America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 240: : No, smash it! (3/150)

Walking beside Youde, Sean didn't even know how he managed to control this idiot without a single shot!

What a **** surprise!

It was Sean who surprised others before. This was the first time he felt the horror of the surprise!

Lorraine, a professional agent, would have his heart beating like crazy, but she didn't call Youde a fool, she just yelled at Sean for being crazy.

If you want to do a dirty deal with Yoder, you can't make it clear in private, not make a **** official note through the US consulate.

The momentum has been borrowed, but the person has also exposed it!

Isn't this crazy!

On the opposite side, looking at the young man who walked in beside the Governor, Shen Bi's eyes kept blinking, his brows were getting tighter and tighter, why did he feel so familiar with this figure?

I seem to have seen it somewhere.

Why did a nameless fire burst into my heart when I saw this figure, and I wanted to hit people like crazy?

Did you get angry with terrorists yesterday?

Make yourself grumpy! ?

Entering the hall, Youde personally helped Sean introduce the people in front of him, "This is David Akers-Jones, Chief Secretary."

After introducing the senior officials of the Governor's Mansion, he walked to Shen Bi's side.

"This is Shen Bi, president of HSBC, known as the 'big class leader' on Hong Kong Island, the God of Wealth on Hong Kong Island."

"Hello!" Sean kept a smile on his face, reaching out and shaking Shen Bi.

At the moment of shaking hands, Shen Bi's expression froze slightly, this **** familiarity came again!

Shen Bi's body reacted, and Sean naturally felt it, which shocked Sean too. He was afraid that Shen Bi would suddenly point at him and shout that this guy was a 'terrorist'.

Of course, if you shout, you can't take Sean, there is no evidence, let alone the Rockefeller family, Sean himself is not a vegetarian!

What's wrong with the British? Soros' guy hyped up the British pound and almost didn't kill the British, so the British have to bear it obediently.

The key is that it will be very embarrassing, and it will completely ruin Sean's intention to come this time.

This is worth more than a few hundred million dollars.

After the introduction, there was another tea party, which was regarded as afternoon tea.

It wasn't until an early age that Sean sat alone with the Governor.

After all the chats were finished, Sean went straight to the topic, "I only represent myself, and I personally think that the country that threatens the United States the most in the future must be the North, so I personally think that Mr. Governor's actions have nothing to do with it. question."

Youde was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Sean to mention yesterday's incident directly. After all, he was an old politician. With the same expression on his face, he said with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Sean for your approval."

"I think I could have more cooperation with Mr. Youde."

"for example?"

"For example, when Mr. Youde returns to his homeland to continue his political career, I am willing to support your campaign." Sean stared at Youde and said, "For example, Mr. Youde's son is fine, if Mr. Youde is not ready to enter politics, Then I am willing to do some business with Mr. I think, we have a wide range of cooperation space."

Youde understood as soon as he heard it, "Then what can I do to help Mr. Sean?"

"Kwai Tsing Container Terminal!" Shawn smiled and pointed in the direction of Kwai Tsing, "I know that the Hong Kong government is reclaiming the sea to build a road, and is building the Kwai Tsing Container Terminal 678, and the terminal has not been sold yet."

"This..." Youde's face changed, his brows furrowed deeply.

Due to the reform and opening up in the north 8 years ago, the export volume has increased sharply, and the construction of Shenzhen Port cannot keep up with the crazy development of foreign trade demand. Hong Kong Island is already the largest transshipment port in Asia at this time, and a large number of transshipment industries are naturally transferred to Hong Kong Island.

Faced with this situation, the British Hong Kong Government reclaimed the sea in the Kwai Chung area to build a road, and prepared to build Container Terminals No. 6, 7 and 8 on the basis of the original five container terminals.

By last year, in 1985, the throughput of Kwai Tsing Container Terminal had successfully ranked among the top three container ports in the world.

According to this development momentum, it will surpass New York to become No. 2 this year and Rotterdam to become No. 1 next year.

As long as these three container terminals are won, in the next 20 years, this will be a super cash cow that is completely ignored, and will continue to produce countless US knife music for Sean.

Currently No. 1, No. 2 and No. 5: Modern Terminals Group, the holding company is the Wharf Group, the king of charter ships

Pier 3: Port of Singapore Authority Holdings

Terminal 4: Hong Kong International Container Terminal, the holding company is the richest man's Hutchison Whampoa Port Group and the Port of Singapore Authority

(PS: Cucumber Lee was changed to the richest man in the movie because of Hutchison Whampoa)

"I don't lie to Mr. Sean, these three ports are actually already in operation. I believe that Mr. Sean can also find out who it is." Youde spread his hands, although polite, but the meaning was obvious.

According to the original historical development, the No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 container terminals, as well as the future No. 9, will all be won by HIT, the Hong Kong International Container Terminal Company controlled by Hutchison Whampoa, the richest man in the world.

Now, Sean is ready to intervene in advance.

"I know He is the richest man on Hong Kong Island, but no matter how close he is to Downing Street, he is still Chinese." Sean said indifferently, "Besides, it's not that I look down on him."

"Well, I just look down on him, I think I have the right to look down on him."

"Can he keep these ports?"

"Can he handle the pressure?"

"He can't, he doesn't have the confidence, you know."

The corners of Youde's mouth twitched, Sean said so straightforwardly, he couldn't stand it, but, well, he had to admit that Sean was right.

In front of Rockefeller, a mere cucumber, nothing!

Sean took a sip of coffee, put it down and continued, "Everyone understands what Downing Street means."

"In 11 years, this place will not belong to the United Kingdom, and the influence of the north is gradually expanding. I think it is in line with Downing Street policy to introduce the forces of the world's largest power into Hong Kong Island and jointly fight against the pressure from the north."

"And what the richest man is, his so-called operation is not worth mentioning."

"Lord Governor, what do you think?" Sean raised his hand and gestured.

Youde opened his mouth and said with some embarrassment: "Mr. He is very influential on Hong Kong Island. The Hong Kong government often needs the cooperation of these rich Chinese people."

"That's something that other Hong Kong governors need to consider later." Sean said bluntly: "This has nothing to do with you, sir, right, Mr. Youde, there is not much time left for you!"

"And after you return to the UK, can the richest man help?"

"He can't, but, I can, Rockefeller can!" Sean stretched out his fingers and tapped the table hard.

"In the end, it was Rockefeller who won these ports. Dissatisfied? Oh, let's take a look!"

"Okay, okay, I think there's nothing wrong with the Hong Kong government." Youde didn't know that he was convinced by Sean's words, with a smile on his face, he stood up and shook hands with Sean.

The agreement was reached, and both parties were very happy.

Sean's first question was the price of the three upcoming ports.

Sean is definitely out of money.

Damn, I don't know where the TV station's money will come from.

But, without money, can you see such a big piece of fat slipping away from your mouth?

Can you do nothing **** without money?

no way!

"Because the three wharves are reclamation and road construction, they can only be government projects, and the cost is very high. The Hong Kong government has invested 2.5 billion Hong Kong dollars before and after." Youde explained to Sean: "In terms of selling price, Mr. He is currently in Operation, it is estimated that the final price should be about 2.3 billion Hong Kong dollars.”

Sean: ? ? ?

The government spends 1.5 billion to build and then 1.3 billion to sell?

What kind of logic is this?

Youde seemed to see Sean's doubts and shrugged with a smile, "After taking over the port, it still needs a lot of investment and construction, as well as a lot of personnel expenses. The government can't operate it. You know, the corruption problem will be very serious. serious."

"As for selling at a low price, the Hong Kong government still receives a lot of tax every year, which is the most important thing."

Sean's mouth twitched, good, this is capitalism!

Sean remembers that this is the busiest wharf in the world in the future. Even 20 years later, when the port in Shencheng next door catches up, the transfer price of a single wharf here will exceed 2 billion.


Damn, no wonder cucumber is the richest man!

"Can I know who helped this richest man operate?" Sean was shocked, what a genius!

"You have seen it just now, the head of Hong Kong Island, the God of Wealth, the president of HSBC, and Mr. Shen Bi." Youde smiled mysteriously. Except for this one, no one else has this ability.

Sean suddenly realized that in the legend of the later generations of Cucumbers, it was the leader of the class, Shen Bi, who lent money to Cucumbers to buy the shares of Hutchison Whampoa from HSBC.

In the end, he became a major shareholder of Hutchison Whampoa and sent cucumbers directly to the sky.

This was 6 years ago!

Now this guy is going to help Hutchison Whampoa take down several new piers. Damn, this is better than his own father.

If it weren't for the same age, Sean would suspect that it was a father and son.

Well, actually HSBC also owns 11% of Hutchison Whampoa.

"So, does that mean that if I want to win these three docks completely, I still need to pass the Shen Bi level?" Sean asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes!" Youde nodded heavily, "Don't look at me as the Governor, but, you know, HSBC is much more capable than me, he owns almost most of the stocks of important companies on Hong Kong Island, and his energy exceeds your imagination."

Sean's face darkened, he didn't want to find Shen Bi.

Damn, the thought of walking into the HSBC Building made Sean feel itchy all over.

What is this, revisiting the old place?

Again? !

But Youde has said that Sean can't just leave money for cucumbers just because he's awkward!

"You'd better talk to Shen Bi as soon as possible." Youde reminded, "I really don't have much time on Hong Kong Island, but Shen Bi will definitely retire this time."

"Ah?" Sean was stunned, didn't he, he robbed the head of the class to retire?

"Why? Well, HSBC is developing very fast under the leadership of Shen Bi. The four oceans and the HSBC family are now the only big ones. Why should you retire?"

"Just because it's too big!" Yu Rui shook his head and smiled, "Shen Bi is indeed amazing. He is not only the president of HSBC, but also a member of the Executive Council, a director of the Jockey Club, a member of the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee, the treasurer of the University of Hong Kong, and the Bank of England. The vice president of the society and the director of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, he has too many contacts on Hong Kong Island.”

"If this goes on like this, HSBC will become Shen Bi's alone. This is something that HSBC's shareholders absolutely don't want to see. Therefore, he must retire. It's just a matter of time, but after this incident..." You De shook his head, "The board of directors of HSBC will not miss this legitimate opportunity."

"Shen Bi's own resignation is the ideal result."

Sean suddenly realized that it really had something to do with him...


Isn't it just a loss of hundreds of millions, this is a fart for HSBC!

HSBC shareholders are so stingy!

Sean raised his hand to check the time, if today is not enough, then tomorrow.

Tomorrow, visit HSBC again!


Le Huizhen was doing it cross-legged on the bed. There was a small table on the bed. There were some snacks on the table. At the moment, she was watching TV while eating snacks.

As for why the table should be placed on the bed... The house is only more than 20 square meters, and it needs a bathroom, a kitchen, and a wardrobe. How much space can there be!

The screen on the TV turned, and the Governor's Palace appeared in the center of the screen, which was the picture of the Governor receiving foreign guests.

In the picture, a young tall and handsome white man is shaking hands with Governor Youde with a smile on his face. Looking at the man's face, Le Huizhen's mouth is wide open, and the piece of dried fruit that has just been stuffed falls on the bed. .

Le Huizhen just stared blankly at the TV screen, and the man in the screen had already overlapped with a certain figure.

On the TV, Sean was being interviewed by the on-site reporters. As soon as the voice came out of the TV, Le Huizhen jumped up, the small table beside him was overturned, the bed was spilled with snacks, and the coffee made the bed wet. a large piece.

Cola Huizhen didn't seem to see it, she jumped to the front of the TV in two steps, reached out and blocked the middle of Sean's face on the screen, and suddenly...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

A harsh scream came from Le Huizhen's throat, and her small tongue was clearly visible.

"Hem home shovel!"

"Little bitch, call your mother!"

There was a screeching sound in the corridor.

Where is Le Huizhen still in the mood to take care of those, her face is full of surprise expressions, jumping and jumping in the room.

So handsome, so handsome!


On this day, it was not only Le Huizhen who saw Sean appearing on TV, many people saw it.

Including Bill and the others, who were hiding in the warehouse, looked at each other in dismay, "Is this a provocation?"

"Who knows!"

"I want to know how Torre was feeling at the time?"

"I bet he wanted to kill the Governor with one shot!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The warehouse is full of cheerful air.


In a large villa, a group of people are eating in the living room...

"Hey, Mr. Xiao has come to Hong Kong Island." Yuan Ba ​​Ye put down his chopsticks and stared at the TV intently.

"Is this the boss you are talking about working with in the United States?" Fang Long, the big nose, asked curiously, pointing to the TV.

"Yes, I didn't expect that when Mr. Sean came to Hong Kong Island, he was actually received by the Governor of Hong Kong himself." Eighth Yuan smiled and nodded, sitting upright.

"Eighth Master, it looks like this guy has a lot of energy!!"

"Of course, it's not like you haven't been to Hollywood. You know what's going on there, but not everyone can kick a path with one kick." Yuan Ba ​​Ye said with You Rongyan.

The first Hollywood film I participated in achieved such a good box office, and it also swept the film market on Hong Kong Island.

Last year, it suppressed Fang Long's "Police Story 1".

What's more, the just-completed "Die Hard" is a super big production, and the current Yuan Ba ​​Ye is the first person in the Hong Kong Island film industry to gain a firm foothold in Hollywood.

This made him suddenly stand in the top position in the industry.

Fang Long's eyeballs turned a few times, and he leaned over to push the Eighth Master with his elbow, "Eighth Master, look, this big boss has come to Hong Kong Island. Would you like to show the friendship of the landlord?"

Yuan Ba ​​Ye looked up and down the smiling Fang Long, "No, you are still not giving up? How much money have you lost in Hollywood in the past few years!!"

"That's Hollywood, how could I give up!" Fang Long sighed, "It's just like this on Hong Kong Island, the circle is so big, actors all over the world, if they want to go further, they must go to Hollywood."

"Didn't you say that this boss is proficient in Mandarin and likes our Chinese culture very much?"

"Take me to meet you."

"I'll cover all the expenses, no matter how much!" Fang Long patted his chest hard, clasped his fists with both hands, and looked at the Eighth Master with a fiery face, "Eighth Master, Big Senior Brother, I beg you, the old man, and then pull the younger brother. A handful!"

At the dinner table, Hong Jinbao and several other senior brothers also put down their chopsticks and looked at Yuan Ba ​​Ye.

They came to see Fang Long, who was finally discharged from the hospital today.

At the beginning of the year, Fang Long fell from a height of 15 meters while filming "Dragon Tiger Brothers" in Yugoslavia, knocking his head on a stone and almost died on the spot.

Peterson, a famous Yugoslav brain doctor, pulled Van Loong back from the dead after two hours of emergency surgery.

As soon as the injury healed, I immediately thought about filming.

(Every time I see my big brother filming, I think of those little fresh meat now... my brain is buzzing.)

Seeing Fang Long's appearance, Yuan Ba ​​Ye sighed, "However, let's say it in advance, what kind of identity is someone else, what kind of identity is I, just a stinky old nine, that person may not necessarily give me face, besides, this one There must be something to come to Hong Kong Island, and there may not be time.”

"It depends on the will of God, thank you, Big Senior Brother!" Fang Long happily picked up a glass of wine, "I toast Big Senior Brother!"

After all, drink it up!

(PS: Yuan Heping's father, Yuan Xiaotian, and Jackie Chan, Hong Jinbao and their masters, Yu Zhanyuan, are of the same generation. Yuan Heping once briefly led art investment division under Yu Zhanyuan's family, before Hong Jinbao, so Jackie Chan called Yuan Baye the big brother)


The next morning, a stretched Lincoln with an American flag parked in front of the HSBC Building.

Shen Bi greeted him with a three-point doubt, a three-point irritability, a three-point embarrassment, and a professional smile.

Sean got out of the car, stood at the gate and looked up at the HSBC Building. His heart was full of weirdness, and he couldn't tell what he was feeling.

It was... quite sudden.

When shaking hands with Shen Bi, Sean's mood was very complicated.

Lorraine had a poker face, but she kept staring at Shen Bi. She wanted to see if the old man recognized Sean.

It's just... interesting.

Anyway, when Lorraine watched the live broadcast at that time, it was basically Sean.

Don't you recognize your husband with his face covered?

Of course, it's not that she sees Sean as her man, it's just... a metaphor.

Sean and Shen Bi met face to face, exchanged a few polite but embarrassing greetings, and then walked into the building together.

When he reached the door, Sean's footsteps paused slightly, and four familiar figures appeared in his sight, Asan with a thick turban and a rifle on his head.

Sean almost thought that the four guys were resurrected, well, mainly because Asan looked similar, he couldn't tell the difference for a while.

Entering the hall, everything looked the same as the day before yesterday. The three little girls who brought him tea and water were still there, the only one missing was Charlie Cao.

Probably still in the hospital.

Shen Bi didn't know what to think, originally scheduled to meet in the living room, but temporarily ordered the secretary to change to his office.

After chatting, serving coffee, and chatting for a while, the two of them were left in the office. Sean then mentioned his intention today, "I want to acquire the three piers, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, which are under construction in Kwai Tsing!"

Shen Bi nodded, didn't speak, just looked at Sean and waited for the next sentence.

"I heard that you have reached an agreement with the richest man on Hong Kong Island to help his Hutchison Whampoa acquire these three terminals?"

"Yes, it is not an agreement with the richest man. HSBC is one of the major shareholders of Hutchison Whampoa. This is also one of HSBC's industries and a profit growth point."

"What if I want to intervene?" Sean smiled at Shen Bi.

"Rockefeller?" Shen Bi asked blankly.


"Then I don't see any benefit to HSBC, and it has cost HSBC a huge chunk of its profits."

"How much does HSBC lose, and what does it have to do with you?" Sean spread his hands, "Mr. Shen Bi, since I'm here and sitting in front of you, it's impossible for me to be unprepared, right?"

"Please don't blame me for being too direct."

"This HSBC you joined after you were demobilized at the age of 21, this HSBC you have worked for your whole life, when you personally spent $3.1 billion to acquire the American Ocean Millan Bank and brought HSBC to its peak, HSBC was ready to abandon it. is you."

"Whether it's because of fear, or they've found a better helm, or something like that."

Sean shook his head, sneering in regret, "It doesn't matter anymore, your position as chairman of the board of directors is bound to fail in this election."

"Isn't it!"

"You have nothing but the little shares in your hand that can only be used for dividends, and you will never have the opportunity to manipulate HSBC's forward direction."

"So, what does HSBC's interests have to do with you?" Sean spread his hands and mocked.

"Or do you want to push HSBC for the last time before stepping down, hoping that he will ride the wind and waves and set sail?"

"Otherwise, when the child grows up, he will eventually go out and explore the world by himself. No parent wants him to break his head or die outside." Shen Bi shook his head and said with a smile, with no expression of frustration on his face.

But Sean doesn't **** believe it!

"If so, huh, then all I can say is you're a great man, a man out of bad taste."

"One, an idealist among professional managers!"

"But don't make trouble, HSBC is not your child!"

"You're not even a godson. You're a nanny at best, aren't you?"

"Or, do you naively think that your successor will fully accept the route you arranged for HSBC to move forward?" Sean stared at Shen Bi.

Shen Bi's brows were furrowed. Sean's words were extremely aggressive. The knife stabbed into his heart, leaving him speechless.

Yes, his successor will never let HSBC continue on the route he arranged, absolutely not!

If you fully accept the route arranged by Shen Bi, then, doesn't it mean that Shen Bi is the correct one, so what is this successor here for?

To create a godhead for Shen Bi?

Come to sing praises to Shen Bi?

That will only make people say that Shen Bi has arranged everything, and a dog on a leash as the chairman of the board can walk well!

The successor can only live in the shadow of Shen Bi forever!

Although that is the best choice for HSBC, it is indeed the worst choice for the successor.

The interests of the two parties on this point are conflicting.

The successor can only and must open up a new path, and only in this way can he prove his worth.

Those who sit at the helm of such a world-class company are not looking at the level of salary, but also the realization of self-worth.

This is a higher level requirement.

Unable to compromise.

It's like if a new US president takes office, he will completely deny the line of the incumbent president.

It's not good or bad, it's not right or wrong.

Unless he wants to be portrayed as a vassal of "Who and Who" in American history, and achieve the achievement of a "puppet".

That's too funny.

"Look, obviously, you understand." Sean immediately changed his tone and looked at Shen Bi sincerely, "You are a successful banker, you understand everything."

"What's more, there was a robbery just the day before yesterday, and HSBC suffered heavy losses. They have enough reasons to kick you out!"

"They won't miss this opportunity!"

"So, why not work with me!"

Shen Bi just looked at Sean like this, didn't say a word, just stared straight at him, looking at Sean's heart, but he also looked back in the same way.

It's like a game where whoever blinks first loses.

After half a minute, Shen Bi suddenly smiled and said in a strange tone, "You call it crossing a river and demolishing a bridge, do you understand, professional management is a very systematic project, and it can only be done well if professional managers and shareholders cooperate with each other!"

In a word, Sean frowned slightly, what is this mess?

"You are like this, bad rules, it will create a lot of difficulties in the work of professional managers in the future, do you understand!"

Sean's brows furrowed even tighter. Damn, is this Shen Bi being mad at him? Why is it weird?

Moreover, listening to this, why is it unusually familiar?

I seem to have heard it somewhere.

Sean, a little irritable, took a sip of the coffee on the table.

"This kind of behavior should be severely resisted by the entire professional managerial community. If caught, it will be publicly executed to avenge these controlling parties."

"Pfft!" Sean spit out all the coffee in one gulp, spraying Shen Bi's face.

Damn, this finally reminded him, wasn't this what he said to Shen Bi the day before yesterday?

"Cough cough, sorry, sorry." Sean quickly stood up, trying to cover up.

No wonder he forgot, after all, who would remember what he said the day before yesterday?

It was really just a joke at first.

He's not really going to set up some kind of industry standard in the heist world.

After being sprayed with coffee, Shen Bi didn't wipe it, just looked at Sean like this, and continued: "In this way, the legal, orderly, prosperous, and long-term development of the professional manager market can be better maintained."

"Don't let personal emotions get in the way of work!"

"I, a 60-year-old old man, can still remember clearly, robbery, bandit, sir, sir." Finally, Shen Bi gritted his teeth.

Shit, you're too embarrassed to mention the robbery!

"No, Shen Bi, listen to my sophistry." Sean quickly raised his hand and said.

"Okay, you quibble!" Shen Bi glared at Sean angrily.

Sean: "..."

"You, this, must have recognized the wrong person!" Sean bite the bullet and quibble: "Look, what kind of identity am I, right? How could I do such a thing, it's unnecessary, there's no reason, right? !"

"Who would believe it, I, Sean Rockefeller, am a man of money!"

"I, the Rockefeller family, are people who are short of money!"

"Fuck, **** you!" Shen Bi stood up angrily, pointed at Sean's nose and scolded, "How do I know what you think!"

"Ghosts know what weird hobbies you **** noble children have!"

"Bang", the door of the room was pushed open.

Outside the door, Shen Bi's secretary was startled when he heard the scolding, and rushed in to see what was going on.

Lorraine, who was sitting beside him, seemed to have heard nothing, and took a sip of the coffee in front of him leisurely.

You don't need to look at her to know that the old man Shen Bi must have discovered the identity of the villain.

However, there is nothing to worry about, the old man is 60 years old, and he will definitely not be able to beat that bad guy!

As for whether it will make a big fuss, everyone knows the trouble...

Lorraine is not worried, not at all. This kind of thing is fine even if he has the evidence. Sean can settle it as long as he is willing to pay the price.

In the end, only a few insignificant Asan died, and the real big shots were unscathed.

For ordinary people, killing someone is a big deal, and for those guys, it can be discussed.

There is nothing that cannot be traded, just an exchange of interests.

She saw this a lot when she was in the CIA.


There is no absolute enemy in terms of interests, and there is nothing that cannot be compromised. One moment ago, they yelled at each other and wished to hack each other to death, and the next moment they might join forces to deal with another person.

A bunch of dirty guys.

All is not as Lorraine expected.

Shen Bi's secretary just rushed in when he heard a loud scolding,

"Get out, who let you in, get out!" Like an angry lion, Shen Bi pointed at the secretary and cursed loudly.

The secretary immediately lowered his head, closed the door, and walked out sullenly. Looking at Lorraine, who was sitting beside him drinking coffee with an intoxicated face, the secretary showed a very embarrassed smile.

"Damn Fake, how the **** did you come in here, looking at the four at the door..."

"Four Asan, I don't feel it." Sean sat on the sofa and interrupted Shen Bi's words with a calm wave.

"Okay, sit down, and have something to say. You're so old, right?" Sean smiled and stretched out his hand to press it.

"Don't you feel guilty when you see me!" Sitting down again, Shen Bi looked at Sean angrily, "Your people almost killed me."

"Aren't you alright sitting here?" Sean smiled and comforted: "In life, accidents are everywhere. In addition, I have to make a statement."

Sean said with a serious face: "I'm not a nobleman. I went to the battlefield, participated in the battle of Grenada, I worked in a pizza restaurant, and I was shot in the head."

"Today all this was shot by me shot by shot, and it has nothing to do with my surname."

"So, what I just told you, Sean."

Shen Bi rolled his eyes, Sean knew that he was going around in circles now, but he didn't admit that he was the robber the day before yesterday.

"Damn it!" Shen Bi said angrily, "That bullet just rubbed my head and hit me, and I almost went to see God."

"Why do you doubt me? It doesn't make sense. I think your brain is abnormal." Sean looked at Shen Bi with a puzzled face.

Heh, Shen Bi sneered, "I won't say anything about my body shape, it's like sure."

Sean nodded and said nothing.

"What really made me sure is what you just said." Shen Bi looked at Sean with contempt, "That mean, yin and yang look, ha, it's not very similar to that **** terrorist."

"It's just the same thing."

"Close your eyes and just listen, you can feel the same taste."

"I don't believe that I can meet two such extremely annoying people in just three days." Shen Bi said, and snorted coldly.

"What's so bitter and mean, yin and yang weirdness!" Sean exploded on the spot, "I'm so called to put aside the pretense and go straight to the core of the problem, just because what I said is too correct, and said in the hearts of you group of people, That's why it's so powerful!"

"What you hate and cannot face is your truest selves!"

"Look, it's this **** smell." Shen Bi said with an ugly face, gnashing his teeth.

"Admit it, your hearts are actually so dark, it's called anger turned into anger." Sean mocked the full output of the crazy output, "Of course, you can also put it in a better way, it's called the heart is in hell, the dream is bright!"

"You you you..." Shen Bi was trembling with anger, his hair was about to explode, he pointed at Sean and shouted: "Go out, I don't want to see you, I don't want to have any cooperation with you, I'm here right now!"

"Uh..." Sean raised his hand and slapped his forehead hard. Damn, he couldn't control his strength for a while.

Play big!

"Hahaha, okay, okay, it's just a joke, don't take it so seriously." Sean snorted, "Let him pass the past, we can't move the timeline, we can't change what has happened , then, why not manage the future well?"

Sean spread his hands, "I think I'm your better partner."

"I don't think it's any good to cooperate with you, do I listen to you mocking me every day!" Shen Bi snorted coldly.

"Don't say that, if I want to compliment you, I'm afraid you will fly happily." Sean raised his eyebrows and coughed lightly, his face solemn, "Okay, stop joking, get down to business, listen to me conditions of."

Shen Bi was noncommittal, just looked at Sean like this, getting angry, but since he had found the answer, the benefits he deserved could not be less.

As a successful businessman, he would not be affected by those emotions.

Although this guy in front of him is hateful, there is one sentence that is right.

Don't let personal emotions get in the way of work!

"It's a fact that HSBC expelled you, so what do you do with me?" Sean stared at Shen Bi with piercing eyes, "The big ship HSBC is going to turn around, then let him turn around, I will build a new platform for you, a A platform that allows you to fully control, I will not interfere with your feelings and give you the greatest support."

"I can trust you 100% and support your decision."

"What happened to HSBC will not happen to me!"

"Here!" Shen Bi's brows furrowed, and he stared at Sean intently. He never thought of Sean's condition anyway.

"Yes, give it to me!" Sean said firmly.

Now that Shen Bi has discovered the truth, he will vote even more!

Not only do they have to take down those three gold mines, they also have to get the mining money from HSBC, and they also have to dig out Shen Bi, an absentee!

Even the pot is over!

"Don't blame me for speaking badly, just blame the fact that it is so cruel."

"I never mind thinking with the utmost malice that your successors will not praise you, they will slowly sweep away all traces of you on HSBC, on books, newspapers, records, try to erase your traces as much as possible. "

"You're so successful, you know that?"

"Without your rights, you can't do anything. At that time, you won't even be able to defend yourself or resist."

"You are so willing to bury yourself and turn your flesh and blood into HSBC's nutrition."

"Isn't that the same as someone killed you, then married your wife, spent your money, and beat your son?"

"If you don't want this to happen, then you have to have a platform that is enough for you to compete with HSBC!"

"I can provide this platform!"

"Ha, why do I trust you? Or, why do you trust me 100%?" Shen Bi was moved, he was only 60 years old, and suddenly he was going to be kicked out of HSBC, a place where he had been struggling all his life. Willing to be strange.

For this reason, he really doesn't mind cooperating with the 'enemy' Sean.

"Because I'm younger than you!" Sean spread his hands, "How old am I, look how old you are!"

"Let you do it for 20 years, no, 30 years, it's fine for me to build a monument statue for you. When all of you are dead, I'm still alive and kicking. No matter how influential you are, you Can you still jump out of the coffin?"

Sean said indifferently: "Your son can't survive me, um, be bolder, your grandson can't survive me!"

"You tell me what's so scary about me!"

Shen Bi's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, it's a **** long time to see.

When I invite others, I actually say that people will not live long...

This mouth really stinks!

The problem is, Shen Bi is angry, but that's the Sean really doesn't have to worry about anything.

When he died, the confidants of those companies were almost gone, and no matter how big their influence was, they would vanish.

Sure enough, time is the most powerful weapon.

Young Sean, naturally, has already stood at the end of victory.

"Okay, then you can tell me, why do you give me the confidence to fight against HSBC!" Now that the basis for cooperation is established, it is time to talk about the actual conditions. Shen Bi's tone eased.

What kind of robbery, what shooting, never heard of it!

"Being standing behind me is the United States, the world's largest country, because my surname is Rockefeller, and because of the decline of the United Kingdom, the future will only go downhill."

"On the same track, I naturally run ten meters more than HSBC!"

Shen Bi's face was ugly, but he didn't refute it, it was a fact.

"Let's put it aside at the national level and say that it can be controlled." Sean twitched his mouth and said arrogantly: "With strong military support, like what happened three days ago, HSBC can only take the blame and find the government. , find the police, find insurance."

"Crying around like a wounded child, winning the sympathy of the media and public opinion, or making trouble around like a shrew."

"That's it, HSBC has no other way."

"If there were, you wouldn't be sitting face to face with me like this."

"But, it's different to me. Who the **** dares to steal Lao Tzu's things, Lao Tzu's umbrella will kill his whole family!"

"Only Lao Tzu robs others, no one dares to rob Lao Tzu!"

Shen Bi's face instantly turned ugly, and he felt a little regretful.


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