

Joey gossiped: "How did she react?"

"No reaction."

Ross said upset: "I just say that the agent should be killed!"


Rachel was stunned.

"It's the agents who help with immigration."

Monica explained: “In order to make money, they must promote the good things about our United States as much as possible, but they will say nothing about the harsh living environment for immigrants and law-abiding citizens.

After people sell their property, take their families and move across the ocean, there is almost no possibility of going back.

The sunk costs are too high.

So there is only one way to go to the dark side.

I went to an agent for after-sales service, but the agent just ignored me. I made a lot of money, bought villas, lived in big mansions, and lived a rich life all over the world.

This kind of intermediary is no different from a smuggler.

It's just that the smuggler's head is all black, and the intermediary is more like a smuggler's head wearing a legal cloak.

Julie is different. She is a doctor who came here for exchange. She can go back at any time and has the right to choose.

But now that New York is completely different from what the agent introduced, or even completely opposite, what do you think Julie will do? "

"That's a man!"

Ross blurted out: "Julie is a woman!"

"Listen to what you're saying!"

Monica looked at Ross with sharp eyes: “Are you trying to say that Julie only needs to marry you so that she won’t encounter what Tim often experienced with the Greek immigrant jewelry store owner.

Because they are men and have the ability to strive to obtain their wealth, status, and women, they encounter various misfortunes.

As a woman, Julie is just an accessory and will not challenge the dominance of white men. As long as there are white men like you to protect her, she won't have to face this, right?

Not only are you racist, you are also sexist.

Hurry up and collect it!

That is now.

In a few years, if anyone finds out that you have this kind of thinking, your job in the museum will definitely be lost. "

"I don't……"

Ross saw all his old friends looking over at him with unkind eyes, so he could only try to defend himself that he didn't mean it that way.

He couldn't stop the punch of sexism.

After all, there are five people in the apartment, three of them women.

This is a punch of racial discrimination. Although the five people in the apartment are all white, and there is not a single African American or ethnic minority, no one should have said this, but in the future, just this all-white combination will make everyone cry bitterly. Bow to apologize.

"Monica you!"

Rose could only glare at her sister, but she was yelling at Chuck in her heart.

She analyzed the hidden connotation of such a casual sentence, which would never have happened before.

Because he didn't even notice it himself.

And he is the intellectual leader of the family.

But now Monica has a quick mind and extraordinary vision, and she can see the problem that he didn't see at a glance.

That’s right!

He hadn't noticed it before, but after being called out, he asked himself, does he have the racism, sexism, and white supremacy that Monica pointed out?

He would never admit it.

But deep down, he knew that he had something.

"Don't look at me like that."

Monica shrugged and said, "Even if I don't say anything, with Dr. Julie's IQ, as long as she reacts, wouldn't she be able to see this?

Even if what you say is true.

The harsh living environment in New York for Chinese Americans and legal immigrants is only for men.

She is a woman, and as long as she is willing to marry a white man like you, she will not be exposed to this tragic situation and can survive.

But in this situation of not relying on herself but having to rely on others, couldn't she see the risks with her IQ?

The prerequisites for a healthy relationship between husband and wife are mutual financial independence and equal status.

A marriage like this that requires one party to survive is inherently deformed.

Julie wants to immigrate to the United States because she wants a better life, not a life where men are superior to women! "

"How come men are superior to women..."

Ross wanted to shout angrily again, but under the gazes of Monica and the three girls looking at him, he could no longer say anything.

Women must rely on men to survive, and men will naturally be superior to women. This is an objective law that does not depend on human will.

"Oh, sure enough, I'm transparent again."

Phoebe's faint voice rang in everyone's ears, drawing everyone's attention back again.

Ross angrily leaves.

Joey wanted to stay and watch the fun, but was driven away by the three women.

As for Phoebe, who has acted in such a big drama and pretends to be pitiful to gain sympathy, whether she can convince her two best friends to give her a chance to beat Chuck is the highlight of the night.

The next day.

The video of a jewelry store owner exchanging gunfire with two dead armed robbers inside the store has become the focus of heated discussions on the streets.

That video has been played countless times in slow motion by many people, who are all trying to figure out the meaning of these shots.

But they all draw conclusions first, and then look at it with their own subjective wishes.

For example, those who support the jewelry store owner came to see the two armed robbers threatening the jewelry store owner’s life.

Any small gesture, for example, African-American street gangsters always wear loose pants that must be carried by hand. During the gunfight, the pants fell down and they subconsciously reached out to lift the pants to escape.

After being reminded by the defense lawyer, the side supporting the jewelry store owner interpreted this action as meaning that the jewelry store owner thought he was going to pull out a gun, so it was reasonable for him to empty the magazine and chase him.

Even this action is only from the perspective of the camera.

From the perspective of the jewelry store owner, this action is not visible at all.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone also knew that public opinion would be explosive today and would be very unfriendly to them, so he prepared Chuck's video analysis results early.

From a scientific perspective, the jewelry store owner was murdered rather than legally retaliate.

But as the elected District Attorney Adam Schiffer said, few people care about scientific rationality and should look at this matter from an emotional perspective. Even if they think Chuck's analysis is reasonable, they deliberately turn a blind eye.

The court session will begin soon.

in court.

Detective Amy Santiago took the witness stand and was cross-examined by the defense attorney: "Detective, you testified that you saw new paint in my client's store and suspected that he had been robbed. Do you have these suspicions? Do you still have them?" Other basis?"


Detective Amy Santiago nodded and said: "We have checked the situation of the two deceased people. Mr. Booker was recorded for armed robbery and assault, and Mr. Cabbage had been involved in theft, car theft, and assault!"

"What's this assault charge about?"

the defense lawyer asked.

"Mr. Booker was once ordered to stop a stolen car for driving under the influence of alcohol. He then used a screwdriver to attack the officer who was checking him."

Detective Amy Santiago said with a complicated expression.

That’s right!

Both of the two deceased men had committed assault crimes, and one of them had also assaulted a police officer. In the eyes of police officers like Detective Amy Santiago, they deserved their death.

But now she can only help him prosecute the people who killed him.

This feeling is not pleasant.

As the defense lawyer said repeatedly in interviews with the media: "My client is a hero. He just did what the police should do."

She agrees with this.

It's a pity that the police did this without any problem at all.

But good people cannot do this.

Even though these two people deserved their crimes and deserved their deaths.

Now she just hates why the policeman who was attacked didn't respect the tradition. He just emptied the magazine and there wouldn't be so much trouble now.


The defense attorney glanced at the jury, smiled and left.

After that, he directly asked his client, the defendant, to take the witness stand.

As always, there are benefits and risks.

The risk is that by taking the witness stand you may incriminate yourself under cross-examination by the prosecutor.

The advantage is that it will impress the jury more.

But now the obvious evidence in this case is no longer important, the most important thing is emotion.

After playing the video and asking the defendant what state he was in at the time, the defense lawyer asked the question that everyone was curious about: "What were you thinking when you chased him out?"

This is also the most critical issue.

Because he fought back in the store and killed two habitual criminals with guns, no one could say anything. Instead, they wanted to give him an award and praise him as a hero.

But chasing them out of the store and killing two people created a big problem.

It's not just a legal issue.

There are also questions that go against common sense and make people suspicious.

After all, according to normal people's psychology, after repelling the armed robbers, normal people should hide in a safer store and seek help, rather than chase them out and continue to fight with the two armed robbers on the unobstructed street. The gangsters exchanged fire.

Even if he is braver than ordinary people.

But this kind of courage may also make some people who support him wonder if there is really something wrong.

Now the defense lawyer is asking the defendant jewelry store owner to confess on the witness stand.

That’s right!

Another confession round!

Like Phoebe, there was nothing candid about this confession. It was all a script arranged by the defense lawyer and had been rehearsed many times in advance.

It's all acting!

Of course, there must be feelings, but compared to acting, the proportion of feelings is obviously much smaller.

"These two are trying to kill me. They are dangerous."

The defendant jewelry store owner on the witness stand began to answer: "As a citizen, it's my duty to stop them."

Then during the defense lawyer's questions and answers, he fabricated the truth about what happened outside the store and made the story unfold in his favor.

"Why didn't you call the police afterward?"

The defense attorney asked another key question.

This is also an unreasonable part of the story.

If he was really a hero and thought he was right, why didn't he call the police afterward? Instead, the two corpses were left on the street to scare people, and they immediately put on so many disguises.

Another fresh coat of paint to block the crater.

Again, the security cameras were unplugged and the evidence tapes were taken away.

Lying in front of the police again.

These are all against the character of a hero and must be explained.

It doesn’t have to be completely reasonable.

But there is somewhat of a rhetoric that allows those who support him to argue with others.

"The first time I was in Fort Lee, I called the police and these beasts almost killed my wife afterwards. I don't want this to happen again. I just want to do the right thing and always do the right thing."

When you are in doubt, your family comes to help!

That’s right!

"Where did you learn these concepts of right and wrong?"

The defense lawyer continued to praise.

“In civics class, where I come from, only police and soldiers can carry guns, and people like me can’t protect themselves from criminals.

But in America, I learned that everyone has the right to bear arms, like a militia, and I just followed what I learned in class. "

The defendant belittled the motherland to elevate the crime-ridden New York, which made people who saw through the logical loopholes want to laugh, but the jury just nodded happily.

after all.

Wear it a thousand times, but flattery never wears it.

Seeing the jury's reaction, the defense lawyer and the defendant subconsciously looked at Chuck in the auditorium with extremely restrained and proud eyes, as if to say: "Did you see it? This is the voice of the people! I am not guilty! One day in jail." There’s no need to sit down! You can’t lie to me!”

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