America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 233: : Hong Kong version of "Die Hard"

"I have a bold idea!" Jonas laughed.

"I have a mature plan for your bold idea." Sean coughed lightly.

"For your mature plan, I have a complete set of action plans." Bill chuckled.

"Then why are you hesitating!" Yu Rui immediately came to his senses.

"Cough, I am a dignified billionaire, would I do that kind of kidnapping!" Sean rolled his eyes.

Bill looked at Sean with contempt, "If I hadn't known you a long time ago, my mother would have almost believed Fake."

"I asked, that guy is richer than you!"

"I mean, it's inconvenient to show your face, do you understand? The plan I gave last time was just for guts. If you cover your face, you won't get any money at all!" Sean looked around a few people, "Or say , who of you are going to sell yourself completely for this."

Uh... Several people shook their heads.

That's it.

"But..." Sean took a long note.

A few people immediately understood that Sean had other ways, "Come on!"

"No hurry, wait, let's do the bank first!"


After drinking until the afternoon, Sean returned to the hotel.

After a day off, Sean called him according to the phone number given by Lao Sa.

Lack established diplomatic relations with Rabbit very early, in 1958, when Lack was in the Soviet camp, and when Lao Sa came to power, the relationship faded, but because of the weapons issue, they were connected again.

Rabbit has already received notice from Lao Sa in advance that this batch of goods will be escorted by someone from an American company.

The two sides contacted the meeting place, and Sean quietly crossed the sea by boat.

"Mr. Sean, it's nice to meet you." A middle-aged man in a military uniform said in half-familiar English.

"Hello Colonel Wang, in fact, I think we can communicate in Chinese." Sean reached out and shook hands with the person who came, and said in fluent Mandarin.

This accent made the representatives of Rabbit's side stunned on the spot, which was too standard.

After being stunned for a while, Colonel Shen Wang came back to his senses and said in surprise: "I really didn't expect that, Mr. Sean's accent is more like a Chinese than me."

"Haha, as we all know, the Rockefeller family has always had goodwill towards rabbits and has always been committed to building a good relationship with them." Sean said with a smile: "Our family loves Chinese culture, and I love it since I was a child. Learn Chinese."

"What surprises me is that I seem to be born to speak Chinese. I can learn it as soon as I learn it, including Chinese characters. I like history books very much. The cultural precipitation of rabbits for thousands of years is a treasure of the world. They are deeply attracted I."

Sean opened his mouth and came.

Colonel Wang sighed again and again. Although he reported the news immediately after receiving the news, he also learned that the Rockefellers, a super family in the United States, had some goodwill towards China. They came to China very early to visit. , However, none of this is a white man standing in front of him, speaking fluent Chinese, and talking about history to himself is shocking.

As far as being fluent in Chinese and identifying with culture, Colonel Wang, including the entire team who came to contact this time, was very impressed with Sean.

At first glance, it is a 'righteous', 'pure', 'psychologically sunny', 'out of vulgar taste'!

This is a 30 year old friend of the Rabbit People!

What a lad.

According to the process, the following is the banquet part. It is a pity for Sean. He really wants to have a state banquet, but unfortunately, there is no chance!

But there's a lot of game too.

During the meal, Colonel Wang and others completely recognized Sean's statement that he likes rabbits. He can learn languages ​​and read history, but when he eats this food, Sean can speak well.

Foodies are a group of sincere people in the world.

You can never fool your taste buds.

After the banquet ended, we started talking about escorting this batch of arms. Sean asked whether we could bring the battleship in, but he was directly rejected...

It doesn't matter, he just wants to replenish his consumption, even on Hong Kong Island.

Rabbit has a tough attitude, we have no tricks,

But John Bull you give me a tough look!

It’s okay to mention this, and the rest is to agree on the delivery time. Sean’s meaning is to let the medical examination here put the goods into the container. He does not want the people on the side of the cargo ship to know what is inside. .

And it is loaded from ordinary ports.

On this point, the rabbit also agreed.

As long as the knife is in place, it is not a problem!

It only took more than an hour to talk about these things, and Sean decided to stay for two more days after the enthusiasm of Colonel Wang and others.

Sean is also pushing the boat along the way. It is certain to cooperate with this side in the future. It is good to take this opportunity to get in touch more.

Just let Norris and Lorraine and others go back in advance, the work can not be delayed, he only left Torre and a few security guards.

Accompanied by local government personnel, both Pengcheng and Shencheng took a turn. Other Sean didn't feel anything. After all, he had been here many times in his previous life, and he was yearning for the speed of the building...

It's too slow to do something in the US.

After staying for two days, after receiving a call, Sean said goodbye.

Without crossing the border, he quietly returned to Hong Kong Island by boat, and Jonas led someone to wait by the seaside in Yuen Long.

"It's all arranged?" Sean asked aloud when he got into the car.

"It's all arranged, and it's been rehearsed a few times, no problem," Jonas said.

"Have the weapons and equipment arrived?" Sean asked again. Without equipment, no matter how good the plan is, it won't work out.


"How to ship it in?" Sean asked curiously.

"It's almost like drug trafficking," Jonas said.

"After passing the boat to Victoria Bay, it was directly thrown into the sea. Our people went into the sea wearing diving suits. Everything was measured by counterweight, suspended at a depth of ten meters, and directly brought to the shore with underwater propulsion equipment. Pulled back."

"Did you encounter any patrols? I remember that the patrols on Hong Kong Island are much denser than those in the United States."

"No, someone created a small car accident and held up the patrol. The police here, um, are indeed as weak as you said, and they were easily held for an hour." Jonas stood up. a thumbs up.

"Well, if you kill his father, he won't shoot you." Sean sneered.

Jonas laughed, "Isn't that the best way!"

"That's right, the American police should learn more about this. They are too unqualified."

A group of people in the car suddenly laughed.

The car drove all the way from Yuen Long to Kowloon, bypassing Tuen Mun, and encountered two mounted police patrolling on the Tsuen Wan side of Hong Kong Island.

"Brother Quan, look at that car." A young police officer pointed to Sean's vehicle.

"What's wrong?" A policeman in his 40s next to him tilted his head and glanced.

"The tires of this car are a little too compressed. What's so heavy in the car?"

"Stop and take a look."

The two quickly chased after the alarm bell and made a stop gesture.

"Sean, what to do?" Jonas asked, looking in the rearview mirror.

"Stop the car and let them check, you'll deal with it." Sean took a look and ignored it.

The car stopped, and two police officers came up to salute, "Please show your ID."

The window was rolled down, and a black face made them stunned, foreigners! ?

How could Jonas understand what the two of them were saying, and he said, "What's the matter?"

Saying that, he took out his driver's license and handed it over.

The two took a photo with a flashlight, Americans.

The young police officer glanced into the car with his head, and there were six or seven burly men sitting there. No wonder the tires were all pressed down, thinking that he would let these people down for inspection.

The old police officer dragged him back halfway through the words, "Ghost, what are you looking for, but you don't understand, it's very troublesome to file a complaint."

"However, with so many people at such a late hour, it's not like a good person." The young police officer argued.

"The most important thing is that one more thing is worse than one less thing. Let's go, let's go." The older policeman returned his driver's license and waved his hand with a smile.

When the car was back on the road, Jonas shook his head and smiled: "If this is in the United States, we all have to be pulled down and interrogated one by one."

Sean let out an inexplicable laugh.

After a night of rest and breakfast the next morning, the curtains of the villa were pulled up, and Sean put out a blackboard with pictures of many people posted on it.

"Today is Sunday, we act today because most people are not at work, we don't need too much, too much will be more difficult to handle."

"There are two important people in today's operation. Shen Bi, the president of HSBC, is an important person in this operation. He holds two keys to HSBC's treasury, and the main key holder is him."

"The other is in this man's hand, Security Director Kasey." Sean named two people.

"We have discussed the specific action plan, Jonas, you bring someone to bring this Shen Bi here, Yuri, you go and get Kasai."

"No problem!" the two said with a smile.

"Bill, you take someone outside to meet you and arrange a transport vehicle."

"Don't worry!" Bill waved.

"Okay, check the equipment and prepare for action." Sean ordered, and everyone immediately took out the equipment to disassemble, assemble, and maintain one by one.

Half an hour later, Sean looked at his watch, "Go!"

The group walked out of the villa, Jonas led the two to the end, took out the gasoline can and splashed it back and forth in the house, not letting go up and down.

Finally, I pressed an alarm clock again, and when the time was up, it would explode, and then set off a fire, burning all the evidence of existence and non-existence.

After getting on four cars, a group of people have their own arrangements.

Jonas led people straight to the summit of Mount Taiping, where he had stepped on the plate several times.

Approaching the top of the mountain, Jonas took out a specially made phone and handed it to the person next to him.

Neil squeezed his throat, adjusted his voice and dialed out, and then a female voice said, "Sir, I'm Rosalind from the investment business department, I just received a fax from London, something is wrong. urgent."

"Well, okay, I'll come over to deal with it." Inside the villa, Shen Bi hung up the phone.

He is the head of the HSBC class, and his personal time is almost the same as his working time.

With an order, the car was prepared outside, and Shen Bi changed his clothes and came out of the villa.

On the other side, Jonas and Neil got out of the car and walked up the road before hiding at a corner.

It didn't take long before he saw Shen Bi's car getting off the road. Neil quickly backed up to the turn and rushed out the moment he saw the front of the car appear.

"Ah!" An exclamation sounded.

"Zi..." The sound of tires rubbing against the ground.

"Bang!" The front of the car hit someone, and a white man rolled and was knocked out.

"Damn it!" The sudden braking caused Shen Bi to slam into the front seat. Fortunately, he just subconsciously protected his head.

"Sir, that person just suddenly rushed out..." The driver said quickly after stabilizing his body.

"Fake, why don't you go down and have a look!" Shen Bi cursed with an ugly face, "Is this the time to talk about this?"

The driver hurriedly pushed open the car door and walked out, "Are you alright?"

"Hiss..." Neil slowly sat up from the ground and tilted his neck. Although he was skilled, it still hurt a lot.

Seeing the person sit up, the driver and Shen Bi in the car breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to hear the news that his car killed someone in the newspapers and media tomorrow.

"I'm fine, but you may be in trouble." At the same time Neil got up from the ground, he didn't know when there was a gun in his hand, and the muzzle was on the driver's waist.

The driver is completely stupid. I know it was wrong for me to hit you, but I'm not going to kill me with a gun! !

Until now, the driver did not understand that this was a kidnapping case.

At this moment, Jonas and two jumped out from the roadside again, one sat in the driver's seat, and the other opened the car door and sat beside Shen Bi.

Neil pushed the driver over, and it wasn't until now that the driver understood that they seemed, probably, had been kidnapped!

Anything that hits people is all acting, but it's just forcing them to stop!

This is Bentley's bulletproof car. If they hadn't stopped and opened the door, the kidnappers would have absolutely no way!

Damn, even if you kill someone in the future, you will never get out of the car, if there is still a chance...

The driver got into the car honestly, and Shen Bi's car started again, as if nothing had happened, and the car continued to drive down the mountain.

It took less than a minute before and after, but there was a complete change of people in the car.

"Mr. Shen Bi, it's nice to meet you." Inside the car, Jonas smiled and looked at Shen Bi: "Introduce myself, I'm a robber!!"

Shen Bi's face was forced to remain calm, but his heartbeat was racing frantically, "Who are you!? What are you doing!?"

"You're asking too much, it seems you're stupid, and it doesn't fit your status as the president of HSBC at all." Jonas sneered.

"You guys..." Shen Bi looked at Jonas, thinking about what happened just now, his face was no longer in Bengbu, "That call just now was also called by you!"

"Smart!" Jonas boasted. "Since you are a smart person, you should know to cooperate with us, my dear, tell me, you will not do anything that is easy to misunderstand, will you."

Shen Bi gritted his teeth and nodded vigorously, "Although I don't know why you kidnapped me, I want to say that if you need money, that's fine, although I don't have much money."

"No, no, this is not a problem that can be solved with a little money." Jonas shook his finger, the boss didn't want your money, it was HSBC's money!

"Then what do you want?" Shen Bi took a deep breath, it would be more troublesome to not have money.

"We are..." Jonas tilted his head to confirm that he remembered correctly, and then said solemnly: "We are the Irish Army, IRA!"

As soon as the name of this organization came out, Shen Bi's face instantly turned pale.

The IRA, a terrorist organization fighting to unite Northern Ireland, is based in Dublin and has members in Northern and Southern Ireland.

In recent decades, there have been demonstrations, violent clashes, and countless terrorist attacks.

Falling into the hands of this group of people is much worse than falling into the hands of the kidnappers. These people are simply unreasonable.

"We know that you have close ties to the John Bull government and have a lot of influence over John Bull and that **** queen. Some time ago, you also raised the issue of China's takeover of Hong Kong Island, 'Britain must retain governance and surrender pure sovereignty. It's just to show off." Jonas seemed to be very angry, raising his hand and punching Shen Bi's stomach heavily.

"Ah!" Shen Bi's face was pale as he clutched his stomachache. He was a 60-year-old old man, how could he withstand Jonas' punch, this time he only felt that the field was about to break, and cold sweat dripped on his head. down.

"You damned aggressor, damned Englishman, our Northern Ireland will eventually become independent!" At this moment, Jonas seemed to be an Irish independent.


The Irish don't seem to have niggas.

Perhaps, this is the cloud Irish.

As the president of HSBC, Shen Bi did have a lot of influence on Downing Street, and he communicated with the Queen from time to time. During the Sino-British negotiations two years ago, Shen Bi put forward the idea of ​​'sovereignty for governance', which was won by the British side. A consensus was reached, and the Queen herself also put forward this policy during the talks with the Chinese side.

This set up a big obstacle for the talks between the two parties. Since then, HSBC has been using the influence of Hong Kong paper's 'money issuance power' to make small moves everywhere. This consistent policy has continued for the next few decades. Stabbing a knife, disrupting public order on Hong Kong Island, involving the National Security Law, framing Huawei and other activities...

This style was passed down from Shen Bi and belonged to the spoon on the **** stirring stick.

"You **** in England who sells ass, remember, we will definitely make Northern Ireland independent!" Jonas roared in Shen Bi's ear, spitting on Shen Bi's face.

Turning his head, Jonas winked at the driver in front. He was very satisfied with his performance just now. The driver's hand holding the steering wheel quietly gave a thumbs up.


On the other hand, it was much easier for Yuri to lead someone to catch Kasai.

Due to Shen Bi's status, HSBC will equip him with a bulletproof car, and Kasai, the security director, will not have this special treatment.

The same phone call was made, falsely claiming that the company's security system was malfunctioning. Kasey came out of the house without any doubts, and as soon as he got downstairs to drive, he felt that someone was holding a gun behind him.

"Don't move, be honest, move to separate your upper and lower body." Yuri whispered.

"Who are you?" Kasai was sure it was a gun, he was very familiar with it, the more so, the more afraid he was.

"Open the door, get in the car, don't talk nonsense!" Yuri shot again with the gun.

Kasai had no choice but to open the car door, and there was also a person on the other side, a co-pilot and a rear seat, who watched Kasai firmly.

"Let's go, go to HSBC." Yu Rui ordered.

"Who are you and what are you doing at HSBC?" Cassey felt that he had to get more information so that he could think of a way to save himself.

"It seems that you didn't realize the seriousness of the matter." Yu Rui sneered, "Show our friends a little more."

The co-pilot took out a box from his pocket and opened it, which contained a pocket syringe.

When he saw the syringe, although he didn't know what was inside, but just watching, many evil images from the movie appeared in Kasai's mind involuntarily.

Biological experiments, in vivo experiments, virus experiments...

It's all evil and cruel, just thinking about it makes one's scalp tingle, it's scarier than the muzzle of a gun!

Just as Kasai struggled hard, Yuri hugged him fiercely behind him.

"No, no, no, no, I will promise you anything you ask, no!!!" Kasai cried frantically, this was so scary.

But no one cares at all, the needle is inserted, the injection is completed in an instant.

Yuri let go of his hand, Kasai covered the place where the needle had just been stabbed, and shouted emotionally, "Damn, damn, what is this!"

"A newly developed virus, if you don't get the special medicine in our hands, your whole body will slowly fester, and finally die like a rotten tomato." Yu Rui said sadly.


Yuri: ? ? ?

What the **** are you crying about, such a big man! ?

This was something they hadn't thought of in advance anyway.

I don’t know if it’s a professional reason or something else. Casser likes to watch plasma movies and crime movies, but every time I watch it, I’m scared to death, so I’ll continue watching it next time…

It's almost like a vegetable addiction.

Yuri has hit this guy's G-spot right now...

"Fuck you, drive quickly and go to HSBC. If you hear me, if you are obedient, I will give you a special medicine. Do you understand!" Yuri punched Kasai in the back.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, you can't lie to me!" Kasai picked up his mood and said while wiping away his tears, "You mustn't lie to me."

"Really, don't lie to me."

"I must..."

"Don't **** yourself up!" Yuri couldn't take it anymore, and slapped Kasai on the head again.

"Okay, I won't say it, but you must remember!"

Yuri covered her face, **** it, Sean's idea sucked.

This is not what Sean can think of!

After the kidnapping was completed, he had to drive safely to the HSBC Building, and he could not go out of the way, so Sean thought of a scaring idea.

All I can say is that accidents are everywhere.

Except for Kasai breaking down and crying like a pussy, everything else is still under control.


Jonas and Yuri are actually quite easy here, and the real danger is Sean here.

HSBC Tower, located in Central, between Queen's Road Central and Des Voeux Road Central, has 46 floors above ground and 4 floors underground, with a total height of 180 meters.

"Everyone, get ready. After a while, when Jonas and Yuri arrive, we will act."

"Two exits above ground and two underground exits must be blocked at the same time. This place is very close to the police headquarters, and everyone only has three minutes!"

"Check your gear again!"

A few minutes later, Sean raised his hand and pressed the earphone, "Okay, let's go now, move to the four ports in advance and wait for the order!"

Jonas and Yuri communicated with each other that they had to arrive at their destination at the same time, which would reduce unnecessary trouble.

five minutes……

ten minutes later……

fifteen minutes……

"What's the matter!?" Sean called irritably.

"Traffic..." Jonas rolled his eyes.

Sean: "..."

This is why it is difficult to complete a robbery in a big city, not because the police are so powerful, but because of the traffic jam! !

In this case, without special preparations, it is useless if you come with a tank.

"Okay, don't worry, hold on, don't waver!" Sean could only comfort him like that.

After waiting for another ten minutes, the two cars finally arrived one after the other. Sean was greatly relieved when he saw it. He was really afraid that the police would suddenly come here to check the cars while he was waiting.

Why did the Holy Master Ram fail?

It's just a matter of encountering one accident after another!

Staring at Shen Bi's bulletproof Bentley, after the vehicle completely entered the underground garage, Sean pulled down his mask and said loudly:


Several cars that had been arranged nearby quickly accelerated and rushed out towards the door.

Sean's car went straight to the main entrance of the building, regardless of whether there was anyone on the road, the engine roared and rushed forward.

Amidst all the screams and scolding, he rushed all the way to the door of the building, and saw the four guards of Asan, who were clothed and hooded, stunned.

The car door opened with a stab, and four big men in camouflage and wearing skull masks jumped out.

The moment it came out, the M16 in his hand was raised and aimed at Asan Security, "Da Da Da" "Da Da Da"

After a burst of shots, the four Asan security guards fell to the ground and began to twitch, blood flowing down the marble floor.

At the scene, the screaming stopped for a moment.

After a moment, it burst out with a higher decibel, "Ah!!!"

Amid the screams, a pair of black military boots appeared, and then Sean stepped out in a military uniform without any logo, wearing a small gas mask and a Northern Ireland flag on his face.

It's not anti-virus, mainly because you can't let your voice leak out.

In just a few seconds, the people at the entrance of the building rushed out with the afterimage at a speed far exceeding the world record!

Sean clearly saw a woman wearing high heels, and the shoes were flying away.

Sean shook his head with a smile, strode towards the building, and paused when passing four corpses, "Just right, to block the door."

The subordinates made an OK gesture.

Everyone remembered the process. After the four corpses blocked the door, a mine was placed on the corpse.

This is an infrared detonated directional explosive mine. There are several infrared beams at the gate. As long as someone passes through, the mine will be detonated immediately.

The placement of the mines on the bright side was arranged by Sean, after all, he is an upright person.

If the Hong Kong Island Police are willing to take human lives, that's fine, as long as they're brave enough.

Stepping into the hall on the first floor, the hall is now a mess.

Sean picked up the M16 at hand and aimed at the sky "da da da" just a few shots.

"Quiet, let me hear someone else's voice, then I will make him unable to make any sound in this life." A mechanical voice came from Sean's waist.

Sean wouldn't let his real voice come out.

Sure enough, nothing is more convincing than violence.

And the corpse at the door has fully proved that Sean and the others are not scary.

Everyone squatted at the foot of the wall, no one dared to move.

"Group 3 report!" Sean asked as he picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Group 3 has already taken the exit from the garage, and a blockade is currently being established." The people in Group 3 rushed in and immediately blocked the exit with their own car. Then the two lay on the roof to be alert, and the other few People rushed into the garage quickly, smashed the windows of one car with the **** of a gun, forced the fire and drove the car out.

According to Sean's request, the exit was completely blocked with a car, a mine was installed in the gap, and a space of about 5 meters flowed out from the middle section, and then continued to block a few cars behind.

In case someone from the police sneaks in, they will be exposed immediately to this unobstructed location.

The end of the exposure is to kill directly!

"Four groups of reports!"

"Team 4 took down the entrance to the basement, which has been blocked."

Group 4 was the entrance where Jonas and the others had just entered. This was also the security guard of Asan, who was killed on the spot.

John Bull wouldn't trust the Chinese in his bones.

Even if those people knelt down and licked.

Besides, Asan's salary is cheap...

The same routine, blocked.

Bodies are thrown at the door as a deterrent, and mines are placed on them!

You don't need to ask the two groups of Sean, they are blocking the back door, Sean has seen it.

"Very good, 3 groups and 4 groups, clean up the underground garage according to the plan, everyone will be driven to the hall, and those who resist will be killed!"

"Group 1, group 2, drive everyone down from the top floor to... Assemble on the 13th floor." Sean ordered, and everyone acted immediately.

This quick action, at first glance, is a proper military training.

Two words, professional!

"Why don't you take all the hostages to the top floor?" Bill and Jonas came out next to the stairs, with Shen Bi and Kasai beside them.

"Going to the top floor is wrong, it is easy to be rescued by the police, and the 13th floor is neither high nor low, even if the police want to attack from the top of the building, the depth of the 33rd floor allows us to have enough reaction time and floor space. Opportunity to block." Sean explained, but the mechanical sound really didn't have any emotion.

"Pro!" Jonas gave a thumbs up.

"Shen Bi, Kasai, very good, let me introduce myself, the head of IRA's Asian operations team, Cu Chulainn." Sean looked at the two of them coldly, "You will cooperate with our actions, right!"

He's from Northern Ireland now, and that's what he should have.

Cuchulain, a character in Northern Irish mythology, is an invincible warrior, but he is also furious, impulsive, and bloodthirsty.

Hearing this name, Shen Bi's face became even more ugly.

At the door, the voices of 'finished', 'finished' and 'finished' sounded, and police cars rushed to the square at the entrance of the building.

The distance is very close, and the police mobilize their power quickly.

Dozens of people hurlingly blocked the entrance of the building, all pointing their guns at the door, but everyone dared to rush forward.

The four corpses at the entrance proved that the gang of gangsters really dared to kill people, and the building had no idea how many hostages there were.

"What should I do, Sir Li?"

"How the **** did I know!" Li Shutang scolded in a low voice, "Speak with a loudspeaker, what are you still doing?!"

This is the process, it must go!

"The people inside, the gangsters, listen, you have been surrounded!"

Sean almost laughed out loud.

"Shen Bi, I think you are very willing to accompany me to say hello to the police outside!" Said, Sean held a gun in one hand and took the old man Shen Bi to the door in the other.

"Look, someone is out!"

"The one in front should be a hostage, why does he look familiar to me?" Standing in front, Li Shutang and other senior police officers whispered.

"Introduce yourself, they don't know you!" Sean poked Shen Bi.

Shen Bi was helpless. He was also afraid that the Chinese in the Hong Kong Island Police would not know how to protect him. He took a deep breath and shouted, "I'm the president of HSBC, Shen Bi, don't shoot."

This voice shouted, the hearts of the high-level police officers were completely chilled, this is the **** head of the Hong Kong Island class, how can such a person become a hostage!

"Call first brother, this is not something we can handle." Li Shutang turned his head and said.

"Very well, come, put your arms up." Under Sean's command.

Shen Bi raised his arm, and Sean put the gun directly on his arm and started aiming.

This action immediately made the policemen nervous, and the cold sweat on Li Shutang's head immediately fell. He picked up the loudspeaker and shouted loudly: "Put down the gun, no one is allowed to shoot back!!"

Sean ignored what the cops thought, aimed at the police cars in front and pulled the trigger directly.

"da-da-da" "da-da-da" "da-da-da"

The high-level orders ordered that whoever dared to shoot for fear of hurting the class leader could only squat down with his head to avoid the bullets.

While shooting, Sean laughed wildly. The frantic laughter made Shen Bi's heart tremble wildly. No wonder he was called Cu Chulainn, crazy and bloodthirsty!

After a shuttle of shooting, Sean put away the gun and changed the magazines without anyone else.

A group of police officers finally dared to look this way when the gunfire stopped, and when they looked up, they saw the gangster waving at them.

It means letting a person pass by.

Everyone's eyes turned to Li Shutang, he was the highest officer on the scene, and he had the final say on who to send over at this time.

"I'll go." Li Yonglian asked Ying.

"Forget it, I'll go over there." Li Shutang shook his head, gritted his back molars and said, "I want to see who is so arrogant!"

Raising his hand to indicate that he was not carrying a gun, Li Shutang walked over.

Approaching the door, I saw the mines on the corpse at a glance, and my footsteps stopped in place.

"Who are you?" Sean asked aloud.

The mechanical and electronic sound made Li Shutang frown. The other party was very careful, and his voice was not leaked, "I am..."

"Okay, shut up, I don't think I need to know who you are." Sean suddenly interrupted Li Shutang with a wave of his hand.

"Let your master come over! You are not qualified to talk to me!" Sean waved his hand impatiently.

"What did you say?" Li Shutang froze in place, what is a master?

What does it mean to be incompetent to speak?

I am a senior inspector!

"I said let your master come out, don't you understand, you slave!" Sean pointed at Li Shutang's nose and scolded: "Do you think you are qualified?"

"This is John Bull's place. You are just a group of slaves who dare not resist the piglets and honestly work for their masters. You are not qualified to speak to me."

"Can you understand me!"

It was the first time for Li Shutang to be scolded by someone pointing his nose like this, and his head was smoking with anger, but he didn't know how to refute it.

Say this is a Chinese territory?

Or do you mean you don't have a master?

"What are you still doing here?" Sean stared at Li Shutang, "Do you think you can decide the fate of your master?"

With that said, Sean put a gun on Shen Bi's head.

Before Li Shutang could speak, Shen Bi couldn't bear it any longer, "They are an Irish IRA, a terrorist organization, let Raymon Anning come over, immediately, immediately."

Shen Bi's words directly made Li Shutang's face turn red, doesn't this mean that he clearly agrees with the kidnapper's words!

Are you and others really slaves in their eyes! ?

Sean raised the **** of the gun and slammed it on Shen Bi's head with a 'bang', and the blood came down on the spot.

"Fark, we are Irish warriors, not a terrorist organization, we are fighting for our nation, fighting for our dignity, brave and fearless warriors, warriors!"

"You **** Englishman, if you dare to insult us again, I will let you go to see God!" Sean pointed at Shen Bi's nose and cursed.

At this moment, Li Shutang saw that he was greatly relieved of his hatred!

Shen Bi covered his head and felt the world spinning. Looking at Li Shutang who was still in a daze, he immediately roared loudly, "You damned fellow, hurry up and execute the order!"

With this roar, Li Shutang really wanted to punch him.

But he really didn't dare...

"Hey, slave, listen to your master!" Sean's voice sounded again.

The electronic sound has no emotion, but Li Shutang's ears are full of ridicule.

With his face flushed and his chest heaving violently, Li Shutang turned around and left...

Sean's laughter sounded behind him, and Li Shutang almost exploded on the spot.

Seeing Li Shutang, whose face turned purple and his nostrils seemed to have grown a bit, a group of police officers looked at each other.

"Head, what did the kidnapper say?"

"Yeah, who are those people, why are they so cruel!"

"Tell me about your mother!" Li Shutang cursed loudly and left, leaving only a few bewildered men.

The first brother of the police headquarters was contacted urgently. Li Shutang pressed his anger and attacked HSBC by kidnappers. Shen Bi was kidnapped. The kidnappers wanted to see the first brother.

On the other side, when Yan Liguo heard that the kidnappers claimed to be IRA, his heart skipped a beat. People on Hong Kong Island didn't know, could he not know!

That is a group of real terrorists, killing people without blinking an eye!

Hearing the name of this organization, he immediately became anxious, and a series of questions smashed past. "How many people are there? What weapons? How many hostages have been kidnapped?"

"No, I don't know." Li Shutang said while biting.

Sure enough, the answer made the first brother on the other end of the phone furious, "You waste, idiot, you didn't know anything when you arrived at the scene, then what are you doing at the scene, what's the use of the police force wanting you!"


Li Shutang gritted his teeth and replied, what can he say, saying that the kidnappers called him a slave and didn't deserve to communicate with him?

He was really about to go crazy, and kept telling himself to consider the overall situation, to consider the overall situation, not to get angry with his boss, and to ruin his future.

"Stay where you are, protect the scene, and ensure the safety of the hostages!" After another curse, Yan Liguo hung up the phone.


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