American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 491 Coach, I want to learn this psychotherapy method!

"You should understand now, detective!"

Seeing that Detective Amy Santiago was silent, the fat principal suddenly felt proud: "It's not that we don't do anything, it's that in the face of this fucked up world, there is often nothing we can do!"

"You have no right to say this."

Chuck interrupted.

"What did you say?"

The fat principal looked at Chuck displeased.

"I said you are not qualified to say that you are not inactive."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "You are just changing the concept."

"How to say?"

Detective Amy Santiago was shocked and looked at Chuck expectantly: "Is this data false?"

If this data was false, she wouldn't have been shocked into silence.


Chuck shook his head: "This data is true, and it is still less. You can always believe that only a few are willing to report the crime or are reported. There are always many crimes that will not be reported at all."


Detective Amy Santiago's expression fell.


New York State, which has less than 20 million people, has 100,000 cases of abuse every year. This has made her, who is used to hearing too many hell jokes, shocked into silence. Now Chuck is saying that this data is too dry and should be lowered. explain.

This left her speechless again.

Because this is indeed the truth.

The official data must have been embellished.

This is especially true for such a horrific crime.

The number of reports reported is definitely far lower than the number of actual incidents.

It's just that she would rather this data be full of water.

This is still the least that can be said.

If it were doubled tenfold like many American data...

Oh, God!

That's really all evil, hell is just little New York.

"This data is true."

The fat principal answered: "This is the official data of the Youth Services Bureau. You can investigate and compare it at any time. Since you also admit that this data is true, then I think you owe me an apology!"

"No apology!"

Chuck looked at the fat principal expressionlessly: "The data is true, but your dereliction of duty and inaction is also true!

This new number of cases every year will indeed make the service bureau overwhelmed.

Even if the NYPD, which has more than 30,000 people in New York, ignores the rest of the cases and only works on these cases, it will only be too busy.

But this does not mean that you can feel at ease and think that you have done your job.

Tell me, among the 100,000 new cases of abuse every year, how many result in severe injuries or near-death? "

"...I'm not sure about this."

The fat principal's expression froze.


Detective Amy Santiago finally reacted to the hell joke from shock to silence, and widened her eyes: "The 100,000 new cases in New York State every year are indeed hellish and terrible, but these 100,000 cases are not all severe abuse, like this case It’s impossible to have too many cases like Didi’s that range from brain damage to death.”

"Not only that."

Chuck continued: "Teacher Bettis said that since September last year, she has reported it four times in the past six months. The situation should be different every time, or even aggravated. If as a principal, he really did what he should do. Yes, reporting these situations and calling the police will greatly reduce the probability of this happening."


Female teacher Betis said with tears: "I watched Didi's injury getting worse with my own eyes.

Then one time her eyes were hit and swollen, which was shocking.

I asked Didi, and she said her mother punished her because she said she didn't eat well and behaved badly.

The next two times, I saw that her mother was getting more and more aggressive. I not only told the principal, but also strongly suggested that the principal call the police.

But they were all denied by him.

I'm just a teacher, I don't have that much courage..."

Speaking of this, she covered her mouth and said: "If I had insisted on calling the police earlier like this time, and the police intervened in the investigation, Didi might not be in such uncertainty as now."

"It's not your fault."

Detective Amy Santiago comforted the female teacher and glared sharply at the fat principal who looked a little embarrassed: "This is all his responsibility!"

"I'm just following standard procedures..."

The fat principal said sarcastically.

"This case is bound to cause a sensation. As a teacher, Bettis reported it to you again and again. You should have reported it to the service bureau and also called the police to deal with it. However, besides reporting it for the first time, you not only did not report it, but also stopped Bettis. Call the police."

Detective Amy Santiago looked at him coldly: "Let's see what everyone thinks of you then and see if you are a good principal who is conscientious and conscientious!"

"I really just followed the procedures. The Youth Services Bureau didn't call the police to deal with it. Don't you think it's too embarrassing for me as the principal to call the police?"

The fat principal smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry about what public opinion will think of you because of this."

Chuck said bluntly: "I believe you have far more serious troubles waiting for you than this."


The fat principal was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically.

Although he didn't know what Chuck meant specifically, looking at Detective Amy Santiago's relieved eyes, he understood that he might be in real trouble.

After all, in the United States, everyone has a pile of shit under their butts. The only difference is whether they will be investigated and by whom.

"We've met Didi's mom and her mom is feeling a little off."

Detective Amy Santiago believed that Chuck could handle the fat principal well. After getting the idea, he began to pay attention to the case itself and asked the female teacher Bettis: "What about Didi's father? Do you know?"

"Her father is a psychiatrist."

Betis wiped his tears and shook his head: "I haven't seen him a few times. In the past six months, I have tried to contact him and tell him about Didi, but he was very perfunctory. This is why I dare not easily An important reason to call the police.

You also know that after calling the police, during the follow-up investigation and evidence collection, if a few crucial people, including Didi’s parents and principal, do not stand on my side, or even Didi is unwilling to speak out due to pressure from her parents. , then it’s useless no matter what I say. "

"We understand."

Detective Amy Santiago nodded in understanding.

What the female teacher Betis is worried about is what is most likely to happen. Not only will the clown be herself, but she may also face the risk of being transferred or even fired.

We are all adults and cannot be as impulsive and passionate as young people. We always have to consider these realities and consequences.

So even though I saw Didi's injuries getting worse again and again, I only dared to report the incident and tried to communicate with parents, but I didn't dare to call the police.

This time, it was because Didi injured her brain and was in mortal danger that she dared to call the police.

"We will let you testify in court at that time, will you?"


The female teacher Betis gritted her teeth and said, "I've wanted to sue that bitch for a long time!"

Originally, as an ordinary person, she obviously had good intentions, but she cared about this and that, and did not dare to protect her female students according to her own wishes.

Now that things have come to this, when she thinks of the scene when she saw such a young female student lying on the desk after class, covering herself with a book, the blood oozing from the back of her head and neck, and her whole body was unconscious, she couldn't control her emotions. Moving emotions.

Testify in court?

She didn’t need the police to persuade her to order it!

Saying goodbye to the female teacher, Chuck and the two left the school and headed to the workplace registered by Didi's father.

"How could there be such parents?"

In the car, Detective Amy Santiago complained: "And this much?"

She was born into a family of police officers and had seven brothers. As the only girl in the family, she was loved and loved by her family. It was such a happy life from her childhood until now. She couldn't understand why she had so many beastly parents.

"Little product!"

Chuck reminded.

"You mean Didi's mother took drugs and her brain was damaged?"

Detective Amy Santiago nodded in agreement, but then he was still puzzled: "This is the case for Didi's mother, but what about Didi's father? Is it the same for Didi's father?"

"You went to meet Didi's mother in person."

Chuck glanced at her: "You should understand that Didi's mother is a housewife. She has a brain problem after taking drugs. She is unwilling to open the door in front of you. It is obvious that she does not go out often. Then the problem is, she Where do these products come from?”

"Her husband!"

Detective Amy Santiago suddenly exclaimed: "He is still a psychiatrist. Although he does not have the right to prescribe drugs, as a doctor, he is still a psychiatrist and can recommend patients to take those prescription drugs. In this way, he can easily access and obtain a large amount of drugs." Illegal drugs.”

Chuck nodded.

In various American crime dramas, many doctors are criminal agents.

Volunteer doctors, veterinarians, and psychiatrists, who have their own clinics but whose income is far less than that of surgeons, can easily come into contact with criminals and then have the idea of ​​​​making extra money.

Once it is done, there will be a word-of-mouth effect that spreads from person to person. More criminals will come after hearing the news, greatly squeezing the original normal customers. What was once a private service for criminals was just a part-time job to make extra money, and it soon became a business for criminals. Private service is the main business, and the original main business has become a cover-up of identity.

Among them, psychiatrists account for a large proportion.

Because they either come into contact with patients with mental problems or patients who have been hurt and have psychological trauma.

In the former, there is a risk that those who gaze into the abyss will also be gazed into by the abyss.

The latter is to come into contact with these injured patients and listen to them talk about various criminal behaviors, which is also a disguised form of contact with various criminals.

Once their thoughts suddenly change or they are in need, it is easier for them to find these criminals than ordinary people and become one of them.

Famous ones include Hannibal and Harley Quinn.

Of course, there is often a thin line between genius and lunatic. Psychiatrists include perverted criminals, and there are also positive genius psychiatrists who can help you face up to your emotional troubles and help you resolve the depression in your life.

For example, Dr. Jason Silver in the American TV series Growing Pains.

Although he has not yet met Didi's father, a psychiatrist, from the only details, Chuck can deduce that there must be a big problem with his father, a psychiatrist.

And he didn't forget that Claire Dunphy just mentioned that the psychiatrist who helped Luke find something that later turned out to be a problem was called Dr. Ronsten!

If there are no accidents, this Dr. Ronsten is Didi's father.

"Dr. Jacob Ronsten?"

The two came to the registration office, which was a suite in an office building converted into various small rooms. It was a bit messy and looked like a shared apartment. Detective Amy Santiago asked a man in a suit who walked by.

The other party pointed to the end of the corridor and hurriedly went about his own business.

Detective Amy Santiago signaled to Chuck and walked over together. He saw the words 'Dr. Jacob Ronsten's Office' printed on the office door. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he heard a blushing sound coming from inside. A woman's voice.


Detective Amy Santiago was immediately embarrassed.

no way.

If it were just a regular female voice praying to God, that would be fine.

But the female voice coming from inside is obviously different from ordinary prayers, and more similar to the final prayer, which is very exaggerated but touching.

Chuck ignored her and opened the door.

Detective Amy Santiago tilted her head subconsciously, not daring to look directly at the scene inside, so she only glanced at it with her peripheral vision.

However, the extremely intense scene that I imagined did not appear.

She didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

But he saw a woman lying on a long sofa, and a man squatting there and pressing her down, with his back to the door, saying: "Okay, very good."

Hearing the noise, the woman quickly stood up and pushed the man away.

The man suddenly turned his head and looked over with sinister eyes.

"I'm seeing a patient!"

"Are you serious about treating patients?"

Detective Amy Santiago glanced at the disheveled female patient and mocked.

"who are you?"

The man shouted dissatisfied.

"He's Detective Chuck."

The woman whispered, quickly put on her coat, lowered her head and walked away quickly.

"Ma'am, please stay!"

At Chuck's reminder, Detective Amy Santiago glanced at the obvious traces of drugs on the coffee table, and called the woman expressionlessly: "NYPD! I suspect you are taking drugs!"

"I'm here to see a doctor. You don't have a search warrant and you have no right to investigate us!"

Seeing the horrified look in the woman's eyes, the man angrily yelled, "I know our rights!"

"You have your rights and we have our rights."

Detective Amy Santiago stopped the woman and said, "We suspect that you are buying and selling calf products. Please come back with us to assist in the investigation."

"Officer, I don't."

The woman begged in horror: "I'm just receiving psychological treatment from Dr. Ronsten."


Detective Amy Santiago scoffed.

"it is true."

The woman also understood the meaning of Detective Amy Santiago's eyes. She put her hands on her chest and explained awkwardly: "This is Dr. Ronsten's unique Lechian treatment. The patient needs to understand the doctor well..."

Speaking of this, she really couldn't go on.

Because Chuck added expressionlessly: "At the same time, doctors also need to get to know their patients well, right?"

When Detective Amy Santiago heard this, she immediately showed the disgusted expression of a subway man looking at his phone.

Talk about psychotherapy, isn’t this what it is!

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