"Mary, where are you going?"

Faced with her second daughter's stubborn questioning, Mrs. Kay Bennett quickly changed the subject.

She originally didn't want to expose the IQ scores of her three geniuses to avoid causing internal strife.

Now that I heard little Leonard say the number 173 like he was ashamed and cowardly, he didn't want to expose the IQ scores of his three geniuses at all.

The couple's eyes met at this moment, and they instantly reached an agreement.

If you enter a summer camp for gifted teenagers and the gifted teenagers and girls there are all like little Leonard and look ashamed and embarrassed, then according to what your second daughter Nicole said, you will be laughed at if you don’t know the specific score. Then being laughed at... will be a lighter blow than if the truth is revealed.

Especially the second child, Nicole, has always been proud and complacent. The reason why she has always been obsessed with her IQ score is to gain the undisputed IQ dominance in the family.

The couple are ordinary people and do not understand the achievements of these three genius children, but according to the proud statement of the second daughter Nicole, she has never lost.

Although they felt that not experiencing failure would be detrimental to the growth of their second daughter, Nicole, they even deliberately let her experience the taste of failure.

But that had better not be in terms of her most proud and prideful IQ.

Otherwise, they worry that she will not be able to bear the contrast and go to extremes.

"The comic shop next door."

Mary Cooper, the mother of little Sheldon, was just about to say this, and immediately answered: "Kay, Mike, since you are also accompanying your children to participate in the genius summer camp and have been arranged to stay here by Caltech, then I think it is necessary to let You know in advance..."

At this point, she felt that it was not good to say this in front of all the children, and her eyes signaled Mr. and Mrs. Bennett to come to the side with her.

Naturally, Kai and Mike had no objections and followed, leaving the four Bennett children facing the three little Leonards.

Little Sheldon looked like he was in a daze and ignored everyone.

Little Howard kept looking at the pretty Nicole. When he saw the adult walking away, his eyes immediately started to waver: "So, Nicole, this is your first time coming to California, right? I live in Pasadena, I can Take you around Pasadena and all over California.”

"Thanks, but no need."

The second child, Nicole, is already 15 years old. Following the Western tradition, her appearance and figure have grown into that of a girl. She can go in and out of bars even if she dresses up a little. Although she is only interested in science and has not yet matured emotionally, she still passes instinctively. Little Howard is a young man who is younger than himself and has such a vulgar temperament.

"Are you still thinking about your IQ scores?"

Little Howard was not discouraged and continued to smile favorably: "Actually, it doesn't matter. IQ score is just a rough and vague concept for determining genius. As long as it is over 140, it is enough to confirm that you are a genius. I don't know my IQ." Score, but it doesn’t stop me from being a mechanical genius! Nicole, what about you? What do you like?”

"What do you think?"

Nicole, the second daughter of the Bennett family, did not agree with this statement, but the topic that little Howard brought up happened to be what she was most concerned about, so she didn't mind talking to him more.

Of course, what I’m talking about is not English, the lingua franca of the universe.

"You also like French? Sure enough, as romantic as you are, how could you not like romantic French!"

Nicole originally thought that little Howard would be ashamed of himself, but she didn't expect that as soon as she finished speaking, she saw that little Howard's eyes were brighter than before, and he directly answered her in the same French.

Although it’s not quite standard, it’s not elegant and stylish enough!

But it is indeed French!


After Nicole was slightly surprised, she switched to Russian: "How many languages ​​do you know?"

"Six kinds!"

Little Howard said proudly: "English, French, Russian, Latin, Chinese, Klingon!"


Nicole looked confused.

"In Star Trek..."

Little Howard originally wanted to explain, but when he thought that most women would not care about Klingon, he quickly waved his hands and said: "It's not important. The important thing is that we can speak multiple languages, especially romantic French. Think about it, this is really A romantic fate~"

"I can do it too."

Little Leonard could no longer bear it and spoke Chinese.

This newly met Bennett has four children, two boys and two girls. Although the youngest Leila is the most beautiful, she is too small.

According to Guan Gu, the island native who has done the most research in this area, cuteness is used to describe children.

How could Nicole, who had grown into a big girl and dressed up carefully, attract the attention of teenagers like them.

"Do you speak multiple languages?"

When Nicole heard this, her expression changed a little, and she spoke Chinese to little Leonard in Chinese.

Compared with her fluent French and Russian, her Chinese level is obviously much lower.


Little Leonard didn't blink, he was just happy that Nicole finally talked to him.

"how about you?"

Nicole looked at little Sheldon who was wandering outside.

"Being able to speak multiple languages ​​is the most basic thing. What's there to talk about?"

Little Sheldon glanced at Nicole unhappily for interrupting his train of thought.


Nicole was suddenly heartbroken.

She has always prided herself on being able to speak multiple languages, and even joined the Multilingual Proficient Organization, which meets regularly.

But now people say that this is the foundation of genius, and they don't even bother to introduce it in terms of ability.

However, the three young boys I met this time seemed to be qualified to say this.

This suddenly gave her an ominous premonition.

"He's qualified to say this."

The eldest brother, Brian, smiled and came over to help: "He went to Princeton University to study physics at the age of 11 with a full scholarship."


Nicole was hit hard by her elder brother again, and she immediately counterattacked with grief and anger: "Then you can have a good chat with him. After all, you are planning to apply for a scholarship from the Department of Physics at Princeton University... But you haven't gotten anything yet, while others are easily in 11 You get it when you’re old.”

“In addition to the Princeton University Physics Department Scholarship, I also applied for the Caltech Physics Department Scholarship.”

The eldest brother, Brian, quickly explained: "I just haven't received the news yet, but Caltech's invitation to come over to participate in the summer genius camp says it all, doesn't it?"

Unlike his younger sister Nicole, who always wanted to be the genius overlord, although he usually competes with her at home, he still has a bit of a rivalry.

In particular, he most wanted to enter the physics department of Princeton University, so he knew about Little Sheldon.

And even if he doesn't know his IQ score, he definitely knows that the gap between him and Little Sheldon is so big that they are completely incomparable.

"Let's talk about the current situation. I'm very interested in molecular gastronomy recently. I'm planning to condense the entire Christmas delicacies into a bottle of gas. Just one sniff will make me feel like I've eaten the most delicious Christmas meal. You guys how do you feel?"

The boss Brian, who knew what was going on, quickly changed the subject, but he soon noticed the strange expressions on Leonard and Howard's expressions.

"This is good!"

Little Leonard gave a thumbs up and praised him sincerely.

"What a coincidence!"

Little Howard suddenly became more excited and looked at Nicole with eager eyes: "You have a brother who studies molecular gastronomy, and I also have a sister who studies molecular gastronomy. It's all fate!"

"I'm writing an opera. Do you have any brothers or sisters who would also like this?"

Marco, the third youngest member of the Bennett family, looked at little Howard with a half-smile.

"This is a must!"

Little Howard said with a playful smile.

"I want to be a waffle. Do you have any brothers or sisters like me?"

Leila, the fourth child, smiled slyly.


Little Howard paused.

“You study molecular gastronomy, you’re fluent in multiple languages, and you’re writing an opera?”

Little Sheldon suddenly switched out of his fugue state, looked at the three geniuses of the Bennett family seriously, and then suddenly let out a weird laugh: "Hahaha~"

This laughter clearly has the shadow of future Sheldon's classic laughter.


Little Leonard immediately knew something was wrong and shouted quickly.

"Are you considered a genius? Can you also join the Caltech Summer Genius Camp?"

But little Sheldon didn't give little Leonard any face. He looked at the three Bennett family members with disdain and sneered, "It seems my mother is right. I don't care if I don't want to be in this genius summer camp."


Compared to the eldest brother Brian's shame, the third child's consideration and consideration, the second child Nicole looked at the younger Sheldon angrily.

I think she always thought that she was a genius boy. In the Bennett family where everyone except her parents and little sister were geniuses, she was the genius overlord. Even outside, she had never failed, let alone being called a genius by Little Sheldon. The fish is rotten and the shrimp is rotten.

"Don't get excited."

The eldest brother Brian quickly grabbed the second child Nicole and reminded him in a low voice with shame: "He is Sheldon Cooper, he is qualified to say this."


Nicole suddenly felt extremely depressed.

After being reminded by her eldest brother Brian, she immediately remembered the chain of scientific contempt mentioned by him.

I didn't think so before. After all, although they are geniuses, they are still geniuses who go to school normally. Now they are just in high school, high school, junior high school, junior high school. They have not yet entered college and have truly come into contact with the chain of scientific contempt.

But now, she felt deeply how unfriendly the scientific contempt chain was towards them.

Her talent in the field of language, the talent of the third child in the field of humanities and social sciences, one is the basic ability of a genius, and the other is at the lowest end of the scientific contempt chain. Someone even shouted with their eyes: "Isn't someone who is proficient in multiple languages ​​​​and writes operas?" Science, let alone genius!”

No wonder the eldest brother Brian, although his IQ is not as high as hers and prefers 'miscellaneous subjects' in the scientific field such as molecular gastronomy, has always wanted to study theoretical physics.

It turns out that I have long seen through the cruelty of the scientific contempt chain, and would rather give up my talents and hobbies to strive for a higher track.

She underestimated him!

It seems that although the specific IQ scores of the three siblings are still unclear, the gap between the eldest Brian and her is not as big as imagined.

That’s right!

Even at this moment, she is still very confident that her IQ is definitely higher than the eldest brother Brian and the third child Marco.

In addition to her repeated suppression of her boss Brian in daily interactions, she also has other scientific theories to verify her conclusion.

Scientific research shows that among a family of children, the eldest child has a relatively lower IQ, while the second and third children have higher IQs.

Because when the eldest child is born, there are no brothers or sisters to compete with him. For a long time, all the parents' care is given to the eldest child, so he will not have any sense of competition, and his brain development will not be accelerated without pressure.

As for the second, third, and other later children, because they have an eldest child there to distract their parents from the moment they are born, out of biological instinct, they will automatically please their parents and compete for their attention, so that they can survive better, which accelerates the growth rate. It will improve their brain development, so their IQ will be higher than that of the eldest child.

This biological instinct is just like a child crying as soon as it is born and smiling at others. It is all for the need of survival.

Therefore, some families who know this theory and only plan to have one child will raise a pet before giving birth to make the child feel a sense of crisis as soon as it is born, thereby accelerating brain development and becoming smarter.

Her parents obviously didn't know this, and they didn't keep any pets at home.

Therefore, her eldest brother Brian must not have a high IQ like her!

In a previous chess game, the eldest brother Brian lost to the third child, Marco, who was four years younger. This is circumstantial evidence.

"What's wrong?"

Kay and Mike, the Bennett couple, had a chat with Mary Cooper, but they noticed something was wrong as soon as they came over. Their three talented children, who had always been proud, looked gloomy.

"I don't know either."

Seeing that her parents couldn't get answers from her three brothers and sisters, Layla, the fourth child, looked at herself and said cutely: "But I seem to hear the sound of heartbreak."

"what happened?"

Mary Cooper also realized that the problem was probably with her son, and immediately looked over.

"It's Sheldon!"

When little Howard saw Mrs. Cooper coming, he immediately started to make a report. When he told the story, he angrily defended Nicole and the others.

"Are you bullying?"

Although Kay Bennett saw Mrs. Cooper scolding her son, she still expressed her opinion on the matter with a bad expression.

no way.

As the former 'overlord' of the school, she had always been accustomed to bullying other students. Now that she saw her own children being treated in this way, she was naturally particularly sensitive and disgusted.

Husband Mike Bennett nodded with deep understanding: "Bullying is bad! But it's good to know your mistakes and correct them!"


Kay Bennett glared at her husband.

Mike Bennett immediately lowered his head, and his submissive posture made little Howard and little Leonard look at each other with strange eyes.

This kind of bowing one's head and being submissive is too skillful, and they are too familiar with it.

Kay Bennett, who was originally full of displeasure, calmed down a little under her husband's gesture and the strange looks of little Leonard and little Howard, and said with a helpless smile: "Sheldon, listen to me, bullying. Others are bad, believe me.”

"What bullying?"

Little Sheldon looked at them strangely.

Seeing that he was confused, Kai thought he didn't understand yet, so he prepared to explain in detail what bullying was.

Then she was stunned by Little Sheldon's series of rhetorical questions.

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