America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 218: : Are you reasoning with me?

A group of Fidelity executives looked at each other, and Sean referred to David Rockefeller by his first name several times.

In the end, I just called the old guy directly.

It can be seen that this arrogant guy has no regard for David, the helm of the Rockefeller family.

Yes, Sean said that on purpose.

Anyway, he will never admit it if he leaves this door.

It's all slander, the revenge and provocation of the opponent Chi Guoguo.

I, Sean Rockefeller, is a good young man of capitalism who knows how to respect the old and love the young!

"If you are not satisfied, you can not buy it. We didn't force you. This is not the reason why you came to Fidelity to use violence!" The president of Fidelity softened a lot, but still wanted to maintain Fidelity's face.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Sean waved his hand impatiently. "Those companies, those patents, are all named Rockefeller. You are just a group of managers, and you really treat yourself as your own **** master!"

"This is an irrevocable entrustment, and it cannot be changed when the entrustment is reached. Only the beneficiaries who are over 30 years old ask for revocation when they are sober and not threatened or deceived. Otherwise, they are the managers of these assets. It's the law..."

Yes, it is almost impossible for even the beneficiary to revoke the commission, although the law allows it, but how can you prove that you are sober and not under duress?

I am here to protect your interests and for your own good!

The woman of Elvis has always been something that will not belong to her because she cannot prove that she is mentally normal and has a history of drug use.

And how many people in the United States have no history of drug addiction, and the presidents all fly over the leaves.

This is also the reason why David Rockefeller has been unable to do anything about the trust company.


When Fidelity's legal consultant and barrister spewed spittle, Sean lightly poked the bald Lear beside him.

Lil jumped up suddenly, with a grim face, propped up the table with one hand, pointed at the lawyer with gray hair and cursed loudly: "Fuck your law, you **** old man, **** Fake, Fake you. The whole family, all the women in the family!"

What the hell, what did Lille scold.

Crazy cursing!

Lear's sudden upheaval caused the entire conference room to fall into a strange silence.

Everyone in Fidelity stared blankly at this foul-mouthed guy with confusion written all over his face.

Where did this **** rude guy come from!

Why is he here!

Sol bowed his head and covered his face with his hands, for fear that he would laugh out loud.

Sean was stern, if he hadn't received professional training, he would never be able to hold back.

Accustomed to negotiating, accustomed to talking about rules and laws, lawyers who can show off their tongues were scolded for a while.

Lille cursed incessantly for three minutes before the other party reflected.

"Damn, you rude red neck, you, you, you dare to insult me, I'm going to sue you, I'm going to send you to jail!" The lawyer's hair was about to explode, he had never been so angry.

"Come on, come on!" Lear got even more excited, walked around the conference table, roared, and charged towards the old lawyer aggressively, like a furious lion.

At this moment, the old lawyer was so frightened that he opened his mouth wide, unable to utter a word.

Obviously, when face to face, mouth guns can never be beaten.

In the face of the irascible Lille, no one at the top of Fidelity dared to stand up and make a declaration of justice at this time.

You can't expect a bunch of multi-millionaires in their 50s to fight the stinky security guard Lille.

"You **** sue me now, come on, call the police, hurry up!" Lear grabbed the phone from the old lawyer and patted it on the conference table, "Hit, if you don't call the police, you are me grandson!"

"You, you, you..." The old lawyer was attacked by Lille's murderous aura, and calmed down on the spot.

Well, very calm.

Threats and insults, it's impossible for Lear to go to jail and get released on bail with a little money. This is only useful to some poor ghosts.

"I warn you, don't be so impulsive. You almost killed Mr. Phillips just now. I can sue you for deliberate obliteration. You will be sentenced to at least five years in prison." The rhetoric made the guy in front of him feel fearful.

Phillips: ? ? ?

What has it got to do with me! ?

When did I say I was going to sue him!

Don't you **** accuse people!

"Five years!" The first thing that came to Lear's mind was the hotel-style prison.

This is great!

"Come on, old guy!" Lear grabbed the old lawyer's neck and pulled him up from the seat with one arm, "Now, immediately, sue me right away!"

"5 years is not enough, at least 20 years!"

"Not only do I want to kill him, but I also want to kill you!"

"Cut off your head bit by bit, use a chainsaw, cut your whole family into sections!"

Being lifted up in the air by Lier, the old lawyer felt that he couldn't breathe, his face flushed, and he couldn't speak.

Lawyers who use the law as a weapon are useless when one is not afraid of the law.

He was just like now, being picked up in his hands and tossed to and fro.

Seeing that the old lawyer was rolled his eyes, Sean was still watching with his arms on the ground, as if he was not at all afraid that Lille would really kill the old lawyer.

Yes, Sean is really not afraid.

To die is to die.

There is no death penalty in New Jersey, and Lear is at best thrown into prison.

It is very embarrassing that the prison is opened by itself!

Since taking the prison, Sean's subordinates have been unusually active when they took the blame...

It used to be a lottery, and whoever was unlucky would go to jail, but now it's still raising money, and whoever is lucky goes to jail.

The treatment inside is better than the outside!

Not to mention freedom, for most people in the 1980s, most people have never been out of the urban area in their life.

Besides, Sean wouldn't really limit their freedom.

Even if something goes wrong, it's a problem with the prison management, and it has a cent relationship with Sean, a legitimate businessman?


"Sean, you, stop him, do you really want him to kill Phil!" The president of Fidelity saw that the old lawyer was kicking his legs, and without trying to test Sean's attitude, he stood up suddenly and shouted loudly .

"What does it have to do with me, I can't control him." Sean pouted and said indifferently.

"You!" The president of Fidelity was really anxious, "Sean, don't be like this, there is nothing we can't talk about, we don't mean to embarrass you, I swear."

"Are you sure? Can we talk?" Sean laughed.

"I'm sure!" said the president of Fidelity, raising his hand.

"Lear, are you **** crazy again? Hurry up and put the man down for me." Sean pointed at Lear as if he had just seen it, and scolded loudly, "Damn, how can you treat a kind person like this? old man!"

Hearing Sean's words, Lille let go of his hand, and the old lawyer who called Phil's old lawyer fell and smashed the seat.

Fidelity's people hurriedly rushed up, rubbed his chest, smoothed his breath, and Zhidao Phil coughed a few times, and then slowly eased over.

Phil just couldn't catch his breath. It only took more than 30 seconds before and after, and it was still too early for his life to be in danger.

Ten minutes after the straight, the slowed Fidelity side sat back at the negotiating table.

A group of old men looked at Lille angrily, and Lille bared his teeth in disapproval.

"Do you really want to kill someone? Do you know what will happen if you kill someone yourself?"

"Even if you escape the death penalty, you will still be imprisoned for life. You can only stay in that small iron cage for the rest of your life, and you will be tortured." The people at Fidelity tried to use "reasonableness" to Lille.

"Have you heard of hotel-style prisons?" Lear looked up and said yearningly, "I think the conditions there are much better than what I have now."

Hotel prison? ! !

A group of people turned to look at Sean, Sean showed a big smile, "I think you have heard relevant reports before, about... two weeks ago?"

"I, Sean Rockefeller, converted a hotel-style prison with my own beach, garden, gymnasium, and swimming pool. Simply put, it's a super-upscale community. As long as you don't leave the community, you can do whatever you want."

"You only need to pay a little fee." Sean reached out and made a gesture of counting money, "If you are punished by the law one day, you can come to me, and I will give you a 20% discount."

Fidelity people: "..."

Damn New Jersey!

Damn capitalist!

Damn the law!


"Cough, sorry for disturbing everyone." Sol coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention before saying: "I have to explain in advance that Mr. Lil Biedrins used to be a heroic hero. A fearless American soldier, he has done a lot on the battlefield and received medals."

"He did something for America, he bleed for America, and he fought for everyone in America!"

"After the war, Lille put down the gun in his hand and returned to a peaceful society." Said Sol, as if moved, and reached out and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes lightly.

However, Sean is very suspicious, this guy is holding back tears.

"Cough, sorry, I'm so touched!" Sol calmed down and continued: "But, something unfortunate happened."

"Due to his long-term experience of war, Lille developed a very serious 'post-war traumatic stress disorder' after the war, which is a mental illness that produces violent tendencies and hallucinations when strongly stimulated."

"This point, the military can prove it, and the three authoritative hospitals in New Jersey can also prove it."

"Oh, by the way, I brought the relevant inspection report today." Said, Sol took out a document with many chapters and put it on the table in the conference room.

The meeting room fell into an eerie silence.

Fidelity's group of high-level executives looked extremely uncomfortable as if they had eaten a lump of hot shit.

I can **** you!

Despicable, shameless, obscene, shameless...

All the foul language appeared in their minds, but no one scolded them out, just their faces were ashen.

Of course, they have no doubts about the authenticity of which medical examination report is on the table.

It's not difficult!

They can do it too.

Mental illness, a condition full of metaphysics.

Coincidentally, Lear really had a relatively serious "post-war traumatic syndrome", and this time Sean really didn't lie.

Lille went to prison for a fight shortly after he retired, and that's when the post-war traumatic syndrome was diagnosed.

At that time, X Security had not yet been established.

However, this will be fine after Lille enters the semi-military organization of X Security.

Well, I can usually vent, and occasionally I can kill someone to relax or something.

This is also the reason for choosing Lille to do this kind of thing. This guy is very murderous. If Sean didn't organize just now, he would really kill Phil.

Oh, this, Phil felt very clearly.

So, Phil didn't want to talk.

What I hate most is you who kill people at every turn, and have no technical content at all.

"By the way, Mr. Lear passed through a prison before, it was in Pennsylvania, and at that time, X security was not established."

"In view of this situation, my boss, Mr. Sean Rockefeller, out of charitable considerations and the feelings of comrades in arms, chose to provide a good living environment for Lille and many others with the same symptoms as Lille, To avoid unnecessary harm to them and to society.”

"That's why X Security was established." Saul said, clenching his fists and waving it fiercely, "Mr. Sean is really a good person!"

"As expected of the Rockefeller family, the blood of charity flows in his body!"

"This is what I should do!" Sean nodded with a smile, he felt a little bit of blush, just a little bit, after all, what Sol said was true.

"Pfft, Kukukuku!" Lear couldn't hold it in anymore, he covered his mouth and laughed.

"What the **** are you laughing at!" Sean turned his head and looked over with a dark face.

"Pfft, boss, me, Kuku, I remember happy things." Lear grinned and scratched his bald head.

"What a happy thing!" Sean gritted his teeth.

"I, yes, my cat has given birth to a baby." Lille said solemnly.

"Pfft!" Sol finally couldn't help it.

"What are you laughing at!"

"My dog ​​has a baby too." Sol covered his face.

It's so unprofessional, I am such a lawyer that I laughed!

"Okay, everyone, we are negotiating, not performing a drama!" The president of Fidelity couldn't stand it any longer.

Damn, there's no end to it, scare us a bunch of old men!

I tell you, we...


Yes, scared.

"Mr. Sean, you are also a rich man with assets of several hundred million, and your assets are ranked among the top 500 people in the world. You are like this..." The president of Fidelity spread his hands helplessly, "It doesn't suit your style. Identity is also discrediting the surname Rockefeller."

"Shit's identity." Sean snorted, "Four years ago, I was still a **** big boss, and I was still fighting with people on the battlefield in the hail of bullets."

"Three years ago, I was serving a **** plate at a pizzeria!"

"This life was until I got a call that my dad I never met was dead!"

"That day I happily rushed to the pizza shop's back chef and the owner and chef to resign, but unfortunately ran into a gangster fire."

"The Salamanga killer fired wildly at a gang boss in the pizza shop, firing more than 100 bullets, and everyone in the shop died."

"A stray bullet hit the back of my head." Said, Sean patted the back of his head, "Bone is broken."

"But I survived by luck and insisted on going to my dad's funeral the next day."

"Now, it's only two years, you tell me your identity?"

"Ha!" Sean sneered, "Fuck you, everything I have is done with my life and has nothing to do with my identity."

"I was almost shot to death a few months ago."

"Let the identity go to hell!"

The people at Fidelity sighed in the sky. The means they used to deal with those second and third generations were not working for Sean.

This made a group of people both helpless and frustrated.

"Everything has rules. You can't do it like this. You can't keep doing it with this method." The president of Fidelity was full of goodwill.

He tried to persuade Sean to change his ways and get on the right track.

"Rules?" Sean shrugged, "I know the rules, and I didn't break the rules, aren't you still dead?"

Several people's eyes almost didn't come out, what is this called, what is it that you are not dead!

Co-authoring has to wait for us to die before it's a bad rule!

And that's what happened.

Today's incident spread, no one would scold Sean for breaking the rules, they would only laugh at them, these old men, for being timid, and being frightened by a little guy who didn't even grow his hair.

Just take them as a laughing stock.

It didn't happen to me, who would believe it?

Everyone still believes that art has no borders, and sports have no borders!

The results of it?

But **** you!

And **** believe in the sanctity of personal property!

But **** you!

As for intimidation?

This is normal business practice until something really happens.

What big company hasn't done intimidation?

Only the means and objects are somewhat different.

Fidelity's group of people can't tell the pain, they really feel the threat.

I want this rule for what use!

"Okay, let's talk about business." President Fidelity squeezed out a smile.

"Want to talk now?" Sean felt very amused.

"Why didn't you talk to me directly before? Why is it like giving Lao Tzu a slap in the face?"

"Oh, didn't the dismounting scare me?"

"There's nothing else you can do about me?"

"So you want to talk now?"

"Now I really don't want to talk about it!"

"It was you who provoke me first." Sean knocked on the table a few times, "Now it's not something you can talk about if you want."

"I have a word for you, you can decide when to start the war, but when it ends, I have the final say."

"Remember, you owe me one time, and I will come to you when I need it. I hope you won't play tricks on me at that time."

After that, Sean stood up, turned around and walked out. When he reached the door of the conference room, he suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at a few people and said, "I'm a disciplined person, I will continue to buy technology and equipment, Just according to the market price, I never take advantage of others.”

The words fell, the door of the conference room was opened, and Sean swaggered out.

'Bang' the door of the conference room closed automatically, and a group of people looked at each other.

Phillips closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with a headache.

Damn unlucky.

"I didn't expect this kid to be that old-fashioned."

High Emotional Intelligence: Old School Style

Low Emotional Intelligence: Violent Elements

Before the 1940s in the United States, or a little earlier, in the last century, those who could become big capitalists were not good people, and they were all ruthless and decisive.

While they will be disciplined, they will also retaliate.

In that lawless age, those who can stand firm, and those who do not advocate violence.

This is particularly evident in Detroit and Chicago in the old industrial areas of the Great Lakes in the north.

Americans have violent genes in their bones.

Even the lobster has two more tongs than others...

Fidelity's people could only watch helplessly as Sean and his party walked away.

There is no precedent for a rich man in prison in the United States. Madoff is because he has no money after the bombing, not to mention, it will be decades later, not to mention the little fun of Epstein.

One is two, and the capitalists will not allow the gates of **** to be pushed open.

It's like a political struggle, losing a big deal and entering the revolving door, being a consultant, being a lobbyist, and being active in high society.

Sean and his party just came out of the International Building, and the old man David received a call not far away. Listening to the narration on the other end of the phone, the old man David could not help but take a deep breath.

This guy really dares to knock on the door! !

This is something old David didn't expect.

That is Fidelity United Trust, which manages nearly $30 in assets and has tentacles all over the United States, not to mention the Fidelity Corporation standing behind Fidelity.

Behind Fidelity's head office is a Boston consortium!

The relationship between those big companies in the United States is intricate and complicated, which is one of the reasons why the patriarch of the dignified Rockefeller family has nothing to do with the Fidelity Trust.

The resentment was so deep that he did not forget to complain about it in his autobiography decades later.

This kind of complaint from a big man standing at the top of the world really left him a deep memory.

Therefore, David just threw Sean in the past.

A young man, he started from scratch in two years and became prosperous. He was so arrogant in his bones and looked like he didn't take the whole world in his eyes. In David's opinion, it was too smooth and smooth, and his opponents were all over the place. Too weak, so that Sean has never been beaten by society, which is why he is now defiant.

Let Sean touch the nails and go through some ups and downs. This is the love of the elders and the younger generation, and it will make your future smoother. This is for your own good.

There is a kind of good call, I am for you!

Of course, it would be nice to throw a hard bone for Fidelity and smash the teeth of those guys.

It's just that David never expected that Sean would be so impulsive that he would hit the door directly, looking like he was going to kill the whole family.


It's just too rude!

Moreover, I am afraid that Fidelity will not let it go. It is Vietnam...Bah, being beaten up like this, if you don't return it, it is simply,

No face!

Little guy, there is trouble!

Just wait, wait for the loss, please come to the door, and help him mediate.

Yes, David has a way to mediate for Sean.

Although he and Fidelity have a lot of resentment because of the trust issue, he and Fidelity Corporation, or the Rockefeller Foundation and the Boston Foundation, also have a lot of cooperation with each other.

Seek cooperation in struggle, and fight each other in cooperation.

It's like the Elephant Party and the Donkey Party in America.

In fact, the relationship between the Rockefeller Consortium and the Boston Consortium is not bad. They supported Kennedy's ascendance together and won large defense orders for Rockefeller and the Boston Consortium.

Although I was finally killed by reluctance...

Too fiendish.

Among the shareholders of many large American companies are the Rockefeller consortium and other consortia.

It may also be hostile to each other. In the two companies of life and death, there are shares of Rockefeller.

A cluttered mess.

However, in the opinion of the top consortium, this is called diversification of venture capital. Both companies have my shares. No matter who eats whoever ends up, they can occupy more markets. In the end, I am the winner.

You may earn blood, but I will never lose!

Nothing more than spending a little more money when investing.

Things that money can solve are not things.

The two rival companies also understand and are willing to accept this situation, which can make the competitive environment of the two companies more level and compress it within the business scope, which is enough.

Take what you need.

Now, Sean is that kind of role in David's eyes.

Winning Fidelity, David can breathe.

If he loses the fight, it can sharpen Sean's temper, so that he can finally control the evil dragon of Sean.

Although Sean's means were worse than he expected.

No loss, no loss!

Hanging up the phone, David adjusted his collar in a good mood, and told the secretary that he was going to the International Building.

When a junior in the family did such a rude thing, as an elder, of course, he had to rush to the scene as soon as possible, and laughed loudly... Bah, to express cordial condolences.

I, the head of the Rockefeller family, 70 years old, can do such a thing that makes fun of others?

Certainly not!

David was very happy and let the secretary sort out his clothes, leaning on his civilized stick, and walked towards the outside.

The Rockefeller Family Office is not a tall one, and it is also unremarkable hidden in Rockefeller Center.

The building has only three floors above ground.

Waiting for the elevator in the corridor, when the elevator arrived, David heard a shout from outside the building.

"Grandpa Fifth, Grandpa Fifth, grandson I'm back!" Lengthened Lincoln stopped at the entrance of the Rockefeller Family Office, Sean got out of the car and shouted with a smile to the empty hall on the first floor of the family office.

While shouting, Sean waved enthusiastically, "Grandpa Fifth, why did you come down in person?"

Inside the car, Sol stretched his neck dumbly. He wanted to see what the real Rockefeller looked like, but...

In the empty hall, where is the figure of Rockefeller.

So, Sol's eyes widened and he looked in horror at Sean's back, who was walking towards the building with his arms outstretched.

Fake, this guy is playing!

On the third floor, David stood blankly at the elevator door.

He tilted his head and listened to the voice below.

Is this voice Sean?

No, it's so kind after seeing each other once! ?


Am I going down?

Looking left and right, the secretary and bodyguard around him also looked at him with a confused look.

David's presbyopic eyes widened instantly, his body was stiff, broken, and he was tricked!

I'm behind the scenes!

Shawn stood at the door of the family office, waving his arms and shouting so loudly, the news would soon get out.

There has just been such a big incident over there, and I don't know how many people are watching every move here.

I just went to Fidelity to go wild, and I ran back to see myself as soon as possible, and the 'grandchild' and 'grandchild' were called so enthusiastically.

This must make people think that he ordered it!

After all, a mere Sean, not his own support, how dare he!

Even if someone has doubts, can I stand up and deny it?

Deny that he didn't let that stinky boy from Sean knock on the door?

Said he could not command Sean?

Or is Sean Rockefeller not from the Rockefeller family?


Is the dignified Rockefeller family patriarch shameless! ?

Momja Fake, this little fox, has pulled himself into the pit!

He could have imagined that the kid in the back would inadvertently reveal that he had ordered it...

No, not right!

Looking at Sean with big white teeth, standing in the sun and smiling so brightly, old man David instantly denied what he had just thought.

This guy is so young and sunny, he will say everywhere that everything is his own opinion and has nothing to do with the Rockefeller family.

And the more he said that, the less everyone believed it!

The more you take responsibility for yourself, the more sure that everyone will support you!


But this guy is telling the truth.

However, he could only remain silent.

But why can't I blame him!

But he had to wipe his ass!


smashed! !

Bah, disgusting!

Fourth brother Winthrop is such a straightforward person, how can he have such a cunning and cunning descendant?

Not scientific!

Quickly entering the elevator to the first floor, standing at the elevator door, looking at the figure with a bright smile on his face and striding forward with open arms, David Rockefeller was a little distracted.

In a trance, he seemed to see the figure of his youth in Sean's body.

The same sunshine and cheerfulness, the same broad friendship, the same handsomeness, the same height...

Whoops, that's almost.

Well, the same know how to disguise.

It's just that back then, he was harmless to humans and animals in disguise, and this kid was pretending to be impulsive and reckless.

Damn, whoever wrote the report to himself should be damned!

You call this impulsive and reckless! ?

Fire him tomorrow!

So, this guy...

Shaking his head and throwing the idea out of his mind, Sean has already walked over to David.

With a big hug, the tall Sean hugged the short David directly into his arms and said loudly, "Grandpa, I'm back! Let the Fidelity group go to hell!"

"I'm so angry with The last sentence, Sean said against David's ear.

I'm little bastard!

David was furious and secretly rolled his eyes.

At this point, even if David is unhappy, he has to cooperate with Sean's tricks to make a complete set.

"Good job, little guy!" David smiled and patted Sean's shoulder...

I don't know how to take the initiative to bend down, forget it, I can't reach it...

David gave a thumbs up

"That's it!" Sean responded unceremoniously.

He also praised his wit for the day.

The two looked at each other, with bright smiles on their faces.

Old fox!

Little Fox!

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