American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 517: Suspicious, a woman among women!

"I didn't say that. I just said that if they get divorced, my mother and I will. Of course it would be better if they don't get divorced, but it is a high probability that they get divorced."

Little Sheldon said bluntly.


The Bretts were dumbfounded when they saw little Sheldon like this. Then they looked at each other and immediately hugged the eldest brother Brian and the second child Nicole affectionately, saying in unison: "We love you."

"This kind of love is so familiar."

The third child, Marco, who did not receive a hug, shrugged.

After he was identified as a genius not long ago, his parents looked helpless but could only love.

Obviously compared to the upright little Sheldon, although these genius children are not easy to worry about, they are definitely loving.

"Sheldon, stop talking nonsense!"

Mrs. Cooper felt humiliated and scolded.

"I am telling the truth……"

Little Sheldon wanted to continue to be upright, but when he saw his mother's big eyes that were clearly extremely angry, he wisely shut his mouth and looked at Chuck with an unhappy look. This was all because of him!

Chuck ignored his look and looked at the double Yin and Yang points prompted by the system panel, feeling very happy.

"It's not easy for you."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Kai reminded everyone that it was time to leave for Caltech. After urging everyone to go ahead, she pulled Mrs. Cooper to follow. She sighed at Mrs. Cooper who looked unhappy, and saw Mrs. Cooper's eyes changed. Sour, he quickly said: "I can understand you, so I sincerely suggest that you carefully consider Detective Chuck's suggestion."

"Are you really planning to regenerate?"

When Mrs. Cooper heard Kai mention this topic, she felt relieved from the embarrassment just now, and looked at Kai tentatively.

"What do you think of Detective Chuck?"

Kai didn't answer and asked the question that concerned him most.

"If you are afraid that he will joke with you and fail to fulfill his promise in the end, then there is no need."

Mrs. Cooper immediately understood what Kai was thinking, and began to talk about her impression of Chuck. Kai's face became better and better when she said it, and then concluded: "...So as long as Chuck says it, he will definitely achieve it. He can even me, No, even Sheldon, who has a headache, can handle it, let alone a little money.

As long as you are willing to give birth, you can give birth, with an annual salary of 300,000 and an annual salary of one million. For Chuck, there is no pressure at all.

You have also seen that after so many years, he only has two super geniuses, Shelly and Peggy, and now he has added Layla. The number of people like them is still too small. Of course, the more people he has, the more interesting he is. . "

"I trust you."

Kai's mood became more and more cheerful. When she caught a glimpse of Mrs. Cooper's playful gaze, she immediately counterattacked with a smile: "So please believe me. You should also carefully consider Chuck's suggestion. My suggestion is to accept it."

"Don't be ridiculous..."

Mrs. Cooper was shocked.

"The situations of our two families are so similar. We are both women. Since I am willing to believe you, why don't you want to believe me?"

Kai looked at her.

"I don't believe you..."

Mrs. Cooper looked confused.

"Since you also believe me, then listen to what I have to say."

Kay pulled Mrs. Cooper: "Even if you don't mention the rewards Chuck mentioned, I think the relationship between you and your husband has long been disharmonious, right?

Don't rush to talk yet, listen to me. Although my husband and I have a very close relationship, in fact we have not been married as a couple for more than two months.

Normally these four genius kids, no, we always thought there were only three careless ones before, but the result is that these three have consumed all our energy, and we have no time to think about these things. When we were really reminded, we found out that For more than two months I couldn’t even think about it!

Are we getting old?

of course not!

We are only about 35 or 36 years old, which is the age when we need to be loved the most in our lives.

But why do we live this kind of life without knowing it?

the reason is simple!

No more passion!

This is not only because we are too familiar with each other and lack passion, but also because the trivial matters in life have exhausted our passion.

Oh, God!

Thinking back on how high-spirited we were when we were students, what day was the only thing on our mind that was passion?

But now when passion is needed most, there is no passion!

Is this reasonable?

Is this appropriate? "

"Of course it's inappropriate!"

When Mrs. Cooper heard this, she could no longer care about her reserve and blurted out.

Kai's words simply penetrated her heart, and they resonated with her instantly.

Although she is an old-fashioned and devout believer now, when she was a student, she was not a good and worry-free girl. According to her mother, Little Sheldon's grandma, she was also abducted by a bad boy with a motorcycle. Don't worry about your daughter.

This has been going on for almost twenty years, and her grandson George George has a daughter, but Little Sheldon’s grandma still doesn’t like the son-in-law of a motorcycle boy.

Back then, they were sprinting into the wind with boundless passion.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have had little George so early, and we wouldn’t have even gone to college for this reason.

But what about them now?

Unknowingly, the Bennetts had not been married for two months, which was very normal for the Coopers.

Either her husband George is not in the mood, or she is not in the mood. In short, there are troubles every day.

She was so moved when the young and humorous new pastor came to the church, and her spring dream at night made her feel young again.

Now that she thinks about it, her husband must have felt the same way when he was willing to have sex with his neighbor's divorced wife in a chicken coop.

It's a pity that unlike Peggy's parents who decisively divorced and went their separate ways, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper never dared to move forward due to various factors.

Nowadays, passion is more important than passion, and the relationship is also cracked due to each other's spiritual derailment and conflicts over various trivial matters in life. It's so uncomfortable to be stuck in this embarrassing situation of neither getting better nor getting better.

She was a devout believer before, and her friends were all such housewives and would not talk about this kind of topic at all. Since her son gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock, all these believer friends have ignored her, leaving her alone and with no one to talk to. I can only talk about this with my husband’s romantic partner.

Think how sad it is!

How could she continue to pretend now that she met someone like Kai who was very similar to her and said such insensitive words?

"Yes! Of course it's not appropriate!"

Seeing that Mrs. Cooper finally spoke, Kai smiled slightly: "So we must find a way to rediscover the passion, but we can't be as wanton as those unmarried young people. Not only do they mess around outside, but when there is a conflict, they Playing permutation and matching with friends around you is simply disgusting. For the integrity of our family and our own happiness, we must find a better way.

There was no way before.

But now Chuck has provided us with an excellent solution.

What could be better than rekindling your passion to get an annual salary of 300,000, or even one million?

Even if we don't have the money in the end, as long as we have this gimmick, we can all be happier, right? "

"Don't talk about them, it's us... I think my husband will be very excited when he hears the news. This is not the first time."

Even if Mrs. Cooper has spoken out, she is still embarrassed to say many things so directly because of the habits she has developed over the years.

"Not the first time?"

Kay naturally knew that what Mrs. Cooper said, 'It's us...' meant that they could rekindle their passion even if they had so much money hanging around, but that was enough to understand and there was no need to mention it more.


Mrs. Cooper held her arm with Mrs. Kay Bennett more naturally: "At first, some scientists were interested in the twins Sheldon and Missy and wanted them to participate in long-term scientific research. At first, my husband did not agree. Because he didn’t want to drive them there every once in a while, but when he heard there was money to be paid, he immediately became very active.”

"I see."

Kai smiled and said: "This is better. As long as Mr. Cooper knows the news by then, everything will be left to him to make the decision."

Mrs. Cooper was convinced.

With that little money, the couple agreed to Sheldon and Missy's regular scientific research. Now, the money is still flowing in a thousand times or even ten thousand times. Why can't they agree?

Who is allowed to experiment is not an experiment?

Most people don’t have this qualification yet!

The two wives were chatting passionately behind, especially since they talked about it. Not only did they get money, but they could also rekindle their passion. The two of them instantly felt like ten years old and full of energy.


Little Sheldon and Little Leonard walked together. Vulcan's hearing made him particularly sensitive to the laughter behind him, and combined with Chuck's suggestion, he felt bad.

After reporting on the visit to Caltech, little Sheldon was slightly relieved to find out that little devil Peggy did not choose to attend the genius summer camp.

At Peggy's suggestion, the Bennetts took their third child, Marco, and their fourth child, Leila, to stay in Pasadena for the time being. However, in order to give the Bennetts more time to think about it, the fourth child, Leila, followed. She went to Orange County for a few days.

Ma Ke, the third child, naturally followed along.

Previously, the third child, Marco, mentioned his best friend and leaned his head towards his younger sister Leila. It was mostly teasing and coping, which was why he aroused the dislike of his younger sister Leila.

But now I find that my younger sister Layla is the real genius. The eldest brother Brian and the second child Nicole are better. After all, they are several years apart and there is an age gap. But Marco is only one year older than Layla and can really play. When they got together, they went from being hypocritical to really wanting to be Layla's best friend.

It's a pity that Chuck is not optimistic about it.

Peggy and Missy were good friends at first, but once someone supported them and allowed them to be their true selves without having to be emotionally intelligent, the relationship between Missy and Peggy ended abruptly.

When I returned to Orange County, I had two more children, so there weren’t enough seats.

At Haley's instigation, Chuck directly picked up a new Porsche 911 sports car and drove her to lead the way. Monica drove Peggy, Layla and Marco behind.

When there were no pedestrians in the middle of the walk, Chuck raised his decorative glasses, switched places with Hailey, and let her drive the sports car.

He had taught her how to drive before, but after all, it was not such a high-profile sports car.

As Chuck's younger sister, she is an important member of the family who can stand up in the family in the future. It is necessary to be able to do everything and be strong in everything.

Driving a sports car is no exception.

Otherwise, once you encounter a moment that requires speed and passion, and the car cannot go up to speed, it will lose its chain.

Hailey is right, she will never lose her chain at critical moments like her second brother Frank, and as the eldest brother, Chuck will never want her to lose his chain at critical moments like her second brother Frank.

Therefore these basic trainings are necessary.

If there is a chance in the future, Chuck will take her to train to fly a plane and fly a submarine. Anyway, with his increasingly strong premonition of crisis, even if he challenges the various extreme death-defying series of 'Foreigners', it won't be a big deal. .

Who better to be a coach than Detective Chuck?

"Brother, this is so cool!"

Haili raced to a speed of 170 an hour, and she was extremely excited: "Can you just change my age by one month, so that I am 16 years old? I want to drive this new car to participate in a charity show tonight." "

"What do you think?"

Chuck looked at her.

"I said of course."

Seeing that there was no one in front of her, Haili simply drove the car while turning to look at her elder brother and started driving dangerously: "Not many people know my specific birthday. I just need to modify it online, and that's all." As for the paper archives, I believe you can handle it, brother. After all, Frank’s various information has been erased and deleted by you as if it were a ghost.”

Chuck didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

Hailey also turned to look at him like this, with excited eyes. She didn't even look at the road ahead and pressed the accelerator to the bottom.

Chuck reminded: "Don't drive like this dangerously again in the future."

"I know."

Haili laughed and said: "Brother, you are here. I know you can control the surrounding road conditions. There is no need to have any problems. That's why I play like this. I will definitely consider the vision when driving. I will not only care about speed and passion, but also safe driving." Yes, you want to have a new sister, but I don’t want it yet!”

"Happy birthday."

Chuck motioned for her to drive normally.

After all, these three brothers and sisters are different from others. They are all anti-heroes and do not pursue full compliance with the law.

What's more, when the law cannot bring justice, the antihero who uses force to break the law is a knight.

After all, the identity of sister Hailey cannot be compared with that of the second brother Frank, who has completely disappeared into darkness, so coming to this turbulent city in California to show more youthful vitality is not harmful but is also a necessary cover-up.

As long as she remains as calm and calculating as ever.

While Hailey was driving excitedly, Chuck raised his decorative glasses. All information related to Hailey on the Internet, no matter how secretive, was quickly modified, and the birthday was advanced to today.

Frank, the second son working in New Mexico, also received the mission message the moment he sneezed again, and went to follow the instructions to clear the paper documents and files Haley left outside.

It's true that if the younger sister opens her mouth, the older brother will break his legs.

Orange County.

At night.

Haley's debut in a new sports car immediately attracted the envy of Marissa and Shama. As the county flowers of Orange County, Marissa and Shama were naturally surrounded by a group of young people.

As a big shot in Orange County, Kristen was the organizer of this charity show. When she saw Hailey coming, she also came over to say hello and say a few words, feeling sorry that Chuck didn't come.

"Honey, Henry and Chandel are here."

Christine's husband Sandy came over and reminded his wife to come with them to greet the distinguished guests.

"Mrs. Cohen, you don't have to worry about us."

Hailey smiled and let Kristen do what she wanted, then watched them leave and faced an old couple and a young couple, her eyes suddenly brightened.

The young wife is young compared to the old man, but in fact, she is no less young.

At the very least, he couldn't be more familiar with his appearance and figure.

"This Porsche 911 is not a loss at all."

Haili smiled secretly in her heart: "Brother, I have helped you find a woman among women~"

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