America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 199: : Drug Enforcement and Interview

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, the big man

Chapter 199: Drug Enforcement and Interview

"What's the matter, in a hurry, what can't you say on the phone?"

"X Security has received a lot of inquiries recently. I'm a little undecided, so I'm here to ask you, can we take this kind of order?" Bill sat down and talked about what happened during this time.

Speaking of which, the reason why X Security suddenly received such an order consultation call was because of Sean's attack.

After the video of the day of the attack was released, a program analyzed in detail the layout and reactions of both sides during the entire attack.

The professionals among them praised X Security for its impeccable response during the attack.

Although Sean was shot in the end, it was because the other party used illegal armor-piercing bullets. This thing is difficult to get. This is no longer a problem of X Security itself, it is a force majeure.

But even so, Sean was only injured in the end, not dead.

Changed to ordinary security, Sean was beaten to death on the spot if he couldn't resist the second wave of attacks.

Therefore, this has made X Security very famous. Recently, some private security services have come to the door.

As we all know, the beautiful country is free, and America is free. Every day when a shooting occurs, many celebrities are very worried about their own safety. After watching this show, they contacted X Security to ask about the security price.

This is something Sean didn't expect...

"I'm so..." Sean's face was very strange after hearing this, his facial features were all tangled together, and he really didn't know whether to be happy or angry.


After understanding what happened, Sean pondered for a while, and decided to take over a similar business.

Slightly subsidizing X Security's expenses is one aspect, mainly to expand its influence.

To this end, Sean had to formulate a security level standard and charging standard with Bill and others.

According to Sean's meaning, three security levels are formulated and charged according to levels.

After pondering for a while, Bill said: "Most of the people who come to consult are from one or two bodyguards. They can't afford 100,000 a month."

"No money? If you don't have money, you hire your paralyzed security guard. Go to hell!" Sean scolded directly: "No money? Who the **** would hit your mind if you don't have money?"


"We don't take the business of one or two bodyguards, it's not enough to lose."

"As I said, there are three levels, and our main business scope should be placed on the third level."

Level 1 security standard: five-person security team, 24-hour protection.

Charge standard: 100,000/month

Level 2 security standard: 10-person combat team, 24-hour protection, anti-eavesdropping, explosion-proof, with residential security system design.

Charge standard: 300,000/month

Three-level security standard: 30-person combat team, taking orders for public place security.

Charge standard: 30/time

There's a reason why it's so expensive, including the fact that it costs a lot of money to certify a gun in the states alone.

In addition, this is a 24-hour service, and overtime is also charged.

In the end, in case of real danger, it is a life-threatening job.

Life is priceless!

So, you have to pay more!

In order to deal with this security business, Sean also specially designed a portable bulletproof equipment.

Of course, it was also what Sean came up with to protect himself after he was shot last time.

On weekdays, it is folded, with a block of 30 meters in length and width on the back.

The bulletproof insert is installed with Kevlar material, and after opening it, it is like a sheet that is one meter wide and two meters long.

Even if the attacker is carrying an anti-material sniper rifle, it can be safely folded into two layers.

Ordinary security level, level 1 is enough, even if it is Sean, it is the level 2 protection standard when he goes out on weekdays.

As for the third level, it is usually not used at all, it is equivalent to the last time Sean was interviewed in public, so it is a second order.

Sean asked X Security to focus on the three-level security business, and most of those employers really need it.

Long-term security is inconvenient for many rich people, and there are too many secrets to hide.

Here Bill is sent away, in two days,

Jeff called. It wasn't very peaceful over Cartagena, and Sean hurried over.


"What's the matter, let's talk." Sean flew over from Miami in a helicopter.

Exactly, he plans to keep a Black Hawk in Cartagena in the future.

After this assassination incident, Sean paid more attention to his own safety.

"Recently, we found that some people were pouring poison in the vicinity." Jeff explained the matter in detail.

The gang here was completely slaughtered by Sean, and it was considered abolished. After Jeff accepted it, he divided the districts and streets for decentralized management according to the road in New Jersey, but the names were all changed to 'Street Committee'.

In this way, there are street committees underground, law enforcement and security, and government protection and cooperation above, Cartagena is completely in control.

With such a high degree of control, Cartagena can't hide from Jeff.

Whether it's a local guerrilla drug criminal, or from the United States, or from other countries, the more bad guys are, the more careful they are.

Even with Gustavo's help, there are still very few people willing to trade here. After all, it costs 10% more, which is a lot of money.

Of course, money is one aspect, and it is more that everyone feels that the transaction details are exposed in front of X Security Company, which is very unsafe!

No one is more safety conscious than criminals!

So, the vast majority of transactions are still private.

They did not dare to trade in Cartagena, so they ran to the suburbs and did it secretly.

On the other hand, there are a lot of people who come here to deliver goods, and the extra-long coastline allows them to trade anywhere, using small boats to transport goods directly to large ships outside.

The business in the trading area was slow to come, and Jeff, as the person in charge of Cartagena, has been very irritable.

X's security expenses, gang running expenses, government expenses, these days, even if you are a gang, it's all money!

Jeff is of course anxious if he can't get results.

"What do you think?" Sean looked at Jeff and asked. He couldn't worry about everything, and the people under him had to have their own ideas.

"I want to come again!" Jeff grinned, his mouth full of white teeth, and he was murderous. "However, those drug lords are all sent by the guerrillas to do the transaction. Once they do it, it is equivalent to confronting them head-on."

"In addition, these people in my hands can't do it. If X Security Company is dispatched here, I have no right to mobilize here. Hehe, the boss of the return is your decision."

"One more vote!?" Sean raised his brows. Damn, this kid is quite ruthless.

I really didn't pay attention to these guerrillas!

Americans are really arrogant in South America, and they don't look down on people here.

After a little thought, Sean nodded and said, "Then do it, don't they think it's not safe to trade in the trading area, then let them know that it's even more unsafe to trade outside!"

"Don't trust me Sean, what the hell!" Sean scolded coldly, "A bunch of **** drug dealers, shameless!"

Reputation is not something that can be built up in a short time.

Especially for these bastards, the precautionary psychology is too strong.

"Then I'll prepare tomorrow and give them a good vote!" Jeff touched his bald head excitedly.

"Fuck it!" Sean snorted.

"Ah, it's not the boss, what are you talking about?" Jeff looked confused.

"We call it cooperating with the police in the anti-drug operation!" Sean snorted and said, "Do you understand, we are in a cooperating position, and the police are in the lead!"

"Uh... how about the seized money?" Jeff asked sullenly after thinking about it.

"The police's poison, the original amount will be returned, and the drug criminal's cash will be divided into three or seven."

"Then, we are not at a loss, those goods are all good things!" Jeff said rather reluctantly.

"What's the loss, just dump the package before it is publicly burned." Sean tapped on the table lightly, "You have to understand that you have to be measured, we are foreigners, this kind of thing must be official, the benefits can be taken, But the reputation has to be given!"

Jeff just nodded.

In the evening, Police Chief Rusk Xavier heard that Sean was coming, and immediately ran over.

Sean hosted a banquet for Rusk Xavier, and during the meal, he mentioned 'narcotics'.

The police station never dared to provoke those guerrillas in the past, but now that Sean is here to support, Rusk Xavier's confidence is naturally enough.

He knew that when the police went, it was just waving the flag and shouting. It was just a one-person field. It was not dangerous, so he naturally agreed.

After negotiating, the matter is settled like this, and the rest is up to Jeff's 'street committee' to keep an eye on them, ports, airports, and those suspicious.

The specific things are done by the following people. Sean stayed in the base, looking at the sea in the distance, and suddenly he thought that he should build a vacation villa here, and he will come to Colombia more often in the future.

However, considering safety issues, it is best to buy an island directly at sea.

It can't be said to be a frightened bird, anyway, Sean has not been a good person recently.

In other words, it wasn't that fast. Sean called Lamb and asked this guy to help him find it. It's just in Darien Bay, and it's not too far from the coastline. Anyway, it's a helicopter.

Two days later...

Jeff didn't come. He was in charge of Cartagena's underground forces. Thomson led the team, and he was in charge of X Security's Cartagena branch.

The division of labor is clear and does not interfere with each other. This is Sean's rule.

Thomson led the X security personnel to prepare to attack with the cooperation of the police... ahhh, it's the kind of person who is preparing to carry out an arrest operation, and people and stolen goods are captured.

East of Cartagena, on a sandy beach.

Cartagena has not much else, but there are many beaches. In comparison, the quality of this beach is not good, and almost no one can be seen at night.

Not far from here, about a kilometer or so, the Black Hawk was parked in an open space, next to Rusk Xavier with 30 police officers and two combat teams from X Security sitting and chatting in a low voice.

About 1 am, two pickup trucks without headlights drove towards the sea in the dark.

The car was parked, and eight men in green military uniforms jumped out of the car, one carrying a torch and walking towards the beach.

Not far from the beach, people from the intelligence team lay on the sand, with most of their bodies buried in the sand, with an infrared telescope in their hands, quietly staring here, "Report, the target has appeared."

"Continue to monitor." Thomson received the news here, and immediately came over and knocked on the door of the helicopter, "Head, the gang of drug criminals are here."

"Okay, get ready, you can feel it, and give me the news after the transaction starts." Sean rubbed his sleepy eyes, opened the hatch, and gave a command.

He was shot with a black gun a while ago, and although Santos was put in prison, he was also forced to turn the 'copycat' wine business into a regular one early.

Not angry at all.

With fire in my heart, I just came out to eliminate violence and An Liang vented out for Tianxingdao.

Thomson went to greet X Security's combat team and touched it first. Behind him, more than 30 policemen followed at a distance of more than 100 meters.

Over there, the drug lord's man held a flashlight at the sea and pressed the switch to give a signal. The signal was hit three times, and a red light on the sea flashed a few times to return the signal.

"Move the goods down."

The four went to the back of the pickup truck to unload two large wooden boxes, each 100 pounds, full of cocaine of extremely high purity.

At sea, the hum of the engine came, and a speedboat drove towards the shore,

The guerrillas were very vigilant, and four were prepared to trade in front, and the other four were scattered around the guard.

More than 100 meters away, a combat team sneaked into the sea, a combat team touched the back of the pickup truck, and they dared not move more than 80 meters away.

The person who came up from the sea was carrying a suitcase, and the two sides met and said a few words, and then began to check each other. Thomson saw this and tapped the walkie-talkie in his hand, "Head, let's start trading."

Hearing the voice from the walkie-talkie, Sean gestured to the driver next to him, and the driver immediately started the helicopter.

The sound of "Tud Tu Tu Tu" sounded from a kilometer away, the night sky was silent, and it came over at once.

"What's the sound!" The two parties who were trading exclaimed, and turned on the safety of their guns, facing each other while looking in the direction of the sound.

"It seems to be the sound of a helicopter!?" One person frowned and said in surprise after listening to it.

"not good!"

"Fire!" Thomson yelled, and the two combat teams opened fire immediately.

"da-da-da" "da-da-da" "da-da-da"

As soon as the gunshot rang, the two parties to the transaction immediately made a mess. The buyer rushed towards the beach with the money, but the drug lord couldn't move the goods quickly, and could only smear the place where the gunshot was fired.

"Da Da Da" did not wait for the buyer to get close to the sea, and a combat team concentrated fire on the speedboat floating on the sea.

Debris flew around, and the speedboat was not bulletproof. A round of concentrated fire directly destroyed the speedboat completely.

At this moment, the helicopter has come over, and bright searchlights are projected from overhead.

Looking at the helicopter in the sky, the drug criminals and the buyers were instantly chilled, it was over!

Sean didn't bother to shout at all, so he adjusted the hoisting cannon under the cockpit and pressed the firing button directly.

The machine gun sound of "dong dong dong dong" sounded...

The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, and the warriors of Ander are walking in all directions.

Drug criminals, we must suppress them at any time, not if we do not suppress them!

Five minutes later, only the stump and the broken arm were left on the ground, and there was no living hole.

The helicopter went straight to the sea after turning around in the sky, to see who was at sea to respond.

A large cargo ship, with a displacement of no less than 4,000 tons, if it weren't for the Hellfire, Sean would have wanted to hit it.

If you think about it, forget it. This is in Colombia. If there are no contraband on the ship, it will be hard to explain.

Besides, they are all leeks with good growth, so they know how to keep the roots, so that they can grow out and continue to harvest next time.

After making two laps in the air on the cargo ship, Sean ordered to go back.

Ten minutes later, the helicopter flew back and landed on the beach, the hatch opened, and Sean jumped out of the helicopter.

Standing on the beach, smelling the smell of blood and gunpowder, Sean felt a lot more relaxed, "Thomson, how are you?"

"It's not bad, there are 4 million in cash and 100 kilograms of goods." Thomson walked up with a happy face and rubbed his hands together.

"So little?" Sean was taken aback.


"100 kilograms, 100,000 grams of high-purity cocaine, how come it's only 4 million? Is that a lot?" Sean spread his hands.

"Head, that's not how the account is calculated." Thomson explained with a smile: "The price you know is the price sold to those drug addicts, not the price of the place of origin."

"This group of people will be shipped to the United States and sold to gangsters. The gangsters will then distribute it. At least two links are required. If there are more, it will take 3-4 links. Everyone has to make money."

"Oh, yes, there are middlemen who make the difference... tsk tsk, it can't be sold directly by the factory." Sean thought, and suddenly he laughed, making Thomson look inexplicable.

Before Thomson could ask, Rusk Xavier came over with two policemen.

When he got closer, Sean saw that Rusk Xavier was pale, covering his mouth with one hand, apparently just vomited.

"Stop, don't come close, I'm afraid you'll spit on me." Sean quickly stretched out his hand to embrace it, took a step back, and then asked with a smile: "What, first time seeing you?"

Rusk Xavier was speechless, just kept shaking his head.

I am a police chief. The ground is full of corpses, and it is unbearable to look at.

"It's okay, the first time, just get used to it slowly." Sean patted him on the shoulder, "I'll take the money first, and clean the poisonous scorpion and the corpse."

Rusk Xavier shuddered, thinking about the pulpy corpses that had been bombarded by the machine, and almost vomited.

The police in Cartagena have no other role if they don't use it to wash the land. 30% of the money can't be taken for nothing.

Just cleaning for a living.

Rusk Xavier nodded, covering his mouth.

Don't dare to speak, for fear of spitting it out.

He carried the large suitcase and threw it into the helicopter, Sean sat on it and left, and Thomson also took X security people back to rest.


It's up to Jeff to divide the spoils, so Sean doesn't have to worry about it.

Early the next morning, Rusk Xavier held a press conference, proudly announcing the results of yesterday's anti-drug campaign, "killed 12 drug lords and criminals, seized 100,000 grams of high-purity cocaine, and 120 in cash. Ten thousand U.S. dollars!"

Not at all the embarrassment of vomiting when I saw the body last night.

"Cartagena will step up its crackdown on drug crime, say, do it!"

"We're going to work hard to build a new Cartagena!"

With the government's endorsement, this matter has nothing to do with X Security. The guerrillas are looking for trouble from the government, although everyone knows that the main force must be X Security.

After all, with the few guns of the police, those potbellied guys are not capable of annihilating all drug criminals in one fell swoop.

After not staying in Cartagena, and getting a taste of Colombia, Sean flew back to Trenton the next day.

The prison has invested 180 million yuan, which is his largest investment project so far, and he must keep an eye on it.

Originally, I wanted to start TV stations first, but TV stations, or the entire media industry, have very low rates of return in this era. Compared to this, the speed of prisons is much faster.

After all, there is no need to worry about the source of tourists. I am a big America, and I lack everything, that is, there is no shortage of prisoners!


The design drawings of Cape May Island have come out. They are all prototypes. The design is not difficult. Edward and the engineering team have already begun to demolish the existing buildings.

In order to promote the biggest investment project, Sean decided to take the initiative to give an interview.

"The Punishment Company will introduce more industries and increase labor intensity. Is this true?" the reporter asked below.

"Labor is the most honorable thing!" Sean emphasized first, then continued: "According to statistics, most prisoners embark on the road of crime mostly because they are unwilling to exchange labor for money, always thinking about Taking shortcuts will eventually lead to illegal and criminal things, which is not good and should not be!"

"The prison has indeed added some jobs. We will make prisoners feel happy from labor and feel the process of exchanging labor for money." Sean's face was full of sympathy.

"And we're also trying to equip prisoners with a skill so that when they get out of prison, they don't go back to crime because they can't find a job or make money."

"We sincerely hope that every prisoner can live a happy and safe life after being released from prison."

"Excuse me, Mr. Sean, is this so-called labor compulsory?"

"Of course not. We are voluntary. The United States is a country where everyone enjoys freedom and justice. We do not have any coercion."

"According to the information we have received, the standard of food in the prison has been greatly reduced. Some people suspect that you are abusing prisoners?"

"Who said that, let him stand up!" Sean's face darkened and he said loudly: "Anything without evidence is slander and slander, and we will take the law to protect our reputation!"

"For the health of the prisoners in the prison, the correctional company specially hired biology experts from Princeton University, and the nutritious meals prepared in combination with the actual conditions of the prison are at the level of athletes!"

"We advocate a healthy and green life with less oil, less salt and less sugar to better ensure the health of the body. Long-term consumption of foods with heavy oil, sugar and salt will lead to obesity, increase the burden on internal organs, and induce the heart and brain. Vascular disease."

"It's healthy, rigorous, it's tried-and-true, and it's backed by science!"

"Those false remarks are purely malicious and seriously hurt!"

At least, from a scientific point of view, it is indeed healthy.

"But, sir, that's not delicious!" Some reporters still know what the so-called nutritious meals are.

"You can't ignore your health because of your appetite. I don't allow them to abuse your body like this!" Sean looked serious, as if I was good for you.

"I, Sean, is a devout believer. The Lord told us that gluttony is one of the seven original sins. They are already criminals. We can't let them make mistakes again and again!"

The reporters in the audience looked at each other... The Lord is too busy!

"Cough, Mr. Sean, I heard that the correctional company has plans to build a new prison." This is a prepared question and it costs money.

"It's not building a new prison, it's rebuilding a prison!" Sean coughed lightly and waved his hand behind him. Immediately, someone lifted the curtain behind him, which was a three-dimensional propaganda picture made in advance.

"We're going to convert the prison on Cape May to a brand new, state-of-the-art, secure, hotel-style prison!"

Townhouses, swimming pools, basketball courts, bars, tennis courts, artistic gardens, spacious, bright and modern rooms...

Why do you call this a prison?

This is a proper five-star hotel!

This is where prisoners should be! ?

When this picture came out, there was an uproar!

"I think this prison is much better than my home. I really want to live in it."

"Is this where criminals live? Criminals deserve to live in such a place?"

"Okay, arrest me, I'm going to live in this **** prison!"

The interview is over here. Sean just wants to let everyone know that there is such a prison. As for how much money it needs, that is another question.


"Master Huang is preparing for a big operation." Yu Rui came from New York. During this time, under his "guidance", Master Huang had several conflicts with two Italian gangs and a South American gang.

Due to the well-preparedness, Xiaoxiao took some advantage.

However, this does not reverse the disadvantaged form of the F Qing Gang.

Therefore, Mr. Huang plans to concentrate his manpower to fight the South American gang first.

"It's too slow." Sean shook his head with dissatisfaction.

"That's the normal situation." Yuri smiled and took out a cigarette and lit it, "It's a special case that you exterminate Salamanga and Dimio, it's too fast, normal gang fights come little by little. ."

"Would you like to help old man Huang?" Sean was still thinking about the land in Manhattan.

There was chirping over there, and he was anxious.

"Help? What do you want to do?" Yuri asked aloud.

"In this way, you can find a suitable time and quietly pass the news that old man Huang is going to help South America to the Italians." Sean thought for a while and said in a low voice.

"That old yellow head will definitely not be able to hold it!"

"It's better if we can't hold it. If we can't hold on to our favor, we will have it." Sean smiled and said, "We saved people and helped them kill the Italian gang. He has to thank us."

Yuri smiled suddenly, "Aren't we going to reveal the secret as soon as we make a move?"

"No, put on a hood, who can see it clearly in pitch black, and besides, my Chinese is more authentic than old man Huang, and whoever can hear it when I shout."

"Ha, yes."

Yuri made a plan to play all night, and went back to prepare the next day.

Two days later, at night, F Qing's people were ready, and the dozens of people were divided into two teams. One team went to the bar where the South American gang concentrated, and the other team ran to the stronghold of the South American gang.

Yu Rui quietly released the news, and Sean also drove over ahead of time with someone to wait.


"Fuck them!"

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

In the end, they are discriminated against, and it is not easy to use any big firepower. They are all small pistols.

As a party to the raid, F Qing's people killed many people from the South American Gang as soon as they came up.

There was chaos in the bar, with guests rushing towards the door.

At the stronghold, the South American gang who reacted began to fight back frantically. They were all beaten to the door, and they directly picked up their machine guns and started fighting back.

"Da da da"

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The fight between the two sides was very lively. In the commercial car parked on the street not far away, Sean and the others watched the exchange of fire there with interest and commented.

"Using RPG, it will be solved as soon as it is sent!"

"That's right, it really doesn't work with grenades!"

"A few will solve the battle!"

"It's too soft, it's all soft eggs. When will this little pistol hit?"


A few blocks away, the NYPD received a call during an exchange of fire.

"Let them alone." The director ordered directly.

During this time, several gangs often exchanged fire at night, and they had already greeted each other.

Every time the fight is almost over, the police will go over to clean up the mess.

After all, they are all partners, and they are all dear friends and relatives who took the money.

It's not good to help anyone, it's embarrassing to go early.

Let's wait until the winner.

As for what the newspapers said the next day.

Who cares.

There aren't a few shootings that day, so it's not worth the fuss.


"Go now!?" On another street, the Italian gang sat in three cars.

"No, wait for them to fight, let's clean up the mess in the end, whether it's those yellow monkeys or those Mexicans, it's better to die."

"Hahahaha." Several people in the car laughed out loud.

The expansion of the Chinese side in the past few years has made them very uncomfortable. Originally, the Jews left and the Italians wanted to occupy the business here. As a result, the Chinese came back again.

These people are the most hated Chinese!

Others occupy the territory, and they may still do business in the past, but if the Chinese occupy it, there is no hope at all.

Even if it is a piece of waste paper on the ground, the Chinese will not let them pick it up.

Eating alone is the most annoying.

After more than ten minutes, Sean was still interested in watching it at first, but this exchange of fire was too childish, and he soon lost interest.

"What the **** are the Italians doing?" Sean couldn't help cursing.

Did you come by bike?

When Sean was irritable and thought that the Italians were these guys finally came.


Yesterday I suddenly heard that there was a reward from Dameng, so I opened the backstage to watch it, and I was very relieved!

This is the only four readers who have written the book so far, Yang finds a corner!

I heard that 'Yang finds a corner' is a handsome man with high moral character, I watched it in the crowd, this man's handsome is not equal to me!

In addition, the three handsome men, Young Master Kai, some memories of the past, and the Imperial Marine Corps, can be collectively referred to as the "Big Four Flames"!

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