This was her and Kathy's, her family's nightmare.

After Danny said these weird words, he jumped directly to the roof like Spider-Man, and quickly climbed into the kitchen. When he reappeared, he already had a knife.

"Oh my God!"

Nor would she forget the sound Aunt Al made that caught Danny's attention.

"Two souls..."

Danny showed an evil smile and rushed directly towards Aunt Al with the knife.

Aunt Al subconsciously stepped back, but in the end she couldn't dodge. She could only raise her hands to block, but was directly pierced by the fruit knife in Danny's hand.

Jie Jie!

Everyone was stunned by Danny's evil smile, including her.

Only mom noticed something was wrong immediately and asked her to hide in the room with Casey.

"Take Casey and hide in the room!"


Awakened by the roar, she could only take Casey and quickly hide in the room.

It was at this time that she called Father York.

Unfortunately, after only talking for a while, Danny came over with a bloody bat.

"Hey! My babies, where are you?"

"Bridget, don't you want me to throw away the Book of Death?"

"Come out and I'll take it and throw it away."

"This time, I will be obedient."


Under the bed, Bridget covered Casey's mouth and could only watch the bloody feet and the bloody bat getting closer and closer.

But in the next second, great fear made her open her eyes wide and freeze in place.

A crooked face appeared in front of him, a face covered in blood. The mouth was split open, revealing a bloody mouth inside. Danny's pupils were narrowed, and he smiled evilly.

"So you are here?"

She thought she was dead, but the next second, she saw Mom covered in blood, with a fierce look on her face, and struck Danny hard on the body with a giant axe.

They were dripping with blood, but mom finally pulled them out.

"Mom?" Bridget said in confusion as she pulled Casey and looked at her mother who was soaked in blood.

"I'm fine."

As if she knew what she was about to face, Lisa, a single mother who was a strong-willed mother, glanced at the monster on the bed that was split in half with an ax and could still move.

She didn't understand how her son became like this, but from what he did to her sister, this Danny was no longer her son Danny, but a devil.

The shoulders and upper body were split in half. This Danny showed no pain at all on his face. Instead, he stared at her with a crazy evil smile, which was enough to tell that this was something else.


Lisa forced a smile at this face, with a hint of madness in her eyes, and turned to hug the two daughters in front of her.

"Mom still has something to do."

As a tattoo artist, Lisa looked at Bridget and Casey below, with all the madness in her eyes leaving only extreme tenderness. She knew that she could not die yet, so she leaned over and whispered to her second daughter.

"Take Casey and hide in the secret space where we used to play hide-and-seek with Dad! It can't find you."


Compared to Kathy, who was only four years old, Bridget knew more, her eyes instantly turned red and she was crying.

"let's go together!"

Lisa took a deep breath and suppressed the pain in her abdomen. She was stabbed twice by this monster. It really hurt!


Lisa stared at Bridget to let her know the seriousness of the matter.


Bridget gritted her teeth and glanced at Danny, whose flesh and blood on the bed had slowly healed and was still smiling evilly. She forcibly pulled Casey out of the room and ran towards the main room.

As a result, she discovered another scene in the living room that made her burst into tears.

Aunt Elle was lying on the ground without sound, blood was flowing all over the ground, her belly was half hollowed out, and the unformed meat ball was lying next to her...

"Jie Jie! Mom!" Danny was still smiling evilly, and the flesh and blood on his upper body was slowly stitched together. He looked at the pale red-haired woman in front of him, covering her abdomen, and laughed.

"You will all die at dawn and become a part of me!

you! Aunt Al, including Bridget, Kathy, the entire Reed apartment complex! "

Lisa stared at the monster on the bed, endured the pain, stretched out her bloody right hand to pick up the ax, and struck it down hard. She wanted to buy some time for her daughters before her life disappeared.

"Go to hell! You damn monster!"


"Bridget, are you crying?"

Kathy, whose head was buried in Bridget's arms, did not hear the answer. From the sudden tight feeling and the dampness on her back, she seemed to know something. She raised her head and looked at Bridget who was close in front of her. In his blurred vision, he reached out and touched the face.

"Sorry, I'm just a little scared."

Casey's movements were too fast, and Bridget was caught off guard. She quickly grabbed her hands with her right hand, wiped her face randomly with her left hand, continued to hug Casey tightly, huddled in this small space, and whispered.

"I'm sorry, Casey, I obviously had the chance..."

As soon as she said this, the sudden movement outside made her shut her mouth tightly and stare at the partition door blocking their figures.

Casey also sensibly closed her mouth tightly and buried her head deeply in Bridget's arms.

Click, click, like the sound of bones being broken.

"Holy light, disgusting aura..."

Click! Click! Click!

The next second, the sound gradually became distant.

This made Bridget and Casey breathe a sigh of relief, but Bridget's heart moved as she thought of the majestic priest.

Somehow, there was some hope in her already despairing eyes.


Hearing this, Yorks looked down at the demon man who was still recovering quickly after being beaten with two punches by him, and he smiled easily.

Lift the Linebauer revolver, aim it, and pull the trigger twice to shoot out the last two sacred bullets in the magazine.

"I'm not, you are the monster."

Bang bang!

The holy bullet penetrates the target and explodes the flesh, then emits two beams of holy light.

The ferocious demon man clutched his face and howled in pain.

This time it could no longer recover. Instead, it was covered with cracks, and then the whole body shattered and fell to the ground without making a sound.

Yorks took a breath and glanced at the floor. When he saw the number eight, he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

He has finally figured out this random mission. Just as the mission requires, there are demons on almost every floor of the apartment building here.

"It's hard work again..."

Looking at the messy fire stairs, Yorks left the last Bluetooth speaker to pray for the dead residents on this floor to rest in peace. As he walked up, he unscrewed Linebauer's bullet chamber and removed the bullet belt buckle from his waist. The .50 holy bullets were filled in one by one.

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