America’s Big Hero

Chapter 110: : Sir, times have changed

Head, Tony has sent a message to see you. ' Jonas said, looking at Sean.

"See me? What are you doing?" Sean was a little surprised. "How's he doing over the past few days? I heard that there have been many games between the two sides."

"Tony's men raided Akomo's properties a few times, killing a few people, but nothing important." Jonas said with a pouted lip.

"It's really... rubbish!" Sean shook his head and said with a little interest: "Just say I don't have time, you go talk to him and see what he wants to do."

Sean also felt that there was something wrong with these guys' brains, what the **** they were like, and they felt that they were personalities, and they had to talk to him, and he didn't even think about whether his status was equal or not.

Many people in the United States have problems with their brains, they can't see reality clearly, and they don't know who gave them the confidence.

The old money is like this, even the Mafia family.

These guys who can only live in New Jersey are still adhering to the so-called 'ancient tradition', only accepting Italians...

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

It's just ridiculous, the mafia is "old" after only a few years of development.

Sean has always scoffed at these guys.


"Why are you?" Tony looked behind Jonas and frowned, "Where's Sean?"

Upon hearing this, Jonas frowned. The other party was just subconsciously acting, and he didn't feel anything, but, as the one who was ignored, Jonas's face looked good.

"Mr. Sean is a serious businessman and has nothing to do with these things," Jonas said stiffly.

Tony's eyes widened in disbelief.

Is he a serious businessman?

They all know the bottom line, and this has to be installed! ?

Seeing that Jonas was unmoved, Tony calmed down and said, "I need you to deal with the Apple family. In return, after the Apple family is destroyed, I can allow your smuggled wine to enter ours. market."

Tony obviously came prepared, he knew what Sean needed, and wanted to persuade Sean to help at this cost.

When Sean was able to exterminate the Salamanca people because of smuggled wine, it shows that the other party is very concerned about this thing.

Jonas was stunned for a moment, and almost agreed to open his mouth.

The reason why Sean provokes the relationship between the Dimio crime group is still for the 'bootleg business'.

This may be worth the loss in the eyes of others, after all, there is not much profit margin for smuggled alcohol, and it is far worse than drugs, but Jonas knows it.

These knockoffs cost almost nothing and sell for a full **** profit!

Especially after Sean got a blending master from Chinatown, the wine is more complete and the taste is more similar. If he can win the entire New Jersey, it will have a population of 7 million.

That's faster than stealing money!

Fortunately, he still has some sense, and swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

It's the same sentence, others don't know how much profit their "bootleg wine" is, and if they agree so easily, it's a big problem in the eyes of caring people.

"This can't be done. It's an internal matter of your Dimio. As outsiders, it is not convenient for us to participate." Jonas said distressedly.

Tony tilted his head to look at Tony, thought about it, and said, "Gym, I know Sean has opened a lot of gyms. If you are willing to help, I guarantee that you can enter other cities smoothly."

"Needless to say." Jonas stood up directly, "We will not be involved in your internal struggle."

"Mr. Tony, please come back, you are not welcome here."

"You!" Tony's face flashed with anger, "After Dimio reshuffles the cards, you will have no chance!"

"If you want to buy some arms, that's no problem. I can sell you a batch. Your firepower..." Jonas sneered and shook his head. "Big brother, times have changed."

"Your firepower is still stuck in the Chicago typewriter era 50 years ago. It's too backward, and Africans don't use that thing."

"I have a batch of M16A2 military versions and M6s." When he walked to Tony, Jonas leaned his head over and whispered: "Don't say anything that can't be a big deal, there will be trouble, it's hard to solve, that's what the winner needs. The question to consider, if you lose, what does it have to do with you?"

"Boom!" Jonas gestured with open arms. "There is no problem that can't be solved by one RPG. If there is, then two!"

After that, Jonas made a phone call gesture, "Think about it, call me."

On the way back, Tony didn't know why, a figure appeared with Jonas' arms outstretched...

There is a reason why the firepower of the Mafia has remained at 50 years ago. After the establishment of the "Disciplinary Committee", Charlie Luciano stipulated the rules of conduct for the Mafia.

Everything should be kept low-key, don't attract the attention of the people above, and attract the attack of the state organs. Therefore, large firepower is prohibited, and there is something to be mediated and judged by the 'disciplinary committee', so now it is only submachine guns with the most firepower~www.readwn .com~ But now, the control of the Disciplinary Committee is significantly weakened, and, as Jonas said, it is a question for the winner to consider if it is difficult to end after a big mess...


"Acomo, your people are too careless."

"It was deliberately targeted by someone. I said before that I didn't do those things, but you don't believe it. There is a man behind the scenes to frame me!" Akemo sneered: "Now you see, that guy finally revealed It's gone."

"Maybe what you said is right, but the Cypranos won't believe it, and the others... don't want to believe it."

"Hmph, do me a favor and investigate."

"To be honest, it's very difficult, and we still don't know how the other party controlled the two tires to explode at that position at the same time, causing the vehicle to roll over."

A word of trash came to his mouth, but Akemo didn't scold after all, took a deep breath, Akemo changed the subject and said: "That batch of things needs your help, you know, those addicts' goods Can't stop."

"Well, old rules."

"Okay." After saying that, Akomo hung up the phone.


In a commercial car parked not far from the police station, the two looked at each other, "I **** know."

"What's so strange about this, they used coffins to help them transport the goods before, let me report to the above."

"Well, let's see what it means."

Armstrong, who received the news, said with a smile on his lips: "Wait, I will send someone to support you, this is a big fish, we must take pictures of their transactions, the amount of this month's bonus depends on us, the director. Yes, hahahaha."

Hanging up the phone, Armstrong excitedly picked up his jacket and walked out. He was going to Trenton himself to arrange a follow-up shoot.

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