America’s Big Hero

Chapter 137: : dog training

Of course, it is said, doing is doing. After all, it is a chemical plant worth several hundred million. It is impossible for such a problem to close down.

It's mainly because Sean's set of punches is too strong, and everyone is stuck when there is no good way to deal with this.

This caused so many people to jump up and take a hard bite.

It is foreseeable that if things continue to ferment, the Greg family will definitely lose control of the chemical plant completely.

Including the bank, many vampires targeting them will completely eat the shares from the corpses of the Greg family.

No one knows what the final chemical plant will look like.

The always arrogant Lambert Gregg gritted his teeth and knelt down in front of Sean, his head lowered deeply, his eyes full of humiliation, but also flashing a cold light.

If he was turned over, he vowed to get revenge.

Heh, a sneer appeared on Sean's face, then his expression changed, and he said, "Hey, what are you doing, get up, get up, this place is too slippery."

Lambert Gregg, who was kneeling on the ground, helped him up, and Sean's face was full of a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze, "Come on, Brother Lambert, please come inside!"

This act made Lambert Gregg froze on the spot, and he didn't react until Sean pulled him again.

Looking at Sean with a warm smile on his face, if Lambert Gregg hadn't confirmed that he had no hallucinations, he would have doubted whether the person who just made him kneel was a guy.

The speed of this face change is simply unbelievable!

Sean's sudden change of face is also purposeful, and Lambert Gregg is still useful now.

The Greg family has been standing in New Jersey for so many years, how can there be no foundation, Sean must continue to squeeze.

"Tomorrow, you are going to give a speech to apologize to the citizens for the damage the factory has caused to the environment." Sean said after sitting opposite Lambert Gregg and having coffee served.

"But..." Lambert Gregg's face flashed eagerly, but Sean raised his hand to stop him.

"I know what you think, but when things happen, the responsibility must be taken. What you should think about now is how to reduce the impact and get the company back on the right track." Sean has already given Greg's path to the company. Planned.

When the stock price falls, I make a wave of my own, and when all the dust settles, the stock price will rise, and I will make another wave of my own.

Just brushing on a sheep repeatedly!

"After this, I will let the demonstrations withdraw from your factory, and then..." Sean told Lambert Gregg a little bit of what he meant.

Sean doesn't care how others cut the flesh from Lambert, but he definitely wants the biggest piece.

However, after this battle, Greg's chemical plant must also be severely damaged, but the advantage is that a new way has emerged.

As for Lambert Gregg, Sean doesn't care if he has any resentment in his heart. As long as he controls the lifeline of Gregg's family, Sean is sure to tame this guy.

It's like training a dog.


The next day, Lambert Gregg met the demonstrators at the gate of the factory and gave a speech, "I feel deeply guilty for the damage to the surrounding environment over the years."

"Humans have undoubtedly caused great damage to the environment in the process of development. This is undeniable. Our Greg family admits and is willing to repent for these damages..."

"At the same time, the Greg family will do their best to repair the damaged environment. In the future, the Greg family will continue to support the environmental protection movement as always. Hopefully, more people will join in."

Lambert Gregg offered to fund Jim to set up a non-profit environmental protection association, and declared to the state government to make the association legal and supported by the government.

The Greg family apologized for this, and is willing to try their best to repair the damaged environment. It also supports the cause of environmental protection. This is a victory for the cause of environmental protection.

Jim's fame comes with a good reason to end the campaign.

On the other hand, the Gregg family mobilized the members they support to put forward a new issue in parliament, "Protecting the Garden State", the most important one of which is to increase investment in maintaining urban environmental sanitation and increasing domestic waste disposal.

Maintaining the environment and maintaining urban hygiene is currently politically correct in New Jersey. Any objection is to destroy the environment on which everyone lives.

It's like 'racism'. Even if many people don't think black people are human, they never dare to oppose it openly.

Benny Cavill also gave a public speech, the state government will increase investment in this area, solve difficulties, and make the Garden State more famous.

Increasing investment will naturally reduce investment in other areas, and those affected will definitely not give up, and some people will immediately raise objections from the lack of funds.

Agree, but no money, one word, drag.

Sean immediately instructed Jim's team to stand up for an interview, pointing the finger at those councillors, pointing at them for disregarding the health of the citizens, and they were cancers hidden in the parliament, calling on everyone to remember their ugly faces and stand firm in the new councillor election. Don't vote for them and drive these **** out of the MP team.

When elected MPs don't speak up for voters, then we're going to overthrow them!

These are not just words, with Sean's help Jim's team immediately began to promote in the constituencies where several members of the Congress are located.

Those who took to the streets, handed out leaflets, and hyped up the ugly face of these people, many people walked around the street holding the KTs of these MPs standing on the garbage heap.

Anyway, those gang members have nothing to do during the day, and Sean found a good job for them.

For a time, these people's reputation immediately stinks on the street.

At the same time, Jim has also publicly started to gather information about some companies, all those stakeholders.

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The reason why the environment has great lethality is that, except for a very small number of ancient industries, which do not occupy land, do not occupy houses, have no noise, no pollution, do not raise funds, and do not lend money, there are very few industries such as chemical, textile, pharmaceutical, steel, etc. What industry can escape.

Jim is publicly gathering information, which is clearly another warning to them.

If they make small moves, this side will immediately point the finger at them.

Maybe it won't cause such a huge loss to Greg's Chemical Plant, but it's inevitable that they will be disgraced.

At the same time, Sean also initiated his own relationship and proposed that in order to protect the environment, the government should increase the requirements for waste gas, waste water, etc. emitted by enterprises.

If this motion is passed, then these companies will inevitably increase their investment in environmental protection, which is a lot of money.

In this way, after a multi-pronged approach, everyone could only agree to this motion after seeing Sean's inconvenience.

At this point, the last obstacle for Sean to win the garbage cleaning business has also been broken. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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