America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 256: :

(No way, it's not that the fireworks have to be re-issued, it's nothing...)

"Have you thought about the consequences of what you do?" Old Bu, who was in Washington, called and asked.

"Why, Washington is going to ban me from participating in the extermination of the tigers?" Sean asked with a frown.

"Until something happens, the opponents will not stand up, but..." Old Bu said after a while: "This matter is still very dangerous, and no one is sure what will happen in the future. If Ah San wants to Intervention?"

"Then call back!" Sean said without hesitation.

The corner of Lao Bu's mouth twitched, he could imagine what Sean looked like at the moment, fierce and murderous.

"If they want to fight back, you only have two battleships. Although I don't think Asan's combat effectiveness is so powerful, I don't think you can beat it either. The biggest possibility for a full-scale conflict is your two ships. The battleship was sunk." Lao Bu said directly.

"Sinking is sinking, they will only pay a greater price." Sean said indifferently: "I am fulfilling my responsibility, the responsibility is not mine, is the Congress watching the slaughter of their own country's businessmen and their legitimate interests being slaughtered? Human assault?"

"Then, the world's largest country is a bit embarrassing." Sean teased with a smile.

Old Bu said dumbly, "Aren't you going to ask them to compensate for the loss?"

"I bet they don't dare to fight back. Of course, compensation for losses is also fine. Two battleships plus casualties, don't try to fool the past hundreds of millions of dollars." Sean sneered.

"What if Ah San insists on not making compensation?" Lao Bu asked in his heart, not knowing what to do.

"Then I'll sue them in the International Court of Justice. Why, Dignified America, don't even have the ability to collect debts?" Sean laughed and said, "If this is the case, I will blockade the waters near India and blow up their merchant ships! "

"Money, I don't want it, isn't it just a few hundred million, I can afford it, I'll see if Asan can afford it." …)

"You..." Lao Bu looked confused, "Aren't you a terrorist organization!"

"That's fine. Besides, it's not that I look down on Asan, do they have the right to define who is a terrorist organization?" Sean pouted and said.

The old cloth was speechless.

The scope of terrorist organizations defined by each country is not the same. Saudi Arabia once characterized the organizations in the United States and Niuniu as terrorist organizations, but the terrorist organizations defined by the United States did not appear on their 'list'.

So what's the point of this list of terrorist organizations?

The power to define a terrorist organization ultimately depends on the ability of 'law enforcement'.

If the old US can enforce the law globally, then the terrorist organization they define is a 'real' terrorist organization, and other countries have no ability to enforce the law, then this so-called definition of a terrorist organization is useless.

Just like the positioning of 'Wanwan', returning to the origin still depends on hard power!

Sean doesn't think that Asan has any ability to 'international law enforcement', so he doesn't care about them at all.

"You are ready, if there is a conflict, Congress will inevitably initiate a hearing." The old cloth finally warned.

"What's so special, trouble!" Sean waved his hand irritably, yes, he just felt trouble.

Wasting time!

Hanging up the phone, Robert walked in from outside, Sean hugged Le Huizhen and took a sip and patted her butt.

Le Huizhen immediately turned around and went upstairs.

"When will the action be launched?" Sean asked with a smile.

"It will take a few more days." Robert said helplessly: "First, we need to investigate all kinds of information about the Tigers. Second, we need to cooperate with the Sri Lanka military drill. At least, we need to be able to communicate with orders!"

"Their quality is simply too poor!" Robert said irritably.

"Hahaha." Sean laughed loudly, "You have to understand that if they are strong in combat, they don't need to find us."

"Don't let them take on any tough tasks, just put them in a support position."

"Our goal is just to destroy their sea power, nothing outside the contract."

"Finally, our key monitoring target should be on Asan's side, not some **** tiger."

"In this case..." Robert hesitated and said: "I hope to increase the air strike force. To be honest, with only one Black Hawk fighter, it is difficult for us to take advantage of technology."

"What do you mean?" Sean looked at Robert with a half-smile, "Hey, let's get an Apache. Compared to the general-purpose Black Hawk, the Apache is the real gunship."

"Of course I know Apache is good. The problem is that Apache's application scope is too narrow, and it is useless except for combat power, while Black Hawk can complete tasks such as rescue, combat power projection, transportation, etc." Sean flipped. He rolled his eyes, "Not to mention that one Apache can buy five Black Hawks!"

Robert spreads his hands, the problem is here, Apache's strength lies in its unparalleled combat effectiveness. When facing air defense weapons or individual air defense missiles such as the Stinger, Apache's battlefield survivability is not the Black Hawk. comparable.

"This time I can only support you with one more Black Hawk. I will have the United States airlift it. As for the Apache, the U.S. military has not yet installed it. I..." Sean hesitated, "Let's take a look. , can you get one for you in the name of testing this time?"

"Boss, long live!" Robert clenched his fist and waved with all his strength, "I believe, nothing can stop you!"

"What the hell!" Sean scolded with a smile, "You guys should do a good job of training first!"

After sending Robert away, Sean thought about calling old David.

The Apache was produced by Boeing, and Rockefeller had a stake in Boeing.

Boeing's military aircraft department has nothing to do with the civilian department that Sean had contacted before, so it's up to old man David to speak.

"Grandpa Fifth!" Sean shouted passionately as soon as the phone got through.

"Heh, there is nothing to be courteous, either a traitor or a thief!" Old man David snorted, "Aren't you showing off your power in Sri Lanka, why did you call me, this bad old man?"

"What does it mean to be a traitor or a thief, really, I really have a good thing this time!" Sean called out.

"Tell me, it's a good thing to hear." David laughed, revealing his disbelief.

"I know that the Apache made by our family's Boeing Company has never been installed. I have an opportunity here to give Apache an opportunity to practice combat, to collect data and test performance in actual combat."

"Sorry, your news is outdated, Apache was officially installed two months ago!" David sneered.

Sean: "..."

"Then let me help the military do a combat test?" Sean said tentatively.

"It's pretty good to think about, actually tested, huh..." David sneered again and again.

"No, then forget it, oops, it's really..." Sean's tone was odd.

"Stinky boy, what do you mean?" Old man David immediately became unhappy.

"It's nothing, I didn't want to compare to DuPont." Sean continued.

Old man David's face darkened with anger, and his voice was raised, "Why can't Rockefeller be compared to DuPont!"

"You wait for the old man!"

After hanging up the phone angrily, the old man David immediately calmed down.

How could this old fox be easily provoked by Sean, of course...

Angry is real!

Rockefeller is the glory and pursuit of old man David. For a man in his 60s, there are really very few things he can pursue. The most proud place, not to mention DuPont.

In addition, the support that should be given to Sean must be given. The old fox should cultivate Sean's respect and sense of honor for the surname Rockefeller!

On the other side, Sean, who hung up the phone, blinked, so talkative?


No matter what the old man thinks, he must get the benefits he deserves anyway.

I don't know who the old man was in contact with. Anyway, it didn't take long for the military to place an order for the "weapon combat test" for the umbrella.

The content is to entrust the umbrella company to conduct the actual combat test of the Apache armed helicopter. The military must collect actual combat data, find the advantages and disadvantages, so as to better enhance the combat effectiveness and give full play to the advantages of technological crushing.

For the test were 2 Apache gunships, each carrying 3 bases of ammunition, along with a team dedicated to collecting various data.

Of course, it's not from the military, it's DynCorp, whose Chinese name is Deyang Company.

After all, this is also a military contractor. It has been serving the US military for a long time, providing equipment maintenance and logistics support for the military overseas.

As we all know, aircraft, tanks, and battleships are becoming more and more advanced, and maintenance work is becoming more and more specialized. The US military outsources these tasks.

In the military's order consumption, Germany and Yang are the first.

However, this has nothing to do with Sean. This is the first time I have accepted an order from the military. Well, the price is not high, only 2 million US dollars...

I use your plane to fight, and I want to take your money, what is this called?

This is called a capitalist!

Upon receiving Sean's notification, Robert laughed, flattering him like he didn't want money.

Sean looked reserved, "Small meaning, small meaning!"

Let Robert continue to run in with the Sri Lankan military, and Sean flew directly to Hong Kong Island with the contract signed with Sri Lanka.

The loan issue must be settled before Shen Bi steps down!

Fortunately, Shen Bi has already prepared everything here. As soon as the contract arrives, he will sign it immediately.

HSBC no one can object.

In Sean's contract, Sri Lanka is mortgaged with the national treasury tax. This is the country's credibility. There is no need to question its payment ability. Everything is in line with HSBC's loan standards.

That's how the $800 million loan came in.

Monroe Deve breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the money. To be honest, he had already begun to lose sleep during this time, and the bank balance was so negative that he couldn't stand it on anyone.

Once any bad news comes out, it can instantly put Sean Bank in a doomed situation.

"Boss, do you know how much you owe now?" Monroe Deve asked suddenly.

Sean shivered for no apparent reason. He was only responsible for borrowing money. He really didn't count how much he owed. "How much?"

"$1.854 billion!" said Monroe Deve coldly.

"Fake, how come there are so many?" Sean jumped up from the sofa in fright.

"Sir, from HSBC alone, you borrowed 1.1 billion yuan, and you owe 224 million yuan for the acquisition of the prison in New Jersey. You are still the biggest antique of New Century Media, and you have to pay for their arrears. The arrears of various companies, 1.854 billion!"

"No, I..." Sean looked confused, he really didn't know why he owed so much money.

"Boss, your debt ratio has exceeded 200%. In fact, you are already bankrupt!" Monroe Deve continued.

"What's wrong with me..." Sean covered his forehead, "I worked so hard, so I'm going bankrupt!"

"I think, yes, sir, you're paying more than $80 million a year in interest right now." Monroe Deve continued to deliver bad news.

"How can that 1.1 billion be considered arrears, it is mortgaged!" Sean's tone was full of struggles.

"That shouldn't change the fact of borrowing, what's more, you are overdrafting Sri Lanka's income for the next ten years. In ten years, no one can guarantee that there will be no problems, boss!" Monroe Deve's tone was full of Worrying, "Sri Lanka is a country, he is going to change, not to mention that Asan is staring at him."

"Venezuela, Libya, Yifang, do you need me to give more examples?" Monroe Dive said in a low voice, "These small governments are the most unreputable rubbish. As the political situation changes, they can do anything. Once they make the contract illegal, that loan blows up!"

"I don't know why HSBC agreed to lend you a loan, if it wasn't for a brain problem."

"The government can go back, but you can't go back, once HSBC asks you for money..." Monroe Deve didn't say anything later, his tone changed, and his voice was full of pathos, "Boss, tell me, will you still do it? Additional investment in New Century Media.”

Sean was at a loss for words, listening to what Monroe Deve meant, if he dared to invest, Monroe was ready to jump off the building.

But the problem is, he must have to invest!

Sean considered his tone and said, "The New Jersey consortium wants to invest in New Century Media."

"Then boss, will you give up absolute control?" Monroe Deve asked carefully.

Sean didn't speak.

Of course he won't, but he also takes a fancy to some things in the hands of the New Jersey consortium and wants to exchange shares.

Therefore, he must continue to acquire shares in the hands of other shareholders of the new century.

"Oh, No!" Monroe Deve screamed, "Boss, I can't do it anymore, I want to resign!"

"Listen, Monroe, calm down, really, I have a way, right away, right away you'll see a sum of money, a large amount of legitimate money in my account, soon, don't worry." Sean hurriedly Comfort this conscientious subordinate.

"how many?"

"500 million!"

"Legal?" Monroe Deve was a little unconvinced.

"Definitely legal!"

"Okay, but boss, don't take any more loans, I beg you, my hair has almost fallen out in the past six months, because of my hair volume!" Monroe Deve gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, for your hair volume!" Sean tilted his head and thought for a while, Sri Lanka's investment amount is not large, it should, probably, Monroe will not explode.

After hanging up the phone, Sean was still confused.

Why am I a big loser?

What about the money I worked so hard to steal? !

It's not that Sean is confused, but that there are too many companies, all kinds of accounts are complicated and messy, plus the problem of the algorithm, he is really confused.

In theory, no one should dare to lie to him, right? !

Sitting on the sofa, stroking Le Huizhen's hair with one hand, Sean fell into deep thought.

In theory, a murderer like him, most people don't have the guts to hack his money.

However, this thing is uncertain.

After thinking about it, Sean picked up the phone and dialed it out, "Noris, tell me, how did you dare to hack the money of those drug criminals back then?"

On the other end of the phone, Norris looked confused. This happened a few years ago, and the boss suddenly asked this for what?

However, I didn't dare to hesitate, and said immediately: "It's not that I want to hack them, it's true, those people are really stupid, boss, you can imagine that the money is placed in front of you, the other party is defenseless, and even the other party is unprepared. Don't you know how much you want to buy?"

"That's just stuffing money into your hands. Really, it's hard for you not to take it." After speaking, Norris seemed to have thought of something, but he wisely didn't know anything. .

The phone hangs up, Norris shakes his head, someone is going to be out of luck.

Le Huizhen looked sideways at Sean, she didn't understand, but she learned one thing during this time, don't think too much.

"Baby Lorraine." Sean stopped Le Huizhen with one hand and said to the phone with a smile.

"It's disgusting, just say anything if you have something, hang up if you don't have anything!" Lorraine asked in a cold voice with a beautiful arc on the corner of his mouth and then disappeared quickly.

"You come to Hong Kong Island."


"I miss you!"

"You're a ghost if you believe in me!" Lorraine hung up the phone with a snap, and hummed softly, but his face was full of smiles.

Sean didn't even take her with her when she went out this time. She had a chill all over her body these past few days, and Norris made a detour when he saw her.

Le Huizhen looked up at Sean and wanted to ask, but didn't dare.

Polygamy was only abolished on Hong Kong Island 10 years ago, but the reason why cultural traditions are cultural traditions lies in their vigorous vitality.

(Among those who have the ability to think independently, it is mostly men who oppose polygamy, such as Kang Youwei and Zhang Henshui. Of course, they all have several wives.)

(In countries where polygamy is implemented, there are few female opponents and most males, thinking that the allocation of resources is seriously insufficient, and the rich and powerful eat more and take more, and the majority of men’s mate selection standards are forced to be greatly reduced, and women even crooked melons. Bad dates can also find men...)

(In Paraguay, a country with compulsory polygamy, the law stipulates that men must marry three or more wives, otherwise they will be imprisoned. For this reason, men are crushed by heavy economic burdens and demand changes to the law, but women are strongly opposed)

"My secretary." Sean knew what Le Huizhen wanted to ask, and pinched her (person) said.

"By the way, what do you want to do in the future?" Leaning on the sofa in the presidential suite of the Peninsula Hotel, Sean asked one after another.

"I don't know..." A trace of confusion flashed in Le Huizhen's eyes. She graduated from middle school and worked in a TV station. Now that Sean suddenly asked this question, she was very confused.

"Do you still want to be a reporter, or manage a TV station, or make a movie, whatever you want. I have a large TV station in the United States, and there are a large number of Chinese in New York and San Francisco. I also have a film company in Hollywood. I have all the resources I want."

"Ah!" Le Huizhen looked at Sean in surprise. She had nowhere to collect this information on Hong Kong Island.

Gu Di

After a while, Le Huizhen shook her head, "I don't know either, you, you can arrange it."

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter, just play if you want, work if you want." Sean lowered his head and kissed Le Huizhen on the cheek, "It all depends on your mood."

"Yeah!" Le Huizhen, who was lying on Sean's lap, turned over to face Sean, reached out and gently poked σ╰ひ╯, blushing softly, "I'm hungry."




"Dear Lorraine!" At Kai Tak Airport, Sean smiled and opened his arms to greet Lorraine.

"Humph!" Lorraine rolled her eyes and twisted her buttocks, twisting from Sean's side like an arrogant little swan.

"Hehe." Sean turned around and hugged Lorraine's waist, "I haven't seen you for so long, miss me."

"Crack!" Lorraine slapped Sean's hand, "It's better to be far away from me!"

Sean withdrew his hand and blew a few times, and shouted with a look of grievance, "You really can do it."

The corners of Lorraine's mouth were raised, and he turned to sit in the car. Sean smiled and got into the car.

The co-pilot Torre didn't seem to see anything, just picked up the walkie-talkie with a blank face, "Let's go, Peninsula Hotel!"

"Why are you looking for me?" Lorraine stern face, as if he didn't feel that Sean was holding his hand.

"Find me a team of accountants." Sean said while playing around. "Tell me, did this old guy Armstrong embezzle my money?"

"You want to check the accounts? How do I know." Lorraine didn't even mean to defend the old boss.

"Then start with the consulting company." Sean thought about it and asked, "By the way, how many people are there in the consulting company?"

"The original professional team had 30 people. In the later stage, some non-professional talents were recruited as low-secret leaders, plus some openly responsible for data collection, sorting, and classification. The company has 117 people." Lorraine thought for a while and said: "It's not easy to check. There is no way to clearly record the expenses for many activities in intelligence collection."

"I understand this. Isn't there a level of activity funding? It's fine if there is no excess." Sean said with a smile: "First come from the intelligence consulting company, and then check each company. Then use the intelligence team to cooperate with the investigation, the police station and the bank will also cooperate, and make a good investigation."

Lorraine thought for a while and asked, "Have you thought about how to deal with them? I don't recommend you to be too extreme."

"The movement of this review will not be small, and many people will pay attention. This is not something that can be kept secret." Lorraine looked into Sean's eyes and said.

"Hehe, I'm talking like a bad guy." Sean smiled, but he didn't say what he planned.

Lorraine didn't ask anymore, and changed the topic and asked: "Does the team directly hire an existing accounting firm, or build a team by themselves."

"What do you think."

"Let's hire an accounting firm. We don't have mature auditing experience. If we rashly hire a team, the effect must be bad."

"Okay, you pick a suitable one and tell them my requirements."


In just a few minutes on the road, a large blood-colored net was shrouded.

Take mine and give it back, eat mine and spit it out!

Back at the Peninsula Hotel, as soon as Lorraine entered the door, he saw Le Huizhen standing there.

Lorraine instantly recognized that this was the little reporter.

As a woman, Le Huizhen could clearly feel the chill emanating from Lorraine.

"Hello, Miss Lorraine." Le Huizhen was very nervous. She felt like she was stealing a man and being caught, and she was so nervous that she exploded.

Lorraine's face didn't change in any way, he just nodded to Le Huizhen, turned around, and 'accidentally' stepped on Sean's foot, light, light, yes, crushed! !

Sean's facial features twisted a bit, and he hugged his feet and shouted, "Stinky bitch, oh oh oh, it hurts, it hurts!"

Lorraine didn't seem to hear it, and walked slowly towards his room.

"Darling." Le Huizhen hurried over to support Sean, looking at Lorraine's back, "She, she is so fierce."

"She was an MI6 agent before, and she's used to this expression. She's actually very nice." Sean put one hand on Le Huizhen's shoulder and limped towards the sofa.

"MI6?! Special, special agent!!" Le Huizhen was taken aback. For the people of Hong Kong Island, MI6's prestige was obviously more than that of the CIA.

The small gap in Lorraine's room door was carefully closed, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, he hummed softly, and began to take off his clothes while humming a song. After a day's flight, he had to take a good shower.

During dinner in the evening, Sean asked, "Lorraine, is there anything happy in the United States during this time? Let's hear it."

Lorraine had a strange expression on his face. He wanted to laugh, but he held back, "Happy thing, the TV station for the song you asked for has begun to collect, and the media circle is in chaos."

"Haha, tell me, how are they doing." Sean became interested.

"From New York to Los Angeles, from the West Coast to the East Coast, plus those who watched the live broadcast, in one day, everyone in the United States knew that you were soliciting songs that satirize Murdoch..." Lorraine smiled.

"Hahaha, Murdoch will definitely thank me, I made him famous in the United States overnight!" Sean laughed and said: "I think the TV station must be very lively now."

Aiming at the 100,000 bounty, especially those black buddies, you can sing a few words if you grab any one.

The TV station is going crazy. It receives thousands of recordings every day when it is low, and it receives more than 10,000 boxes a day when it is high.

Just listening to these songs will give away countless people!

Pete Cherning was smart enough to handle this as a preview of America's Got Talent.

Murdoch watched the replay of the TV station with a livid face, and the whole person kept shivering, as if he was going to faint at any time.

Sweeping away his image of a gentleman, Murdoch pointed to the TV and cursed loudly, "Shameless, despicable, lowly bastard, this bastard, **** it, Fake, Fake, Fake!"

"Sue him, send me to court, he is violating my reputation!" Murdoch roared furiously, his eyes fixed on his lawyer.

"Sir, I'm sorry." The lawyer was forced to speak, "Here it says 'calling for a song to dedicate to Murdoch the rumormonger', without using words such as insults or sarcasm, it is very difficult for us to achieve any results. "

"Fake, Fake, are you **** blind? Isn't he sarcasm when he says I'm a rumor maker?" Murdoch was all mad, coauthoring that is how you see Lao Tzu.

"Uh..." The lawyer murmured, "Okay, I understand!"

Rumors in the legal sense refer to: deliberately fabricating and spreading fictitious facts, which is enough to degrade the personality of others, damage the reputation of others, and act with serious circumstances.

"Aren't you afraid that guy Murdoch will sue you?" Locke laughed wildly at Sean, and couldn't help but slap him.

"What are you afraid of!" Sean waved his hand indifferently, "Strictly speaking, the TV station has indeed violated Murdoch's reputation, and it was the News Corporation newspaper that spread the rumors, not Murdoch himself, but the problem is, this thing It's too illusory, and it's almost impossible to give an accurate definition, and the result is that the lawyers on both sides fought each other, and it was finally settled."

"It doesn't matter if you file a lawsuit. The longer the time, the better the news effect, but the advertising fee will be paid!"

"If it's really useful, the News Corporation under Murdoch's name has made countless rumors, and I haven't seen him go bankrupt." Sean sneered, "Even if the court finally decides, it's nothing more than a newspaper apology."

"As for songs and artists, how can it be called a crime!"

"But as long as the song is still there, Murdoch's name will continue to stink!" Sean sneered, "Damn, let this old boy trip me up, and I'll treat myself as if I'm nothing, hehe!"

Lorraine rolled his eyes, "Come on, you've knocked all the teeth out!"

"I beat those who were slandered by him. It's an iron fist of justice!" Sean waved his arm.

"Okay, you're always right, really, poor Murdoch." Lorraine shook his head and observed three seconds of silence for Murdoch.

Well, not more.

The matter began the next day, and discussions were launched in major television stations and newspapers across the United States.

Some people criticized Sean for being too stingy and too revengeful.

Some people praised Sean for his daring, daring to think, and daring to act!

Some people scolded Sean for treating an old man like this, not a gentleman at all,

Some people say that Sean is not hypocritical, not pretentious, and true enough!

Some people scolded Sean for having a bad character, and he should stay away from such people.

The new century is in a frantic match with the Murdoch series, and other media outlets quickly stand in line after commenting on melons.

With a new round of war of words, the sales of News Corporation's newspapers have greatly increased, and the number of users in the new century is also increasing rapidly!

Sean is happy.

Murdoch... was angry.

In Murdoch's eyes, Sean is like a disgusting leech, and it won't come down if it **** on him.

He only likes to spread rumors about others and let the newspapers under his name sell, but he doesn't like to use his reputation to promote the sales of shit.

What's more, Sean takes advantage of it anyway!

The TV network is open for a year, and the probability of continuing to open in the future is very high, and although the newspaper is also ordered, the sales volume is not stable!

No, the progress of acquiring TV stations must be accelerated!

Even if it costs a little more...

Damn Sean! !


After staying on Hong Kong Island for another day, Sean took Le Huizhen to fly back to Sri Lanka.

Hong Kong Island is a well-known financial city, and there is no shortage of well-known accounting firms here.

Considering that there is a large proportion of Chinese in the firm, it is impossible to have anything to do with the United States, so I finally decided to hire people here to conduct this audit.

Therefore, Lorraine temporarily stayed on Hong Kong Island.

Lorraine: (*'Dish'*)?


"Tsk tsk, this Apache is beautiful!" Sean stood under the brand-new Apache, reaching out and gently stroking the fuselage.

Such a smooth feel!

This burr-free rivet!

This compact body!

That thick and long barrel!

This rocket launcher nest!

This missile carrier!

Sean was in a hurry to go back to Sri Lanka because the airlift helicopter had arrived, and he wanted to see it for himself.

I knew Apache in my previous life, the undisputed strongest fighter among the gunships!

Sean, the war madman, wanted to come to watch as soon as possible.

"Not only is the appearance beautiful, but the most important performance is more beautiful!" Robert said with a smile: "Actually, the Black Hawk can't be called a gunship at all."

"The Apache code name is 'AH-64', while the Black Hawk code name is 'UH-60', where H is for helicopter, AH is for armed attack, and UH is for general purpose."

"It's just that the Black Hawk can indeed be used as fire support and battlefield delivery, all of which are called gunships by some people, but seriousness means universal, that is, universal in all environments."

"The specifics, the specific differences." Sean asked curiously. In his previous life, he only heard of the Black Hawk, which was bought in 1985. It is the only aircraft that rabbits can use on the X-Tibet Plateau. He thought it was the best gunship in the world. .

Specifically, he is not at all.

"The first strength, strength-to-mass ratio, deflection and other parameters, the Apache uses titanium alloys, which are 1 ton heavier than the Black Hawk in a smaller volume, and far beyond the ballistic performance."

"Second radar, a complete set of weapon control system, helmet tracking and aiming system... and so on, the Black Hawk does not have it, it also fires Hellfire. The accuracy of Apache is not comparable to that of the Black Hawk. The reason why the Black Hawk can't use the air combat bomb is the air-to-air missile, and if it encounters it on the battlefield, the Black Hawk will be shot down in one face."

"The third movement ability, the Apache's climbing speed is 12.7 m/s, and the Black Hawk is only 4.5 m/s, the difference is three times, and the lateral movement ability is also three times different. It doesn't seem like much, but, in the face When attacking air defense weapons, especially individual air defense missiles such as the Stinger, which are specifically aimed at helicopters, as long as the terrain is not particularly complex and is attacked at close range, the Apache can probably dodge it, and the Black Hawk is basically difficult.”

"Of course, the Black Hawk can do air transport, delivery, and the flight distance is much higher than that of the Apache."

"That is to say, when there are only helicopters on the battlefield, Apache is the strongest, sweeping the world, and being invincible!" Sean was happy, and Robert tried his best to convince himself to buy an Apache. Patch!

It is estimated that Dennis Abbott of the Army will have the same idea.

Of course, it's better to have it all...

This plane can only do two people at a time, the front one is responsible for weapon control, and the back one is responsible for driving.

Sean went up and sat in the front a bit ahead of schedule, and specifically asked to do some evasive actions. The experience was indeed completely different from that of Black Hawk.

Anyway, the driver was her own, and Le Huizhen also went up to experience it. After getting down, her face was flushed, and her legs were a little soft.

In order to fear that Le Huizhen would fall in the shower, Sean could only reluctantly help...

Well, mostly to save water!


Early the next morning, the freighter carrying 500 million arrived, and Sean personally took someone to the dock to pick it up.

Also appeared with President Sri Lanka, of course, this is a private meeting.

Sean mentioned before that he might invest in Sri Lanka, and this time he came to discuss things with President Sri Lanka.

Sean is about to invest in a motorcycle production plant.

The equipment is a second-hand assembly line purchased from the United States, outdated goods, and scrap iron prices.

However, Sean knows that the rabbits used these eliminated goods a lot back then, and they did the same thing.

A full set of more than 100 patented technologies is also purchased together. Of course, all of them are already backward technologies in the United States.

Engine technology, high-energy ignition technology, magneto application, piston lightweight, transmission template, etc...

As for why it's a motorcycle, I can only say that it's right next door to Asan!

The Palace of Development of Motorcycle Technology!

Motorcycles, modified three-wheeled motorcycles, sidecar motorcycles... There is too much room for development.

Sri Lanka's per capita income is low, and there is nothing better than motorcycles to spread out here.

As soon as he heard that Sean was going to set up a factory here and invest tens of millions of dollars, President Sri Lanka cracked with joy on the spot.

This is not a simple motorcycle manufacturing company, it is a complete industrial system chain!

The shell model needs a manufacturer, seats, handles, rearview mirrors, headlights... These things Sean's company can't produce by themselves.

There is no problem at all in creating employment for tens of thousands of people if the entire supply chain is set up.

Sri Lanka's industrial system is backward and almost blank, but it is not impossible to complete such a thing.

Of course, for things like chains and bearings, Sean can only rely on imports. Depending on the situation, Sean is ready to buy from Rabbit.

Sean bought 20 square kilometers of land in one go!

Similar to Cartagena, although motorcycles are not as driven as car companies, the various upstream and downstream companies involved are not much different.

An industrial base will definitely support These lands can earn more than ten times the profits for Sean in the future.

All the agreements were negotiated in just five days, first because Sean took the absolute initiative, and secondly, in this wave of development, Sean will bring President Sri Lanka and all members of his cabinet.

No one will think that this factory will lose money, after all, it is an official business...

Ahem, this is called official-business cooperation, attracting investment, common development, and common prosperity!

Of course, that's actually the case.

At the same time, Sean has to invest in the construction of a port and terminal. For several days, Sri Lanka, like the Chinese New Year, has an official press conference almost every day, and some good news is announced every day.

Sean invested more than $100 million in Sri Lanka!

Engine manufacturing, assembly lines, various patents, a total of more than 8 million, which is ten times more than the official mouth of Sri Lanka...

After looking around, he seemed to have completely forgotten about the LTTE.

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