America’s Big Hero

Chapter 182: : Join the New Jersey Consortium

"America's Big Hero (

Chapter 182: Join the New Jersey Consortium (8000 monthly ticket)

The higher-ups on the bank's side definitely can't let go, but it doesn't matter how many people at the bottom go.

There is no way for Sean to come out like this.

We admit that bad guys are scary indeed. ''

We admit that we want the world to be a better place, even if it is bad people, we also hope that there are more good people in this world.

After all, they are all villains, and it is difficult for the villains to survive.

But for Sean, the 'Messenger of Justice', good people are obviously more terrifying.

If you are a bad person, you can use money, power, and beauty to seduce, corrupt, and finally pull into the water.

You can also use death to deter them. Once there is any outrageous action or endangers his own interests, Sean can also cut the grass without hesitation.

But if you are a good person...

Sean was afraid that the other party would secretly report him one day.

Banks, in the future, will inevitably be the core of the group and the center of capital transactions, and Sean is not sure if it will be discovered by the following people.

However, after the company is acquired by him, it will definitely start a round of big expansion, and these old people will be promoted without any accident.

Sean would cry if there were really bad people who had justice in their hearts and were not afraid of power.

Under Sean's gaze, after all three people trembling and raised their hands, Sean didn't say anything, just ordered some compensation to be settled for them, "Everyone is good to get together, I won't treat anyone badly, this part of the compensation It is divided into five parts, including financial compensation, special consolation, employment support, memory bonus and Christmas condolence."

In the end, different compensation will be given according to the different circumstances of the three people.

Sean is ready to "maliciously raise the compensation standard", raise the compensation standard of Wall Street and the United States, and disrupt the capitalist market environment!

Yes, it's that bad!

With the door closed, Sean held a small meeting with several senior executives of the bank.

"Everyone may not know me very well, so I'll just say it briefly." Sean sat in the main seat with his legs raised on the large desk, a cigarette in his hand, took a deep breath, and looked at crowd.

Seeing Sean's style, Monroe Deve looked at each other in dismay, is this not pretending?

"My name is Sean K. Rockefeller."

"Currently, my main business is in New Jersey."

"There are 9 companies under the name, involved in security, film and television, media, construction, transportation, fitness, environmental protection, daily chemical and other industries, with assets of more than 200 million. In the future, the business of the bank will mainly be concentrated in New Jersey. Integrate those companies under my name and play the role of capital scheduling."

As soon as Sean said this, Monroe Deve and the others stood up from their seats in surprise.

Time was short, they were in New York again, and they didn't have time to know about Sean's situation. How could they know that the new boss was so rich and involved in so many industries!

With such a powerful big boss as the backing, it is conceivable that the bank will inevitably enter a stage of rapid development in the future.

"In addition, I purchased 8 square kilometers of land in Colombia, and I plan to build an industrial park. In the future, the bank will prepare to enter Colombia and carry out international business."

good guy!

Monroe Deve's eyes lit up instantly, fortunately they didn't resign, otherwise they wouldn't regret it.

This is going to be a step up!

"Boss, if you are doing international business..." Monroe Deve asked impatiently.

"Wait, wait, I haven't finished yet, what are you excited about?" Sean reached out and pressed down, "Besides, the salary settlement of all employees of the company under my name will go to our bank in the future. It's a big business, so in the future, we will open a branch in every major city in New Jersey."

"In the end, the Jonas family, the largest mafia family in New Jersey, controls the entire New Jersey underground, and they, in the future, all 'legal' accounts will go from the bank."

"Got it!" Finally, Sean raised his voice.

"Ming, I understand..." The corner of Monroe Deve's mouth twitched fiercely.

What's not to understand, you are the biggest mafia in New Jersey, little Jonas, a puppet!

Jonas: Are you polite?

No wonder I just said outside that I am not a good person, and told the good person to leave quickly, this...

Not really a good guy!

"Do we need to help them with cash?" Monroe Deve looked around, and asked in a low voice.

"Xian Qian, Xian Qian, Xian Qian!" Sean threw the cigarette **** in his hand and cursed loudly, "I am a legitimate businessman, legal, legal, do you understand, what kind of money is laundering!"

"As I said, only their legitimate money goes into the bank!"

"The bank is the core, and I won't let the bank have any problems!" Sean swept his eyes sharply at everyone, "We can take risks, but we will never do anything illegal!"

"Of course, Franklin is innocent. Whether others violate the law or not has nothing to do with us, but our bank itself cannot have legal risks."


"Understood, we are a serious bank, and we will never participate in any illegal or criminal activities, but what others do has nothing to do with us!" Monroe Deve was startled by the cigarette **** just now. The boss was really grumpy, but he was relieved. Take a breath.

Just after knowing that the boss is the leader of the largest mafia in the next state, he was really afraid that the boss would let him participate in activities such as money transfer.

Fortunately, the boss is sober, like Jonas with white gloves, and legally washes himself clean.

"Very good!" Sean nodded with satisfaction, "Don't participate in any illegal things. In the future, the bank will not lack business, and the development speed will be very fast. As long as the bank is clean, then there is nothing to be afraid of."

This is really not Sean's bragging.

Don't look at the bottleneck in the development of this bank, but it is another matter when it is in Sean's hands.

The salary settlement business of employees of a company under one name alone can allow the company to expand to tens of thousands of customers!

Yes, Sean now employs tens of thousands of companies under his name.

Transportation and environmental protection are high-employment industries.

As a single transportation company, Sean has more than 800 vehicles of various sizes throughout New Jersey and employs more than 1,500 drivers.

In addition, the transportation company also has 2 large maintenance factories, including logistics and dispatching personnel. The transportation company alone has more than 2,000 employees.

There are more people in garbage disposal companies. Every city collects, transports, sorts, stores, and incinerates garbage... New Jersey is so big that it processes so much garbage every day, and there are more than 3,000 employees alone.

Tens of thousands of employees represent tens of thousands of families. The wages of these people are paid by the bank. In the future, daily consumption, learning, loans, wealth management and other businesses will fall into the hands of the bank sooner or later.

In addition to the gangs that spread all over New Jersey, Sean has rough statistics. There are more than 230 gangs under him. Each gang has a population of 20,000 to 30,000. The core members of the gang are all around dozens of people. It is more than 20,000 people.

Then there are gangs and various industries...

These alone, the bank at least to expand more than 10 times.

It's also that Sean doesn't want to **** business with those banks in the state in the first place.

Otherwise, some schools, medical, and various businesses are more.

The company's affairs are very complicated, and Sean can only briefly explain it. After all, the bank will be the core institution in the future, and these things will be known sooner or later.

Instead of letting them guess slowly after the fact, it is better to make a little effort now, so that there will be something unspeakable in the future of the province.

As for the specific situation of each company, they have to go to each company to find out, and Lamb will communicate with them about accounting issues.

Of course, Sean isn't afraid of them leaking out. To put it bluntly, he didn't say anything today, it's all something that can only be understood and unspoken.

After getting this done, Sean took people back to the base. It was still safe here, and by the way, he had to chat with Armstrong, the intelligence chief.

"Those people in the bank, you send someone to investigate one by one, family background, members, experience, summarize their character, what shortcomings, who are easy to control, and who are soft and hard, to be detailed." Sean ordered.

"Okay, no problem." These Armstrongs were familiar.

"Well, besides, as I told you a while ago, how is the arrangement of people in various companies going?" Sean mentioned another matter, and arranged some secret personnel to help him monitor the company.

These people have nothing to do with him on the surface, and he can't help.

The intelligence team is now equivalent to the Jin Yiwei in his hands.

"Most of them are in place," Armstrong said, nodding.

"That's good. Later, you can focus on other big companies in New Jersey and develop some eyeliners. The higher the level, the better."


After explaining things, Sean can be considered idle.

Take a day off, and tomorrow I will meet Gilbert to talk about joining the consortium.

By the way, do some work for the follow-up development of Cartagena, Colombia.

Don't look at Colombia is so much poorer than the United States, but it is such a poor place that the benefits of development are high enough.

The United States is strong and rich, but here, the Rockefeller family, the Morgan family, and the Bush family cannot do whatever they want, let alone Sean.

Even if it is to change to New Jersey, all the forces are intertwined, and Sean is basically at the top now. If you want to go further, it will take time to slowly grind it.

But Cartagena is different, with a population of 1.2 million.

When it is developed, it will cover the sky with one hand!

Trenton, OceanFirst Bank.

This time I came to talk about business, so I didn't go to the golf course.

In principle, Sean has agreed to join the New Jersey local consortium, and the rest is how to exchange shares.

Gilbert will exchange a portion of OceanFirst Bank's shares with Sean's company.

In order to achieve that there is me in you, and you in me, and in-depth communication with each other.

"You know what companies are in my name, except for the security company and Sean Bank, all others can be cross-shared." Sean is very straightforward, there is no need to play with this.

Gilbert seems to have expected it long ago. In fact, his feelings for the security company are also very complicated. It would be good if he could hold the US dollar in one hand and the artillery in the other, but the security company is really a bottomless pit.

"Including the 'safe zone' you did in Newark?" Gilbert asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Sean nodded and said with a smile, "You are well informed."

Gilbert laughed, OceanFirst Bank tentacles all over New Jersey, of course he was well informed.

Sean didn't have anything to hide, he said a bit about his vision for the safe zone.

In essence, the safety zone is a gray area. If it is illegal, it is also done by the people who come here, and the Peace Hotel itself is not involved.

But it's not entirely clean.

New Jersey is not allowed to sell silver, and Xinghui nightclub definitely has this service. Although Sean used the method of "assistance" by a little Japan to make some changes, it was a side ball after all.

Not to mention the underground boxing match.

At this time, there is no WWE, and there is no UFC. What Sean is doing is underground black boxing. If you want to develop into UFC, it will take a long way to go.

The current black boxing relies on brutal and **** fighting to attract audiences.

Of course, Sean is sure to slowly develop towards the UFC model.

The upper limit of the money scene of underground black boxing is too low, and the hard-trained boxer will die after a few games, so how can you make money?

Severely injured and dead at every turn, how can we broadcast it?

Sean explained his vision for the safe zone, including the vision for the future of the underground black fist.

If the security zone can wait for Gilbert's help, then the security will be higher. After all, OceanFirst Bank has been entrenched in New Jersey for many years, and its relationship network is much deeper than Sean.

After some discussion, Gilbert finally decided to select the four companies under Sean's name, "Health Club", "Transportation", "Construction" and "Peace Hotel" for cross-exchange.

Gilbert will give out 5% of the bank's shares in exchange for shares in several companies under Sean's name.

How much is exchanged depends on the accounting company behind it to help with asset accounting.

Gilbert is most optimistic about the development prospects of "fitness clubs". As fitness clubs enter other states such as Pennsylvania and New York, it will provide a certain degree of help for the bank to expand its business in other states.

Compared with the fitness club, the development prospects of other companies are too poor, but the "Peace Hotel" surprised Gilbert.

He initially thought that Sean would not welcome others to participate.

According to Gilbert's analysis of the information collected, the future flow of funds in the safe zone will be extremely huge.

He doesn't care whether the money is clean or not, Franklin is real, and breaking the law is someone else's business, what does it have to do with me Gilbert.

Sean never thought to eat all of this business, the volume is far from enough, and the money in the hands of those people can't all be stored in the 'Sean Bank', and there will be several banks that flow between them. definitely.

After the business was over, Sean wasn't in a hurry to come up with Columbia's big plan. It wasn't urgent.

Here, Lamb and the Puhua team are conducting asset accounting. This is not a small bank. The assets under Sean's name are very complicated and will take some time.

And Sean wasn't idle either, the gutter... The refining plant for the blended oil has been completed. Before the construction starts, Sean will go to see it on the spot.

To be honest, the smell is really not very good, and Sean was wearing a gas mask when he went in.

After entering the factory, Sean found that it was not quite what he imagined. It was not as dirty as those small workshops in the previous life. After the industrial design, the kitchen waste would be dumped into a huge tank after being transported.

As the tank is full, it will be lifted into a huge mixing bucket for mixing and crushing.

The viscous liquid after crushing is added, heated and poured into the precipitation cooling tank.

After settling, the grease is extracted, and the remaining residue is filtered and the remaining organic matter is sold to fertilizer plants.

The extracted oil will go through several heating, filtration, and color removal procedures into the blending oil that Sean needs.

This is not the final product, it has to be degummed, dehydrated, decolorized, deodorized, deacidified, and finally added with 'bittering agent' and 'flavor', so as to ensure a consistent taste and produce aroma when cooking...

"Yes, how is the refining efficiency?" Through the gas mask, Sean's voice was a little dull.

"Very good, it can basically extract 95% vegetable oil and 20% animal oil in the garbage." The person in charge of the nearby factory said with a smile: "We found that the blended oil produced contains a lot of animal fats and oils. , contains much higher saturated fat than ordinary oils, so it is very suitable when making fried foods."

"Fries made with our blend oil are crispier and last longer."

"Really a great oil!"

Hearing people around him say that, Sean suddenly felt like he wanted to vomit, and vowed never to eat fried food made outside again.

"I really didn't expect that there was so much oil in these leftovers and garbage, and they were dumped directly. It's really a pity."

"Very good, your idea is good." Sean patted the person in charge on the shoulder with relief, "You have an environmental protection heart, you must persevere. We do this for the sake of the earth, for the sake of Contribute to the cause of environmental protection.”

"Believe it!"

"Of course, boss, I'm very convinced!" The person in charge of the blending oil field said firmly.

"Well, the factory should pay attention to hygiene and clean it more. We are an environmental protection company, understand."


After that, Sean asked the production question again.

These oils will be sold to South America, Asia and other regions later, and the price will definitely be lower than that of locally produced oil.

But even so, Sean calculated, the output value of the factory is very objective, and the annual profit will not be less than 6 million US dollars.

This is still the case that garbage sorting has just been developed, and it can only collect less than half of New Jersey's kitchen waste, and the output value will be higher in the future.

The next step is New York. If you can win the garbage disposal business in New York, you will earn more than the entire New Jersey!

The Colombian side needs to get on the right track as soon as possible, let Sol free, and then let this guy develop the blending oil market.

(PS: Palm oil: The vegetable oil species with the largest production, consumption and international trade in the world is squeezed from palm fruits on oil palm trees. Due to its large yield, low price, and containing far more saturation than other vegetable oils Fat, so it is mostly used to make fried food, and the same is true for rabbits, and the price is cheap.)

Sean aspires to be the world's largest producer of "blend oil"!


Just as Sean was inspecting various companies under his name, Cartagena was on the other side.

Before Shaun left Cartagena, he specifically told Butler Mitchell to complete the acquisition as soon as possible.

Butler Mitchell is very smart. After Sean left, he immediately used his connections to contact several local gangs.

These gangs are already active in the slums, and it is naturally very handy to do this kind of thing.

Besides, the houses in the slums themselves are not worth much, and coupled with some methods of local gangsters, the acquisition rate is very fast.

As for some bad things that happened during this time...

What does that have to do with Butler Mitchell?

It was all done by the gangsters, and he Butler Mitchell had paid for it!

That is to say, Sean doesn't know about this yet, otherwise, as a 'Messenger of Justice', Sean will definitely be very angry and avenge those poor people!

Yes, it is like that.


After going around the various companies under his name, Sean was about to go to Hollywood to relax... He went to Hollywood to see the filming situation, and Butler Mitchell contacted him.

This was agreed early on, and Sean helped contact Governor Benny Cavill.

Although Butler Mitchell's identity is nothing to Benny, a piece of garbage, but Benny doesn't mind giving Sean a face.

Moreover, this is also a news material is not.

The governors of the United States are not as busy as people think, and most of the government affairs are done by the teams and government departments below.

The governor, to a certain extent, is a mascot.

They are not like officials of rabbits. They have to do things from the grassroots level. The governors and mayors of the United States do everything before they do.

People like Schwarzenegger, who had no governing experience before becoming governor, jumped up, and you can't count on them for the rise and fall of a state.

Butler Mitchell is coming to New Jersey to visit, as mayor of Cartagena, to see with his own eyes Sean's influence here and whether he has the ability to advance those huge plans .

He didn't want to be deceived.

"What if Sean wasn't as powerful as he said?" Butler Mitchell confidant asked.

"It's okay if it's not so powerful." Butler Mitchell showed a mysterious smile. "In the end, we can kick him away, and it's better that the profits fall to us."

Butler Mitchell waved his hand indifferently, "At least, this guy named Sean is very smart, and his idea is good, as long as he can get those American companies over, even if it's just a start, we will later. It works just fine."

"As long as people come, the land can be fired, and we can make money."

"As for what's behind it, what does it have to do with us?"

Butler Mitchell is a full-fledged politician who doesn't put all his treasures on Sean.

Even if his last name is Rockefeller.

The plane from Cartagena landed directly in Trenton, and Sean personally brought someone to the airport to pick him up.

After getting off the hanging ladder, Butler Mitchell saw Sean standing not far away at a glance.

Walking down quickly, Butler Mitchell warmly held Sean's hand and greeted him.

It's not surprising that Sean can enter the airport to pick up people. In Cartagena, he can do the same.

It's just that he didn't see the car coming to pick him up next to him, which made him a little puzzled.

Sean led him to the battery car inside the airport and drove all the way to the other end of the airport.

Looking at the Black Hawk gunship parked in front of him, Butler Mitchell was stunned on the spot.

Low, the pattern is low.

Pick-up, pick-up, of course, the plane should be used!

Must be armed.

Look at that external weapon system...

Although it is empty.

After all, it is in the city, so it should not be allowed to load.

If this thing is fully armed, at the speed of the Colombian army, one can destroy a ground combat unit.

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Sean stood under the black hawk and made a please gesture.

The smile on Butler Mitchell's face became a little sincere.

Colombia also has this stuff, but they are all in the hands of the military, but there are not many in total.

Butler Mitchell really is the first time sitting on this thing.

Sitting on the plane, Butler felt very good. Unlike Americans who pursued the comfort of helicopters, he was born in Colombia and felt that safety was more important.

Free America, the idea of ​​shooting every day can be laughed at by a rabbit.

In fact, the United States is already a high-ranking country in the world for security.

Of course, small countries such as Singapore, Austria, and Monaco cannot be counted among them. None of them have a New York University, and they have no comparative value at all.

At least Butler Mitchell likes it very much, sitting in it is full of security.

The helicopter took off from the airport and arrived at the square in front of the state government within minutes.

After getting off the plane, Governor Benny Cavill greeted him in front of the building, giving him enough face.

Next to it, there are reporters from TV stations and newspapers on the license route. This posture is the same as that of national leaders visiting them.

Butler Mitchell was refreshed.

Blackhawk, hard!

Governor, High!

Sean, tall and hard!

What's 'Shawn's less powerful'?

Who said that!

Stand up and see if Lao Tzu beats him or not.

Watching Butler and Benny enter the State House, Sean didn't follow, but turned around and got on the plane again and left.

Sean didn't care what they were talking about, he just came to show his strength.

Even the people from the TV stations and newspapers at the door were paid for by him.

Soon, there were only a group of people from the TV station and newspaper office left, and the people who Sean left behind gave out red envelopes one by one.

"Hey, you haven't turned on the camera, are you fooling the ghost?"

"It's just pretending, but it's impossible to go to the TV station and waste the film, right." The other party said naturally.

"Okay." After handing over the red envelope, the man looked at the newspaper office, "But it's agreed, you guys are going to be in the newspaper tomorrow, the front page headlines, I've bought all the pages, and the photos are big. ."

"Don't worry, the layout is ready." The other party took the red envelope and pinched it with a smile, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

Tomorrow, these papers will be at Butler Mitchell's breakfast table.

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In the next two days, Sean first took Butler Mitchell to visit the company under his name, which naturally included X Security.

It is a gunship and an armored vehicle, and it is full of security.

And other huge industrial chains also made Butler realize that Sean not only has a powerful force, but also has a huge financial strength.

Later, he took Butler to the welcome dinner held for him by the New Jersey consortium.

Only then did Gilbert know that Sean was going to make a big move in Colombia again.

It's just that the specific situation is not clear, which requires communication with Sean afterwards.

After five days in New Jersey, Butler Mitchell was so satisfied that, on the first day he saw the governor, he called back and asked his men to expedite the land acquisition.

Influenced by his career as a 'politician', Butler Mitchell trusts Governor Benny far more than Sean.

This is the governor of a state in the United States, the largest country in the world. Compared to him, the mayor of the fourth largest city in a small Colombian country is completely underwhelming.

He could see that Benny admired Sean very much, so he naturally believed it even more.

After Butler left, Gilbert immediately contacted Sean to invite him to dinner at his house.

In any country, inviting guests to your home for dinner is a sign of intimacy.

After dinner, in the garden of the manor, the two strolled along, and Sean explained his plans in Cartanach, Colombia.

Gilbert asked a lot of details, and after hesitating for a while, he said, "OceanFirst Bank can be involved."

The participation of Butler is equivalent to "official insurance".

Having Sean's security company branch is equivalent to 'military insurance'.

The Jonas family will inevitably expand in the past, this is the 'underground insurance'.

If you have your own participation with a New Jersey consortium, this is 'commercial insurance'.

Proper collusion between officials and businessmen, is there any more certain business than this?

Anyway, Gilbert couldn't think of any reason why the land couldn't be fired.

Unless it happens to be at this time that Colombia has another war and a coup d'état.

"I'm not short of money for the time being." Sean said with a smile.

Since he came here, it means that he wants to play with Gilbert, but it is still a bargain when it comes to bargaining.

"Information, resources, reputation, connections, credit." Gilbert stretched out his palm and gestured, "Information: Due to the trade deficit problem, a large number of domestic companies in the United States are preparing to relocate to third world countries to reduce labor costs, while OceanFirst Bank Find out which companies are willing to relocate.”

"Resource: OceanFirst Bank has business dealings with many which affects the choice of these jobs in the relocation target."

"Reputation: OceanFirst Bank has been established for more than 80 years and has an excellent reputation. With bank guarantees, it can win the trust of others."

"Contacts: OceanFirst Bank has a wide range of contacts. As long as the Columbia side operates, the bank can spread the news all over the United States, and find various experts to give high praise to the plan."

"Credit: Once the land price is hyped up, the follow-up promotion must require a large amount of loans from banks. Your Sean Bank has no capital to do this big project."

"Haha, you are not afraid of losing half of the operation, then the loan will be a bad debt." Sean looked at Gilbert with a smile.

"Don't be afraid, OceanFirst Bank only needs to prop up the market in the early stage. The loan will only be the land itself. The land is the best value preservation, and the risk is very small." Gilbert smiled confidently: "As for the high-risk subprime credit Business, there will be banks to follow suit and enter the market.”

"Heh, the old trickster!" Sean clapped his hands.

"Thank you for the compliment." Gilbert didn't have a trace of embarrassment on his face, and extended his hand with a smile, "Then, it's a pleasure to cooperate."

"Happy cooperation!"

The specific cooperation method will be communicated later, and it is most important to reach an agreement on the general direction.

However, the 8 square kilometers of land Sean will definitely not be let out.

And Gilbert's shot, no less than Sean, must buy a large piece of land next to that land.

In this regard, Sean is happy to see it happen. With Gilbert involved, it is much easier to pull some companies into Cartagena.

This point, Sean soon saw, the resources in Gilbert's hands are really not comparable to him.


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