American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 514 Little Sheldon: Oh no, I have become a unit of measurement!

"Poor little cutie."

Everyone was stunned at first by what Leila, the fourth child, said, and then Mrs. Kay Bennett, as a mother, thought she understood something, and hugged their beloved fourth child with great pity.

When she thought about it, regardless of what the so-called Big and Little Devils Chuck and Peggy were like, just saying that little Sheldon, who was so proud, could call them Big and Little Devils, and she knew they would cry at the mention of it. The name of Big and Little Demon King is definitely not groundless.

But with such terrifying demons, the most lovable ordinary person in the family, the fourth child, wants to be good friends with them. What’s the reason?

It's impossible for the little daughter to think that she is the same kind as the big and small devils, right?

This is so funny.

Even little Sheldon, who was bullied like this by the big and small devils, was so stinky that he didn't take little Leonard, who had an IQ of 173, seriously, and even looked down upon her three genius children.

One can imagine the difference here.

So there is only one truth!

That is her four children. As the youngest and most ordinary fourth child, although she is usually the most loved by her husband and wife, she has no friends of her own and wants to play with her brothers and sisters. Her brothers and sisters, who are all geniuses, rarely talk to her.

The third child, Marco, is similar in age to her, and he just said, "Leila and I are best friends," but in fact, this was just a casual remark.

Now think about it carefully, the eldest and second child are usually inseparable and noisy, while the third child also lives in his own world and just treats the fourth child Leila as a tool.

When necessary, command the fourth Leila to do something.

When he didn't need it, he would naturally do whatever he had to do and ignore what Leila, the fourth child, thought at all.

In this situation, the fourth child, Layla, is not a genius, nor is she a real fool. Of course she has feelings, so she just pushed her away with a look of disgust and said, "I have a best friend" and leaned her head over. brother.

As parents, they said every day that they loved her, an ordinary little daughter, and regarded her as one of their own, but compared to their well-behaved little daughter, the other three gifted children with problems unknowingly involved them. With too much energy, how much can be left for the little daughter they love the most?

So the younger daughter Layla must be lonely.

Now that I have seen the demon kings, big and small, who are in the center of everyone's minds without even appearing, and are absolutely dazzling, my youngest daughter Layla wants to be friends with them, which is definitely the boldest and most humble idea.

Needless to say, the boldest.

The most humble is to hope that by becoming good friends with the big and small devils, and then using this to attract the attention of several talented brothers and sisters, let them really care about her.

Isn’t this purpose humble enough for a family of flesh and blood?

"Leila, you are getting more and more humorous."

The second child, Nicole, couldn't help complaining: "We can't even be good friends with this stinky kid, let alone the big and small devils he calls, those are the detective Chuck and the genius girl Peggy!"

"Is that so?"

The fourth child, Layla, looked disappointed and looked at her parents inquiringly.

"Don't listen to Nicole."

My mother, Mrs. Kay Bennett, immediately comforted her with heartache: "Being friends depends on your eyesight. It doesn't mean that people who are above us cannot be good friends with those below..."

After saying this, seeing that except for the youngest daughter Leila, the other three genius children looked like "you make it up, let's make it up", she suddenly became angry, and shouted with a flash of inspiration: "Don't you believe it? I and I That’s what your dad is like!”


When all the family members looked over, Mike Bennett, who had been an important example, was confused. However, under the sudden change in his wife's eyes, he was excited and felt that he had dreamed about being bullied by his wife's father in school. At the zero hour scene, he immediately nodded in agreement.

"Your mother is right! The distance between me and your mother back then was no closer than the distance between Layla and the Big and Little Demon King now. To some extent, it was further... But look at us now, we have become the best friends in our lives. friend."

At least the big and small devils haven't bullied Layla yet.

He was bullied badly by his wife back then.

It's not as good as it is now.

It can be seen that miracles are possible, and cats and mice can also be best friends.

"I see."

The fourth child, Leila, lowered her head thoughtfully.

"As long as you understand."

As a mother, Mrs. Kay Bennett was relieved to see that her most distressed little daughter was finally comforted.

"Well, I understand, but now there's one more question."

The fourth child, Leila, raised her little face and looked at her parents seriously: "When I grow up, who should I marry, the big devil or the little devil?"


Everyone was speechless.

Even his father, Mike Bennett, who had always had no status, glared at his dumbfounded wife and complained in his heart: "What a bad example! Now that I'm fine, how can I explain that I have a headache again!"

Cats and mice can indeed be good friends playing around, but only if they talk about good friends and not on any gender-related topics!

Otherwise, it will definitely still be a mess!

After a long time of fussing, I started to help clean up the apartment. TBBT Apartment Type A has two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom, unlike Type B which has one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom.

So the eldest and second eldest children of the Bennett family are here this time, so they can live together, each with a room, and they can take care of each other.

There was a knock on the door.

When Mike drove over, he saw Mrs. Cooper, and there were Chuck and a group of people standing outside. They had obviously finished their repairs and were ready to leave for the California Institute of Technology campus.


Mike shouted uncomfortably to his wife.

"Are you leaving now?"

Kai came over to take a look.

"Yeah, are you ready?"

Mrs. Cooper laughed.

"about there."

Kai looked back and nodded: "They can take care of the rest when they get back. Let's go to school together."

As he said that, he shouted towards the inside: "Children! Let's go!"

The four Bennett children came out immediately.

The fourth child, Layla, walked straight towards Chuck and Peggy, walked up to them, raised her head and said cutely: "My name is Layla, can I be good friends with you?"

When the Bennett family desperately wanted to step forward to pull back their overconfident little daughter, Chuck, who looked down at Layla, nodded expressionlessly: "Okay."

"I am looking forward."

Peggy looked at Layla with a bright smile.


Everyone watching this scene was stunned.

In particular, Little Sheldon and Little Howard were in the most intense mood.


"I disagree!"

Little Howard grumbled and complained, and Little Sheldon expressed his point of view simply and neatly.

"You don't have the right to say no!"

Chuck ignored little Howard who was mumbling why, and said to little Sheldon who firmly disagreed.


As soon as these words came out, little Sheldon was immediately stimulated again. He couldn't hold it back for a while, but he mustered up the courage to glare at Chuck and yelled: "She is not our kind at all!"

"Although I don't want to say it..."

After the shock, Mike Bennett immediately walked over and hugged his little daughter, pulled her back, away from Chuck and Peggy, and looked at them warily: "But we also want to know why?"

As a father, he couldn't help but think more.

After all, there are too many bad people in this world. Having lived through American Pie, he knows how perverted American Pie is.

The youngest daughter Layla is a completely ordinary person. Her only advantage is that she is extremely cute.

So now the superior demon king suddenly recognized his little daughter. As an old father, he, who has never read female pornographic novels, how could he not be vigilant?

"You think you're smarter than her?"

Chuck looked at Little Sheldon expressionlessly.

"This is not a question!"

Little Sheldon immediately thought of Chuck's usual tone of voice, and he held his head high and imitated what Chuck often said.

"You can play a game of chess!"

Peggy smiled and said, "Only after you win her can you be qualified to say this."

"Just her?"

Little Sheldon looked at the innocent and charming Layla with disdain.

"just me?"

Layla stared at Peggy with wide eyes and pointed at her nose.

"Don't you want to be good friends with me and Chuck?"

Peggy looked at her meaningfully: "Then defeat him! This is the most basic and simplest step."

"I'll give you my phone!"

Seeing the excitement, little Howard didn't take it too seriously. He immediately took out his mobile phone and prepared to connect to the online chessboard.

Little Leonard was also a little surprised and disgusted.

Even though he often claims that Chuck is his best friend, and Chuck is indeed very good to him, but he actually knows in his heart that he and Chuck are not good friends yet.

At least not what he imagined.

Not to mention adding a goddess Peggy!

Listening to the meaning of this conversation now, Chuck and Peggy are comparing Little Sheldon to Layla who suddenly appears, and what they value is not her cuteness, but her wisdom.

This is completely different.

This is really using Little Sheldon as a unit to measure Layla.

You know, although Chuck usually treats him much better than Little Sheldon, when he is really compared with Chuck, there are only Little Sheldon and Peggy, and there is no place for him at all.

This is because the three of them are truly the same kind.

Once Layla really defeats Little Sheldon, she will be a member of the super geniuses and can truly integrate into the circle of real good friends like Chuck and Peggy.

As for Layla, can it be done?

Compared to the disbelief of others, he was actually basically certain that Layla could defeat Little Sheldon.

Because he believed in Chuck and Peggy's vision.

The circle of super geniuses is too narrow, and it is easy for people of the same kind to sense each other. Chuck is also the detective Chuck, so there is no way he can be mistaken.

This little girl who I thought was just an ordinary and cute girl turned out to be a hidden super genius!

This is incredible!

"No, you can just get off."

Chuck interrupted.

"I'm OK!"

Young Sheldon lifted his chin.

"I have never played chess, but I have seen Brian and Marco playing chess together often, and neither of them had anyone to play with me in the cloud war game of ponies and unicorns."

Leila raised her face and thought, "I'll give it a try."

"Then get off."

Chuck looked at Little Sheldon again: "You go first."

"The ego goes first?!"

Little Sheldon stared at Chuck with such an arrangement, and was almost pissed to death.

This is so insulting to him!

"Now we want to prove that Leila's IQ is higher than yours. Of course, you have to go first to avoid losing and you won't be convinced."

Peggy smiled and hit the target.

"Pawn to d4!"

After glaring at Chuck and Peggy to no avail, Little Sheldon set his sights on Layla and said viciously.

"Pawn to d5."

Layla thought for a moment and responded.

"Pawn to c4!"


"Drive to Q1."

"Later to K7."

"The elephant eats the cart, general!"


Everyone was stunned as they watched Little Sheldon and Layla face to face, playing chess quickly without any chessboard and relying solely on their brains to simulate the chessboard without even thinking about it.

Especially the Bennett family.

When Little Sheldon went down slower and slower, and his face became more and more ugly, Mrs. Kay Bennett grabbed her husband tightly, and then pinched her husband hard. Amidst his screams, she screamed in disbelief. : "Leila...Leila, she is also one of them..."

"Layla is a genius like us?"

The three geniuses of the Bennett family also looked confused and incredulous.

The only child in the family who is not a genius, but loved by his parents, and extremely naive, is actually like this?


Peggy glanced at them and corrected with a slight smile: "She is one of us."


Everyone was silent.

"Dad, Mom, you won't be angry with me, right?"

While little Sheldon was thinking with constipation on his face, Layla, who was bored with waiting, heard this and turned to look at her parents with some confusion.

"Leila, why are you doing this?"

As a mother, Mrs. Kay Bennett looked at her little daughter's sudden transformation with great complexity.

"It's not simple yet."

Peggy sneered: "Not long after I met you, I noticed your tone. At home, it is obvious that family members are classified. You are in the same category, and they are in the same category. In order to get your care, Isn’t it normal to hide your true self?”


The couple, Kay and Mike, suddenly blushed and felt ashamed.

But then I remembered that this was indeed their fault.

Since the arrival of the geniuses, the eldest and the second, not only has it been difficult for them, an ordinary couple, to understand and educate them, but it has also put them under a lot of financial pressure. They have to make money to send them to private schools and help them buy all kinds of messy things. When they opened their eyes in the middle of the night, they were stunned to find that their own children had taken blood and participated in the experiment themselves.

Under this situation, they developed PTSD towards their gifted children, so much so that when the third child, Ma Ke, showed his genius since childhood, they tried their best to deny it. In the end, they had no choice but to do it after repeated reminders from the teacher. IQ test.

During the test at home, they were so nervous that they destroyed the furniture. After confirming that Ma Ke was a genius, they felt as if they were mourning for a heir. They hugged Ma Ke and said, "We will still love you."

This tone is inherently problematic.

As Peggy said, in their daily lives, they constantly complained about this and that about so many talented children in the family, with almost no positive feedback. They kept emphasizing that the unsmart fourth child, Layla, was their favorite.

In this case, when the fourth child asked, ‘Why am I not a genius?’, she, as a mother, asked back, ‘Do you want to be a genius?’ The youngest daughter Leila thought carefully for a few seconds before shaking her head.

Now that I think about it, everything makes sense.

It's not that Layla isn't a genius, it's that she doesn't want to show that she is a genius.

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