American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 346 The devil punishes sinners

Under the black sky, a figure as small as an ant quickly passed by with a whistling sound.

Beneath him was a vast expanse of darkness and the neon lights of the city.

In front of him was a mobile phone wrapped in telekinesis. The live broadcast was still going on, but the voice on the mobile phone was the voice of Bishop Randall before.

"Yorks, are you in time?"

At this time, Bishop Randall was leading a group of clergy to a helicopter waiting for a direct flight.

His expression was both solemn and relaxed.

Solemnly, it is suspected that a hell army has been summoned and is flooding everywhere.

Relaxingly, Yorks was on his way, and very fast. Although he didn't know how Yorks arrived in Los Angeles, he believed what Yorks had said before.

I'm coming soon.

"There's enough time."

Yorks watched the live broadcast and said calmly after hearing this sentence.

"Bishop Randall, leave this devil to me. You can take the people to deal with the matter at hand first."

After being confirmed again, Bishop Randall, who was only in his forties and still relatively young among many bishops, let out a sigh of relief. With the help of the clergy next to him, he sat down where he was and said softly.

"Okay, I'll take people to clean up these overflowing trash fish first, and then I'll come over to help you."


Yorkes responded, and the ring tone of the hung up cell phone rang, and at the same time, the voice in the live broadcast also appeared.

"Come on, let's start your impromptu performance! Just tonight, dear Mr. Drew, you can try to save your own soul," Leanne, who was sitting on the chair, said in a very evil tone.

"Oh, by the way, there's also your baby, Leanne's soul. Buy one, get one free. It's a good deal, right? Honey."

As she said that, she tilted her head and looked at Drew, who was crying in front of her, and said calmly.

"If you don't do it, I will kill dear Leanne, and your life, in the same way Luciano just did."

The devil's words were very straightforward. Drew's mouth felt dry for a moment, and he subconsciously glanced at the charcoal body that fell to the ground.

This pile of charcoal was still in human form, and the scene of Luciano being burned to death by fire echoed in his mind.

Although Drew was frightened and frightened, he could only use this kind of scene to make himself barely conscious. He swallowed the saliva that had no saliva at all, his throat bulged, and he said.

"If I took over Max's role, would you let me go, and Leanne?"

Drew's voice was trembling a little, but he only felt that after he said these words, the fear in his heart actually dropped a little.

He only mentioned himself and Leanne, and directly ignored Max, because Max, who was still kneeling on one knee, seemed to him to be the mastermind behind the scenes.

The demon possessing Leanne laughed arrogantly.

"Of course, this is our deal, dear, as long as you keep the live broadcast going, well, just like what you directed before, you will lead the whole process, everything!

Come on, exorcise me in your own way! "

Hearing this, Drew stared at the demon and took a deep breath.


Suddenly, Leanne seemed to have briefly regained her consciousness, and she prayed while struggling.

"Drew! Honey, let me out! Quick!"

This situation was as if Leanne's true consciousness had driven away the devil's consciousness.

But Drew, who had studied specifically, knew that this was completely an illusion.

Once possessed by a demon, unless there is external force, it is impossible for the possessed person to drive away the demon simply by his own will.

Because the horror of real demons is beyond what humans can imagine.

Drew looked at the begging Leanne, with a look of pain on his face, and shook his head firmly.

Maybe it was because of the fear and the devil's request that he felt something secretly.

Drew finally saw everything around him at this time, and he looked towards the equipment area.

There are several screens there. In addition to the screen that allows Max to read his lines, there are also screens that allow him to see the number of people in the live broadcast room, including audience comments that allow him to see and actively interact with each other, giving the audience a sense of participation. Screen.

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room continued to increase, including comments that kept passing by at a very fast speed.

Suddenly, Drew saw the same comment that had been scrolling on the screen that displayed audience comments.

That name is Yorkshire.

Under this name, there is only one comment.

"The devil needs a live broadcast room. It will not kill you. You have to follow your own ideas and cannot be led by the devil. Don't be afraid. Once you are afraid, it will eat you."

Drew was stunned. Because of these words, combined with various factors including the fact that the devil asked him to take over Max's role, including signal shielding, he finally became a little hesitant.

So, Drew gritted his teeth, turned to face Leanne, walked over, pressed his hands on the handle, stared down at Leanne, who seemed to have regained her consciousness, and for the first time mustered up the courage.

"Let her go! Devil from hell! She doesn't deserve this. Let me take her place."

However, Leanne, who seemed to have regained consciousness, instantly transformed into her previous demonic form, and grabbed Drew's arm with her bloody hands on the handle.

"Are you serious? Honey."

Leanne's expression turned ferocious, she hated this kind of sacrifice for others.

"Do you really want to see what she sees? Do you really want to feel what she feels now?"

Drew felt that his arms were about to be broken by Leanne in front of him, and the pain severely attacked his mind, but Drew nodded firmly.

This is something he caused himself and cannot be left to his innocent girlfriend.

"Jie Jie!" Leanne, with a ferocious face, smiled back, staring at Drew who was sweating profusely in front of her with eyes that resembled animal pupils.

"This is a life-changing moment. Repent for your actions."

Leanne suddenly let go of Drew's arm.

Drew broke free for a moment, retreating subconsciously because of the pain.

"My behavior?"

Drew's breathing was a little rapid, and he probably understood what the devil meant.

"Why did you choose this place?"

"Choose?" Leanne smiled and stared at Drew.

"Isn't this what you want? You want an exorcism, so I'm here."

Then, in Drew's somewhat regretful eyes, she said in a serious tone.

"My dear, if you keep playing with fire, you will always burn yourself."

Drew's mentality that he could still maintain began to falter. Even though he knew that the devil would most likely not kill him because of the live broadcast, he had already collapsed when he saw his girlfriend speaking and complaining in the same tone as before.

This has nothing to do with fear or anything, but that kind of inexplicable emotion, including psychological things.

"Didn't I warn you and ask you to quit? This kind of thing will become real if you play it for a long time. It's okay now. The devil has come and implicated me. What are you going to do to solve it?"


Drew collapsed and started looking for the rope that could free him. When he saw the Bible on the ground, he strode over and picked it up.

"Surrender! Devil!"

Drew unknowingly took over Max's role.

“In the name of the Lord!!!”

He took the Bible and came to Leanne, flipping through it constantly, trying to find useful words.

"The Lord is my Shepherd! I really lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me to quiet waters. He also refreshes my soul. For the reason of his name , lead me onto the smooth path of justice!!"

However, Leanne in front of her just looked at him with a sarcastic expression and mocked.

"You have learned it, dear, you should know that scripture alone is ineffective against demons. Otherwise, if it were that simple, then there would be no need for the church to exist."

Hearing this sentence, Drew suddenly woke up. He thought of the knowledge he had written down in many libraries, including the paranormal expert he specially visited.

He thought of the knowledge that had flashed through his mind because of his feelings.

Each demon has a set ritual, so the demon's true name is the most important part throughout the exorcism ritual.

Only by knowing the devil's true name can he find the exorcism ritual corresponding to the devil's true name, including the relevant exorcism spells.

"In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!"

Thinking of this, Drew pressed the Bible to Leanne's forehead and shouted loudly.

"I order you to report your name!"

He knew that such behavior was completely ineffective, but he needed to do everything possible to find out the devil's true name through its few words.

Looking at Leanne who was indifferent and just looking at him with sarcastic eyes, Drew gritted his teeth and said.

"You are truly a demon from hell, scum. You could have chosen other people, including me, but you chose a girl who was just here to visit."

Who knows, Leanne Jiejie said: "Dear, no one is innocent, including me."


Drew said: "You are just a weakling who bullies the weak, a bastard who only picks on the weak. I know what you want, but my viewers don't subscribe and watch our live broadcast because of this. They want It’s about good triumphing over evil.”

Leanne became serious, staring at the excited Drew with beast-like pupils: "Then you are going to defeat me?"

"Lord! Please forgive me for my sins. I know I did something wrong. God, the devil in front of me doesn't know what I have done. It just..."

At this point, Leanne interrupted Drew.

"Everything is God's plan, and everything I do is also the result He wants to see."

Drew said excitedly: "You know what God's plan is, and you don't know that this is the result He wants to see. You will only pick the weak."

Leanne reached out and said, "I was right there when He wrote the plan."

As soon as these words came out, Drew got some hints, and at the same time, Yorks, who was flying in the air and watching the live broadcast, narrowed his eyes.

Combined with the devil's disdain for lying, his words actually revealed too many things.

Demons were once a member of the angels, and were among the first angels created by God.

Under Leanne's gaze, Drew walked out of the camera, ran to the equipment area, and started clicking on the keyboard, looking for discrepancies in this sentence.

"It's a pity that there are still many demons who meet this condition." Yorks stared at Leanne who was sitting in the chair and didn't care that she had exposed key information, and shook her head inwardly.

Nonetheless, Yorks has probably determined what the demon is and what it intends to do.

What I have to say is that this man named Drew is indeed a little bit smart and witty, and he also has some knowledge of the knowledge specially leaked by the church, but for the devil, this is still a bit too young.

Demons who can control the legions of hell are definitely not stupid people, nor are they the scum of hell who are mentally retarded. Living a long time is actually a symbol of increasing wisdom.

From the live broadcast, it seemed that Drew was very smart and tried to figure out the devil's real name based on the knowledge he had learned, but in fact, he had turned into a cow led by the devil.

It can be said that all of this was deliberately led by the devil.

After all, it is still difficult to find out the devil's information simply from this sentence.

Seeing the devil's real name filling the whole screen, Drew actually felt a little desperate. He looked at Leanne who was sitting on the chair.

"What? Can't find my name?" Leanne laughed at this time, raised her head, opened her mouth, and spat out a ball of disgusting mucus.

"How about we make another deal?"

Drew took a look and realized that the thing with some kind of mucus was the fake turban he was selling.

It was a street product, and he named it the Vatican robe, and the price had doubled dozens of times.

At this moment, Drew looked at Leanne, and he knew the meaning behind the devil's behavior.

Drew scratched his head, and his already collapsed will collapsed further. He only felt that his fig leaf was being lifted by the devil at this moment.

"Honey? Why don't you come out and explain to your favorite fans what this thing is? Come on, or you'll never know my name,

come out! Otherwise I'll kill Leanne! And you! "

After hearing this, Drew walked out with a painful look on his face. He wanted to know the devil's real name. Drew breathed quickly and spoke in front of the camera.

"I have something to tell you, a prayer towel." Drew showed great pain. The live broadcast room was his hard work and children, and now he was about to destroy his hard work. At the same time, he also felt that a fig leaf and lies were being used. The feeling of extreme shame after being exposed.

"These prayer towels actually have no healing effect. They don't even come from the Vatican. They are just bargains on the street. The holy water sold is just water from the bathroom faucet. I just added a calming agent. additive."

As soon as these such frank words came out, the viewers who were watching the live broadcast and were originally worried about Drew felt like they were being cheated. Some of the viewers who bought these things started to criticize Drew in the comment area, and some just shook their heads and no longer worried about Drew, but just felt that Drew deserved it now.

The devil actually punishes sinners.

This notion popped into the minds of some deceived viewers.

There were even some spectators who came in halfway and were insulted.

The comment "Sinner deserves it" suddenly filled the entire screen, leaving Drew in an even more desperate situation.

Yorks, who was watching the whole process, sighed inwardly and speeded up again.

He only had one idea in his mind: he couldn't let the devil continue, otherwise many people's previous ideologies were likely to be changed.

For example, demon possession is actually punishing sinners, or demons are not all evil, some are good and some are bad.

"Who is standing behind this demon?" Yorks thought of this on a whim as he looked at the number of people in the live broadcast room, which numbered in the millions.

He just felt that Drew's live broadcast room, including everything, was definitely something that the big boss in hell had been planning for a long time.

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