America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 222: : 1st fight against Murdoch

Xiaobu didn't say much about the CIA. He didn't say anything about it, and he had nothing to do with the CIA.

Sean didn't expect Xiaobu to express his position now, he wanted Xiaobu to go back to Laobu.

The old cloth served in the CIA from 1975 to 1977. After the Democratic Party's Jimmy Carter came to power, the old cloth resigned.

Then in the 1980s he was vice president.

The old superior, who has been promoted again, still has a relationship.

It's not a big deal, and the possibility of Old Bu agreeing is not small.

It's not that Sean didn't pay, the coal mine was the bait.

Of course, with just such a sentence, Sean would not come up with such a large coal mine that he could make a steady profit.

The main reason is to facilitate the opening of the CIA channel. As we all know, the CIA is the largest pan-toxic organization in the world...

Therefore, Sean feels that he and the CIA still have a common language.

After all, it's all about safeguarding the interests of the United States, so there's nothing wrong with that.

Joel Ronald has called, and Sean is ready to accept his "battleship" at sea.

Well, it depends on who you compare to a warship. In the Caribbean Sea, as long as the U.S. military stands up, a 500-ton warship can also be majestic.

"What are you going to do about the coal field? Do you have a plan?" Xiaobu is still more concerned about this.

Sean reached for some red wine and drew a simple map of Colombia on the coffee table.

"Coal resources in Colombia, currently detected, are the 'El Cerrejón Coal Field in Guajira Province' with a total reserves of 3.8 billion tons, and the 'Layorg Coal Field in the César Province' with reserves of nearly 470 million tons,' The Boyaca coal-forming belt in Cundinamarca Province has 12 coal seams and reserves of 330 million tons, and the 'coal field in Norte Santander Province' has proven reserves of 378 million tons and prospective reserves of tens of billions of tons."

"Cundinamarca, the province where the capital of Colombia is located, is clearly inappropriate."

"I prefer Guajira, Cesar, Norte Santander, choose one of the three."

"What about the advantages and disadvantages?" Xiaobu asked.

Sean pointed to the sketch, "The province of Guajira is a bulge in the far northeast corner of Colombia. It has the most abundant reserves and is remote enough, with the Caribbean Sea on one side and the Venezuelan border on the other."

Xiaobu's eyes flickered, and he always felt that there was something in Sean's words.

"The province of Cesar is right next to us, the province of Guajira to the north, Venezuela to the east, and our state of Vila Val to the west, which is the closest."

Xiaobu tilted his head and looked at Sean: This is our Bolivar state?


"The last is the province of Santander Norte, also on the Venezuelan border, with the province of Cesar on the other side."

"What do you mean?" Xiaobu looked at Sean with a half-smile.

"I mean, test the Colombian government first. If you are willing to sell us a piece of land, that's the best." Sean laughed.

"Land? Isn't it a proven coal mine?" Xiaobu raised his brows. There is a big difference here. The unverified land is just suspected to have coal mines, which are worthless. The proven coal mines are too expensive. Ten Twenty times the difference.

"Of course it's land!" Sean said confidently, "Don't we have prospecting technology ourselves!"

"What if the Colombian government is unwilling?" Xiaobu asked again.

"Forget it." Sean said lazily, leaning on the sofa.

Xiaobu didn't speak, just quietly watched Sean perform.

"Maybe the rebels are willing to sell it to us."

Xiaobu looked like I knew it, "After all, the anti-government armed forces are not the government, and they are not recognized by the international community. In terms of security and ownership, they are not protected by the international community, and their reputation is not good."

"I know, then it depends on whether they are on the road." Sean said indifferently: "Let's create a fait accompli, if the brother government is willing to compromise, it is not impossible to pay taxes to them, hire X security to resist the rebels It's all right."

"As we all know, X Security is a strong fighting force and a justice teacher with strong fighting power. He is willing to make his own efforts for peace around the world!" Sean waved his hand, never forgetting to occupy the moral high ground.

Xiaobu applauded gently, beautiful!

It smells like the U.S. military!

For Sean's declaration of justice, Xiaobu strongly agrees with it.

The matter is only a general idea, and the specifics need to be discussed.

After the business is finished, the rest is entertainment time, and Sean is not in a hurry to leave.


The next morning, Sean was busy.

Monroe Deve was called over by Sean early in the morning. When he heard that Sean was going to spend a lot of money to buy the TV station, he suddenly felt bad!

If it weren't for the huge future of Sean Bank's development, this guy would want to resign.

A good bank is quickly emptied by its own boss.

The boss is the boss, and Sean started the bank for his own convenience. It is impossible to disrupt his plans just to consider what Monroe Deve meant.

After sending away Monroe Deve, Lamb went to the villa.

Sean scolded him as soon as he entered the door, "What the **** are you doing to eat, let you stare at the TV station, it's been more than half a year, the TV station hasn't done it, and they don't know about Murdoch and tell me! "

"It's my problem." Lamb opened his mouth and didn't dare to refute. In fact, he had all the information. The problem was, as Sean's accountant, how could he not know that Sean had no money in his hands.

In particular, Sean devoured nearly half of the prisons in New Jersey without warning, and spent 200 million at one time. Lamb naturally put aside the acquisition of the TV station.

What's more, Sean is buying land in New York and building a steel mill, spending money everywhere.

He knew that Sean's account had never exceeded 5 million.

Come to spend, come to spend.

No money, no matter how good a plan can come out.

"Humph!" Sean's face softened after Lamb's attitude of admitting his mistake was good.

He doesn't think it's his own problem. Is money or money something that one of your subordinates needs to consider?

Salty eat radish light worry!

"Go and collect the information about the fourth largest TV group, Metropolis Media Company, and directly propose an acquisition offer to them."

"The same for the six stations?" Lamb asked.

"Yes, it is to show an attitude towards Murdoch."

"Murdoch is not easy to provoke. If he is **** for tat, it will only benefit the capital media company, which is not good for us." Lamb reminded.

"The advantage, the advantage is to slow down Murdoch's acquisition progress. I just want to raise the price for him." Sean's attitude is firm. At this time, he just wants to show his tough attitude.

Tough attitude, although it will make Murdoch go crazy, but it will also make the opponent throw the mouse.

"As long as we have a clear attitude, Metropolis Media will definitely disclose Murdoch's purchase price in private. In addition, you must collect information on several TV stations as soon as possible. My main targets are New York, Chicago and Washington. I don't mind helping Metropolis media is raising prices, I believe they will be very happy."

"I see." Lamb nodded and then reminded, "However, it can't be acquired as a whole, and the price may be lowered. It's hard to say what will happen in the end."

"Don't worry about this, huh." Sean chuckled lightly, that guy Murdoch had a big heart.

After Lamb left, Sean pondered for a while, a simple acquisition invitation was one aspect, and the public media also had to do it.

When he thought of it, he did it. Sean immediately contacted the media that he could contact before, and first released a wave of news that Murdoch was preparing to acquire these six TV stations, which highlighted the violation of the law.

Give Murdoch a cold wind first.

After a lot of phone calls, Sean's mouth was dry, "I lack someone who can help me in the media!"

Norris can't count on anything other than a woman-related crook.

Even with Harvey's Miramax, this guy is too flawed in character and morals to be of great use.

I need a suitable insider who can help me manage the media empire.

With a sigh, this is also impossible, the time for his rise is too short.


"Five grandpas!!" Sean called very loudly.

"Fake!" On the other end of the phone, David Rockefeller kept the receiver away from his ear. No matter how good his quality was, he couldn't help but scolded, "If you're here to ask about garbage disposal, then I'll kick it hard. your ass!"

"No, how could it be, the call is to say hello to the fifth grandfather and take care of your health. You are the pillar of the Rockefeller family, you are the wealth of the Rockefeller family, and the precious property of the United States..."

"Shut up, if there's no business, I'll hang up." David twitched the corners of his mouth, never a junior dared to talk to him like that.

Amazing to David himself, he didn't feel angry.

I just feel like I want to scold Sean!

"Don't, Fifth Grandpa, that's it. I heard that the family has a good relationship with the Salzberg family of The New York Times." Sean said quickly.

"Yes, what are you asking about this? What's your idea?" David asked suspiciously.

How could the Rockefeller family not have a deep relationship with the media industry if it can achieve this level.

As New York's largest, best-selling and most authoritative newspaper, the Rockefeller family certainly has a good relationship with it.

The Salzberg family was able to win the "New York Times" and the Rockefeller family also contributed, and took some shares in it.

Of course, there is no need to tell Sean this guy.

"That's it, I want to hear that Murdoch, the Australian barbarian, is going to buy several TV stations under the name of the Capital Media Company, New York, Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles, our American media industry, the American voice channel, how can we let This kind of outsider control, right?"

"So what?" David didn't believe Sean's words.

"I want to intervene, I want to set up a cable channel." Sean didn't hide it, anyway, he was ready to make an acquisition offer for Metropolis Media.

"Ha..." David looked speechless, "Although it is not a problem to decentralize operations, don't you think that your current assets are too scattered?"

"Uh... Fifth grandpa is going to lend me some money? That's a good feeling." Sean climbed right away.

David: "..."

Your shameless appearance has the style of my past.

"Where is Salzberg, I will say hello to you. As for the formation of the TV network, the Rockefick family will not speak up about it. This is your personal behavior." Deal with yourself... ahhh, deal with Sean Such a person must express his refusal immediately.

Sean smacked his mouth and said with some regret: "Okay, it's really, it's a pity."

"Oh, if you feel sorry, the consortium can invest." David said with a sneer.

"Uh... Then I will trouble Grandpa Fifth. I'll wait for the news. Well, don't disturb Grandpa Fifth, goodbye!" After that, Sean hung up the phone directly.

Borrowing money is OK, investing is free, Sean has always been the principle.

"Stinky boy!" Hearing the busy tone on the phone, old David rolled his eyes and cursed angrily.

How did the Rockeficks come up with such a thing!

While scolding, he still ordered the people below to do things.

Sean received a reply very quickly.

Salzberg pushed aside the original matter and made time to meet Sean.

The earliest founder of "The New York Times" was Henry Jarvis Raymond. In 1896, the newspaper was on the verge of bankruptcy and was acquired by Adolph Oaks. Under his leadership, "The New York Times" gradually became the premier big newspaper.

After the death of Adolf Oakes in 1935, The New York Times, his son-in-law, Salzberger, became the newspaper's president, and 30 years later, The New York Times became owned by the Salzberger family.

The greatest pain in life is that when a person dies, the money is not spent, and the 'money' also wears someone else's hat...

It's no wonder that patriarchal women are preferred.

Since 1969, it has changed from a family business to a joint-stock company, and has become a major newspaper group with many American newspapers, magazines, TV stations, radio stations and foreign conglomerates.

The current owner of the newspaper is Salzberg's only son, known as Arthur Oates Salzberg.

Arthur Oates Salzberg was in his 60s, but he took the initiative to greet Sean in front of the building.

Compared with assets, Arthur Oates Salzberg is no better than Sean, and his son is older than Sean.

After chatting for a while, Arthur took Sean to his office upstairs.

Also in New York, the "New York Times" is the largest and most authoritative media, but since Murdoch's acquisition of the "New York Post", the circulation has grown by leaps and bounds, which has challenged the "New York Times" status to a certain extent. .

Although the New York Times, which has always been known for its seriousness, despises the Post's exaggerated and astringent reporting methods, the facts are the facts.

After touting each other for a while, Sean directly pointed out his intentions, hoping that the New York Times would expose Murdoch's scandal.

In this regard, Arthur Oates Salzberg pondered for a while and then agreed.

First, it is closely related to the Rockefeller family, and second, it is also vigilant about the rapid development of News Corporation.

Colleagues are enemies.

And the "New York Times" does not have a strong political leaning, which is different from Murdoch.

Still maintain the conduct of some traditional media people.

At least that was the case under Arthur Oates Salzberger.

After getting Arthur, Sean said goodbye directly.

The media, the government, and themselves, the three parties will definitely make Murdoch have a good drink.


As the boss of News Corp, Murdoch, who was studying in the UK during college, had breakfast and read newspapers.

bad habit.

Easily lead poisoning!

The performance of lead poisoning is irritability, irritability...

"Damn, these arrogant guys!" Murdoch quickly flipped through a few newspapers and went out to his News Corporation newspapers. These newspapers in the eastern United States basically reported the news of Murdoch's attempt to acquire multiple TV stations.

Other than the layout, there is little difference.

All newspapers point out that News Corp has violated US law.

The 'News Act' was introduced in the Nixon era: a broadcaster-owned station could not reach more than 35 percent of the nation's TV viewers; a broadcaster could not have two stations in a city; a company could have a local market You can't own TV and radio, TV and newspapers at the same time; a media company can't have two top-rated stations in a city at the same time.

News Corp.'s attempt to buy six of Metropolis Media's radio stations must have violated the law.

After this incident was exposed, it must have caused great trouble to Murdoch's acquisition.

Seeing this kind of news early in the morning, Murdoch's appetite suddenly disappeared.

After hurriedly finishing breakfast, I came to the office. Before my **** was warm, I received news that someone had issued an acquisition offer to Capital Media Company.

For these six TV stations.

"Fake, **** Fake!" Murdoch's face was as ugly as it was ugly. If he didn't see that someone was targeting him at this time, it would be too stupid.

"Sean Rockefick?"

"Have I provoke him?" Murdoch looked at the secretary with a dark face.

Obviously, the news was released by the Metropolis Media Company, and they welcome bids.

"Once we reported a news that the X security company in Cartagena, Colombia massacre, X security is Sean Rockefeller's, it is said that the Black Hawk helicopter that day was driven by Sean himself." The secretary is very conscientious. Do your due diligence and gather information in advance.

"Damn, pervert, murderer." Murdoch's mouth twitched, calming his emotions, and trying to calm himself down as he asked: "Tell me about this Sean Rockefeller, what generation is the Rockefeller family? What is the status of the family? "

"Sean Rockefeller, illegitimate son, father...grandpa..." As a media group, they have all kinds of information in their hands.

Under Murdoch's leadership, News Corp. has set up special files for some celebrities, and focuses on documenting those scandals, including rumors that cannot be proved.

To this end, they do not hesitate to obtain information by means of bribing, eavesdropping, etc.

"Mafia, fake wine, private lottery, secret trading venues, selling silver, underground black boxing, gambling, killing..." Murdoch listened to the secretary's report, his face became more and more weird, "It really is an illegitimate child, Inferior breeds, vile things."

"The Rockefellers got involved?" Murdoch asked.

"Not sure, but there were rumors before that the fight between Sean and Fidelity United Trust was instigated by David Rockefeller." This kind of news is naturally available on their side.

David: I have a saying MMP doesn't know when to say it or not.


Shit stick?

Or try?

Murdoch was a little confused.

"According to the rules, pick some reports that can be reported, be vague, and don't name names." Murdoch ordered.

No one knows how to use the media better than I do!

"Okay, boss." The secretary nodded, "Any other orders?"

"Let Europe and Australia report on the actions of X Security's overseas company, focusing on illegal arming, invasion, massacre, pan-drugs, and arms sales."

The secretary's eyes flickered, and it was clearly written in his profile that it was rumored that Sean was strictly forbidden to touch the 'poisonous dick'.

However, this is nothing.

According to 'unnamed insiders' 'guess' 'maybe' 'probably' 'probably' many ways.

No legal responsibility is required.

"Okay, that's all, you go out." Murdoch waved his hand, and after the secretary went out, he picked up the phone and dialed.

He's going to get in touch with someone in the secretariat of President Reagan's office, and the action must be accelerated.

To successfully acquire these TV stations, he must first resolve relevant legal issues.

With special permission from the President.

It's not easy.

At this time, Xiao Bu had just returned to Washington to see his father, Lao Bu...


Once a thunderbolt is dropped, Sean doesn't care, whoever blows it up, Rain Girl has no idea.

However, in order to form a media company, Sean must get a capable executive. After all, he sees a lot of gossip, but it's about how to run it.

That means that the seven orifices have passed through the six orifices.

In this regard, Sean still found Lamb.

Lamb, however, said there was nothing he could do about it.

As a result, many of Sean's men were helped by him to find them, and they all sat at the top. He really didn't dare to find anyone else.

Lamb knows Sean too well, and his boss is not a kind person!

If Sean feels that his Lamb family is too powerful, he is afraid that Sean will take care of him.

In addition, since he started to operate a media group, he Lamb is really not sure that the person he is looking for will do it.

If he messed up, would Sean take his anger out on him?

In this regard, Lamb said it is very likely.

(PS: Some readers have questioned why Lamb, who was born in PricewaterhouseCoopers, can find many executives, and why the accounting firm has headhunting business. Here is an explanation. The eight major accounting firms in the world have their own headhunting departments. After all, All they have access to are the executives of the best companies in the world, and most of the rise and development of headhunting stems from management consulting firms and accounting firms.)

The world's top five headhunting companies.

The first one: 'Haisi' in the mouth of Sun Meimei, the full name is 'Heidrick & Struggles', the two founders Gardner Hedrick and John Staggers are from Bos Hamilton Consulting Company 's headhunting department, the two founded 'HiSilicon' in Chicago in 1953.

Second place: Spencer, in 1954, founder Spencer Stuart, a colleague of the two founders of HiSilicon in Hamilton Consulting.

Third place: Egon Zehnder, in 1959, this is a European company founded by Swiss Egon Zehnder (Egon Zehnder), global vice president of McKinsey & Company.

Fourth place: Korn Ferry International, in 1969, the head of the US West Coast headhunting of the founder KPMG accounting firm

Fifth place: Luo Sheng, in 1969, this is the only non-system background, who used to be a Chase Manhattan executive, yes, the Rockefeller family...

Hisilicon, Spencer, and Luo Sheng are all on the east coast, and Luo Sheng is even more in New York. With the fact that the boss was born in the Rockefeller system, Sean chose this one.

Luo Sheng Consulting is located at 200 Park Avenue in New York, not far away, and Sean came directly to the door.

Luo Sheng did not bring Sean to his office, but received Sean in the reception room.

This guy is from the banking industry, and this parlour made Sean's office in Old David's office right away.

Quite age.

There are many oil paintings hanging on the walls, including Churchill's and some American presidents, with autographs.

I don't know how much the old man paid for it.

Well, Sean won't be surprised by this, the president of the United States can meet as long as he has money.

Although the price is not clearly marked, there is a range for how much it is worth to meet, how much to talk, how much to eat, and how much to sign.

Of course, there are no ordinary people who can afford this money.

Moreover, the time needs to be arranged by the President's Office, after all, the President is also very busy.

Sean glanced at it. The presidents in the portraits were all alive. Well, if they were dead, the autographed portraits would be expensive.

Sean blinked, this old man is very smart, he should get it when he looks back, and when these presidents are dead,

It looks poignant.

Note down, note down.

Well, let's go back and find the big and small cloth first. Yes, there is also the young Jianguo comrade.

Of course, I must declare that I definitely did not expect them to die early!

That is, the old cloth does not know...

Luo Sheng is more than 50 years old, and his suits are meticulous, and the first impression he gives is that he has style!

There is pie, but it is very enthusiastic, and the enthusiasm is not excessive, and the measure is very good.

There was no coffee when we met, but black tea.

The tea set is made of a set of fine bone china, which is imported from the United Kingdom at first glance, and the logo is also a British royal product.

The fit is really high.

For Sean, Luo Sheng was more enthusiastic than before, after all, he used to work at the Rockefeller house.

Sean said directly to the future, looking for a suitable CEO to help him build a media group from scratch.

Normally, after a customer has a request, Luo Sheng Consulting will first search for a target in the database according to the customer's needs, and then privately communicate whether the other party intends to change jobs. After some communication, the customer will be notified of the information.

When he arrived at Sean's place, he took a special case. Luo Sheng directly asked the secretary to bring over all the suitable people's information, whether they wanted to change jobs or not.

There are quite a few people who meet Sean's requirements. Looking at the hill-like document, the corner of Sean's mouth twitched slightly.

After thinking about it, Shen Sheng said, "Exclude all those above 50 and those below 30."

Although he is old and experienced, Sean remembers a sentence, people are tricky, horses are slippery, rabbits are old and eagles are hard to catch, he is not willing to fight wits and courage with those old-fashioned heads.

Not too young, hairless on the lips, and insecure.

Luo Sheng waved his hand, and several of his subordinates acted immediately.

In a moment, the hill-like file lost a large chunk.

After thinking for a while, Sean said again, "Small companies don't want them."

Luo Sheng watched with a smile on his face. He wanted to see how capable this junior who suddenly appeared from the Rockefeller family was able to make a fortune of billions from nothing in just three years.

The rest of the documents were placed in front of Sean, and Sean pondered slightly, reached out and wiped the documents, like playing cards, and wiped them away.

Rosen: ? ? ?

Where does Sean know what to choose? His usual practice is to look at the name to see if anyone is familiar.

A quick glance at it, not too slow, otherwise it will look very familiar.

The one that looks familiar when you skip it quickly is the real impression.

It's like walking down the road and suddenly feeling someone familiar.

Glancing at it, Sean pulled out a document with the name Pete Cherning on it.

Let's take a look. Currently working for Columbia Pictures, Vice President of Screen Treasures, he is willing to change jobs.

Screen Treasures is a subsidiary of Columbia Pictures established in the 1950s and 1960s when American films were declining. Through Screen Treasures, the company sold old films of the company to TV stations and produced TV episodes and other TV programs for TV stations.

(PS: Columbia Pictures is the later Sony Columbia, and it has nothing to do with CBS, the CBS. If you want to say it is related, Sony established Sony Columbia Records after acquiring the record business of CBS, and then set eyes on the film and television company. , the same year, acquired Columbia Pictures for $3.4 billion and assumed the studio's $1.6 billion debt, totaling $5 billion, after which it merged into Sony Columbia.)

Sean looked up at the roof, trying to recall the name in his mind. He was familiar with it, but he couldn't remember it exactly, but he vaguely remembered that he was a famous person in the Sixth University.

Well, this is nonsense, there are so many unknown people, Sean will not be impressed.

This guy will join Fox radio station in more than 3 years, and then he will be in charge of 20th Century Fox, and after 1996, he will be the president and chief operating officer of Murdoch's News Corporation.

It can be said that the development and growth of News Corporation is inseparable from Pete Chernin's 20 years of hard work.

As for Barry, Barry was his little brother, and this guy came from behind.

Looking at Sean's appearance, Luo Sheng and a group of subordinates looked at each other, confused.

Is this a new way of selecting materials?

Communicate with God?

In the stunned eyes of a group of people, Sean pushed all the other documents away, and shook with Pete Cherning's information, "Just him!"

"This..." Luo Sheng's eyes widened with a look of disbelief, is this the end?

"No, what's the matter with Master Sean, how did you choose?"

"Ah." Sean was stunned for a moment. After seeing Luo Sheng's appearance, he was a little surprised, and then he turned the cross with a devout face. Fortunately, he did not make a mistake, "I am following God's instructions!"

Luo Sheng's success is not without reason. For example, Norris, seeing this scene, was always concerned about how to get the target woman to Sean.

The meeting room fell into a strange silence for a while, is it really communicating with God?

Fire in Luo Sheng's eyes, I don't believe it!

"I trust Mr. Luo Sheng's vision." Sean explained with a smile: "If they can be recommended to me by Mr., it means that they are all qualified for the job."

"Since the ability to work is not a problem, and I can't predict the future, the remaining key is whether it is in harmony with me. Some people have no problem with their ability to work, but they just look uncomfortable. This kind of thing often happens."

"Then, why not choose one that is more comfortable to look at at first glance, it will make the cooperation more pleasant, isn't it?" Sean spread his hands, "I have always done this, and it turns out that at present, I am working with those subordinates. It was a pleasure working together, everyone was very happy, and they reciprocated with me with more enthusiasm than ordinary work.”

Harvey: Are you sure I'm happy?

Luo Sheng was stunned, you are right, I am speechless!

Co-author, the selection criteria I explained to customers are useless?

Luo Sheng's three views were subverted for a while.

Looking at Luo Sheng's dejected appearance, Sean pulled out a sinister smile from the corner of his mouth. Although what I said was true, you wouldn't really believe it, would you?

Sean: I can't believe it!

I'm afraid of being tricked to death!

Of course, Sean didn't say this, with a faint confident smile on his face.

No one can see that Sean is lying, after all, that's what happened just now.

After a long while, Luo Sheng came back to his senses and looked at Sean in disbelief.

A successful fart, the people around him can explain seventeen or eight different meanings and flavors, and Sean is now a successful man!

Luo Sheng Consulting has more detailed information on Sean Rockefeller. After all, it is a newly emerging super tycoon in the next state, or the surname is Rockefeller. It is impossible for them not to collect information.

As if everyone has a profile of Sean... Well, how many people are there on the Forbes Rich List.

Sean is gone, he doesn't need Luo Sheng Consulting to help him communicate with Pete Cherning, and he doesn't need to wait until he is hired to pay.

I, Sean, have money!

Mainly, Sean is confident, his communication style is better, he is more impressive and has a higher success rate.

Harvey: ? ? ?

Bell: Yes, you are right.

Leaving New York, Sean didn't fly directly to Hollywood to find Pete Cherning. He was really busy recently.

The priority is to make money!

Although Harvey just sent 45 million, but this money is not worth spending at all. According to Sean's estimation, it can last for a month at most.

Whenever this time comes, Sean gets very angry. He is busy every day, and he feels that he is earning a lot of money. As a result, when he greets him, it's a negative number!

The kind that are small and cost less than 10 million US dollars are not counted.

Sean didn't know why he was so crazy.

At present, there are several big money hogs, electric furnace steel plants, TV network formation, planned supermarket chains, New York garbage disposal business.

Just these four, Sean estimates, there is no need to think about it without 300 million to 500 million.

3 to 5 billion!

Thinking of Sean makes me so upset!

Back in Newark, Sean called Harvey and asked him to inquire about Pete Cherning.

The information of Luo Sheng Consulting focuses on work ability and does not write gossip. Sean needs to know the gossip news circulating in private.

After the phone call, Sean had already arrived at Newark Airport and boarded the plane straight to Miami. He was going to see his gunboat.

In Miami, Sean didn't know until he saw Joel Ronald that the gunboat wasn't here.

This is in the United States, and getting three gunboats out is not good. The gunboats are at the Bahamas naval base, and Sean needs to go there to receive them.

Of course, these things can't be said on the phone.

Sean also complained. After chatting about his Keeling-class battleship, he said goodbye and went straight to Cartagena. He called in advance to notify the three navy teams there to stand by.

After obtaining the list of Leighton Steven's advisors and Armstrong's detailed intelligence, Sean had already selected the captain of his Killeen guided-missile destroyer, former Navy Colonel Robert A. Owens.

Sean was busy during this time, and Robert A. Owens also used the list provided by Sean to form his own command team,

As for the soldiers needed on the battleship, Sean has asked Bill to recruit them according to the original method.

All are on standby in Cartagena now.

Therefore, the problem of naval bases in the Caribbean Sea needs to be solved! !

What a huge expense, motherfucker!

Sean hurried to Cartagena, rested for a night, and took a look at the Colombian style. The next day, he took people straight to the U.S. Navy base in Panama.

This is the first time for Sean to come to the naval base here. It’s not that the scenery here is so pleasant. The main reason is that Sean will be in the Caribbean Sea in the future, and he must go to these US military bases to say goodbye to the docks.

Besides, he came full of surprises.

What a **** surprise!

The surprise is that there are three full boxes, a total of 1.5 million US knife music!

Sean is here, and Knife Music is here!

All of them are small-denominated old banknotes, which are convenient for them to use. Sean can be said to be full of heart!

Surprisingly, Sean quickly became close friends and relatives with the leaders and senior management of the naval base.

After resting here for a day and letting the three naval squadrons under him get familiar with the drills, Sean got on the boat and left.

When I got to the ship, I found that the base also sent 5 bases of ammunition.

What are friends?

This is a friend!

The naval base is only 360 kilometers away from Cartagena in a straight line, and it will be off the coast of Cartagena after more than ten hours.

Well, Columbia also has a navy. Although it's a bit of a joke, it's not good for Sean to just barge in with a turret.

Brother navy, don't you want to be embarrassed?

So, Sean ordered the turret to be surrounded by wooden boxes and covered with canvas, although the shape of the warship is completely different from other ships at sea...

However, if you have done it to this extent, it is almost the same!

Back in Cartagena again, Jeff and Thomson both went to the boat to watch the fun, but it's not that they haven't seen each other.

Mainly, this thing belongs to itself now!

I deliberately tried the fear gun, this must be familiar with, the second-hand goods of World War II, the 40-year-old grandfather, Sean is terrible after the sea.

It was tested not far from Cartagena, and the cannons rumbled, just like the start of World War II again.

For fear of being accidentally targeted.

Who will I turn to then?

As for the inspection? are all eye-catching boys, whoever loves it will go.

How much does it cost to be a forced soldier? !

As for defending the homeland?

don't make trouble...

After partying on the boat for a while, Sean cared about the current situation here.

Rest, refuel, and replenish supplies.

Jeff has been staring at the drug criminals, and Gustavo, the second or fifth boy, helped provide some information. Sean took three ships to sea the next day.

For the first time, he will follow.

The vast sea seems to be able to go anywhere, but in fact there is a fixed route.

There are just a few routes from Colombia to the south and east coasts of the United States, each of which is blocked by one gunboat, waiting for the target to be delivered to the door.

I, Sean, the master of poison scavenger, fight money!

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