America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 265: : Also said that you are not a prototype

The latest website: The time set aside for everyone to communicate is only half an hour. This half hour is the admission time for those film critics, Hollywood professionals and reporters.

After the premiere, they're going to post reviews.

This is a way of publicity. If the word of mouth is good, if this round of publicity goes out, the box office will be higher when it is officially released the next day.

Of course, if it hits the street, it will have to engage in public relations.

When it was time for the premiere to start, everyone found their seats and sat down. The host specially recruited from New Century Los Angeles TV came to the stage to preside over the opening ceremony.

In the back row, two white men sat together and smiled at each other.

These two are also well-known film critics, but this time, although the two received money from the filmmakers, they were not the filmmakers.

It is better to say that the two are here to find faults, not so much to see the movie and post a film review.

"I don't want to do that either, but you know, Murdoch gave too much." Sitting down, one person said with a smile and spread his hands.

"Aren't you afraid that someone will trouble you?" the person next to him asked unintentionally.

"Of course, of course, the legendary man is not a good-natured person, but we are only small people, that kind of big person won't really care about us, would you care about an ant's provocation?"

"Of course I won't, I'll just step on the ant to death."

"Uh... Therefore, we have to have professional ethics, we can't write nonsense, and we have to be justified." The first person said solemnly: "At least it can't be seen that it was deliberately targeted at a glance, at most, I don't like this kind of movies. , no film is perfect."

"I think so too."

Taking out a small notebook and a pen, the two stared at the big screen with wide eyes.

Unprecedented focus!

Shit is hard to eat, money is hard to make...


5 minutes into the opening of the movie, the two of them wrote a few words in a small notebook. The city started in a bad way, and the contradiction between work and life between the down-and-out police and the female executives of the big group', the heroine's work Where there is a rival in love, quarrel, regret.

As the story progresses, the robbers appear.

Changing the image of robbers in Hollywood movies or in reality as brutal, fierce and crazy, the robber on the big screen is tall, handsome, in a suit, and personable.

Even the lines are different, "Ladies and gentlemen, they will learn a lesson of real rights against the greed of Evergrande for the world, you are all witnesses!"

Sean sat with Nicole on one side and Lorraine on the other.

Seeing this passage, Lorraine hung a smile on the corner of his mouth and looked at Sean. Sean seemed to feel something and turned his head to look over.

"Some people write the script, and the image of the robber is designed according to themselves." Lorraine whispered in Sean's ear.

"I didn't, I didn't, don't talk nonsense." Sean's expression froze, this is really a coincidence.

On the big screen, the robber closed the small book in his hand and began to talk freely, "Which one is Mr. Takagi, Takagi, was born in Tokyo in 1937, immigrated to California in 1939, joined the United States in 1943, and got it in 1955. University of California scholarship, law degree from the University of Denver in '62, a Ph.D. in business administration from Harvard in '70...and father of 5 children."

"I'm Takagi!" Takagi gritted his teeth and stood up.

"Hello, it's my honor to meet you!"

Lorraine looked sideways again, his eyes seemed to say, 'I dare to say that it was not written in my own image! ’

Sean was at a loss for words. He liked to investigate the target's information, including his life, before the robbery, and throw it out at the beginning of the robbery to destroy the target's confidence and break its psychological defense.

But, this is really a coincidence.

That's how the original was shot!

(This is really a coincidence. Fireworks is the first time to watch Die Hard. In fact, Fireworks basically doesn’t watch American TV dramas or American movies.)

In this section, let alone Lorraine's surprise, everyone in the theater was shocked.

There has never been such a handsome robber in the history of the movie. Sean specially emphasized when choosing an actor that the robber must be handsome and must be selected according to the male protagonist.

In comparison, Bruce Willis, with a big bald head, a white tight vest, and a slap in the face, is more like a robber.

This subversive casting made everyone feel astonished and surprised at the same time, and their interest in watching the movie was instantly mobilized.

In the elevator, the handsome robber chatted with Takagi in a suit. He was also wearing a boutique handmade in London. He talked about business and industry, and he didn't look like a robber.

"Alexander the Great wept when he saw his vast territory, because he had nothing to conquer."

This is clearly a nobleman who has received higher education, a successful person.

"Let's talk about literature, art, and business, I can talk to you for a day, but..." Said, the robber stretched out his arms and put his arms around Takagi's shoulders, "Before that, we should do our job well, right? I'm a Robber, my friend has a few questions for you, a very simple fill-in-the-blank question."

At this stage of the plot, I don't know why, many people in the theater have an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

As if this scene had been seen somewhere!

Many people frowned and thought.

Not long ago, ok.

Suddenly someone exclaimed in a low voice, 'Hong Kong Island, the HSBC robbery'!

The eyes of the people around them lit up instantly, yes, it is Hong Kong Island!

When the robbers robbed HSBC, it was broadcast live. The United States naturally got the videotape. If other people in the United States just watched the fun, Hollywood filmmakers carefully studied it.

"Takagi, I am not interested in your computer, but the computer controls the password of the vault. I am interested in the 600 million bearer stocks in the vault. You will help me, right?"

"You're doing it for money? Aren't you terrorists?"

"Hehehe, who said we were terrorists!"

Good guy, this is really a restoration of God, isn't it!

As we all know, the Irish Liberation Organization occupied the HSBC Bank in order to force Niu Niu to release the previously imprisoned members of the organization...

What is art that comes from life and is higher than life.jpg

In the back row of the cinema, old man Shen Bi stared at this scene dumbfounded, so you little **** planned to go to Hong Kong Island a year ago, right?

Shen Bi: You are a real dog!

Looking at Lorraine's strange eyes, Sean slapped his forehead, what is this?

Jumping into the Yellow River can't wash it!

At this point in the movie, everyone in the theater was deeply attracted.

This movie was filmed earlier. When the 'HSBC Robbery Incident' was filmed, it was already post-production here.

It is certain that because of the coincidence of the HSBC robbery, this movie is bound to explode!

The two film critics sitting in the back row were also dumbfounded. They glanced at each other, and they both saw confusion and bitterness in each other's eyes. Black a movie destined to be a big hit?

The plot progressed very fast, and the protagonist 'John' saw that the phone could not get through, so he thought of using the fire alarm to call the police.

The fire alarm sounded, and the fire alarm in Los Angeles was quickly dispatched, and John sang and danced excitedly, as if he was a psychopath.

Just a few minutes after being happy, the robber called and reported that the fire alarm was accidentally touched.

The handsome, courageous, and gentle robbers, the sloppy, hard-mouthed, vulgar, and foul-mouthed police officers, and the subversive character creation make the whole movie three-dimensional at once.

Soon, John killed a robber and licked the bag, and seized a walkie-talkie and a submachine gun.

I ran to the top of the building, used the walkie-talkie to contact the police, and reported the scene, but the Los Angeles police operator only thought that someone was playing a prank.

It's very American!

"Fuck you, miss, do I sound like I'm ordering pizza?" John cursed angrily.

The operator ignored it and only answered; if you have any questions, please call 911 by phone.

(ps: 911 was an alarm call in the 1960s, and terrorists only did a big thing on 911 day by deliberately provoking.)

Afterwards, the robber found John on the rooftop, the gunshots rang out, and the lady operator shook her head and hung up, but ordered a nearby police car to take a look.

Hear gunshots at night?

This is not a rabbit, this is my free America, isn't it normal to hear gunshots, even machine guns?

It doesn't explain anything!

for freedom! !

The story behind is full of irony. A policeman came and found nothing after walking around. The protagonist John was so mad that he threw a body from the 31st floor and smashed it directly on the police car.

The old black police officer was so frightened that he drove around in a police car.

It is also understandable that the police in the United States have always been a high-risk industry, criminals, uh, whether they are criminals or not, everyone carries guns...

for freedom! !

This time, the police finally came with a large number of people, and the people from the TV station also came.

The police in the film broke the routine and arrived before the end of the case. The only constant is that,


As soon as the sheriff arrived, he ordered the police to organize personnel to rush in to see what was going on.

The old black police officer questioned, and there were 30 hostages inside.

Of course, the police designed by Sean are not mindless. The sheriff asked his own question, "The police must know the specific situation inside. If the robbers are holding hostages, why did the other party keep not asking for ransom? If there are terrorists inside. , then why not ask for it?"

As for the body, it may be a bankrupt stock investor. Every day, the bankrupt jumps off the building because of stock speculation. This is normal.

Justified and unassailable!

A large number of police officers rushed up from all directions. John on the roof was dumbfounded, but he saw that the robber had Sam-7 in his hand.

Seeing this, Sean took a deep breath, and he was about to reach the key point of burning funds.

Sean didn't have a chance to see the effect of the finished film because he was working in the Middle East. Today we will see the audience's reaction.

The director sitting not far away also had a solemn expression, and secretly glanced at Sean, if the effect was not shocking enough, he was afraid that Sean would drop him on a helicopter and play with a big pendulum!

On the big screen, the police looked confident, and an armored vehicle appeared, which was the m113a3 of Sean Umbrella Company.

The robbers also found the police armored car, Hans did not panic at all, and his men quickly took out the Sam-7 for assembly.

The protagonist, John, was in a panic. He held the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly, but the police didn't pay any attention. My armored car came out.

Little robber, ridiculous!

"Whoosh" infrared targeting, positioning and tracking, with a "Boom!", the armored vehicle burst into flames.

One shot is not enough, and another shot, the people in the car can't die any more.

Although this thing is used to fight planes, the armor of armored vehicles can't hold it either.

The police were all dumbfounded, and they never thought that the robber had such a weapon.

John was mad, and cursingly took out the c4 he just got by licking his bag, tied it with a monitor, opened the window and threw it directly.


The entire second floor of the building was filled with fire, and all the glass was blown away.

This scene was shot in close-up with several cameras, and the whole big screen was full of firelight. I switched to slow motion in the middle, and I could clearly see the shock wave rolling up the broken glass and flying out.

The audience who were relatively close to the big screen seemed to feel the explosion and flames rushing towards them, and many people screamed in horror.

The picture on the screen rolled, as if it was a person's perspective, and the person was directly overturned by the shock wave.

Bruce was injured by a shock wave from the patio while filming.

Nicole hugged Sean's arm tightly, and buried her small head directly in Sean's arms, with one eye closed and the other open, secretly watching Sean's reaction.

Sean was also taken aback by the roaring explosion, he hugged Nicole and gently stroked Nicole's clean back with his palm.

Gee, that feel.

Next to him, Diane Lane punched Bruce Willis **** the thigh, causing Bruce's expression to contort in pain.

Sean was quite satisfied with this effect.

Although there is no grandeur photographed by later technologies, it is more expensive in reality!

It's really "expensive". The flipped picture just now is true. The fixed camera was overturned during the shooting. It was originally a shooting accident.

As a result, when the director watched it again, he immediately fell in love with this picture. It was too real and too classic.

After the explosion, there were whispers in the cinema.

Hollywood has always been known for its explosion scenes, but with such a big explosion, "Die Hard" is the first one, and the more professionals, the more it can be seen that this is a real explosion.

The point is, according to Hollywood conventions, props and demolition teams will never do this.

It's too dangerous, who's responsible if something goes wrong!

The problem is, the one who exploded at that time was the person Sean found from Hong Kong Island, Xiao Hei's stunt team, who really dared to risk his life.

If something goes wrong, the actor's union on the Hollywood side is not responsible, so director John is crazy to play so much.

This scene exploded, more exaggerated than the original.

In the picture, John contacted the police again, and the police chief scolded: "I don't know who you are, what you want to do, but you have destroyed this building, we don't need your help, here is the More than 100 people, many people were cut by glass!"

"Glass, you are **** worried about glass, you fool, tell me who you are!" John cursed angrily.

The plot continues to advance, and the high-quality business elite of the company who pursues the heroine does not want to worry anymore. He starts to cooperate with the kidnapper Hans to persuade John to give up his resistance, and he is shot in the head.

The conversation between the two sides was heard by the police through the intercom system, and Hans began to put forward conditions to the police, "The following people must be released, seven prisoners of the Northern Ireland Liberation Organization."

Lorraine squinted over and said that you didn't have a plan!

Shen Bi: You really had a plan!

Sean: ? ? ?

This line is not designed by me, I only provide an outline for the plot!

On the big screen, the robber Hans was still holding the conditions, "5 leaders of the Quebec Liberation Organization in Canada, and 9 members of the Sri Lankan LTTE!"

Lorraine sneered, his eyes seemed to say again, how do you explain this?

Sean looked confused, and happened to see the director John looking at him, and even made a thumbs up gesture.

This dubbing was temporarily changed by the director in the later period. In order to echo Sean, it was originally the Libya Dawn Organization.

Sean: Thank you so much!

"When will my brothers and sisters be released, and when will I send the hostages to the roof."

Hearing Hans, the character in the play, say this, Shen Bi's mouth twitched slightly, and he said directly: "I don't need to read it later, I already know that most of what the robbers say is false, the purpose is to buy more time and break through. Safe."

"There will be bombs tied to the hostages later, causing trouble for the police, and then banging around, Jin Chan escaped and escaped alone."

The few people sitting around looked at Shen Bi with surprise, wondering how this guy was so sure.

Shen Bi's face is inscrutable, don't ask me why I know the plot!

Fuck Fake! !

Shen Bi sneered, Sean, the bad guy who redefines the way of robbery!

The plot continued, and the FBI arrived and took over the command of the scene. Inside the building, the protagonist John and the terrorists had a shootout.

While killing the two of them, his feet were also covered with glass.

Unlike the protagonists in the urban police and bandit films who killed the Quartet in the past, John was wounded all over his body and was tragically forced.

The robbers broke through the six layers of password security, leaving only the last layer of electromagnetically controlled explosion-proof doors. At this time, the fbi's assistance arrived.

Forcibly ordered to stop the power supply to the nearby area, making the last insurance directly void, the robbers entered the vault and got a bearer stock certificate worth 600 million US dollars.

Of course, this bearer stock bond is useless in the hands of the kidnappers, but in fact, this work is entrusted by others, and the kidnappers can get 20% of the profit, 120 million US dollars.

A robber or something is just a tool man.

On the big screen, Hans contacts the FBI.

"I'm Johnson of the FBI. The people in the branch are arranging to send your people. The helicopter has come according to your request." After that, Johnson hung up the communication and said to his colleagues with a smile: "When he found out that he was being He was already in the body bag when he calculated."

"When they landed and we blew up the roof, all those damned agents and hostages were killed, it took them a month to clean up the mess, and I was already lying on the beach, making two floors of profit." Hans smiled. said to the opponent.

Seeing Hans's words on the big screen, several people around Shen Bi looked over. Fake was really hit by this guy.

Ning is the legendary prophet?


Shen Bi just smiled slightly. Movies or something, what they showed was still not real enough, and it was far worse than Lao Tzu's personal experience.

Hans dragged his injured foot and found that Hans had prepared a large amount of C4 explosives on the top floor, but he was caught by the robbers before he could make it clear.

Shen Bi looked at him and pouted, "If it were him, he would only talk to dead people."

The reporters of the 'News Company' TV station did not know how to find the home of the protagonist John. For the sake of ratings and breaking points, they asked John's children to talk to their parents in front of the live camera.

Here, in order to please Sean, the director deliberately named the TV station "News Company Channel" to connote Murdoch.

Sean looked very satisfied, and decided to let the new century come out in a vague way tomorrow.

Seeing this scene on TV, Hans was full of surprise, "Thank you for the assists sent by the reporter friends. My success is half mine and half yours!"

Hans drove all the hostages to the roof, but only captured the heroine 'Holly'.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the theater couldn't help but curse in a low voice. Many people here have been tricked by reporters, and there is a sense of substitution here.

Only, Dailan Lane clenched her legs unconsciously, bit her lip, and inexplicably thought of what happened at noon.

"Die Hard Passion Edition", killing is also old and tragic!

Sean also smiled at the corner of his mouth, looked at Diane with a probe, and threw a wink at him.

The Australian big white girl felt a little uncomfortable inexplicably, as if she was frightened by the plot, she screamed in a low voice, and shook with Sean's arm.

Sean's arms seemed to be on a roller coaster, which was very exciting.

On the screen, the FBI's dialogue came from the helicopter, "How much is your estimated loss?"

"We killed all the terrorists, killed 20-25% of the hostages, and that's it, head."

"Ok, I can afford this loss."

Inside the helicopter, the FBI people shouted excitedly for the wanton killing that was about to happen. Inside the building, John finally killed his opponent, grabbed the gun and rushed towards the roof.

Knowing that his wife was taken away by Hans because of the exposure of the TV station, although John was angry, he still did not forget to let all the hostages go downstairs quickly.

Shooting towards the sky to drive away the hostages, it happened that the helicopter of the pig teammate fbi also arrived.

Seeing that there were 'robbers' shooting, FBI sent accurate assists without saying a word, and aimed at the protagonist with a bunch of bullets.

What solves the loss of 25% of all the terrorists' hostages, and as a result, not a single shot was hit.

The most exciting scene of the movie is coming soon, and John is swearing at the police and fbi.

Regardless of China and the United States, leaders have always been fools...

The FBI's helicopter turned around and was about to continue shooting at John.

John jumped down from the roof with a fire hose tied,

Hans presses the detonator...

The sound of the big explosion of "Boom" came, and the screen was full of explosions, close-up, long-range, overhead, multi-angle, multi-level presentation of this big explosion, and exclamations sounded one after another in the theater.

The most realistic big bangs are often more shocking than special effects.

During the explosion, a person could clearly be seen jumping from the roof of the building and finally falling into the air. This shot was taken from above, and he actually jumped from a building more than 100 meters high.

This is not the usual dummy, this is a real stunt show from Hong Kong Island officially debuting in Hollywood, which shocked everyone at once, and exclaimed one after another in the theater.

John was carried directly into the building by inertia.

In this scene, according to the original version, John would fall in the air, kicking **** footprints on the glass, and finally breaking the glass with a pistol before crashing in.

This scene is to show John's tough-guy temperament, but in fact, if a lot of C4 explodes on the roof, all the glass in the entire building will be shattered.

In order to strive for authenticity, this scene was canceled by Sean.

The moment John crashed into the building, the helicopter was also drowned by the explosion of fire on the roof, and then the helicopter completely lost control.

This scene was shot in the air with another helicopter, and every detail of the helicopter can be clearly seen on the big screen.

It fell on the corner of the roof, burned, rolled and fell.

It fell to the ground from a height of more than 100 meters, and then exploded into a fireball with a 'boom'. Many police vehicles surrounding the building were overturned by the shock wave, and the helicopter splashed debris, causing many injuries and even deaths.

The glass of the building was all shattered at once, and it fell overwhelmingly like a rain.

But this rain is not beautiful at all, but deadly.

Even the TV reporter who just exposed John was killed by a piece of helicopter debris stuck in his chest.

Seeing this scene, there was a low cheer in the movie theater. Damn, I'm so relieved!

Only those reporters who were invited to the premiere felt awkward, as if the piece was stuck in their chest, it hurt!

It was impossible to find out who was cheering, it was too dark in the theater.

One by one can only secretly sullen.

Of course, the cheers were not only for the journalist who was stuck to death, but also for the explosion scene.

Real, grand, and hot, this unprecedented explosion alone means that this movie is bound to be hot.

In the past, urban films also played explosions, but they were not so big, so real, and too dangerous.

At the end of the plot, John dragged his body with injuries and won Hans by cheating. In the end, Hans fell from the roof and fell to his death.

Bearer stocks and bonds worth $600 million were sprinkled from the sky, all over the place.

John picked up a piece of clothing from nowhere and put it on his body. He was helped by his wife and walked out of the building. At the door, he met the old black and fat policeman who had spoken to him before.

The two embraced, crying and laughing, and there was no image of the hero who saved everyone in John.

Just as the two were introducing each other, the on-site police commander, who couldn't even be commanded by his scolding, squeezed over.

"John, now you're in trouble!" The police suffered heavy losses, and the fbi suffered heavy losses. Someone must stand up for all this. Now, everyone needs a culprit!

And John, no matter how you look at it, will be the best scapegoat.

"Follow us back for investigation. Mr. Takagi's murder is one, obstructing police work is one, and causing huge property damage is one."

"Now, you're under arrest!" said the sheriff fiercely.

In the face of the robbers, you will do your best, and face your own people!

It's very American!

At the end, Sean also took the change, what a big reunion solution, it doesn't exist!

The previous plot has already released the audience, it's cool, but after the fun is over, you can't just lift your pants and leave?

No suspense, no suspense, what about the next movie?

To be suspenseful, to be controversial, and to make the audience's breath uneasy at the end.

Seeing this ending, the whole hall was dumbfounded.

No, what's the matter?

To greet the hero who saves all is not flowers and applause but handcuffs?

"The police are all idiots!!!" Seeing the letters appearing, the lawyer walked into the police station in the last scene, and someone shouted involuntarily.

Sean grinned when he heard the voice.

This is what I want!

The scolding is scolding, the lights are on, and everyone still applauds together. Everyone still has a certain ability to appreciate. Whether most movies are popular can still be seen.

As before, this Sean Films film will sweep the market again.

The main creative team got up to receive the cheers from the crowd.

"Yes, the classic big bang scene must shake the entire film industry."

"Congratulations, Director John, this is a subversive creation of traditional heroes, and it must become a classic in film history."

"Hahaha, although I like your compliment very much, the creator of this character is my boss, Mr. Sean." John smiled and pointed to Sean.

"My God, I have long heard that Mr. Sean is not only a rich man, but also a great screenwriter. This is really unexpected."

"Thank you, it's just some small stories, small ideas, nothing unusual." Sean looked at Nicole with a standard Versailles smile and was fascinated.

"This must be an artistic portrayal of Mr. Sean's rich life experience, and only Mr. Sean can have so many fantastic ideas." Someone immediately praised him.

Sean's body froze, what a portrait of his experience!

The corners of Lorraine's mouth raised slightly behind him, you never know when the truth is spoken.

"The beauty of art is all around us." Sean's smile remained unchanged, he patted Nicole's arm, and said meaningfully: "Just do some artistic processing on these things and present them."

After talking for a while, Fatty Harvey came over. The premiere was perfect. He also prepared a celebration feast. Everyone went over to eat, drink, and chat.

Everyone, including Harvey, left the movie theater with Sean around.

The two film critics sitting in the back row looked at each other.

Looking down at what was written in the notebook, the corners of his mouth twitched...


On the other side, Murdoch was listening to the briefing.

"Alien 2" was released two days earlier than "Die Hard", and now the box office on the first day is finally out.

"Boss, the premiere box office is 5.7 million." Fox's president said proudly.

A smile bloomed on Murdoch's face, and he nodded lightly: "This premiere box office is good."

"Yes, very good, it is no exaggeration to say that according to this trend, we will definitely be able to win the top ten in the North American box office this year. If we are lucky, we may be able to get the top five." The president of Fox said with a smile.

Under his leadership, Fox has achieved very good results in the past few years, and he is qualified to be proud!

Murdoch burst out laughing, "How much is expected at the box office?"

"According to this trend, it should not be less than 70 million. Globally, it will be around 140 million."

Murdoch nodded in satisfaction, "By the way, today that kid's "Die Hard" is released, are you sure to suppress them?"

"Of course, now is the rising period of our "Alien 2" box office explosion, and no one is our opponent at this time."

Murdoch's great joy.

At this moment, Mr. President's phone rang.

"It's a film critic who went to the premiere of Die Hard." After glancing at the phone, the president said, "Hello."

"What? Refund? No answer?"

"Why?!" The president's tone was full of surprise.

"Pioneering? Subversive? Can't write?" The president's face was gloomy, "Damn, that's not what you said when you **** took money!"

The phone was hung up with a 'smack', and when the CEO looked up, he saw Murdoch's gloomy face, and his heart suddenly sank.

Murdoch didn't speak, just stared at the president.

"Hehe, those **** unprofessional film critics."


"Maybe it was discovered by that guy Sean, and then he was threatened." The president said, his eyes lit up, "Yes, it must be like this. That rude guy likes to do this kind of thing."

"Hope, so!" Murdoch's face was very dark.


This monthly pass hasn't gone up, bro There are no 2000 until now, this day can't be passed!

The fireworks shouted loudly in a rotten voice: "I beg for a monthly pass!"

Ask for a monthly pass!

Monthly pass!



The shoulder pain has been severe recently. I took a look. This disease is also a kind of frozen shoulder, but it is nicknamed "fifty shoulders", which means that this disease is only experienced by people over the age of 50...

But, I'm still young, I'm only 40 years old!

This is a bolt from the blue!

No grades, but a lot of illnesses...

It hurts for almost half a month!

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