American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 539 New case! Another Batman origin story?

"Hailey, Marissa is like this, stop joking."

Shama couldn't laugh or cry.

"I'm not kidding."

Haili shook her head and said: "For ordinary people, robbery is a felony. If the amount is slightly larger, they can easily get a lifetime forced labor package. But for financial fraudsters, let alone millions, just hundreds of millions or billions are not special. For big things, whether you go to jail or not all depends on how you operate."


Marissa grabbed Haley's hand.

Her father had just embezzled millions of dollars in funds.

"of course it's true."

Hailey had no sympathy for these wealthy middle-class people who lost money on their investments, and comforted Marissa with a smile: "No matter how the fraud was committed, if the amount is large enough, then it's a big deal, and the United States has always been interested in those who have the ability to 'get ahead'." People are especially caring and everything is negotiable.”

"Does millions of dollars count as a large amount or a small amount?"

Marissa suddenly felt unconfident.

"A few million dollars is a lot of money."

Haili nodded: "Otherwise, your father moved back from the office to work at home, and the people from the Financial Investigation Division came here several times, but you dismissed them so easily, which means that the problem is not big, and look at it now, your father's matter is in trouble. Well, apart from bad public opinion, has it had any big impact on you?"

"I don't even dare to go out anymore."

Marissa smiled bitterly: "I always feel like everyone looks at me strangely."

"Ignore them."

Shama advised: "You are you, and Mr. Cooper is Mr. Cooper. You don't know the things he did. Why should you bear the infamy for him? Whoever dares to criticize you, I will definitely help you fight back!"

"You can't say that!"

Hailey glanced at Shama, who was helping her parents but not helping her: "If Mr. Cooper was as arrogant as my eldest brother, would you still say, 'You are you, and Mr. Cooper is Mr. Cooper'?"

"This is different."

Shama immediately shook her head.

If she had a big brother like Detective Chuck, whoever she spoke to, she could carry him with her in three sentences, reminding others that she was his sister, all she needed was a tattoo of 'Detective Chuck, my big brother' on her forehead. .

"it's the same!"

Hailey looked at them: "If you don't want to get their bad reputation, the premise is that you have not benefited from them.

Otherwise, while enjoying their benefits and encountering bad things, you will try your best to distance yourself from your relationship.

This is called picking up the bowl to eat, but putting the bowl down to scold your mother!

I despise this kind of person the most. "

"I'm not that kind of person."

Marissa quickly said: "I have always loved my father. I know that everything he did was for our family and for my daughter. I will never distance our relationship because of public opinion, and Shama is not that kind." people."


Seeing this, Shama quickly explained: "I just want to comfort Marissa not to be sad. Although my parents don't care much about me after they divorced, I will always be their daughter. I know this."

Although they have only known each other for a short time, they were all impressed by Haili's charm and willingly became Haili's followers. Naturally, they did not want Haili to dislike them.

As for despising one's parents, it is morally questionable no matter where it comes from. It is hard to say whether it is easy to do or not.

Even if they are young people, they usually don't care, but when they meet someone who is more serious, they don't dare to be too confident about the filial piety of a loving father and a daughter.

"That's good."

Hailey knew in her heart that Marissa might have some real feelings, but Shama was just pretending, but she had no intention of exposing it.

She played with them just for fun.

The reason why she emphasized her point of view this time is because she didn't want them to be too out of touch with her, otherwise they wouldn't have fun playing.

Her eldest brother Chuck can easily change the attitudes of people around him. Not to mention the 50-fold version of Friends, the real version of Friends is almost complete.

Even in the free-roaming America, this is an extremely amazing result.

You know, these 'sisters-in-law' are all high-quality human women. None of them around her brother are really in it for money.

What a charm and influence.

She is his biological sister. Even if she is not as good as him, she can't influence the transformation of two small town girls, right?

Of course, it is neither necessary nor necessary to go to great lengths to transform her, and it does not show her ability.

Shama is just disguising now, but she is pretending. Before she even realizes it, she is already subtly changing her appearance and naturally becomes the shape in Hailey's mind.

"By the way, Hailey, we are going to Mexico in a few days, will you go with us?"

Unlike Marissa, Shama had no true feelings. Feeling a little guilty, she quickly changed the subject.

"To Mexico?"

Haley was interested.

"Yeah, Tijuana is not far away, and it's still an exotic place. No one will care about us when we get there. We can all drive there together. It's fun, let's go together?"

Shama tried her best to encourage.

She really wanted Hailey to go with her. She believed that such a cool Hailey would make their trip to a foreign land more exciting and interesting.


Hailey nodded: "I'll talk to Chuck tonight, there should be no problem."

Tijuana is a border city in Mexico. It is only more than 200 kilometers away from Los Angeles and even closer to Orange County. It is a Mexican tourist port city that West Coast Americans particularly like to go to. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. Many West Coast Americans will drive there on weekends for vacation. .

During the day, we were in Tijuana, Mexico, and at night, we were in San Diego, the United States. We had a lot of fun.

North America is America’s backyard, it’s no joke.


Shama was very happy and didn't think there was any problem at all that Haili, who was so cool, had to go back and discuss it with her elder brother before making a decision.

If she went back and asked her parents, she would feel that it would somewhat damage Ku Haili's image. After all, they kept their travels secret from their parents.

But Haley was asking about the cool Detective Chuck, so there was no problem at all.

Here, Hailey and her three daughters are discussing a trip to Tijuana, Mexico, while over there, the party at the bald and bearded captain's house is still going on.

Although Brian's incident made the bald and bearded captain a little worried, the chatting and laughing with his old friends still helped dispel some of the loneliness in his heart as he was getting older, his wife was divorced, and his son was no longer around.

While everyone was talking and laughing, the bald and bearded captain's cell phone rang. He took it out and looked at it, smiled apologetically at everyone, answered the call, and walked out, but after a few steps, he stopped and said He hung up the phone after saying: "I'll be there right away!"

"Is there a case?"

Randy, the former deputy, was shocked and looked at the bald and bearded captain expectantly.


The bald and bearded captain did not hide anything and took a deep breath: "A murder occurred in a high-end restaurant in the city center. A gunman used an automatic pistol to shoot a couple who were dining into a sieve. The couple's daughter was sitting nearby and witnessed it with her own eyes. I saw the whole process.”


"Poor girl."

"This is too cruel."

Natalie and the other three girls exclaimed.

"I'm from the Los Angeles Major Crime Squad. This case requires me to go there immediately."

The bald and bearded captain looked at Chuck and Amon: "If you agree, come with me and solve the case as soon as possible. I have a feeling that this case will be very troublesome!"

A high-end restaurant means rich people, plus a family of three, and the surviving little girl who witnessed everything, automatic firearms.

Any of these elements can be published in newspapers even in a free America where general shootings are not reported and only mass shootings of more than 10 people are influential.

Not to mention that with all these elements brought together, I knew it would become a hot topic in the news.

And once it becomes a hot spot, it means pressure to solve the case.

"I'll go with you!"

Randy was the first to jump out. As he spoke, he pulled the bald and bearded captain out and was even more active than the person involved.

"It's my honor to fight alongside you again!"


The bald and bearded captain wanted to invite Detective Chuck and Detective Amon, not the funny Randy, but he couldn't say the rejection.

"Captain, let's go!"

Assistant Natalie helped Detective Amon make a decision: "We must find out the real murderer for this poor little girl!"

As a single mother of a girl, the last thing she sees is something like this happening to a little girl.

"I have no idea."

Detective Amon fell into daily troubles again: "This is not San Francisco, and with Detective Chuck here, we shouldn't be needed."

"Why don't you need it?"

Natalie retorted: "Just talk to each other, it will be very meaningful!"

As he said that, he did not forget to recruit two helpers: "Sharena, Monica, what do you think?"


Sharona nodded in agreement: "Anyway, our Randy will definitely go to fight alongside the captain. Amon, you will go too! Have you forgotten that this was the combination before?"


Monica looked at Chuck questioningly, not directly making a decision for Chuck, but her eyes also revealed her approval.

"Let's go and see it together."

Chuck didn't care.

He was invited to this party just to give Dr. Reed and JJ the time to take a vacation while investigating the case, so that he would not speed up the process of solving the case.

Another important reason is to meet the famous Detective Amon. I want to see if Detective Amon can become another Little Sheldon and Dr. House, who can provide him with double yin and yang points.

But the result was unexpected and reasonable.

Detective Amon, whose habits resemble those of Young Sheldon, should have had hope due to his reputation.

But unlike Little Sheldon and Dr. House, he is just a troublemaker and lacks the character of being proud and arrogant.

He is more of a poor person.

The love of his life died mysteriously and tragically, and he collapsed. He stayed in a mental hospital for several years. After he came out, he was incompatible with society. Even though two beautiful assistants worked hard to help him out, he only cared about his dead wife.

After searching for so long with loneliness in his heart, he finally discovered that the perfect wife who was always in his mouth had hidden so many things from him.

When he was a student in law school, he had an affair with his law professor and gave birth to a child for him. It was because of this daughter that he was silenced by his former lover, the law professor.

After the detective Amon discovered this secret, he was almost poisoned to death by this former law professor and now retired judge. He relied on his brains and the aura of the protagonist to defeat the enemy who had influenced his life. In the end, he found that his deceased wife and the enemy's daughter were not only alive but also alive. , and grew up smoothly.

He immediately transferred all his love for his deceased wife to the grown-up girl.

Of course not as bloody as Yang Buhui and Yin Liting.

There is no suspense about whether it is the little dragon girl or the little dragon girl that Yang Guo sees sixteen years later.

He really regarded this woman who had no blood or legal relationship with him as his daughter.

There was even a time when I had to give up my job and become a follower behind this woman, taking photos of everything she did with a camera.

That is to say, this girl is quite reasonable and has heard the true love story between him and his mother whom he has never met before. She does not regard him as a pervert and is willing to let him integrate into her life.

Otherwise, everyone would probably regard him as a pervert.

This kind of detective Amon is such a pitiful person that Chuck knows he will never become the next Little Sheldon or Dr. House without even trying.


As soon as Chuck spoke, Natalie immediately got excited and called on everyone to rush over as soon as possible. Of course they followed, as if they were moving the party directly to the crime scene.

The bald and bearded captain opened his mouth and wanted to say that there were too many people and it was inappropriate, but Natalie must be following Detective Amon, and Sharona also followed Detective Amon before. Only Monica was not sure.

We can't let everyone go and just let Monica not go, right?

So he could only watch depressedly as a group of people followed him.

Chuck drives, taking Monica, Natalie and Detective Amon.

Captain Baldbeard drove Randy and Sharona.

A group of seven people went to the crime scene.

On the road.

Captain Baldbeard called Brian, who was supposed to follow him to solve the case. After receiving the call, the other party said he would come over.

But the bald and bearded captain still sighed heavily after hanging up the phone.

Because he heard Brian's lack of interest, it was obvious that such a big case was not as attractive as the bald Boss Tang and Mia to Brian.

This is another sign that verifies the judgment of Detective Chuck.

The crime scene had been cordoned off by the Los Angeles police. When the patrol officers on guard saw the bald and bearded captain coming with a large group of people, they all stared at him strangely.

After entering, under the leadership of the police, everyone saw the victim.

But in front of a round table, a middle-aged beauty wearing a cool dress and a string of pearls around her neck was lying back on the chair with her neck crooked and a large pool of blood on her chest.

There was a man in a suit sitting on the chair next to him, his face lying on the table, his face turned sideways and his eyes wide open. The table was covered in blood.

With this look and identity, if this was not in a restaurant in downtown Los Angeles in broad daylight, but in an alley in Gotham at night, and the pearl necklace around the woman's neck was not scattered everywhere, it would be easy to suspect that this is the origin of Batman.

Or Batwoman.

Such a classic encounter.

"It's too awful."

Sharona glanced at it and then looked away.

"Where's the little girl?"

Natalie couldn't bear to watch either, but she was more concerned about the victim's daughter.

"She was taken to the police station and we have notified her grandmother."

the police officer replied.


The bald and bearded captain looked carefully, showing an expression of understanding and relief.

Rich people in Colombia, automatic firearms, shooting parents and sparing their children, when these elements are put together, doesn't it come to a conclusion?

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