America’s Big Hero

Chapter 165: : Black Hawk

Statford, Connecticut.

Connecticut is right next to New York State, and Sean flew there the day after signing with OFirst Bank.

This is the headquarters of Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, and the Black Hawk helicopter gunship Sean has always said he wants to buy is here.

Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation is the world's most famous helicopter manufacturing company. The world's first production helicopter is the Sikorsky R-4, the first commercial helicopter is the Sikorsky S-51, and the world's first all-metal helicopter The engine of the helicopter Sikorsky S-52...

The Black Hawk utility helicopter was developed by Sikorsky for the U.S. Army in the 1970s.

In addition to the United States, more than 20 countries and regions have purchased the Black Hawk, which has become one of the most produced helicopters in the world, which shows the superiority of its design and performance.

The Black Hawk is the only helicopter in the Rabbit Army that can be used normally in X Tibet.

Ironically, the owner of Sikorsky Aircraft is a Russian-American, aircraft engineer Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky.

Sean has wanted to buy a Black Hawk helicopter for a long time, and he has never been able to spare money before, but he made a fortune in New York some time ago, although the money is still lying around in Newark.

However, it can be cleaned sooner or later.

The buyer is already being contacted on Hong Kong Island through Mr. Huang's channel.

At this moment, Sean is visiting the headquarters of Sikorsky under the leadership of the sales manager of Sikorsky.

There are not many people in Sikorsky's sales department. After all, there are so few people who come here to buy things that you don't see a few a year.

Airplanes are too expensive, even helicopters, so their sales strategies are also different.

I don't tell you about products or performance, and there is no boasting or praise. I just visited the headquarters under the leadership of the manager.

Take a look at the history of Sikorsky's development and see the prototypes of aircraft produced and sold through the ages in the company museum.

In the end, Sean was invited to board the Black Hawk gunship in person, and accompanied by the company's pilots, he went around the sky, even if he had gone through a set of sales procedures.

When he got off the plane, Sean seemed very satisfied. There were many Black Hawks in the army at the time, but he was not familiar with them and had no chance to board the plane.

This time it was a wish.

Accompanied by the manager, he came out of the apron and walked towards the headquarters building. Just when he arrived at the door, he saw a group of people come out.

Familiar and unfamiliar blue-gray tunic.

Slightly bulging belly.

Partial black hair.

round face.

not long eyes...

No squinting...

The mouth is the familiar Mandarin, and at first glance it is the people from the east.

Passing by, Sean stopped and looked at the group of people curiously. He really didn't expect to meet people from the east here.

"They're from that country to the east." The manager stood at Sean and explained to him curiously.

"How could they come to your company?" Sean asked curiously.

"Last year, they ordered 24 Black Hawk helicopters, delivered 3 last year, and will deliver 12 more this year. They are here to determine the production status of the aircraft." The manager said with a bit of pride: "$150 million, also I don't know how long they have saved, hehe."

Sean didn't speak, nor was he interested in getting in touch, just shook his head and turned away.

The military bulletproof version of the Black Hawk gunship, the unit price is 4.5 million US dollars, the external auxiliary fuel tank system is 780,000 US dollars, the side light machine gun hanger is 50,000 US dollars, the heavy machine gun fixing system is 80,000 US dollars, the hoisting weapon wing system is 480,000 US dollars, two 19 $520,000 for tube rocket launchers, $690,000 for Hellfire anti-tank missile launch systems, and $580,000 for underwing cannon pods.

A full-body Black Hawk gunship is a nightmare for ground troops!

A Black Eagle Wuzhi can easily destroy a combat unit, even if the enemy is hiding in the turtle hole.

Of course, the things are good and the price is good. The complete Black Hawk gunship sells for 7.68 million US dollars!

Looking at this price, even Sean now has a toothache.

It's so expensive!

Sean roughly estimated that the stock market did earn more than 60 million, but that kind of thing can be met but not sought, and it is a windfall. Later, in order to lay out the daily chemical industry, he invested 40 million before and after, and got more than 40% of the shares. The deal is sure to be profitable.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

After that, it didn't cost much to develop 'blended oil' and 'precious metal refining process'. Blending oil has no technical content, mainly the design of industrial assembly lines. Precious metal refining only pursues refining technology and cost, regardless of environmental protection, and it does not cost much. , and gave the school more than 1.5 million before and after.

In addition, the expansion of the security company spent more than 2 million, but not much in other aspects, and now there are 20 million in cash on hand.

"The Great Robbery" is sure to make a lot of money, but the checkout time is still far away. The North American box office will take at least 3 months, and the global box office will take a year, which is temporarily impossible to count on.

Later, Sean will also invest in the filming of "Instinct". Although there is no big scene in "The Great Robbery" to be filmed, the complex plot and more shooting scenes are conservatively estimated, and it will not come down without 10 million.

This film Sean doesn't have any good publicity ideas. There must be a star who can drive the box office. Now Sharon Stone is not well-known.

The director must be a famous director, and the cost is not low.

In addition, Sean also asked Lamb to collect information on TV stations, which is a bigger investment...

Why do you still feel like you don't have enough money after doing so many great things? ?

After a bit of estimation, Sean finally decided to buy two Black Hawk helicopters.

Both are military bulletproof versions, priced at 4.5 million, but only one set is purchased for the complete set of external equipment.

There are not many opportunities for this thing to be used, it is just used to scare people, at least in China...


$12.18 million for two!

It's not in stock yet, it needs to be booked.

"Can you I think now, or as soon as possible." Sean thought for a while and asked.

"Our company would like to meet your request, but I'm sorry to say that the assembled items are pre-ordered by others." The manager said regretfully.

"I know, you must have a way!" Sean said with a smile.

"How is this possible? Those are all distinguished guests of our company, friends, partners, and loved ones!" The manager said loudly with a serious face: "We need to pay more!"


In the end, Sean added a total of $700,000 in expedited fees for the two planes because of the immediate availability.

In addition, without bothering the two masters, Sean also provided the necessary Hellfire missiles and rockets from Sikorsky.

But only this time, Hellfire is a Lockheed product, not just sold.

Hellfire missiles are priced at $68,000 each, with a total of 8 assembled, plus 38 rockets, $1 million is gone...

1218+70+100, $14 million just left me!

Sean also thought about taking out a loan to buy it, but the bank didn't do it.

How the **** do you know if you buy a plane back for more than 10 million yuan, and someone else will kill it with an RPG.

By then the bank's collateral will be a pile of dark wreckage...

When leaving Connecticut, Sean's face was both excited and uncomfortable!

I have worked hard, selling fake wine, killing people, setting fire, coercing and enticing, and manipulating the stock market...

After doing so much, I turned around and looked, so...

People live, money is gone! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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