American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 519 Theresa, the late-blooming punisher

"Let's go."

The African-American police chief stopped talking when he saw his friend, and reminded him again: "The sooner it ends, the better. Maybe we can make it in time for your speech. My dress is ready. Believe me, I also want to participate in this charity catwalk." "

"All right."

Henry Hester knew there was no point in refusing.

With his status, if he doesn’t want to give face to his friend, the African-American police chief, he really doesn’t have to go, because he knows the African-American chief’s immediate superior and will also participate in the charity catwalk tonight.

As long as he opens his mouth, the African-American director's boss will definitely speak for him and let the African-American director go back.

But what is involved now is the CBI, which is California's version of the FBI. It is headquartered in Sacramento, the capital of California, and has the highest authority to investigate criminal cases.

Judging from the African-American director's tone, the team leader this time is still a female captain, who will do her best to solve the case, both emotionally and responsibilities.

And even though he really didn't want to miss this charity show, he thought rationally that even if he and the African-American director's boss spoke, in terms of the reputation of a good man not fighting with women, and the law enforcement authority, he could rely on very many people. Neither the director nor his superiors would do too much for him.

Therefore, we can only hope that the African-American director just said that he would go back soon and maybe catch up with him to speak.

"now it's right."

Seeing that he was interested, the African-American police chief smiled and patted his shoulder, then opened the door for him and personally drove this important reporter and witness to the police station.

Orange County Sheriff's Department.

Sheriff Theresa Lisbon, who had worked with Chuck, led a team to station at the police station. In addition to her, there were three subordinates.

One is the expressionless Korean male police detective Zhou.

One is Wayne Risby, a tall white young man.

The other one is Grace Pell, a young female police detective with a tall frame and good appearance.

"Boss, you're eating ham again."

The tall female detective Grace saw her female captain chewing ham and reading files. Under the wink of the tall white young man Detective Risby, she walked over and reminded her with concern: "If you are busy with the case, it's time for dinner." There is still some, let’s go out to eat something first, or just order takeout.”

"What do you call takeout? If you ask me, we should invite Detective Chuck to come over to handle the case, and by the way, we can have dinner at his mansion."

The young detective Risby immediately echoed, and when he saw his female boss looking over him, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly pulled the last colleague Zhou into the water: "What do you think, Zhou?"

"I have no opinion."

Korean police detective Zhou said expressionlessly.

"Detective Chuck?"

Theresa Lisbon put down the ham in her hand, and the displeased look she originally looked at her three subordinates turned into surprise: "Why do you think of him? His mansion? Isn't he in New Jersey?"

"Boss, you are really deaf to what's going on outside the window and only focus on solving major cases."

Seeing that the female boss showed no signs of going crazy, the young detective Risby immediately got excited: "The wildfires in Canada were so severe that they dyed the entire east coast orange. Do you think Detective Chuck's mysophobic character would still be able to do it?" Continue to stay there? He flew over as soon as possible and has been staying at his hilltop manor villa in Orange County for several days."

"You all know?"

Teresa Lisbon was relieved. She glanced at everyone and saw that none of them looked surprised. She immediately understood that they all knew about this and she was the only one who knew about it.

"The one coming this time is Detective Chuck. Considering the air pollution on the east coast, he will have to stay for at least a few months."

The young detective Risby complained: "The last time he flew over, he almost overturned the entire law enforcement agency in California in two days. The local police department, our CBI, and the FBI branch in California. Everyone is upset, and the impact has not been completely eliminated until now. It is conceivable that everyone is not paying attention to the long-term presence of Detective Chuck."

"That's our luck!"

The tall female police detective Grace couldn't bear it any longer: "If Detective Chuck hadn't come over to set off this huge underworld terrorist organization parasitic in California law enforcement agencies, and captured Bloody John, who likes to torture other people's wives and daughters, how many people would have been there? The innocent souls cannot be comforted?

How many innocent innocent souls will continue to increase forever? Is it useful to just rely on so-called psychics? No matter how powerful a psychic is, he cannot truly soothe the pain of the soul caused by the tragic death of a loved one. "

"I'm just complaining about everyone's thoughts. I also agree with what Detective Chuck did... I just don't admire you as much."

The young white man who fucked Detective Risby said that later, his tone couldn't help but become sour when he saw the pretty female detective colleague's serious words and deeds.

That’s right!

He is jealous!

Although he and Grace are just colleagues, it is natural for handsome men and beautiful women to work together and often encounter dangerous situations. They have mutual affection and ambiguity.

Now that he sees his romantic partner worshiping another man so much, even if he knows that this man is far less than his romantic partner, he will inevitably feel jealous.

"As police detectives, isn't it normal for us to worship the detective?"

Only then did the tall female police detective Grace notice that the expression and tone of her ambiguous partner were wrong, and she quickly explained: "Zhou, what do you think?"

"Detective Chuck deserves to be worshiped!"

Korean police detective Zhou has an expressionless face and speaks concisely.

"You heard me."

The tall female police detective Grace shrugged at the ambiguous person, indicating that she was not a special case, and there was not much love between men and women, but just the admiration of the younger generation for the older generation. However, she did not dare to continue to look at the ambiguous person, lest she His eyes were not firm enough, so after explaining, he quickly looked at the female boss: "Boss, shall we invite him over?"

However, her boss did not reply to her, but was in a daze.


The tall female police detective Grace raised her voice strangely.


Teresa Lisbon woke up from her daze. After Grace repeated it with a strange look on her face, she quickly said seriously: "We will handle this case ourselves..."

Having said this, seeing that all three of his subordinates were a little disappointed, especially Zhou Du, who was always capable of doing things but not talking, he quickly added: "Let's handle it ourselves first. If we don't have any clues, then contact Detective Chuck. You also said that he just flew over and plans to stay here for a long time. He has many things to do, so it’s best if we don’t disturb him.”

"makes sense."

The young white man Gan Tan Risby nodded and smiled: "Boss is still thoughtful. Boss, is this what you were thinking about just now?"


After Tres Lisbon was stunned for a moment, he quickly responded vaguely, picked up the unfinished ham meat in his hand and continued to chew it, then lowered his head to read the file.

The tall female police detective Grace glanced at her suspiciously.

Out of a woman's intuition, she felt that the female boss was definitely not thinking about what Risby said, but something else.

It's just that although the relationship is good, after all, there are differences between the upper and lower levels, and they are out handling cases, so they must pay special attention to maintaining the boss's dignity, so they just take this matter to heart and do not continue to get entangled.

After seeing the three subordinates returning to their respective tasks, Theresa Lisbon breathed a sigh of relief. Although she still lowered her head to look at the file as before, it was difficult for her eyes to focus on the words in the file.

After Grace and the others talked about it, it was Chuck, the detective, and a psychic. The events from back then came to her mind, and she felt very complicated.

Different from what Grace thought, she was not thinking about Detective Chuck, but Patrick Jane, the magical medium who was famous in the media here in California.

As a female captain who pays attention to logic and evidence, she actually does not believe in the psychic medium. She also knows that the magical psychic Patrick Jane who often appears on TV is definitely a liar.

She was even more convinced of this after the detective Chuck, who was known as an accounting detective at the time, came over and confronted the flirtatious psychic in person.

But what she didn't want to admit, but couldn't deny in her heart, was that she still liked this coquettish psychic appearing on TV.

Of course she would only watch it secretly without letting anyone know.

And since the last time Detective Chuck came over, this coquettish medium dared to publicly mock Bloody John on TV. She was shocked. When Detective Chuck predicted the predictions of the coquettish medium and Bloody John, He directly set a trap to catch Bloody Hand John and saved the wife and daughter of the coquettish medium who would have suffered due to the coquettish medium's indiscreet words.

When the BAU took away Bloody John urgently, the coquettish medium also disappeared and never appeared on TV again, showing off one 'miracle moment' after another in a graceful manner.

She felt scared and grateful for what happened to him, and she understood and supported his decision to disappear. However, as time went by, she felt a little bit lost in her heart.

Now that her subordinates aroused this emotion again, for a while, even though she repeatedly told herself in her heart that the investigation of the case was the most important thing now, it was difficult for her to control her emotions, and she stared blankly at the file.

"Boss, Director Benezet is back."

The tall female police detective Grace had been secretly paying attention to the situation of her boss. Seeing her lost in thought again, she immediately realized that her guess was correct. When she saw the African-American police chief coming in with Henry Hurst, she hurriedly stepped forward to wake her up. She killed her boss to prevent her rude behavior from being seen by outsiders.


Teresa Lisbon was awakened and quickly put down the ham that was still in her hands. She wiped her mouth with a tissue. After sorting it out, she motioned for Grace to bring the two of them in.

"Captain Lisbon, this is Henry Hurst."

Accompanied by Grace, the African-American police chief brought tax lawyer Henry Hurst into the office specially set aside for the CBI in the police station, and introduced him to Theresa who looked over.

"Hello, Mr. Hurst."

Teresa Lisbon stood up and shook his hand.

"Hello, Captain Lisbon."

Henry Hester's heart moved when he saw Teresa's small and delicate appearance. Most of his previous worries disappeared, and he half smiled and half complained: "What can't wait a little longer?

Tonight is Orange County's annual charity catwalk party. Orange County residents will gather together to raise money and do charity for the poor refugees who are forcibly stranded at the US-Mexico border by Texas red necks. I am also one of the invited speakers. First, I think this kind of thing will never happen at the donation party organized by your CBI, right? "

The CBI is the California version of the FBI, but since Chuck launched the Bloody John case more than a year ago, the CBI's situation has not been very good.

Bloody John is not a person, but an organization, of which the CBI is the most severely penetrated law enforcement agency.

It is conceivable that when the case came to light, the CBI faced a dilemma. It was about to be abolished as a whole. Later, after many struggles, it finally came to an end. It just reduced the budget of the CBI and stopped controlling the scale of the CBI.

It was also from that time that the CBI, which no longer had full discretionary funding support, needed to hold dinner parties every year to raise funds from the wealthy to make up for the lack of funds.

This kind of fundraising party is naturally a top priority for CBI. Talented people must show off their talents to please the wealthy people who are ready to donate.

Even she was asked by her boss to wear a sexy dress that she was extremely uncomfortable with and socialize among the rich with a smile on her face.


Teresa's face, which had not been smiling at all, suddenly turned serious: "But if a vicious crime does occur, no matter who is involved, we will investigate to the end and will never tolerate it. I think if Mr. Hester really knows our CBI that well, If it’s the origin of the fundraising party, you shouldn’t doubt my words, right?”


Henry Hearst hesitated.

He did not doubt this. The Bloody John organization was involved at the top level of the CBI, and it was taken down before it was even taken down.

In comparison, his position as a tax lawyer is much less powerful than that of the top CBI executives.

"Captain Lisbon, let's just discuss the matter. Henry is willing to come here because he is willing to cooperate with our police."

The African-American police chief smiled and smoothed things over: "After all, he is a case handler and witness, not a suspect."

After saying this, he gave Teresa a meaningful look.

Teresa read the look.

Although she wanted to say that according to BAU's criminal profiling theory, in such serial perverted murder cases, the murderer was most likely the reporter and witness.

From what she knew, Henry Hearst was a perfect match for criminal psychology profiling.

However, the existing evidence was not enough to convict him directly. More evidence was needed, and this required the cooperation of Henry Hearst.

Once he feels that the police and CBI have determined that he is a suspect, he is afraid that he will call a lawyer directly and let these professional litigators deal with them, making it more troublesome and difficult to solve the case.

The best way now is to guide Henry Hearst to reveal more information before completely breaking up with Henry Hearst, find logical loopholes in this information, and defeat Henry Hearst in one fell swoop with lightning speed. Hearst’s psychological line of defense really hammered this case.

Therefore, the African-American police chief was right to remind him that Henry should now be treated as a reporter and witness, not a suspect.

"Who wants coffee?"

At this time, a handsome male police detective walked in and relaxed the atmosphere.

"Henry, you must remember Detective Owens who went to your house yesterday, right?"

The African-American police chief smiled, and after Henry nodded, he motioned to the handsome male detective Owens to pour everyone a cup of coffee.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Hurst. We are anxious to see you here to ask a few questions about your report."

Teresa sat down first, then motioned for Henry Hester to sit down and began to formally talk about the case itself.

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