America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 250: :

Houston, Metropolis Media headquarters.

Sean sat in the car with a grin on his lips, "Why did Murdoch choose to come with me?"

"Let's create tension, as you said, make the capital media more greedy and force us to continue to raise the price." Pete Cherning said: "Whether we retreat or continue to invest more, it will only benefit him. , it's just out of a person anyway."

"Hehe, don't watch the guy smear me all day, as if he knows me well, but in the end, he doesn't know what kind of person I am!" Sean sneered.

"Guess what I'll do?" Sean turned to look at Guan Hai, a young man sitting next to him.

Guan Hai frowned slightly. He didn't understand Sean's behavior, so he could only speculate from a normal point of view, "Take this opportunity to have a private contact with Murdoch, and the short-term cooperation between the two parties will win each other's favor at a lower price. The goal."

"Hahaha." Sean patted Guanhai's leg with a big laugh, and said mysteriously, "You will see it!"

Saying this, the convoy arrived at the gate of the Metropolis Media Headquarters building and put on a pomp, and Sean got out of the car.

"The chairman went out to greet him in person. It seems that the Australian thief didn't come?" The chairman of Metropolis Media greeted him at the door, and Sean guessed it.

The chairman was too big, haha, and didn't answer. Having seen Sean's violent temper, he didn't want to get in trouble.

After chatting for a while, the group went upstairs.

Today, not only do we have to sign the equity transfer contract, but we also have to issue an announcement. There are many reporters nearby.

In the conference room upstairs, Sean brought a team of lawyers to review the contract, and Sean chatted with the chairman of the capital, Lynch, "Lynch, how much are you willing to transfer your shares, give me a hearty word, this time I will After acquiring 16%, plus your shares, I can complete the holding, and I hope to hear good news."

"Why is Mr. Sean in such a hurry?" Lynch said with a smile.

"I'm busy." Sean sighed and said lazily, "I'm not too young, I'll be 30 years old in a few years, and I still want to retire before I'm 30, so I always save for myself before I retire. Get some home."

The meeting room was instantly quiet, and several lawyers who reviewed the contract looked over.

Considering that this is their own boss, several lawyers just kindly greeted them in their hearts, Fake Squid!

As for Lynch and others, their noses are going to be crooked, which is beyond the scope of pretending.

If he hadn't considered that he might not be able to fight, now Lynch really wanted to punch Sean in the face.

"I'm serious, Mr. Lynch, isn't it bad to enjoy life? You're not going to continue doing it anyway, I paid a premium for 35% of the shares, 700 million, how, you agree, take this opportunity today Let's sign it." Sean didn't care what Lynch thought, he leaned over with a smile and hugged Lynch's shoulders, "Does it make sense to have 10 million more and 10 million less?"

Fake, that's tens of millions, and Lyn Qi wanted to scold people angrily.


Before Lynch could answer, the door of the conference room was pushed open. In the middle of the two bodyguards in black suits, an old man with silver hair looked like a falcon to Sean who was sitting there, "Young man, speak up. Don't be so loud, we old guys are still one day, you have no chance for the little guy, the first thing you need to learn is respect."

As soon as you enter the door, you will have a high-level teaching tone.

The conference room was quiet again, the old and new tycoons collided head-on, and everyone in the room lit up.

Fight up, fight up!

Guanhai: Come, I want to take a good look!

"Who is this old man, no one can introduce me?" Sean crossed Erlang's legs, tilted his head, and looked at Murdoch with his eyelids crossed.

"Come, to introduce to you, this is the legend of Australia, the world newspaper tycoon, Mr. Rupert Murdoch." The protagonist of the wait finally came, Lynch immediately came to the spirit, stood up and introduced loudly.

"Oh, you're that stinky Australian thief!" Sean said and stood up slowly.

Here, here, a group of directors of Metropolis Media suddenly became excited. Last time they saw Sean go crazy on the board.

Having never been insulted in person, Murdoch's face was ugly, "Your quality is really worrying, you are a slippery fish in higher education!"

"Ha, ha ha." Sean laughed, looked around, raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth, "Brothers, he said we have no culture."

"Why, try hitting me, I've heard, huh, savage boy!" Murdoch scorned.

"Just try and die!" Shawn yelled and walked over aggressively, "Then what are you waiting for, let them see what real 'no culture' is!"

Seeing this scene, watching Sean rushing towards him aggressively and murderously, Murdoch was dumbfounded, no, wait, "You, what are you doing!"

The battle team that Torre brought was the first to rush up, especially Torre, a **** man with a height of 2 meters, without any skills, just put up his arms and rammed towards the two bodyguards of Merkdo like a bully. past.

The two bodyguards can be considered strong, but they are not on the same order of magnitude as Torre, who weighs 200 pounds.

Torre, who was rushing up at a high speed, made a standard rugby rushing action, the sound of "bang", and a bodyguard's screams didn't have time to make it out.

The other person was simply thrown to the ground, and the four big men of similar stature directly pressed on top of each other like an Arhat, and instantly went silent!

"What are you doing, old man, I'm going to teach you a **** lesson!" Sean approached step by step, grabbed Murdoch's collar, raised his hand and punched Murdoch's cheek.



Murdoch's face was directly deformed by the beating, and a big tooth flew far away with blood.

"I let you old **** make a **** rumor!"

"I **** let you smear me!"

"I **** let you mess with me!"

After saying a word, Sean slapped it with a big mouth.

"Clap, bang," repeated slaps.

I didn't dare to wave my fist again, for fear of killing the old man!

Every time he hit, the director of Capital Media twitched.

I just wanted to watch a good show just now, but I didn't expect a good show to be so exciting...

I can't stand it anymore!

Pete Cherning is stupid, Fake, what is the boss doing?

What's even more stupid is watching the sea, my eyeballs almost fell, the boss just let me watch this?

After all, he is a billionaire, the famous Merck, look at the beating now, his face is like a pig's head, he can't see his face.

This Sean, it's too dark to start!

How dare he!

Pushing the old man to the ground, Sean beckoned to the side, Lorraine walked over helplessly and handed a piece of paper.

Sean squinted his eyes with a look of enjoyment, as if he heard a boost: congratulations on completing the achievement and punching the Nanshan Nursing Home.

He wiped the blood on his hands and threw the paper on the ground.

Torre and others also let go of the two bodyguards, but they didn't do anything ruthless.

Why do bodyguards make it difficult for bodyguards.

The two bodyguards quickly helped Murdoch, who was sitting on the ground in a trance, and the old man was so miserable, his mouth was full of blood, his entire face was swollen.

The injury is not serious, nothing is wrong, but Sean is too bad, he specially slaps the face and looks very miserable.

"You, you, you..." After slowing down, Murdoch's eyes were red with anger, and he pointed at Sean, you, you, you, for a long time, but he didn't know what to say.

"You bastard! Immortal, I'll tell you the fuck, if I dare to spread rumors again, I will beat you every time I see you." Sean pointed at Murdoch and cursed loudly.

"You bastard, I'm going to sue you, I'm going to send you to prison!" For a long time, this was the only cruel thing Murdoch could think of.

"Whatever you want, old guy, come to fight if you don't agree." Sean said with a 'cut', "Don't say that I bully you, and you don't agree to let your son come, you are so old, and you come out to fight, bitch! "

Murdoch was annoyed, his nostrils doubled in size, and glared at the two bodyguards viciously, "Don't leave, two wastes!"

The two bodyguards looked helpless and didn't dare to answer. There were only two of them, and they couldn't do anything about it.

Besides, the two tycoons were fighting, and their bodyguards didn't dare to shoot.

With the help of two bodyguards, Merck walked towards the elevator, his head was smoking, and he must bring more bodyguards next time!

I'm taking 20 of them!

Kill the **** Sean!

Merck left, with a face full of blood.

Several shareholders who were about to sign a contract with Murdoch were all dumbfounded, contract, contract!

Don't think about it for a short time, Murdoch won't come out to meet people until the wound on his face is beautiful.

The world's famous billionaires are so embarrassing.

The conference room was quiet again, only the little blood on the ground recorded what just happened here.

A group of people stared blankly at Sean, including Pete and others, completely speechless.

"Okay, the idle people are leaving, let's continue, it's time to sign a contract and sign a contract."

"Mr. Sean, you, you..." Lynch came over with a very wonderful expression on his face. You haven't said why you came here for a long time.

"Murdoch won't let it go."

"And then." Norris moved a chair dog-legged, and Sean sat down with a smile and asked, "Report the crime and find the police?"

"Ha, it doesn't matter, as long as Murdoch is not ashamed, I don't care."

Lynch smiled bitterly, Sean didn't care, he didn't know what to say.

"Hey." Sean looked at those few with an ugly face, and waved to the shareholders who had negotiated with Murdoch before, "Several, whoever sells shares is not selling it, isn't my Sean's money not money? , and it's not hot, Murdoch can't sign a contract with you anyway, how about selling it to me."

Several people looked at each other, and they didn't mind selling to Sean, but the problem is, not now!

If they have to dare to do this, Murdoch insists that the hatred value must be OT.

I can't help this guy Sean, and I can't help them!

They dare not form a deadly feud with Murdoch.

Sean pouted when he saw this, of course he understood the plight of several people, but, what the **** does this have to do with me.

"Mr. Lynch, you also saw that the old guy Murdoch can't do it, he's here to make trouble, I know you don't mind him using the capital media to put pressure on the other side, but..." Xiao En stared at Lynch's eyes, "Mr. Lynch, you can only choose between me and Murdoch."

"Would you choose Murdoch?"

"No, you won't, and Murdoch won't buy Capital Media at an excessive premium."

"A veteran capitalist like him is used to planning carefully!"

"So, what's the point of you dragging it!?" Sean spread his hands, "You must sell your shares anyway."

"I'm really..." Lynch looked up at the sky, feeling like he was beeping a dog.

No, it was beeped by a dog!


He still really didn't expect Sean to beat Murdoch.

This isn't the **** Chicago of the last century, with bills in one hand and revolvers in the other.

Don't think about it, there must be chaos outside now.

Like Sean said, Murdoch would not be so generous.

What's more, he is not a person inside or outside now. If he sells to Murdoch, he will offend Sean to death. If he sells to Sean, he will offend Murdoch.


He has to make a decision.

As far as this guy's 'mad dog' temper is concerned, he is really numb.

After doing business for so many years and negotiating so many times, this is the first time I saw it and beat my competitors hard!

Really awakened the blood of the ancestors!

Lynch didn't want to provoke himself a mad dog-like enemy in the future.

Damn it!

"Okay, Mr. Sean, you win!" Lynch stretched out his hand and put a smile on his face, he wanted to sell more!

"That's right!" Sean stretched out the hand that was still stained with Murdoch's blood, and held it tightly with Lynch, "Come, come, give Mr. Lynch a cappuccino! "

From the moment Lynch agreed, Sean has controlled 51% of the shares of Metropolis Media, a proper major shareholder.

Pete Cherning watched Sean and Lynch hold each other, raised his hand and slapped it on his head, was I wrong, or was the boss right?

So, am I not grasping the essence of negotiation?

He lowered his head, raised his hand, clenched his fist and looked at it.

"I advise you to give up this stupid idea." Lorraine glanced at Guan Hai with a thoughtful face next to him, rolled his eyes and turned away.

Sooner or later, these guys will lose their studies with that guy!

The three subordinate shareholders looked at this scene and were instantly dumbfounded. They were originally going to sell their shares to Murdoch, but what...

What should we do now?

Online waiting, very urgent!


Downstairs, underground parking lot.

The elevator door opened, hair stood up, and Murdoch with a swollen face appeared in the hall with the support of two bodyguards.

Several reporters were squatting at the foot of the wall and smoking cigarettes. They were waiting for today's press conference.

Some people have released news that Murdoch is going to buy a stake in Metropolis Media.

The law does not say that Americans cannot own television stations in the United States, but it does not say that they cannot own a certain percentage of shares.

Seeing this scene suddenly, out of professional instinct, several people subconsciously picked up the camera and 'click' and 'click' was a flash.

To be honest, few people did not see who it was when they were just filming, it was really just a professional habit.

But when the filming was over, it was discovered that this old man whose face had been smashed out of shape seemed, probably, maybe, the media tycoon Murdoch?

What the **** is this.

When he was photographed by the flash, Murdoch turned his head subconsciously, but instantly thought it was a reporter.

Immediately, there was a bang in my head, and the photo of him being beaten into a pig's head must not be spread out!

"Catch them for me!!" Murdoch shouted hastily.

The two bodyguards let go of Murdoch and rushed straight towards the reporters.

The reporters also reacted, they must have been patronized by the goddess of luck today, and even if they smoked a cigarette, they could be hit by a pizza falling from the sky.

Without saying a word, he yelled, "Run!"

Like a stray dog, several reporters scattered in an instant and ran in all directions.

Sean has always believed that reporters are an all-rounder with multiple skills!

The two bodyguards used their milk-feeding strength to knock down one of them, snatching the camera while the reporter howled wildly.

However, three reporters still ran away...

Turning his head, he looked eagerly at the boss who was beaten into a pig's head, what should I do?

"Stupid, stupid!" Murdoch was really going to be mad.

Next time, next time bring forty bodyguards out! !

He could imagine that the reporters were already contacting to sell the photos.

According to the rules of the newspaper industry, those reporters should first sell him the negatives.

But the question is, will those reporters leave enough photos?

The answer is yes!

In an instant, Murdoch figured it out clearly. Since it can't be stopped, let's make a big noise and let the whole world condemn that mad dog!

Let all the rich people recognize the face of that mad dog!

"Give them back, let's go!" Murdoch ordered as soon as he thought about it.

He's going to the hospital and calling the police!


The news seemed to have wings, spread out at an unimaginable speed, and instantly fermented, expanded, and exploded...

It was passed like a gust of wind, and Murdoch, the owner of News Corp., the media tycoon, was beaten!

Murdoch attacked!

Murdoch seriously injured in hospital!

Murdoch, dead...

Unrecognizable in a way that left Murdoch jaw-dropping.

The 38-year-old wife Anna received the news first, "What, Murdoch was beaten to death, puff, haha, no, woohoo, I'm so sad!"

Then came the two sons who received the news one after another, "Ha, woohoo, daddy, you, ha, you died so miserably!"

Then there are some of the professional managers from News Corp.

After arriving at the hospital, Murdoch's cell phone didn't stop. First, the two sons called in a panic, "How is father, what, it's okay? How can it be okay!"

Murdoch: ? ? ?

"Ah, father, it's great that you're okay, I'm asking, what's going on!?"

Why do I sound like you guys are disappointed? !

Then there is the wife, and then, the company executives, the rich people he knows, and the people he cares about, making Murdoch very complicated for a while.

It's hard to tell how people feel when they're on the phone.

That's right, Gan!


Metropolis Media Headquarters, where a new contract is being signed, several police cars are parked downstairs, and a few potbellied police officers got out of the cars.

The reporters who had received the news a long time ago flashed the flashing lights frantically with excitement.

There was a knock on the door of the conference room, the door opened, and several policemen walked in.

"Hello, Mr. Sean Rockefeller." The lead police officer was the sheriff of the Houston local police department.

No way, it's not appropriate to send other people at this time, and no one wants to touch this brow.

Lorraine leaned over and said something in Sean's ear.

Sean smiled and stood up, "Hello, Sheriff Volvo Mark, nice to meet you."

"I'm also very happy to meet you, but..." Volvo Mark spread his hands, "someone just reported to the police that he was attacked."

"I know, Murdoch's mouse, yes, I hit him. I hit him so hard that it knocked out one of his teeth." Sean said with a nonchalant smile.

Volvo Mark looked at Sean with a bewildered look on his face. He thought that he thought Sean would deny it, and then find someone to take the blame. This is a normal routine!

But now...

"Okay, Mr. Sean." Volvo said with a straight face, "Then I think you need to go back to the police station with me."

"Of course, of course, no problem." Sean waved his hand indifferently, "But, you have to wait a minute, I'm going to sign a few contracts worth $2 billion."

The figure of 2 billion US dollars came out, and immediately knocked out several police officers.

Having said that, several lawyers came over and placed a large row of contracts in front of Sean.

The room was quiet, and everyone looked at Sean and held their breaths.

Sean glanced at it, and while everyone was watching, he picked up the pen and quickly wrote on the contract.

After signing one name, Sean replaced the next one. The lawyer here quickly turned to the next page and waited for Sean to continue signing for a while.

The meeting room was very quiet, only the sound of the brush tip rubbing against the paper could be heard.

It took 20 minutes before and after Sean signed all the documents.

Commercial contracts are so complicated and cumbersome.

The lawyer quickly put away the contract, put it in a different safe and locked it.

Only at this moment did everyone's face flush with excitement.

Norris pushed a cart of champagne out of nowhere. Sean took a bottle of champagne, shook it vigorously, and made a "bang".

A bottle of champagne worth more than $600 began to spray, and Sean laughed and sprayed in circles, and several policemen were not spared.

The police didn't mind, after all, it's a bottle of champagne worth a month's salary, so what's the point of being sprayed on.

Lynch was also very happy, picked up a bottle of champagne and shook it quickly, finally unloading a heavy burden in his heart, money was better than anything.

What's more, he also took the opportunity to talk about something else with Sean.

Also a great deal!

Everyone was very happy for a while, Guan Hai sat quietly in the corner and watched. The character Sean gave him was to watch and think.

After a while, the mood finally eased down, but one by one still blushed.

"Okay, guys, let's save some energy for the evening. I'll have a big party in the evening, but don't get too excited now." Sean picked up the champagne bottle and tapped on the conference room desk, " Now, we're going to meet those reporters, and it's time to share the good news with everyone."

After Sean finished speaking, Norris immediately picked up the phone. Of course, he was not going to arrange some **** press conference, which was already arranged by the capital media.

He was calling Hollywood, and he wanted to quickly find a group of Hollywood beauties on a special chartered flight.

He knows what he is best at!

Let everyone have fun, have fun, and be tired...

Lorraine listened and staggered a few steps, you **** pimp!

The press conference downstairs has been arranged. Sean and the others took a quick shower, cleaned the drinks from their bodies, and changed their clothes before they came out refreshed.

I always have a team by my side, what is a rich man.jpg

It was a few police officers who refused to take a bath, so let's go back and change them. Their clothes are not worth changing.

Besides, the champagne tastes good.

There was a lot of noise in the press conference hall, and all the reporters had suppressed excitement on their faces. Is there any big news!

Soon, the small door behind opened, and a group of people came out.

First, there were ten expressionless men in black suits, white shirts and sunglasses, including Torre, standing on both sides of the rostrum.

Afterwards, another group of people came out again, and the leader was a young, handsome, tall, first as handsome as the reader's father, Master Sean.

"Wow..." The whole reception hall became chaotic, everyone stood up and started shouting in a mess.

Ask anything, all of a sudden it seems like there are hundreds of ducks making a noise, making it impossible to hear anything.

Sean and his party seemed to have expected it long ago, and they were not surprised, and went straight to the press conference stage.

He beckoned Lorraine to come over, and let her turn the sound of the stereo to the maximum.

Lorraine also thought that his voice was too low to suppress the enthusiasm of these people, so he obeyed.

It's just, how could she imagine how flamboyant Sean would be.

Called Torre to come over and asked the guy to reach out and cover his ears, and then put the microphone directly in front of the speaker.


A piercing humming sound sounded, and suddenly, everyone in the entire hall was like a goose with its throat strangled.

Mouth open, eyes closed, expression twisted.

Torre is completely stupid! !

He thought that the boss might do bad things, but he didn't think that it would be so bad.

His ears can't hear anything at the moment...deaf!

Boss, you are a real dog!

Sean took off the microphone, and the hall fell silent.

Torrey walked back to his original position with a dazed look on his face and stood up. Lynch and the others were not doing much better. They rubbed their ears with twisted expressions and looked at Sean with resentment.

What kind of person is this!

You can't be notified.

Lorraine's face was cold and he kicked Sean hard. Damn it, he didn't even tell himself before he did something bad.

Volvo Mark and several policemen did not enter the hall. Although they felt uncomfortable at the moment, they were fine.

Looking at Sean who was standing in front of the stage, holding the microphone and laughing, several people looked at each other, this Mr. Sean, what a really bad character.

No wonder he would do something to beat Murdoch.

"Cough, let me introduce myself, I, Sean Rockefeller, what I want to say is, remember..." Sean held the microphone, waving his arms vigorously and shouted: "Sean is here, and Dao Le is here. !"

"I know what you want to ask, no problem, believe me, a true, upright warrior will never hide his true thoughts."

"Clap clap clap!" After hearing what Sean said, the reporters no longer blamed Sean for the prank he just made.

They like the phrase 'Sean is here, and Dao Le is here'!

"Tell me out loud, do you like someone who can bring you joy with the knife!"

"Like it!!" a group of reporters shouted loudly.

"Very well, you see, we have reached the first consensus!" Sean said with a smile: "Then, be quiet first, officially complete the theme of this conference, and after everything is completed..."

Having said that, Sean made a few swinging dance moves, "Let's talk about those exciting things!"


"it is good!"

"OK!" This time Sean smiled and handed the microphone to Lynch.

Lynch shook his head slightly. This guy is not a low-key person by nature. He can always mobilize everyone's emotions. He always likes to do unexpected things. He always dances on cliffs.

Really are!

If someone else did such a prank, the attitude of these reporters would never be so good!

The high-pitched emotions of the reporters were suppressed, and the press conference went smoothly. The two sides exchanged documents, signed, took pictures, and shook hands.

The whole process was very smooth, the reporters asked some questions along the way, and everything was perfect.

That is to say, from this moment on, Sean became the largest antique and chairman of the Capital Media Company.

And the name of the capital media company also entered the history at this moment.

Did Sean change its name, New Century Media!

In the eyes of ordinary people, the new century is just Sean's vision for the company, hoping that the company can still shine in the new century.

To be honest, if it were on weekdays, this news would definitely be sensational enough to cause an earthquake, but now...

What kind of **** do readers want to see change bosses?

Where are the rich people fighting interesting! !

Not to mention reporters, the photography team of New Century Media also came to the scene to eat the melon of the new boss!

"Look, look, look at the excited look on your faces." Sean walked back to the stage, pouted, and pointed at the group of reporters below with a smile.

"Is it so interesting to watch people fight, ah!"

Immediately, everyone below burst into laughter.

There are too many rich people in the United States, but the rich people of this era are all adhering to the aristocratic style and demanding of themselves, no matter how unbearable they are in private, but in front of the media, they are either gentle, personable, calm and capable, or cold and old-fashioned. .

But there has never been a rich man like Sean who is natural when facing the camera, jokes, likes to tease people, and pranks rich people.

For a time, everyone felt very novel.

"Fake, come on, ask, you guys!" Sean scolded with a smile.

"Mr. Sean, we observed that Mr. Murdoch was injured. It is reported that you did the beating. Is this true?"

"Is this news from some unnamed people?" Sean teased, causing another burst of laughter, and then said with a smile: "Yes, it's me, Sean Rockefeller, who did it without seeing the police. Are the uncles already here?"

"Come here, Sheriff Volvo, come in, say hello to everyone, let some people see, you are indeed here to carry out the mission and arrest people yourself!"

Volvo's expression was constipated, but he still walked in from the door and flashed a flash. The reporters here knew that this was the Houston police chief.

"Mr. Sean, can you please tell me how you beat him?" someone shouted.

Sean raised his right hand high and said loudly: "See, the big fist of the sandbag, it knocked out a tooth of that old **** who likes to spread rumors!"

"Wow!" Too many people exclaimed.

"Mr. Sean, did you think before you beat someone, what will you face after you beat someone?"

"Why do you want to?" Sean spread his hands, "I'm not yet 30 years old, I'm still a young man, the kind of style that should be only for the old men who do things forward and backward, young people have to look like young people, thinking, Just do it!"

"Mr. Sean, you are a super rich man. There will be many people who will learn from you. Are you not afraid of teaching those young people badly?" Someone asked loudly with malicious intent.

"Okay, you're picking on the thorns!" Sean reached out and nodded at the reporter who was questioning, "But, do you still call a reporter if you don't pick on the thorns? So, I don't blame you!"

"I can tell you, it would be terrifying if young people in America lived like **** old men, it means that the United States has completely lost the will to forge ahead, and has lost the fighting spirit of the United States. We will No longer able to innovate, no longer able to promote new trends of thought, that kind of America is bound to die!”

Sean said solemnly and loudly: "This is really scary. Remember, young people should look like young people. After thinking about it, it is enough for the old men to do these conservative things!"

"Remember, when someone provokes you, don't be cowardly, don't be afraid, it will only make the perpetrator take an inch, stand up bravely, and hit back hard and unceremoniously."

"If you don't even dare to do this, then it's hard for me to imagine that you will have the courage to face bigger difficulties."

"Clap clap clap!" There was a warm applause in the hall, no matter what, Sean's words are so refreshing!

Said it made the blood boil.

"Can you tell me why you hit Mr. Murdoch?"

"I like the media industry. As everyone knows, I also have a film company. Last year's first film went to No. 4 at the box office. Well, just today, another film, "Instinct", was released. I believe, It's also a great movie that can make a splash."

"Although I expected that Australian rumormonger would definitely find a way to slander it!"

"So, you should see that I really like the media industry, so I want to buy Xiaducheng Media TV Station, for which I am willing to pay a super premium of 2 billion US dollars!"

"I renamed her New Century Media Company. She is like my favorite woman, and I will take good care of her."

"Suddenly one day, an ugly old man tried to **** your favorite woman from you, tell me what I should do!" Sean waved his fist hard.

"Beat him!" the crowd shouted in unison.

"Do you understand now!"

"Sir, how many times have we heard you say that Mr. Murdoch is a rumormonger?"

"Isn't this well known, everyone, you are all insiders, don't be like this, the New York Post, New York Magazine, and the Village Voice, New West, these newspapers are all virtues. You know better than anyone. , this is not all listening to Murdoch, the rumormonger."

"Well, I know you want to hear this coming out of my mouth, yes, I read these papers too, and I love them, do you know why?"

"Because, these newspapers can rule out a wrong answer for me!"

Suddenly, there was a really hilarious laugh in the hall again, Sean's mouth was too bad.

No swear words are used.

When these words were sent out, several newspapers really became a joke.

They have all expected it, and I don't know how many people will quote Sean to attack them in the future.

"Mr. Police Chief, can you ask if you will arrest Mr. Sean?" a reporter asked the sheriff loudly.

"Of course, yes, I will." Volvo said solemnly without going to see Sean.

Sean spread his hands, turned his head, and looked very depressed, which immediately caused another burst of laughter.

Obviously, everyone could see that Sean didn't take it seriously.

"So, why is Mr. Sean still here for an interview now?"

Volvo was stunned, suddenly not knowing how to answer.

"Okay, I'll answer this instead of Director Volvo." Sean picked up the microphone and said, "Gentlemen, do you want me to be interviewed first?"

"Of course!" the crowd shouted.

"That's why." Sean pointed to Volvo and said, "He is a policeman, he wants to consider legal issues, but he also wants to consider the thoughts of the people, so, are you the American people?"


"Obviously, the Volvo Sheriff naturally has to consider the needs of the American people before the Australians, so what's the problem?"

"no problem!"

"Okay, I don't feel any problem, so we can't keep Mr. Volvo waiting for a long time!" Sean put down the microphone and walked towards Volvo.

"Sergeant Volvo, will the police detain Mr. Sean?" a reporter immediately shouted loudly.

"This is not something I can decide. It depends on the court. Everyone, okay, we have to go." Volvo said and turned and left.

Behind him, Torre and others formed a human wall to block the group of reporters.

It's so powerful!

Instead of being a police car, Sean invited Volvo to his bulletproof car all the way to the police station.

In fact, when the press conference was held, several lawyers had already passed by early.

What can happen, putting aside the subject of identity, it is nothing more than a fight.

Post your bail and you'll be released.

At best, considering Murdoch's identity, the bail is higher.

It's useless for you Murdoch to master the public opinion media, those messy methods can't be used on Sean's head.

In the end, it's nothing more than paying the fine.

Is Sean still afraid of fines?

Besides, Metropolis Media is now Sean's, and if Houston wants this big company to keep its headquarters and pay taxes for Houston, then they have to think in Sean's position. !

It's like the police will only focus on the rich areas...

So, after taking a photo at the police station and recording a statement, Sean swaggered out.

Facing the reporter, Sean shouted directly, "I have prepared 10 million yuan for the fine. I won't spend it this time. I will continue next time!"

That night, the capital... No, the 7 large local TV stations and 12 small local TV stations of New Century Media Company released the route of Sean's interview that day.

Hearing Sean calling himself a rumormonger, Murdoch was furious.

When the answer of 'help me rule out a mistake' came out, Murdoch even fainted in anger...

Under the mourning eyes of his family, Murdoch woke up shortly after.

Murdoch, who woke up, gritted his teeth and roared loudly: "Sean, little thief, I'm inseparable with you!!"

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