America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 201: : Home to collect debts!

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: [New] https://The fastest update! No ads!

(There are two more chapters to add later, when I finish it, and I have no time to check for typos, sorry, do me a favor)

"No, I know about the gym, transportation, environmental protection, and the film company I owe $30 million?" Sean pointed to the numbers above and said.

"You took out the box-office proceeds from the top plays for 'Instinct' and 'Die Hard'," explains Monroe Deve.

"I haven't received the account yet!?" Sean stared at the boss.

"No, the investment cycle for movies is very long."

"Fuck, okay, okay, what's going on with this Greg Chemical, I invested more than 40 million in cash, how come I still owe more than 45 million?"

"Greg Chemical has been in debt since the last major blow. As one of the major shareholders, of course you are in debt." Monroe Deve spread his hands.

Sean slapped his forehead with a slap, "The annual interest is more than 20 million, Fake, are all banks like vampires!?"

Monroe Deve's face darkened!

"Boss, 224 million of your more than 400 million dollars in arrears comes from our bank!" Monroe Deve whispered.

"Oh, hahahaha." Sean was just dazed by the fact that he owed more than 400 million yuan and forgot about it. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

"Since it's my bank's money, what am I afraid of?" Sean didn't understand.

"Running is the simplest method. The bank's assets are only about 55 million. In fact, any bank is operating in debt. There is no bank in the account I just showed you. If you count the bank, your current arrears will be A billion dollars!!" Monroe Deve explained with a deadpan expression.

Hiss, Sean sucked in a breath.

"In addition, I have to explain to you that banks are very resistant to the economic crisis." Monroe Diff explained that Sean knew almost nothing about the banking industry, and explained after a little consideration: "The post-war It has just been three years since the seventh economic crisis. In the past four years, President Reagan has used measures such as tax cuts, regulations, expenditures, and inflation control to gradually bring the U.S. economy out of stagflation. However, according to past experience, after two years , starting in 1988, the economy will begin to decline, and the next economic crisis may break out around 1990."

"Economic crisis!" Sean stood up abruptly and looked at Monroe Deve in astonishment, "It's impossible, you, you can predict the economic crisis!?"

Even if you kill Sean, you won't believe this. If the economic crisis can be predicted, will it still happen?

Will those superstolas still sink in the economic crisis?


"It's not a forecast, sir." Monroe Deve stretched out his hands to calm Sean. "Everything will go through peaks and valleys, and the economy will go from booming to slow and weak. These are only from the annual economic report. It can be seen from the data that the economy is slowing down, products are unsalable, and the employment rate is rising. These things do not happen suddenly, they all appear little by little. The data shows it very clearly, and it is no secret."

"Then why not stop it? Why are so many large companies suffering heavy losses or going bankrupt?" Sean couldn't understand at all.

"Uh..." Monroe Deve sighed in his heart. He felt that it was difficult to explain. After all, the boss never even went to college.

Those nouns, his Sean's IQ is difficult to understand.

Sean: ? ? ?

"To put it simply, these things can be seen, but they cannot be stopped, just like... Sean Transportation Company, but when the economy starts to slow down and the products start to lose sales, the company's transportation capacity will inevitably be idle, but what should I do at this time? Are those trucks for sale?"

"This sounds like no problem, but because the economy is in a downturn, our monopoly companies have idle capacity. Is there still a shortage of people? This is impossible, so these old cars can only be changed where they are left behind. It's a loss, a huge loss, including layoffs, which must be compensated for."

"And the economic downturn will eventually pass, and the company will have to buy new vehicles again and add employees again, which is another huge investment."

"We can't give up the market now just because the economy will go into a downturn because of the advance."


Food waste due to choking!

Sean suddenly realized, "This thing really cannot be done. Not only can it not be done, but during the economic crisis, we should grit our teeth to expand the market. Of course, the killing will be more tragic."

Monroe Deve looked at Sean with a look of surprise, as if you could understand it and draw inferences from it.

Sean's face darkened on the spot, "What the **** are you looking at!"

"Ah, ha, ha ha." Monroe Deve scratched his head embarrassedly, "I'm glad, really, boss, you know, as a professional manager, we're afraid to talk to our boss about something."

"What nonsense, why do you predict a recession in 2 years?" Sean asked with a cold face.

"There is a set of data, there were several economic recessions and crises after World War II, the time was 1948-1949, 1953-1954, 1957-1958 This is the world's first economic crisis, 1960-1961, 1969-1970, 1973 -In 1975, it was the second economic crisis in the world, and in 1980-1982, it was the third economic crisis in the world." Monroe Diff exemplified.

"Even the longest one is only 8 years apart. After President Reagan was re-elected, the economy has experienced a significant decline in development. This year's fiscal deficit has increased to a certain extent. According to the current reduction rate, 1 to After 2 years it will start to slide fast.”

"We have to start preparing now, boss, Americans have never had the habit of saving. Now the economy is in good shape, and our deposits are relatively high, but with the economic downturn, our deposits will also fall."

"Then what's the bottom line to ensure the safety of funds?" Sean felt troubled after hearing this. He has been struggling for the past two years. In a trance, he made a lot of money, but he owed more.

"The amount you owe is best guaranteed to be within 150 million, not more than 50% of your assets. This is a safety line. If you are making a difference in the economic crisis, it is best to lower it and prepare more cash." Rod Deve reached out and gestured.

"That is to pay off the debts from the outside bank first, right? I'm thinking about it." Sean muttered softly.

"No, now, you misunderstood." Monroe Deve hurriedly waved his hand.

Sean frowned and looked over.

"The best thing is to repay our own money, other banks' money, there's nothing wrong with owed it." A smile appeared on the corner of Monroe Deve's mouth.

Seeing this smile, Sean slowly leaned back on the sofa and intuitively told him that this guy was calculating something 'interesting'.

"Tell me what you think." Sean narrowed his eyes, listening to the guy's thoughts.

"Occupy other bank funds, so that they can use less cash in the economic crisis, and let our bank have ample funds, which is convenient for early deployment in the economic crisis, acquisition or acquisition of some companies or shares with benign assets." Monroe Deve said with a smile.

"Isn't it, it would be better if the other bank could go bankrupt and be acquired by us." Sean grinned slowly, "I really like your statement."

"It seems that the economic crisis is not necessarily a bad thing."

"The economic crisis is not a bad thing for companies with healthy assets and abundant capital, but it is a big crisis for companies with poor management or high debt ratio." Monroe Deve nodded in approval, "Well, an international consortium with a certain size of the company is not easy to deal with. It is too big. Even if it is evaded in advance, it is always inevitable to be hit by shells."

Sean nodded, the boat is small and easy to turn around, but it is also easy to be beaten to death by the storm.

"Okay, I see, I won't mess around with any new industries recently." Sean nodded.

Seeing this, Monroe Deve breathed a sigh of relief, and the corner of Sean's mouth twitched slightly.

However, he also knew that he was indeed not a business wizard, and what he wanted to do was almost improvised, including the sudden acquisition of a prison this time.

180 million was thrown out without even thinking about it. The whole thing was to withdraw funds from the bank, which made the bank very passive. At the beginning, Monroe Deve was very opposed to his impulsiveness.

In fact, I was also impulsive when I invested in Greg. I just thought that the daily chemical industry would become a Fortune 500 company in the future, so I made an impulsive investment in it. tired.

Of course, it can't be said that there is no benefit. In order to find a way for Greg, he raised the idea of ​​​​the Cartagena Industrial Zone, and eventually the higher the bigger...

Sean knew that they had analyzed their industry in private, and the one who praised them was the fitness group. Although the others were very wealthy, they were maintained by underground forces and force, not a normal business method.

These high-IQ talents are a bit arrogant and don't take those abnormal companies in their eyes.

However, he doesn't care.

Aiji said how to say it, but things have to be done for Lao Tzu.

Dare to give Lao Tzu half-hearted tricks, and there are ways to make them disappear!

The founders have no good people, and they are usually played by their subordinates. In the end, the company is hollowed out by the second and third generations.

Monroe Deve left, Sean thought for a while, what are the places that need money recently?

The construction of the hotel prison, the money has basically been in place.

On the Peace Hotel side, the decoration is coming to an end, and it's almost finished.

Others, environmental protection, construction, building materials, and banks do not need to invest any more.

On the film company's side, the two films are just about to be released.

Doing the math like this, I don't have much to invest in now, and I can use all my money to plug the hole! !

Sean was in a better mood.

Yes, go to Hollywood, damn, Harvey, the dead fat pig, doesn't pay his own bills, does he want to die! ?

Harvey, who was far away in Hollywood, shuddered inexplicably, and then sprayed out, and his whole body fell softly on the woman.

woman:? ? ?

That's it?

No, have you come in yet? !


Two days later, Hollywood...

"Honey, I miss you!" Just after entering his Hollywood villa, Sharon Stone, who was wearing a snakeskin print tights, twisted around like a snake.


"Evil, I can see at a glance that you are not human, eat the old man with a stick!"

Sharon Stone wriggled, lower and lower...




Harvey has been paying attention to his own safety since he was 'kidnapped' by Bill last time, and vowed to take bodyguards wherever he goes.

The bodyguard drove out of the underground parking lot, and Harvey was sitting in the back row, holding a beautiful woman in his arms.

Harvey likes to show his status in the presence of others.

The bodyguard driving the car glanced at the rear-view mirror from time to time, and Harvey knew that he liked to let others watch the female stars who were high in front of the audience and compromised by his side.

The more people watched, the more people, the more Harvey liked and excited.

Holding the female star (·ren·) beside him hard, the little star was obviously disgusted and disgusted, but he had to squeeze out a smile and pretend to be enjoying himself.

What is acting?.JPG

life is...

Harvey's oily face distorted even more.

All of a sudden, the bodyguard made a sudden effort, and a car next to him suddenly accelerated and rushed up, and it was about to hit him.

The bodyguard slammed on the brakes subconsciously, and the car suddenly stopped in place. Harvey, who was enjoying it, was completely unprepared, and slammed into the front seat with a 'bang'.

"Fake, Fake, **** it, what the **** are you doing!" Harvey rubbed his head and sat up straight while cursing. He looked up and saw a car parked in front of the car.

If it wasn't for the sudden braking just now, it must have hit it this time.

"Damn it, I..." Harvey's scolding stopped abruptly as soon as he spit it out, his brows slowly wrinkled, he raised his sticky left hand and slowly stroked his hair, why did the picture in front of him feel unusually familiar?

It seems like it has happened before! !

Just thinking about it, the bodyguard who was almost hit pushed the door angrily and got out of the car.

Seeing this action of the bodyguard, Harvey woke up suddenly, and suddenly thought of some bad memories, "Don't, don't get out of the car!"

The bodyguard standing outside the car was just about to trouble the driver of the car in front, when he suddenly heard Harvey's voice to stop him, some inexplicably turned his head and looked back, what happened to the boss today?

When did your temper get better!

Harvey didn't look at the bodyguard at all. He kept his eyes fixed on the car in front of him, when he saw the door open and an impressive bald man walked down, "Oh, **** it!"

"Boss, what's the matter?" the bodyguard asked after putting down his body and probing in.

"Oh, my?god!" Harvey raised his hand to cover his face.

The bald head grabbed the bodyguard's head behind him and slammed into the car with a loud "bang!"

The bodyguard rolled his eyes, his body softened, and he lay directly on the ground.

The sudden scene made the little female star in the car scream.

"Hey, Harvey, let's meet again." The bald head leaned on the door of the car and said with a smile: "Are you happy to see me!"

"Fake, Fake, Fake!" Harvey cursed loudly.

I don't know if he was cursing the bodyguard for being an idiot, or cursing the bald head who gave him nightmares, or Sean behind him.

"Ha, it seems that you are very excited." The bald head laughed when he saw this, and opened the rear door, "Let's go."

"Why can't you talk about it if you have something?"

"Come on, hurry up, the boss hates waiting for others the most." The bald head didn't care about Harvey's mood, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed Harvey's arm and pulled it out.

"Ah, it hurts, don't pull me, don't pull me, I'll get out of the car myself!" Harvey felt the pain in his arm and could only step out of the car.

Although he didn't want to see the boss in the bald mouth at all.

However, he really did not dare to refuse.

Since the last time, although Harvey hated Sean, he always pays attention to Sean's news.

For example, what happened in Atlanta after that, the armored car drove into the city, Gatling, RPG, and directly slaughtered a Mafia family.

For example, in what happened in Cartagena, he deliberately collected information, armed helicopters and armored vehicles, massacred hundreds of people, and burned all the bodies.

This **** is the devil!

He always hoped that God would burn Sean to death, until the day he heard that Sean was shot and died in hospital, he was excited to find five female stars to serve him.

As a result, news came out within two days that Sean didn't die, and came out alive again.

On that day, he angrily smashed the living room into pieces.

Now, this guy is here again!

Harvey wanted to scold but didn't dare to scold, so he said to the woman in the car with an ugly face: "Call the police, understand!"

"Ah, oh oh." The little star stared blankly at Harvey, and then at the bald head standing behind Harvey with a smile.

The bald head didn't stop it, and the little stars looked stupid.

"He, who is he!" The little star asked aloud.

"Fake, don't ask so many questions, call the police, then go back and wait, understand!" Harvey said after a sentence, turned around and got into the car with the bald head.

All that was left was the little star who was sitting in the car in a messy clothes.

Harvey asked the police to just ask for insurance to prove that he was taken away, but he dared not tell the police that Sean took him away.

It's going to be a big deal!

Watching the car in front take Harvey away, the little star was very confused for a while.

This is Harvey!

Is this Harvey?

One moment ago, Harvey, who was all-powerful in Hollywood, was taken away in embarrassment the next moment.

It's Hollywood!

There was a moan, and the bodyguard who fell softly to the ground woke up from the coma, staring blankly at the sky, what happened to me?

The brain is blank.

After a while, he sat up suddenly, "Boss, boss, Mr. Harvey."

"Your boss has been taken away!" The little star looked down from the car and looked down at the bodyguard sitting on the ground. The bodyguard looked very funny.

"What, take it away!"

"Harvey asked you to call the police. He should know the person who took him away, but he didn't say anything, he just told you to wait." Putting the bag on, the little star sorted out the wrinkled clothes. "Okay, that's it, leave it to you."

After all, turn around and leave.

What happened just now had a huge impact on her.

She's going back to wash up...


This time, Harvey was not taken to the hotel but went all the way to Santa Monica Beach, more than 20 kilometers away.

At this time, Santa Monica Beach was not as prosperous as it was after 2009. It was relatively quiet. Of course, the house price was not too high. Sean rented a villa here and planned to play for a few days.

Time is devoted to work, so what's the point of living?

"Fat man, come, come here." Sean was taking Sharon Stone for a barbecue by the sea.

Of course, instead of baking it by himself, Sean was not in that mood, so he brought the chef here.

Harvey raised his hand and rubbed his face, his expression immediately changed from annoyed to pleasing, bent over, and trotted over, "Mr. Sean."

Huh, Sean looked at Harvey up and down, this attitude is much better than last time.

It seems that the persuasion work arranged by Bill later was very good, and Sean expressed his satisfaction.

Sure enough, small trees can't flow without repairing, and people don't repair Gen Tweet!

"Come on, Fatty, sit down, I don't like looking up at others." Sean squeezed his hand.

"Thank you Mr Sean."

Harvey hurriedly sat on the beach, next to Sharon Stone, who seemed to know Harvey for the first time, nodded with a smile, but was very excited.

No one knows how good Harvey is in Hollywood better than Sharon Stone, but now look at the way this all-powerful guy is sullen next to his man.

Ha, that's funny.

Harvey naturally saw Sharon Stone and grinned into a broad smile.

No way, Harvey is really scared.

He is not afraid of the top ten companies in Hollywood. The top ten companies are all serious businessmen. Unless they have to, they will not use any drastic means.

They are all professional managers, and there are people around them watching, and there are other rival companies outside, using illegal means, and maybe they will be sent in.

Sacrifice yourself for the development of the company?

Fearless! ?

Without a 30-year senior history of cerebral thrombosis, I can't do this.

Everyone is within the scope of commercial means, and Harvey is nothing to be afraid of.

He wasn't afraid of those drug criminals. Those people demanded money from him. As long as they didn't do anything excessive, those drug criminals wouldn't provoke him, a famous public figure.

Harvey was afraid that Sean, who started in black, would end up taking all black and white and being lawless.

All of these people who can lay a foundation for themselves are the only masters who are self-respecting and do not need to be responsible to anyone. They dare to do anything when their temper comes up.

It really killed him Harvey. Although Sean was in trouble, it wasn't too big, and it was definitely within the acceptable range.

But, he Harvey can't bear it!

So, Shawn humiliated him, and he also cheerfully said it was a sign of intimacy.

"Mr. Sean, what are your instructions for coming to me?" Harvey asked, bowing.

Sean took the big roasted and oily waist that Sharon Stone handed over, with a little bloodshot, and slapped it down...

So fragrant!

(If you eat a big waist, you won't be able to shave off the tendons, it will have no taste after shaving)

"Come on a bunch!" Sean took another bunch and handed them over.

Harvey held it in his hand, looking at what was clearly an organ in his hand, the fat on his face was tangled up.

Looking at Sean, who was enjoying his food, he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and ate it in one bite.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect or if I really can't eat it, Harvey almost spit it out.

I swallowed with my eyes closed, only to feel my stomach start to churn.

"Do you know what to eat?" Sean looked at Harvey with a smile.

Harvey shook his head.

"This is a pig's kidney. It's a fat pig's kidney." Sean pointed to Harvey's kidney with a smile.

Harvey's face was ugly. He knew that many people called him fat pig in private.

"Fatty, it's been half a year, has my box office share been blown away by the wind?" Sean took another bunch of big waists and slapped them down.

"No, the settlement hasn't been completed yet, really!" Harvey opened his hand and said loudly: "The theater chain is relatively scattered. In addition, the theater chain only pays the bills on a regular basis. I really don't blame me."

"Blame me?"

"No, no, no, how is that possible."

"Then let them settle the bill as soon as possible." Sean smiled and reached out to wipe the oil on Harvey's clothes.

"Don't feel wronged. You didn't do anything the fuck. You can get at least 20 million at the global box office this time. Can't 20 million make you work hard?"

"Yes, of course I can, I definitely will."

"You'd better be like this." Sean snorted, ""Instinct" is about to be released, and the work of this release is also handed over to you, like that."

Sharon Stone's ears perked up at the mention of Sean.

"Ah, this..." Harvey hesitated for a while, he really didn't want to contact Sean, he didn't want to earn money.

"This fart, I personally edited this film, the quality is very high, I think it is expected to hit the Oscars."

Harvey's face twitched, you, just be happy.

As soon as he heard it was Sean's cut, he didn't even want to release it.

"The scale of this release must be larger than the last time. You can take the sample back and see. I don't care what method you use, and arrange the schedule for me as soon as possible. I only see the result." Sean didn't refuse him at all. room.

"Sharing model, I will give you 10% of the North American box office this time, I will pay 20% of the overseas box office, and I will bear the advertising fee myself."

"In terms of publicity, I don't have a good way this time. You can do it. Remember, no one can squander my money."

"I think the money I paid is enough for you to work hard."

"Don't let me take out your waist." Sean poked Harvey's waist with a drill.

"Go, the samples are in the car."

Harvey stood up with an ugly smile on his face, "I see, Mr. Sean."

Sean waved his hand and ignored him.

The moment Harvey turned around, his face became ugly, and he kept cursing in his heart, wishing he could punch Sean to death.

Fucking bullying myself again, always bullying myself!

I Harvey shameless!

Of course, he is just YY, there are not sure how many people around here to protect Sean, he just punched out his fist, and his head might explode.

In the last assassination incident, so many people died, and they were afraid to think about it.

I don't **** do it for you,

yes, impossible...

Seeing Harvey's fat figure disappear, Sharon Stone dared to speak.

Leaning on Sean, he handed over the enoki mushrooms that had been tested, "Will he make trouble if you treat him like this?"

This is Sharon Stone's first heroine play, and he's a big heroine, and he's worried.

"Last time he was almost killed by the bald Lear, and everyone was scared to pee." Sean said with a smile: "Then you think I treat him well, be kind and polite, and he will read me, okay? "

"Ah this..." No one really knows about Harvey being scared to pee, Sharon Stone is stupid.

So, what exactly did Lille do?

"So, no matter what I do to him, he will hate me, but it doesn't matter, what kind of thing is he, don't even think about turning over in this life." Sean sneered disdainfully.

It's just a **** movie guy, he's capable, but he's not much more, and he's less than a lot.

The so-called influence, that is, in the circle, is not in the eyes of Sean at all.

"Besides, the fat pig in the upper drama has more than 20 million from the box office. Damn, he is the first to transfer so much money from me!" In two plays, he will earn more."

"I get angry when I think about my father!"

"Tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars, do you know how many lives it can buy!"

"Instinct" and "Die Hard" are both very high box office, this guy might take hundreds of millions of dollars from himself after three plays!

Billions of dollars!

Damn, how much is your worth!

If Sean's attitude is good, he'll be damned!

He wants to throw this dead fat pig to the blending oil factory and squeeze it!

Blame the **** Norris for not being able to figure out his distribution channel!

Norris: ? ? ?

The release of "Instinct" was still left to Norris to be responsible for contacting Harvey, and Sean rested here for a few days.

It is said to be rest, in fact, it is also very hard and laborious.

Sharon Stone, this little goblin, always seduces herself in different ways, causing herself to lose hundreds of millions of elite soldiers every day.

Although he is in good health, Sean still needs to make up for it.

A few days later, Sean had to come out of Santa Monica, and news came from the "Die Hard" crew that the most critical explosion scene was about to start filming.

Sean came here this time to pay attention to the scene. After all, this scene cost Sean a full $500, which is outrageous.

He has to see how he spends his $5 million!

The shooting time was at night, and Sean came to the scene alone.

Compared with the helicopter used in the original version of the previous life, this time Sean drove his black eagle to use it as an FBI plane for the filming of "Die Hard".

The first scene was shot on the roof. The FBI found in the air that John was shooting into the sky to intimidate the hostages. He mistakenly thought that John was a terrorist and shot him directly.

Bruce, covered in oil, sweat and blood, escaped the strafing in the air, turned on the firefighting equipment on the roof, pulled out the hose and tied it to his body, ready to jump off the building.

This scene was shot in the air, and five helicopters were used for all-round shooting.

Sean has already made up his mind, whoever has a problem and makes himself spend millions more, Sean will help him to the top of the building and blow it up together!

The original meaning was that this scene was shot with a long-range lens, and the one who jumped was a dummy.

However, the filming of this life is because Sean hired a Hong Kong filming team, and the director John meant to go directly to the real person!

Capture this thrilling scene!

Absolutely shocked by then!

Of course If the stand-in is an American, it is absolutely impossible for the Hollywood Actors Guild, Sean will be accused of bankruptcy.

But, isn't this a Hong Konger!

At first, the insurance company and lawyers refused, but John insisted on finding Yuan Jiaban to ask their opinions.

Just kidding, jumping off the building, really jumping, very dangerous!

And then there's an explosion...

Gotta pay more!

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