American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 90 Little Leonard’s Gift

New Jersey Airport.

"you again!"

As soon as he got off the plane, he met little Sheldon who was flying back from Texas for Thanksgiving. He frowned when he saw Chuck.

"still me."

Chuck nodded.


Little Sheldon frowned. Although Chuck didn't criticize him, it seemed that Chuck didn't need to say anything to criticize him. Just the tone, expression, and even the figure standing there made him feel uncomfortable.

What made him most uncomfortable was that when he went back to watch the Batman Thanksgiving special this time, he didn't enjoy it as much as before. Chuck's deep voice kept ringing in his ears unconsciously: "I am Batman."

Then his super imagination made him look at the comics, and his eyes seemed to have entered the real Gotham City, and Batman came out of the shadows wearing a cool Bat suit, looking more and more like Chuck.

This caused him to immediately shout "You are not Batman" and break away from the comic book world, causing his sister Missy to look at him as if he were a fool, and his mother Mary to follow him to the comic shop and scold the comic shop owner. After a while, he said that cartoons teach bad things to children.

"What level are you at?"

The two walked out side by side, and little Sheldon couldn't help but ask.

"The fourth level."

Chuck knew he was asking about a math scavenger hunt.

"I'm in the fourth level too!"

When little Sheldon heard this, he immediately raised his head and said proudly.

In the past, he might have thought that he had to beat Chuck to be happy, but he didn't know when, subconsciously, he had changed to being as proud as Chuck.

Chuck didn't respond.

He hadn't paid attention to this in days.


Outside the airport, as expected, Beverly was waiting for little Sheldon, and little Leonard followed as always, not wanting little Sheldon to be doted on by his mother. Although it was useless, he kept trying, and when he saw Cha Ke, immediately waved excitedly.

"Dr. Hofstadter."

Chuck nodded to Beverly first.

"Dr. Wolfe."

Beverly also said hello to Chuck as per custom.

"Chuck, are you home for Thanksgiving too?"

Little Leonard was very excited to see his idol again.

"I'm not a festival person."

Chuck shook his head: "I have something to do when I go out."

"Wise choice."

Beverly nodded and said: "Holidays have no meaning except for studying the psychological significance of holidays to human society."

"And anthropology."

Little Leonard couldn't help but remind: "Daddy's subject."


Beverly raised her glasses and responded in an unusually perfunctory manner, as if you could talk whatever nonsense you wanted as long as it pleased you.

Little Leonard was speechless.

Of course he knew that his mother, a famous neuroscientist and psychologist, looked down on his father, an anthropologist. He felt that this was not good, but his ideas obviously did not make any sense to his mother.

"I couldn't agree more."

Young Sheldon very much agreed with Beverly's point of view and echoed: "I also hate holidays. I would rather spend my time on more meaningful things. It's a pity that my mother insists on me going back to celebrate."

"You don't like festivals?"

Little Leonard suddenly laughed.


Little Sheldon nodded.

"It's a pity."

Little Leonard pretended, "I specially prepared a Thanksgiving gift for you."


Little Sheldon frowned.

"You don't like it?"

Little Leonard suppressed his laughter and pretended to be sad.

"Of course I don't like it."

Little Sheldon said straightforwardly: "The basis of giving gifts is reciprocity. You don't give me a gift, you give me a responsibility. Once you give me a gift, I must prepare a gift of equivalent value." Reward, there’s a reason why suicide rates soar every year during the holidays.”

"That's it..."

When little Leonard heard this, he couldn't help it anymore. He took out the gift he had prepared and handed it to little Sheldon: "This is a gift I carefully prepared to thank you for coming to bring it to my mother." Come and feel good."


Little Sheldon was stunned by Little Leonard's eagerness, and looked at Little Leonard with some suspicion.

He said it in so many details, why did little Leonard still show it to him and be so positive?

"Take it apart, do you like it?"

Little Leonard snickered at Chuck, then turned his face and looked at Little Sheldon expectantly with his big, irresistible eyes.

"It's custom."

Beverly didn't care at first, let alone hearing that her son "said the truth to thank Sheldon for supporting her experiment and bringing her happiness."

"All right."

Little Sheldon said helplessly: "I asked for this. Who allowed me to appear in your life, so cute and so important."


Little Leonard almost vomited when he looked at Little Sheldon who said this naturally.


How shameless!

You can say this kind of thing casually, no wonder you can win the favor of your mother Beverly.

"What's this?"

Little Sheldon opened the gift and immediately frowned.

"This is a model of a mummy."

When little Leonard saw little Sheldon opening the gift, he immediately became excited and explained with a suppressed smile: "You know, my dad has been studying mummies recently. This time it's a little boy mummy. It's me. Dad's favorite, and you are my mother's favorite little boy, so I specially made this mummy model based on you..."

Seeing that Little Sheldon was still looking at the mummy model with a frown and said nothing, Little Leonard rolled his eyes: "You can think of this as a figure, just like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, they were all dug out of the ground. , dinosaur fossils can be made into movies, and I believe mummies will be the same in the future, so you will have a collectible figure of a famous movie series in advance, how interesting it is, isn’t it?”

"All right."

Little Sheldon was so impressed by the collectible figures of the famous movie series that he no longer resisted the mummy model based on himself, and then he became distressed.

"You prepare gifts so carefully, what should I give you?"

"Whatever, you don't have to give it away."

Little Leonard snickered.

His status in the family has never been good, and his father, the only one who depends on him for life, has recently become obsessed with the mummy of the little boy from the archeology. He spends all day with him and has no time to pay attention to him.

He hates that little boy!

Just like he hates Little Sheldon!

Now that I gave such a gift to Little Sheldon, it not only mocked Little Sheldon secretly, but also made Little Sheldon feel entangled and uncomfortable. It was a great deal.

Chuck glanced at little Leonard in surprise.

In his impression, Leonard had always been the one who had been bullied and suffered silently. He never expected that he had such a lively and funny side.


It seems that little Leonard, who has not reached puberty and has not gone to high school and was bullied to the extreme to smooth out the edges in his character, is quite interesting.

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