America’s Big Hero

Chapter 123: : Visit by Gustavo

Chapter 123: Law Enforcement Pioneer Sean

After some investigation, as expected, no useful evidence could be found.

Yesterday, today, the people from X Security Company were on the set to cooperate with the filming, and they did not have the time to commit the crime at all.

Everyone agreed that there must be a wave of hidden power in Sean, but it is completely unknown where these people are.

Before leaving, Sean suddenly appeared again.

"On behalf of X Security, I just contacted the FBI and ATF branches in New Jersey. Everyone knows that I have always been concerned about local security issues. Through today's meeting, I also learned about the hard work of the FBI and ATF."

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

"So, in the first half of the year, X Security will donate 200,000 US dollars to the FBI and ATF New Jersey branch respectively to support the construction of the legal system."

After hearing this, the FBI and the ATF looked at Sean with a smile on their faces in astonishment. After a while, neither of them knew how to speak.

Obviously, Sean expressed his goodwill to the FBI and ATF. This kind of goodwill is not just empty words, but real knife music!

This knife music is reasonable and legal, and the branch will definitely use this money on all staff, which naturally includes them.

This is a de facto benefit, and is not a bribe.

There is a saying that people don't reach out and don't hit smiling faces. Those dead people have nothing to do with them. They are still a group of gangsters. To be honest, this is just work.

In the face of this real benefit, several people's faces unconsciously leaked smiles.

It wouldn't be enough to cover up Sean because of this, but after all, after taking the money, his attitude would become very good after investigation. Similarly, many things would not be held back.

There are many such cases that happen every day, it is nothing more than using a few RPGs...

Not a big deal.

That's what the entire FBI division means.

And it can be expected that there will only be some small conflicts in the future, and then it will be stable for a long time.

After all, the underground world is unified, which is not bad.

There must always be one person in that position, which is good for everyone.

From the point of view of knife music, Sean is a very good person.

Well, it would be strange to say that it has nothing to do with money.


In fact, the impact of the collapse of the Dimio crime group is still great!

Ordinary people can't feel anything about these things, but from the next day, Sean got busy and didn't have time to pay attention to the movie.

First, Jonas took a fresh olive branch to various cities to meet the remaining families of the Dimio crime syndicate.

The olive branch was specially bought by Sean. Facing this olive branch, the other party had no room for resistance at all, so he took it honestly.

Sean will close some things, but also let go of some things.

Close all the 'smuggled alcohol' business, the private lottery business, and let go of the poisonous liquor business.

And Gustavo passed the news before the FBI left that he was coming to visit.

It is still a marina yacht, and it still drives under the Statue of Liberty.

The two clink glasses and drink wine under the watchful eye of the Statue of Liberty.

"Congratulations, you eliminated the Dimio criminal group in one fell swoop and became the emperor of the entire New Jersey night." Gustavo raised his glass and gestured.

"Thank you!" Sean also raised his glass, gestured to Gustavo, and then raised it to the goddess of victory, "Cheers to victory!"

Gustavo also laughed when he saw this, and also raised his glass at the goddess statue, "Cheers to victory!"

"I'm sure you know what I'm here for." Putting down the glass, Gustavo looked into Sean's eyes and said.

"It's okay to give it to you, anyway, I don't care, this market will always be occupied, but, what's the benefit of me?" Sean smiled and looked at the other side.

"The sales profit of the first floor, haven't we always cooperated like this?"

"Anyone is willing to pay this kind of price, and is willing to pay more, and pure money..." Sean shook his head, "In my opinion, pure money is often not so valuable."

Gustavo frowned slightly. Although he knew before he came that Sean was not so persuasive, if Sean didn't just ask for money, to be honest, he was a drug criminal who really provided unexpected things without money.

"Twenty percent!" Gustavo could only raise his offer.

Sean smiled, noncommittal.

"It can't be higher."

"There is a way, there is definitely a way." Sean smiled and looked at Gustavo, "I know."

Gustavo frowned.

"The market is here. It can be Eladio or Gustavo who can occupy him." Sean shook the wine glass in his hand.

Gustavo's pupils shrank fiercely. Of course he thought about it, but he didn't think about it so early.

"Just for transportation, I think the shipper has something." Sean lit a cigarette, "Where are the local distributors."

Gustavo did not speak, his brows were furrowed, and he was thinking.

"Oh, by the way, you are in this business. You must know that aniline drugs have been used as drugs for a long time. They have been used in the military for a long time, but 10 years ago, they came up with a new model." Sean smiled strangely. Looking at Gustavo, "This thing can be easily prepared in those chemical laboratories, and it can be produced industrially, and it doesn't require much space."

"It's just a painkiller."

"Okay, that's it for today, you can think about it before contacting me."

The Gustavo affair came to an end, and Sean first went to visit the New Jersey State Police Commissioner.

The law stipulates that whether it is the city police chief or the state police chief, all are appointed by the mayor or the governor.

They are part of the mayor or governor's team.

On the golf course outside Trenton, Sean was chatting and laughing with a fat, potbellied man.

"In fact, I'm not interested in those things. In my opinion, the mafia itself is outdated is an organization that should be eliminated." Sean said eloquently: "We must One thing we admit is that our country is too vast, and the problem of insufficient police force has plagued us in the past, it has troubled us now, and it will still trouble us in the future.”

"The problem of social security will be a stubborn disease that cannot be solved in the next few decades."

"However, this does not mean that the mafia's way of doing things is still in line with the requirements of the times, and it is simply a disease of the mind to still hold those things."

"Drug criminals' income doesn't make anyone on the rich list, and money alone doesn't bring absolute influence."

"Man should be the master of wealth, and should not be called the slave of wealth."

"I have always believed that legitimate industries are the most promising and the most profitable."

"I've also always asked myself to be a legitimate, legitimate businessman."

"I have never been involved in any criminal activity."

"Nor understanding of criminal activity."

Ah bah, the state police chief spat fiercely in his heart, but the smile on his face did not diminish, "Of course, I know that the law and order in Newark and these cities has improved a lot in the past six months."

"I know that the governor is very concerned about the construction of the rule of law. I also believe that the construction of the rule of law is everyone's responsibility, and I also hope to contribute to this."

"That's the best!"

The two held hands together heavily.

Dimio is finished, and Sean is the de facto winner. No matter what the governor or the police department thinks, cooperation is inevitable.

Sean's reputation is actually quite good.

What's more, his surname is Rockefeller...Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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