American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 614 Ball Blossom: Chuck, who do you think I am?

"Do you know the ultimate experiment of Archimedes' lever principle?" Chuck looked at her expressionlessly.

"Huh?" Chandel was stunned, thought for a while and nodded with a smile: "I think I know, right..."


Then she talked about the position of the lever principle that she understood.

As Lao Siji, who was educated by an LSP since she was a child, she not only has great innate advantages in terms of appearance, figure, temperament and style.

There is also the acquired study of hard work since childhood.

It can be said that she is not only worthy of the title of the most beautiful woman in Orange County, but also worthy of the reputation of ball flower. She can be called a peerless beauty in the eyes of most men.

"You understand well." Chuck also nodded at her understanding, but still expressed Monica's understanding of the experiment itself when she heard this statement.

After Monica heard this, she thought about the inevitability of the experiment.

After Chandel heard this, she thought about the feasibility of operation.

The combination of the two is Chuck's true intention.

"How's your divorce going?"

"I'll speed it up!"

After Chandel listened to Chuck's overly straightforward explanation and gained a deeper understanding of the ultimate experiment of Archimedes's lever principle, she changed the position of crossing her legs, and there was already a decision in her eyes.

"Even if I get a few less things, I will finish it as soon as possible."

"After it's over, I'll ask Monica to take you to the medical room..." Chuck said earnestly, proposing the preparations before starting his scientific research project.

"What do you mean?" Chandel's face, which had been smiling all the time, changed: "Who do you think I am?"

"What is the purpose of your coming here this time?" Chuck looked at her calmly.

"..." Chandel paused, thinking that although the purpose of coming here was to flirt with Chuck, but flirting is possible, this so-called scientific research preparation is a little too insulting.

She is famous far and wide, and is known as the most beautiful woman in Orange County, but that is because of the obvious external conditions, and it does not mean that she has had any cigarette contact with other men in Orange County.

In fact, with her husband, a tax lawyer, watching over her, no one is willing to offend such a lawyer easily.

So she thinks she is clean.

Therefore, he was very dissatisfied with Chuck's request.

I didn't dislike you for having many women, and I didn't ask you to do more tests, but you actually disliked me.

But under Chuck's still calm gaze, she calmed down a little, and then remembered that although her main purpose was this, the banner she was playing was for the case of her friend's husband who died in Ma Feng.


The reason why my friend's husband died from a stroke on horseback was because he called for a play escort service.

Those escort service staff, that is, reporters, are very dirty.

Is this what Chuck is referring to?

When she asked, she knew she was right.

Chuck gave her a more detailed introduction to the recent progress of the case in which she paid to find a playmate and was immediately knocked to death by the driver of the playmate.

Back in time, the prosecutor visited the billionaire according to the record list of the playmate company, which was like a who's who of the world. He visited them one by one, hoping that these people would help testify.

But how could these respectable people agree?

Not only were they not pressured or threatened by prosecutors, but they were pressured and threatened by prosecutors one by one.

But that doesn't mean they aren't worried at all.

After all, prosecutors are barefoot compared to them.

Moreover, this prosecutor is usually known for his tough temper, otherwise he would not be so active in taking the case of the eldest lady and madam of the old Qian family.

So soon all kinds of people and sophistication, both soft and hard, came to the door.

After visiting several reputable people and exchanging pressure and threats, he returned to the prosecutor's office and saw a former colleague sitting on his desk and greeting him with a smile.

"Want to have lunch with me?" the prosecutor smiled.

"I don't remember that we had an appointment to have lunch together?" a former colleague said in surprise.

"That's right! We didn't," the prosecutor said with a pun.

He didn't ask the other person to lunch or to come to his office.

"Still working for the mayor?" The prosecutor stopped talking and took the initiative to change the subject.

"Yes." A former colleague who jumped from the prosecutor's office to serve as the mayor's legal adviser laughed: "But the mayor appreciates you more. Fortunately, you have no interest in leaving the prosecutor's office, otherwise my job would be difficult to keep. "

The prosecutor smiled and said nothing, waiting for the other party to get to the point.

"You don't believe it? What I said is true." The former colleague also knew that it was time to get to the point: "He particularly appreciated your work in eliminating the crime of selling music!

He thinks you should be given more people, a bigger budget, maybe a special task force.

You also know that methamphetamine has been proliferating everywhere recently and is particularly harmful to society.

Maybe we should set up a particularly large working group to work hard on it, what do you think?

Interested? "

The prosecutor laughed at these words.

The officialdom culture with two pronunciations of the Chinese character "guan" is not only found on the other side of the ocean.

America is actually even worse.

Because they have just been a country for about two hundred years, their various cultural customs are more similar to those on the other side of the ocean more than a thousand years ago.

The recommendation letter system is the nine-grade Zhongzheng system.

Drug taking became common, which is the style of scholar-bureaucrats in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

The coercion and inducement in these words were just right.

The mayor admired the prosecutor and pointed out that it was not his former colleague who was speaking now, but the mayor.

He especially praised the prosecutor's work in eradicating the crime of selling music, which is to say that the mayor is dissatisfied with a prosecutor arresting such an ancient labor-intensive industry that the man loves to see.

Allocating more manpower, increasing budgets, and setting up special working groups are both wooing and threatening.

If you understand and obey the mayor, then this sentence is a positive win-over and a benefit.

If he doesn't comply, then give him a particularly large working group to be responsible for arresting and prosecuting the most dangerous drug dealers.

There are not just one or two prosecutors who committed suicide because of prosecuting drug lords.

This is the threat of Chi Guoguo!

In a few words, the solicitation and threats were all hidden quietly, and they were said in a joking tone. It had to be said that he was worthy of being a lawyer.

This eloquence is a must!

“I think we should put two canons on every street in Los Angeles, heat them up, and put people on guard, and everyone convicted of methamphetamine possession should sit on them for a day, from sunrise to sunrise. If you fall behind, you have to wear a tall hat and a clown nose. In this case, all the troubles should be solved in half a year." The prosecutor sneered seriously: "What do you think?"

Seeing him like this, his former colleague's smile froze and he looked at him deeply: "If you think this is how the game should be played."

All the things the prosecutor said are difficult to implement and tend to be ridiculed.

And the words convey a meaning, that is, you may be powerful enough to push legislation to fulfill your needs, but no matter how good your imagination is, it needs to be consistent with reality to be truly effective.

Otherwise, he is just a clown wearing a top hat!

Just like coercing him as a prosecutor, he can fight back as long as he can't be killed immediately.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes.

Now it's just the madam of Lao Qian's family who is being questioned, and one or two of you unlucky ones need to appear in court to testify and lose face.

But if it gets bigger, there will definitely be greater attention at that time, and maybe everyone will show their face, but the shame will be lost to the whole world.

The former colleague understood and knew that he had failed, so of course he could only leave with a harsh word.

In his eyes, prosecutors were playing a dangerous game.

And a very unnecessarily dangerous game.

But if the prosecutor insists on playing this way, he will only convey this message to those people standing behind him.

Wait until he leaves.

The prosecutor's partner laughed: "It seems that those friends behind her can't sit still. If they can't break through from us, they may have to find a scapegoat. We have to be careful."

"Both Qiao Lin and the driver have chosen to cooperate with us. The manager on the surface may change his mind, but the problem is not big."

The prosecutor reminded: "Let the captain ensure their safety."

"Trust Captain." His partner smiled.

At this time, the secretary knocked on the door and handed over a document. The prosecutor took it and looked at it. His face immediately turned ugly. He threw the document on the table and said angrily: "This is why I refused their instructions without knowing what is right." Okay, here’s the reason why we insist on pursuing this case!”

My partner took it over in surprise and understood immediately: "It seems we need to go see Qiao Lin."

Qiao Lin is the blond farm girl who immediately made the deceased in the case famous.

"Let's go!"

The prosecutor stood up to say hello.

The two people immediately followed the information given by the captain and went there. Looking at the luxurious residence that they could not afford, they completely understood why such a beautiful girl like Qiao Lin could not work in this industry.

It’s so easy to get money!

Prosecutors like them, who have toiled for so many years to study, shouldered high student loans, and sometimes made choices that went against their conscience, must have earned much more.

Qiao Lin is wearing casual denim clothes and cooking at home.

If this scene were seen by Little Howard and others from the King of Obscenity, I am afraid that various small theater interpretations would immediately appear in their minds.

It’s no worse than the Chef series from across the ocean.

But in the eyes of the two prosecutors, there was no smell of cigarette smoke at all.

"I'm glad you called." Qiao Lin spoke while cooking: "You gave me a rare opportunity to rest and relax, and also allowed me to think through some things. I have decided that I will not appear in court. "

Even if she had the opportunity before, in order to make better money, she would habitually not stop and never have a day off.

But now that I've been caught, I can't just go out and work hard with the case on my back, right?

So I finally have time to think about what I have done and whether it is worth it.

I received another call from someone from the madam, and finally decided not to testify in court.

"I'm willing to plead guilty to betrayal! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, and I know you're counting on me to testify! But Laura is really good to me."

"That's not what we came here for." The two prosecutors were not shocked at all by her sudden change of words.

This made Qiao Lin stunned. When she met the two people's pitiful eyes, she suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart. She forced a smile and said, "Aren't you? Then why?"

"Your blood was drawn for a blind test!" the prosecutor reminded.

"What kind of test?" Qiao Lin was completely panicked.

She had actually guessed it.

Because this is one of their professional common sense.

"AIDS test? Did you give me an AIDS test?"

After the prosecutor nodded, she still couldn't accept it even if she guessed it, and she suddenly turned into a thief: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! We have regular physical examinations, and I just had an examination two months ago!"

"All the test results have been retested, and how many customers have you had in the past two months?" the prosecutor hit the nail on the head.

"..." Qiao Lin was speechless immediately, completely speechless.

Because she really couldn't tell.

Not only is she young and beautiful, she also has a good service attitude, so many customers come here because of her reputation. Regular customers will definitely order her if they have the opportunity.

So there are really too many.

There were so many that she couldn't even remember.

Qiao Lin took a kitchen knife, grabbed a handful of vegetables, and laughed to herself: "Look! The healthiest ingredients!

I work so hard every day and earn so much money just so I can have money to live in such a big house and buy whatever I want.

For the sake of health, I spend a lot of money to purchase healthy ingredients to cook delicious food. But now you are telling me that it is useless no matter how much money I spend to eat more healthy ingredients?

Do I have AIDS? ! ! ! "

The prosecutor looked at her sympathetically: "This is why I persisted in holding on to this case, even if your rich and powerful boss and rich and powerful clients put pressure on me.

That’s why I still persist!

Because if nothing is done, more girls like you will be dragged into this mud pit, and suddenly face the end of the world when you least expect it.

And all this is because your boss doesn't treat you as well as you imagined.

In fact, if she had done a little better, you wouldn't have to suffer this.

Do you think you are the only one who has experienced this bolt from the blue?

The truth we found is shocking!

This poses a huge threat to public health security.

You are just another victim. "

In the end, Qiao Lin cried and agreed to continue to testify in court.

After learning this desperate news, the small favors the Madam Madam of Lao Qian's family had given her before, and the benefits she was promised now to make her change her story even though she would rather go to jail, were no longer important.

She will make the other party pay a heavy price!

After the two prosecutors came out of her big house, they were quite emotional.

"This witness is very important. Public opinion on public health safety will be very explosive. With her here, we have basically secured victory in this case."

"I would rather she didn't get AIDS. We have all seen the final misery and despair of those AIDS patients."

"She chose this path, and everything she encountered now is a high probability event!

What we have to do now is to successfully fight this lawsuit and completely kill this industry star company!

And let more people know the public health safety risks involved. "

"In fact, the most pitiful ones are those unknowing partners who not only bear the consequences of their partner's cheating, but also the despair and death caused by the other party's cheating."

"And yet the mayor doesn't care."

"Because it didn't happen to him."



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