American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 74 A man with an eight-fold mirror

"... Impulse is the devil. Maybe he just exploded when he heard the news?"

The detective who led the way was unconvinced and showed his final stubbornness.

"It is possible for people to lose their minds at some point."

Chuck nodded: "But a person who has lost his mind will not use newspaper fragments to splice fonts to leave an untraceable message. And if he is such a person who has lost his mind, you would already have a target of suspicion. After all, you are all Colleagues, you should have a good understanding of each other's emotional changes, do you have that?"


The detective who led the way was speechless.

"I trust you."

Chuck nodded, looked at Gideon, and shifted his gaze to the crime scene.

They all knew what the guiding agent was thinking, and the reason why they tried so hard to prove that there was another possibility was because they didn't want to associate themselves with Bloody John or anything like that.

Because compared to the kind of soft confrontation where one's own relatives are killed and then revenge can occupy the moral high ground, all the agents have psychological support for the internal investigation that the bureau will face next.

No one likes this kind of survey!

Especially these agents!

As a law enforcer, as long as he is targeted and investigated, he will have flaws to some extent.

And as long as all the agents work together to fight softly, the superiors can only return without success and let the matter rest.

"If it's really that bloody John, didn't that punk girl say she was his daughter?"

The detective who led the way lost his temper, but raised his own doubts: "And this doesn't fit the pattern of Bloody John. Every time Bloody John commits a crime, he leaves a blood-red smiley face in a conspicuous place."

"It doesn't happen every time."

Reed continued: "A calm and highly intelligent serial killer like him will only leave his mark when he enjoys hunting, and in any case where his whereabouts and information may be exposed, they will choose to handle it in a low-key manner or They disguise themselves, so often talking to them after being caught will refresh our understanding of them, and the cases we know are just the tip of the iceberg of the crimes they committed."

"People like them don't have normal human emotions."

Bald Morgan answered: "Besides, he may not have done it himself. Bloody John is active in California on the west coast, but here is New York on the east coast. Thousands of kilometers away, it should be the work of an accomplice."

"The purpose of leaving a note pretending to be revenge for a family member of someone persecuted by the website, or a chivalrous person with a strong sense of justice, is to reduce the intensity of the FBI's investigation."

BAU's spiritual leader Gideon's eyes narrowed, he rubbed his hands and said: "Give the agent in charge a choice, either he can't see it and just ignore Bloody John, which is very troublesome and difficult to achieve results, or he can see it and deliberately pretend Tsukuru didn't see that a just revenge could be regarded as an unsolved case if it was vague. Even if everyone knew it, they would probably pretend they didn't know it. However, the latest clues about Bloody John made people have to be careful and go all out. If there is no result, It will affect your personal resume.”

"The director chose the third option..."

The detective who led the way said somewhat complicatedly.

Some are disgusted with the female director for initiating this internal investigation, and some admire the female director's persistence.

After investigating the scene, everyone returned to the office to discuss the case with Detective Hotchner and his team.

"There were a total of 14 agents and staff on duty last night. It is not ruled out that other staff members sneaked in secretly."

Director Kate introduced the situation in a unique British accent.

"I have talked to these 14 people first and asked them to find people who can testify for themselves and verified their words. There is no problem yet. Garcia is also checking whether anyone sneaked in last night."

As he spoke, Detective Hotchner drew a floor plan of the office building on the whiteboard, and marked the time and space points of the 14 people last night: "Dr. Wolfe, I heard that you are good at identifying micro-expressions and can help again." Verify it?"


Chuck nodded.

"We can ask them to take a polygraph test."

Director Kate is a little unconvinced by microexpression polygraph detection.

"Some people can control their own physiological data such as heartbeat and pulse through talent or exercise. Polygraph tests are ineffective for them."

Reed explained: "Although Chuck's micro-expression lie detector cannot be 100% accurate, and it is not effective when it comes to natural liars, it is more accurate than the polygraph for most liars who have been trained. "

"It's a pity that there are too many people with antisocial personalities in this world. Such people are indifferent to feelings. Many times their emotions are very numb or stable. With a little conscious training in disguise, they can fool lie detectors or micro-expressions."

Bald Morgan shook his head and laughed: "And it just so happens that many of the people we meet are like this."

"That's because micro-expression recognition is not good enough."

Chuck said calmly: "As long as you are good enough and cooperate with the deduction, you often don't have to listen to what the other party says. As long as you ask enough critical questions, all the necessary information has been delivered."

His predecessor was originally a super genius, but in the supernatural world, he is not the kind of person who can even mix with Daredevil, but now after taking the water of life once, all his attributes have been improved, and his investigation and deduction abilities have only been involved in the detective industry not long ago. , the accumulated common sense and experience are temporarily not as good as that of a certain current curly-haired and future bald man, but in terms of observation, he is second to none, fearing that no one dares to be first.

What does it mean to bring your own eight times lens?

"I'll call them over now."

"Let them go directly to the scene."

Seeing what Chuck said, Director Kate looked at Detective Hotchner, pressed the intercom button, and spoke to the secretary, who went to inform him.

When everyone arrived at the crime scene, a group of 14 people also came over.

"The consultants in the bureau have some questions to ask you."

Director Kate introduced: "You answer carefully."

Chuck walked to the front, looked around at the 14 people, and asked, "Which of you did it?"

14 people looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't say anything.

Chuck walked in, drew the iconic symbol of Bloody John on the wall with a pen dipped in blood, and asked: "Who is Bloody John's man?"

All 14 people shook their heads and said it was not them.

"Not them."

Chuck read it again and said to Gideon, the spiritual leader of the BAU.

"It looks like someone has infiltrated."

Gideon nodded and looked at Detective Hotchner: "Let Garcia seize the time to investigate."

"Any news about her mother?"

Chuck looked at Director Kate: "It would be best to go to her home and talk to her mother. All her impressions of her father were relayed by her mother. There may be important clues there."

"Still investigating."

Director Kate said.

"Find it as soon as possible."

Gideon, the spiritual leader of BAU, reminded: "Once it is found, we must take extra care. We must not let what happened here happen again."

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