American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 87 His face was swollen

It was Chuck who stepped out of the darkness.

Facing Patrick Jane who rushed over with curses, Chuck pushed him to the ground with his backhand.

"You bastard! You've gone too far! How dare you make such a joke! How can you make such a joke..."

Patrick Jane was pushed to the ground, struggling and crying uncontrollably.

Even though he guessed that this was Chuck's show, the real and terrifying endless fear still gripped his heart tightly, making him unable to control his tears.

"What are you howling for?"

Chuck didn't answer his words, and a beautiful young woman with curly hair and pajamas walked in outside and scolded.


When Patrick Jane saw his wife, he finally felt relieved and confirmed that Chuck was playing a prank on him. He was surprised and angry: "Let me go!"

Chuck let go.

Patrick Jane got up from the ground, rushed to his wife, and held her in his arms. This feeling of regaining something was so good. At this time, he hated Chuck for playing such a cruel joke on him. , hugging his wife and looking at Chuck: "You have crossed the line!"


There was a loud slap in the bedroom.

Patrick Jane covered the left side of his face and looked in disbelief at his wife Angela, who was rubbing her hands because of exertion.

"This is not what Chuck did, it was what I asked him to do."

Angela rubbed her hands and looked at her husband coldly: "Do you really think Chuck is in the mood to go to all the trouble to joke with you? Who do you think you are? Also, do you really think this is a joke?"

After saying this, she could no longer maintain her cold expression and started sobbing.

It was almost, just almost, that she and her daughter Charlotte would fall into the hands of a super perverted murderer. Looking at the other person's eyes like looking at a doll, she was filled with fear and despair.

Fortunately, Chuck walked out of nowhere and subdued the pervert.

Then she learned that all this was because her husband was unscrupulously mocking this perverted murderer who was feared by everyone in California on TV, and that was why she provoked him.

At that moment, she hated her husband extremely.

"This is real?"

After being slapped hard, Patrick Jane regained his talent for observing people's emotions. He was horrified to realize that Chuck's character would never go to such trouble to joke with him, and he didn't care about the burning pain on his face. , he grabbed his wife's arms with both hands and asked in horror: "Is Charlotte okay?"

"You're thinking of her now."

Angela stared at her husband fiercely: "You always think of yourself as the smartest person, but when you laughed at the provocative and terrifying serial perverted murderer on TV, why didn't you think of our mother and daughter? You clearly know that his main target is women and children, where is your cleverness???"

"My bad, my bad."

Patrick Jane was so embarrassed that he raised his hand to slap himself hard several times.

Only now did he realize what kind of stupid thing he had done!

However, the hand that was slapping him in the face was caught, but his wife Angela took his hand and said coldly: "You don't need to hit me, I'll do it! The first slap is for you to be the biggest player in the world." Brilliant mind!”


Angela endured the pain and slapped her hard again: "This second slap is for Charlotte!"

"Well played, well played!"

Patrick was hit again on the right side of his face, but he didn't complain at all. He nodded with a smile and cried in approval. He held his wife's hand with his backhand and looked at his wife's hand that was shaking slightly from too much force with distress: "Charlotte" Are you okay?"

"Chuck arrived just in time. Charlotte was still asleep and didn't know anything."

Angela looked at Chuck happily.

She really couldn't imagine what kind of shadow would be left on her daughter's young mind if she was awakened, even if she was saved by Chuck.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Patrick Jane was grateful to Chuck at this moment. Thinking of her mean words to Chuck, she raised her hand and wanted to slap herself again.

Only when you lose can you know how to cherish.

And the almost real simulation just now gave him an almost completely real experience of loss.

Angela reached out to hold him again, and slapped him hard with her backhand: "This third slap is for Patrick Jane!"

Patrick Jane held his wife's painful hand, with a happy smile on his face that was starting to swell.

After all, they were a loving couple, and their endless hatred was released after these three slaps. Angela's hand was held and rubbed by her husband. The tears she had been holding back until now were finally completely unbearable, and she used her other hand to rub her husband. His face was swollen after being beaten by himself, and he cried: "I am not here for you now, but for you in the future. Without Chuck, our mother and daughter were brutally killed, leaving you alone. At that time, You must be in so much pain and despair."

Patrick Jane was smart enough, he could fully imagine it, so he held his wife's trembling hand in pain, put it to his mouth to breathe, and the brightest smile appeared on his increasingly swollen face: "Good fight!"

"Charlotte is sleeping in the guest room, go and see her."

Angela knew that her husband was still concerned about his daughter, so she pushed him and said, "I'll clean this place up."

Patrick Jane got the permission and walked out quickly with joy.

After what he had just experienced, he felt as if he had never seen his precious daughter in his entire life, and he was so impatient.

"Don't wake her up, you still have a pig-headed face!"

Angela couldn't help but raised her voice and warned.


Patrick Jane agreed.

Downstairs living room.

After seeing his sleeping daughter, Patrick Jane came over and asked Chuck sitting here, "Where is Bloody John?"

"Taken away and flown directly to FBI headquarters in Quantico."

Chuck said.

"So fast?"

Patrick Jian was stunned for a moment, and then he figured it out: "Are you afraid that you won't be able to deal with the counterattack of his comrades if you stay here?"

Chuck looked at the super-sensory detective whose IQ was back online, nodded and said: "Ignorance and weakness are never obstacles to survival, arrogance is."


Patrick Jian, who was ignorant and arrogant before, was speechless. He was silent for a moment and asked: "Thank you for arriving in time."

"Not in time."

Chuck said calmly: "I waited for him for three hours, forty-seven minutes and fifty-eight seconds."


Patrick Jane's expression changed: "You knew he was coming, but you didn't notify me in advance? Are you fishing with the lives of my family?"

Chuck looked at him without speaking.

Under Chuck's gaze, Patrick Jane understood what Chuck meant and gave himself a hard backhand.

Without Angela here, naturally no one would feel sorry for him.

This slap was not light, and it made him grin.

Three hours, forty-seven minutes and fifty-eight seconds ago, he had not appeared on the TV show. Chuck could not have seen him mocking and provoking Bloody John on the show in advance.

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