American TV series World Rescue

Chapter 103 Scared to the point of peeing



The Wolowitz family.

"What do you know?"

Penny looked at the excited Bernadette curiously.

"Don't you understand yet?"

Bernadette lowered her voice and said coldly: "If you think about it, a woman wants to take her boyfriend to the cemetery at night and stand in front of the tombstone. It's indescribable. What other reasons could there be?"

"Looking for excitement?"

Penny said.


Amy said.

Rajesh complained: "Tell me quickly, that's the question I'm asking, not for you to ask back."

"Yes or no."

Bernadette said mysteriously: "Whether you are looking for excitement or a psychopath is actually easy to confirm. When the time comes, Rajesh will know by looking at the tombstones near your camping site."

"Ha! I know!"

Penny's eyes lit up, she clapped her hands and smiled: "If the name on the tombstone is a stranger, Emily is just looking for excitement! If it is her father's name, it means she hates her father! And if it is the name of her ex-boyfriend, Then you have to be careful..."

"Is Owen considered Emily's ex-boyfriend?"

Amy obviously thought of something.

"Of course! And he has been missing for many years..."

Bernadette reminded coldly.

"Oh, God!"

Rajesh's eyes suddenly widened and he fell into a mental state of fear: "Emily likes to make jokes about her killing people. Sometimes I really can't tell whether she is joking or telling the truth!"

"She's still a doctor!"

Amy added: "I often deal with corpses, and dissection is a basic skill~"


Rajesh's eyes became more and more frightened, but he didn't even notice the playful looks between Bernadette and the three of them.

This explosive possibility was raised by Bernadette, Amy and Penny added, but despite the fact that each of them showed surprise and fear, it was just a routine teasing of 'the woman among women' Rajesh. Yes, deep down they don’t believe in this possibility at all!

There are so many perverted protagonists in horror movies!

"Rajesh, what are you going to do?"

Bernadette continued to ask in a cold tone.

"I do not know I do not know."

Rajesh is indeed a 'woman among women'. He is extremely timid. How could he withstand Bernadette and the others being so frightened? He suddenly panicked and stammered: "Maybe, maybe I should reject her?"

"The last one who rejected her was probably Owen. Now I'm afraid the grass on his grave is lush and green, and he's still waiting for you and Emily to put on a live romance movie for him~"

Penny also found the feeling and said quietly: "Are you sure you want to offend such a woman?"


Amy sighed: "This is like not letting the other person have peace even after death!"

"Yeah, so don't offend women!"

Bernadette said holding back a laugh.

"Sorry, I need to go to the toilet first."

Rajesh's face was pale and he was almost scared to death. He urgently needed to solve his physical problem. He hurried to the bathroom without saying a word. If he delayed for a while, he was afraid that he would not be able to hold it in anymore...

"Hahaha! *3!"

After he left, the three Bernadettes laughed crazily.

"I didn't expect him to really believe it."

Penny laughed and said, "Come on! How is this possible?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

As a neurobiologist, Amy often dissects brains and other biological tissues, and said coldly: "If Emily really loves Owen very much, and Owen does not give a positive response, love will cause hatred, and Emily will It's really possible that the cemetery that Rajesh was taken to belongs to Owen. For a doctor who often performs surgeries, killing people and dismembering them is really not as difficult as imagined."

"Oh, Amy!"

Penny looked at Amy in shock: "You don't really think so, do you?"

"I only said it was possible."

Amy smiled slightly: "Although the possibility is very low and almost impossible, only people like Rajesh will take it seriously..."

Bernadette took a sip of red wine and said quietly: "Fortunately, Sheldon finally gave in. Although it took five or six years to go from falling in love to being indescribable, he finally gave in..."


Penny was shocked by Bernadette's words and took a breath. She looked at Amy who was smiling in horror. Her heart was filled with chills. She had to pick up the wine glass and take a big gulp to calm down her shock. After a long time, she finally smiled and said: "Amy, do you remember? I didn't like you at the beginning..."

"of course I remember."

Amy smiled and said: "Later, I used the animal scent marking method to slowly integrate into your life, and in the end we became the last best friends."

"Is it also an experiment?"

Penny laughed dryly and said, "What would you do if the experiment failed?"


Amy covered Penny's mouth with one hand and raised the other hand to her own mouth: "Amy is still here. Don't talk nonsense. How can there be a possibility of failure if the experiment is very successful!"

"But didn't you say everything is possible?"

Petunia asked.

"Don't you understand this?"

Bernadette's eyes flashed with amusement, and her cold voice returned: "If you still hate her and are unwilling to accept her, and even affect her relationship with Sheldon, then you are depriving her of a place to stand, and there is no place for her to stand. I have no choice but to chat with you on the experimental table..."


Penny suddenly screamed as she thought of scenes from some horror movies.


Bernadette burst out laughing, scaring two people in a row. Today was really fun.

"You scared me?!"

Only then did Penny react. She looked at Bernadette angrily and then glared at Amy dissatisfied: "Are you cooperating with her too? I thought we were best friends!"

"Of course we are."

Amy explained hurriedly.

"Yes, of course you are!"

Bernadette continued to work hard and said quietly: "If it weren't for you, you wouldn't be here now. You might be in some cemetery or in Amy's cupboard..."


Penny felt uncomfortable and interrupted: "Stop teasing me! What we are talking about now is Rajesh! Yes! It's Rajesh!"


Seeing that Penny was a little anxious, Bernadette couldn't continue teasing her, so she followed Penny's words: "What do you think Rajesh will do in the end?"

"Turn down this date?"

Amy said.


Penny scoffed.


Amy said in surprise: "I think Rajesh has fallen into some kind of special imagination. Even if he goes, it will be useless!"


Penny and Bernadette both looked at Amy, and were left speechless by Amy's straightforwardness.

"He will definitely go again. Although he is less courageous than us, from a genetic point of view, he is still a man after all!"

Bernadette curled her lips and said: "A man always thinks with his lower body. Even if he is useless now, when the blood comes to him, he will automatically block these fears!"

"That's right! Just look at Howard and the others. When have you ever seen them actively reject the indescribable?"

Penny scoffed.

"Howard did that once."

Bernadette said weakly: "At first, I didn't want him to become an astronaut before getting married, and I didn't want to quarrel with him because of this, so I secretly reported it to his mother. As a result, he kicked him out overnight. ”

"Well, my bad!"

Penny patted her head and complained: "Who would have thought that Howard would be such a man again!"


Bernadette reminisced: "At that time, I was completely immersed in his masculinity, and I even forgot to lose my temper with him..."

"Do you regret it now?"

Penny raised an eyebrow.


Bernadette thought about taking care of one, two, and two older supernumerary 'babies' (Rajesh and Stuart) by herself. The aftertaste of just now disappeared immediately, and she said with a look of disgust.

living room.

Howard, Leonard, Sheldon and Stewart, who always wanted to join the Big Bang family and did whatever it took to make things happen for themselves, formed a team and once again faced off against Owen and Harley.

Weng buzzing!

Just when everyone was having fun, Howard's cell phone in the pocket of his leggings vibrated continuously. Howard paused the game, took out his cell phone and looked at Leonard and Sheldon in surprise: "It's Williams." Colonel!"

Seven or eight years ago, Bernadette was pregnant with Hallie for the first time. When Bernadette told Howard the news, Howard, who had been talking about wanting a child, did not appear happy, but was extremely panicked.

Firstly, he has no experience, and secondly, he is worried about economic conditions. According to California's child care report, it costs more than one million dollars to raise a child to the age of 18, on average, it costs 50,000 to 60,000 dollars a year.

As a lower-middle-class engineer, his annual income was no more than $100,000, but he spent a lot of money and relied on Bernadette for financial support, so much so that he was later kicked out of the joint account by Bernadette.

Bernadette may have the financial means to raise a child, but Howard can't do it without any effort (of course this was a beautiful wish when she was the first child. When Bernadette was pregnant with Owen, Howard was already a veteran. She mocked herself nonchalantly: "Except for the first three minutes of raising a child, Bernadette takes care of everything else, yeah!")

Howard, who was not a veteran at this moment, still had some idea. He had to make money to support his family, but he had no clue at all, so he took Leonard and the others to the bar to brainstorm while drinking.

Not to mention, he really came up with a great idea!

At that time, Leonard had just proposed a theory and Sheldon calculated and perfected it and published a paper together. It caused a sensation in the scientific community and received rave reviews, but it still remained at the theoretical stage.

However, Howard mentioned it casually and pointed out a practical application direction of this paper. After a drunken Sheldon did some mental arithmetic, Howard was pleasantly surprised to find that his idea was in the right direction and no one had ever done this before.

The quantum gyroscope developed was so advanced that it directly attracted the attention of the US Air Force. The US Air Force sent Colonel Williams to contact Howard and others. After Howard and the others completed the prototype, they directly crossed the river and kicked the Howards out of the project.

Later, Sheldon figured out a way to optimize the quantum gyroscope and quietly contacted Colonel Williams. Howard and Leonard also fought with Sheldon over this matter.

Because their mathematical calculations were not as good as Sheldon's, they had no choice but to invite Sheldon's colleague Dr. Barry Klepik to help with the calculations. Unexpectedly, Barry turned around and stole Leonard's new ideas. He cooperated with the US Air Force, so Sheldon and the others could only stare and suffered a dumb loss, and finally let it go.

After six or seven years, Williams called again, which really made Howard feel at a loss.

"Could it be that they can't handle our quantum gyroscope project and want to invite us to participate?"

Leonard said: "Hurry up and pick it up!"

"All right."

Howard straightened up and answered the phone: "Hello, Colonel Williams, is there anything I can do for you? Are you coming to visit? OK...can I ask what the matter is? No? This week Six nights? Okay, no problem! Goodbye!"

"It's indeed Colonel Williams! It's still the same recipe and the same taste!"

Sheldon laughed.

"Everyone, he refused to tell me the reason."

Howard forced a smile, then stood up with a troubled look on his face and said, "Sorry, I want to go to the bathroom first~"

"It's really the same!"

Sheldon's eyes widened and he exclaimed in surprise: "Howard went to the toilet immediately after taking Colonel Williams' call!"


Leonard was speechless for a while.

"Dad is too timid!"

Harley complained with some embarrassment.

"This is basic operation."

Owen said quietly: "After all, he is a tiny husband of a microbiologist, how great do you expect him to be?"

Bang bang bang!

"Who's in there?"

Howard's slightly anxious and depressed voice came from the direction of the bathroom.

"it's me!"

Rajesh's voice sounded.

"Are you okay? Come on! I need to go to the bathroom!"

Howard urged.

"Don't rush me!"

Rajesh shouted dissatisfied: "Just come in if you want. It's not like we haven't been together before..."

Howard's voice paused, followed by the sound of pushing the door: "Don't say it so ambiguously! It happened so many years ago, and you still mention it in this tone every time, don't you think it's embarrassing!"

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. Our friendship will never deteriorate..."

Rajesh's slightly ambiguous voice sounded again.


"Seriously, does Rajesh have any indescribable experiences with Howard?"

Penny confided to Bernadette.

"I really want to say no~"

The corner of Bernadette's mouth twitched, and she forced out a smile: "But every time I hear their conversation like this, I lose any confidence..."

"Yeah, theoretically speaking, they are already indescribable. Don't forget that the information they exposed at the bachelor party before you got married is still posted on the Internet, except for the 300-kilogram Sailor Moon among them... "

Amy said straightforwardly, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Penny. Looking sideways, she saw Bernadette looking at her with a cannibalistic look. Amy immediately put her hand to her mouth to make a zipper gesture. action, not daring to reveal the intimate past of Howard and Rajesh.

But he muttered in his heart: "I said more than ten years ago that Howard and Rajesh will definitely be indescribable earlier than Sheldon and I. It seems that I am right..."

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