America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 268: : Planning a big action

The latest website: "I actually hooked this idea to me." Jonas coughed lightly and said: "Look, Murdoch didn't call 'niggers', it's a big deal. Small, after all, there is no recording or video recording."

(ps: In 1986, 'Black Lives Matter' was not as powerful as it is now. In addition, the more famous one is that the owner of the Clippers was forced to sell the Los Angeles Clippers because of insulting niggas, but, in fact, it was a high price. Pen, his one was recorded.)

"But, aren't you trying to fight Murdoch, this matter will definitely be hyped, so I'm considering whether I can use this to guide a 'zero dollar purchase'."

Sean nodded while drinking tea, but after waiting for a while, he didn't hear anything.

He looked up strangely and found that Jonas was looking at him intently, he couldn't help frowning slightly, "Why are you looking at me, keep talking."

"No." Jonas grinned.

"What?" Sean was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive.

"I mean, I'm gone!"

Sean looked down at Jonas' crotch, hesitated for a few seconds before realizing it, and said with a bit of laughter, "Is it gone?"


"Why do you dare to quarrel in Los Angeles just thinking of a zero-dollar purchase?!"

"Isn't this still a head, who doesn't know, you are the greatest crime expert of the 20th century, the man who redefines the way of robbery!" Jonas flattered frantically with his face.

"Fuck you!" Sean grinned and punched Jonas.

"Purchase with zero yuan", Sean frowned and muttered for a few times, gradually having some eyebrows in his heart.

"The scale has to be big enough to cause a certain amount of unrest."

"It has to hurt the businesses in Los Angeles, especially the big ones, before they can put pressure on the city government."

"The city government is under pressure to crack down on black gang forces in Los Angeles."

"When the black gangs are attacked, the territory will be freed up, and further turmoil will be caused, and you will have the opportunity to intervene."

"That's right!" Jonas nodded, "That's it."

"It's a fart." Sean gave Jonas an angry look. "I remember, Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, this guy is a nigger."

"That guy is not a good person. He has been the mayor of Los Angeles for so many years, and he has not seen him improve the living standards and employment problems of black people." Jonas sighed.

"This is a group issue. You shouldn't expect a political figure to make any changes in this matter." Sean shook his head. "When will there be changes when black people don't want to buy zero dollars."

"If you don't buy it for zero yuan, many black people can't survive."

"A little bit of shit, Yu Rui has hired 500 Chinese laborers. Those people can't get government welfare subsidies. Do you think they can't make it through? Did they buy it for zero yuan?" Sean sneered. .

"Uh, no." Jonas was speechless.

"I can tell you, Jonas, black people are black people, you are you, don't be fooled into doing any 'sports', my brother, I want to tell you this before, I'm afraid now As soon as you are sought after by others, you go to do something 'great' as soon as your brain heats up." Sean looked at Jonas solemnly.

"No, how is it possible." Jonas shook his head quickly.

Sean stared at Jonas, the corners of Jonas' mouth twitched, and his expression became more and more unnatural.

"Well, I admit, someone came to me, but I wasn't persuaded." Jonas couldn't bear the pressure, and hurriedly dragged himself, "Really, I'm not that stupid."

"Next time someone comes to you and says this, throw him into the sea, understand!" Sean reached out and tapped Jonas's chest hard.

"Sure, definitely!" Jonas nodded quickly.

"On the banner of human rights, only politicians can play. This is a game in the political circle. Anyone who is not inside the circle will die." Fearing that Jonas wouldn't listen, Sean explained again, "The circle is different, the game is different. The rules are different, in the political circle, if you lose the big deal, you will withdraw from the competition, as long as you take a step back, everyone will not continue to hold on to the problem, this is the rule.”

"The most serious thing is to quit the political arena and enter the revolving door, but everyone will still protect him, which is also the rule."

"But people outside the circle can't do it, they will kill you directly, understand, I won't be able to protect you then!"

"Okay, I see." Jonas took a deep breath and nodded.

"Back to the topic we just talked about, Tom Bradley has been able to hold the throne of Los Angeles mayor these years, relying on the large number of blacks and Latinos in Los Angeles. Because of his race, he must stand on the black side to a certain extent. It’s an opportunity to think about it from a different perspective.”

"However, a single incident of Murdoch scolding **** is not powerful enough." Sean pondered for a while, then suddenly looked up at Jonas.

"Are there any of us in Los Angeles."

"Yes, we are all from military backgrounds, and we attach great importance to intelligence. There are people from us in the top ten cities, but all of them are locals."

"Have these people been exposed at all?"

"Basically not."

"I need someone, he has to be black, he has to be native of Los Angeles, he has to have some local criminal record, he has to be drug-free, he has to be 100 percent reliable."

"Wait for me!" Jonas nodded heavily.


"Rod King, 22 years old, 185 cm tall, weighs 98 kg, has been in the army, this guy is as strong as a cow."

"We recruited in more than a year ago. I met him several times. He has been doing things for us, mainly collecting some information and intelligence."

"Is it insurance?"

"Insurance, he knows our means, as long as it doesn't make him die, it's good, he knows how to do it, this guy doesn't look stupid, but he's actually not stupid, otherwise he wouldn't just go in all these years. Once, it was more measured.”

"Okay, I'm going to Los Angeles tomorrow. Just in time, the crew has been waiting for me to film for a long time." Sean stretched.


"You're here!" On the set, director Martin Scorsese gave Sean a hug and slapped Sean on the back a few times, not knowing if it was revenge.

"Haha, dear Mr. Director, I was too busy before, you know." Sean said with a smile.

"So, isn't your life more exciting than a movie, what else are you doing?"

"Life always needs some easy tweaks, doesn't it?"

"Okay, I knew you weren't thinking about the movie." Martin Scorsese shook his head, but this was the boss, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"How, did the previous life in New York help?" Sean asked with a smile. Before Martin wanted to experience the life of the gang in person, Sean arranged for him to go there.

"It's very helpful. It was originally my conjecture, part of it was confirmed, and part of it became real."

The two were chatting on this side, and on the other side, all the behind-the-scenes and actors of the crew were watching from a distance.

Sean Rockefeller, the most famous American super-rich in the last year.

Rumors center ruthless big man.

Especially in the past few days, because the betting with Murdoch and the financing of the "Black Equal Rights" movement have been reported so much that everyone knows it.

Not to mention that the Sean Company has swept the box office charts for several consecutive films, and is also an investor in this film.

The halo of all this is on Sean's head, making him the center of attention as soon as he appears.

The crew stopped filming for this, and everyone didn't think there was any problem.

Because he is, Sean Rockefeller.

In the crowd, the little transparent Nicole Kidman stood in the corner, looking at Sean in the distance with a look of surprise.

Sean hasn't been in her life since the last goodbye.

This made Nicole Kidman very distressed, like a fairy tale of Cinderella, but the ending was completely different.

Her prince disappeared...

Nicole's crazy regrets every day, regretting that she didn't invite Sean to have tea that day...

New tea!

What are you holding back!

Shoot when it's time to shoot, such a perfect man, how dangerous it is to let go!

Nicole felt sick all over at the thought that Sean might be pressed down by another woman.

After chatting for a while, Sean and Martin Scorsese came together in front of everyone.

"Everyone has been wondering who played Henry in his younger days, so I'm going to introduce it formally." Martin Scorsese pointed his finger at Sean.

No matter what you think, it's just right to clap your hands.

"It's a pleasure to work with everyone, I hope I don't screw everything up." Sean laughed and joked.

Soon, make up, start shooting.

Sean is young and handsome enough to play an 18-year-old child.

This scene is a shot of young Henry going to school in the morning, and Martin shouts "click" just after filming.

"Idiot, you are a mother who urges you to pack up and go to school. What's your expression now? That's your son, not your father. Your impatience, your mother's ferocity." As soon as the shooting started, Martin turned into an incarnation. The tyrant began to curse.

Sean looks stupid, I'm going, there's a mafia inside.

The actor was so scolded that he didn't dare to speak at all, but he felt aggrieved. Is this my son?

This one is much more vicious than the mafia, I'm afraid!

"I want to say that I'm not a bad person, just imagine that I'm a middle school student and it's ok." Sean interjected.

Filming started again, the actor playing Henry's mother adjusted, and I don't know if it was Sean's attitude that played a role, but this time it looked much better.

It's a long shot of Sean's Henry packing up, grabbing breakfast and clothes and getting ready to go out.

"Crack!" Martin yelled again.

Looking at Sean, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Mr. Sean, yes, the shot is very good, but there is a small problem, you walk closer to this side, so that our camera can capture you ."

"Ok." Sean nodded.

The crew and a group of actors were all stupid, and the shots were not captured, yet they were called very good?

Is this the language art of great directors?

Martin, how fierce you are!

"Lights, grounds, please don't, **** it, put the bread in your hand, what are you doing with it all the time!" Turning his head, Martin shouted again.

"Mr. Sean, let's do it again." Turning back, Martin said with a smile.

Second time...

"Crack!" Martin clenched his fists.

"Mr. Sean, it's very good this time. It's been on the camera, but here, you're going out, so you have to disappear from the camera, although this is not the door."

"Okay!" Sean also said a little embarrassedly, and turned to go back to say goodbye.

"Breco, Mr. Sean doesn't know, you don't know that yet, why don't you guide me." Turning his head, Martin yelled at the actress who played his mother.

Everyone was speechless, no, this double standard is too obvious...

"Look, Mr. Sean has never acted in a movie, this is the first time filming, it's normal for a malfunction, it's your first time too!" Martin yelled, "Lyota, show Mr. Sean again. "

Liotta, who played the adult Henry, came up and walked over. Sean carefully stared at the route the other party walked, and knew how to shoot at once.

He doesn't need any acting skills, just play himself.

Imagining what he looked like when he was young, Sean went through it for the third time.

Martin's eyes lit up, and the shooting password was found.

In order to match Sean's time, today is all Sean's play, and everyone else is supporting roles and spectators.

Afterwards, every time Liotta had to demonstrate it to Sean first, and then carefully tell him where to stop and what expression to use. Fortunately, in the juvenile stage, he didn't need much acting skills.

Shooting went relatively smoothly.

And in order to cooperate with Sean, Martin deliberately filmed one scene after another in accordance with the script sequence.

This is not the case with normal movie shooting. It is a waste of time. The specific scene to be shot depends on the weather and location. It is very likely that the previous scene is the beginning of the event, and the next scene will skip to the end.

The emotions are very incoherent or even the opposite, which is very demanding on the acting skills of the actors.

The filming of TV dramas is sequential shooting, and the requirements for acting are not at the same level.

Of course, you don't need any acting skills in Rabbit, the post-cutting is amazing, and it is the most "thrilling" technological progress in the history of film.

After the first day of filming, the night scene did not work overtime.

Capitalists will not agree to pay three times the salary to make people work overtime, which is also worthwhile.

Moreover, the remuneration has been fixed, and the actors will not agree to work overtime.

At the end of the shoot, Sean invited Nicole Kidman to get in the car, and Nicole tried her best not to laugh out loud, it was too explicit.

Just involuntarily quickened the pace.

The people in the crew watched Sean's luxury motorcade go away, and immediately began to whisper.

Sean, this is the biggest card in Hollywood movies, there is no one, after all, he is super rich.

Although Reagan has also been an actor for 27 years, he was not so good when he was an actor.

"No wonder the above warned no one to harass Nicole Kidman. It turned out to be the boss's woman."

"Isn't it Diane Lane? Everyone knows this. The boss sent someone to do a big job in Atlanta for him."

"But that doesn't stop the boss from liking Nicole. The boss took her to the premiere of Die Hard."

"Hey, Diane Lane was there too, you said..."

"Speak your ghost!" A sinister voice sounded behind him.

The two jumped up in fright.

"I warn you, you can talk nonsense about the boss, go to work!" The producer glared at the two of them.

On the other side, as soon as the car drove out, Nicole's little hand grabbed Sean's hand without being polite.



One loss is enough!

One cannot trip over the same trap twice!

Must be proactive.

Sean just laughed and played with Nicole's smooth little hands. Seeing that Sean didn't move further, Nicole simply leaned on Sean's body.


Can't move!

No way, just do whatever you want.

"Okay, we're home." Sean lowered his head and blew in Nicole's ear.

"Ah~@!" Nicole's body shrank from the tingling in her ears, and she let out a low moan involuntarily.

With a blushing face, it took a long time to realize what Sean said.

Sit up and stare at Sean blankly. Are you home?

So fast!

You, you haven't done anything yet?

At this moment, the door of the car has been opened by the bodyguard, and Nicole glanced outside with a little confusion...

Also, it's home.

Biting her lip, Nicole decided that she couldn't miss this opportunity without saying anything, and she must kill this guy.

"Sean, I've prepared some good coffee, go up and have one before you go."

Sean looked at Nicole with a half-smile, "Okay, you're still young."

"I..." Nicole hugged Sean's arm and rubbed hard in her arms, "I'm not too young!"

He looked down and felt the pressure from his lower arm, "This... it's really not small."

Nicole's face was red and hot, and at this moment he felt anxious.

Sean bowed his head slowly, Nicole slowly closed his eyes, it was all so beautiful.

Suddenly, I felt that the arm in my arms was taken away, and the person was directly pushed away.

Nicole opened her eyes and looked at Sean with a confused look.

Sean was serious, "I'm not the kind of person you think!"

Nicole got out of the car, stunned as Sean's motorcade moved away.

Isn't it legendary that the boss is very erotic?


Or, the boss's sexual orientation wouldn't be a problem, would it?

On the other side, in the car, Sean breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn, if it wasn't for something else to do in a while, Sean would definitely bring this little hoove Nicole to justice.

Instead of going straight home, the team stopped halfway, Sean changed cars, and Jonas sat in the car.

"Have you seen anyone?" Sean asked as soon as he got in the car.

"Yes, he agreed," Jonas said.

"Very good, have everything been arranged?"

"Well, the driving teacher has already asked him to teach him, a professional coach, and arranged for them to start running today."

"Well, over there."

"It's chosen, a new clerk has been changed, and now it's ours."

"That's fine, just be careful and don't leave too much information."

"rest assured."

"Tell him and send him to Colombia when it's over."


"This scene is that Henry didn't go to the appointment and let you go. You drive to him and ask him what's going on. You want to show your anger." Director Martin was talking to Nicole.

He was afraid that Nicole wouldn't dare to lose his temper in the face of Sean, so this scene couldn't be filmed.

Nicole nodded heavily.

The script of "Goodfellas" has been changed a lot, especially in the front, a large part of the narrative has been deleted.

Martin expresses too many things in the film. Due to the limitation of space, he can only tell it in the form of narration, which seems to be without turbulence and lack of attraction.

Sean deleted some unnecessary plots, and instead showed the plots of partner robbing cigarettes, bribing the police, and selling them in detail.

"Very good, let's have one." Martin greeted the crew loudly.

A car slammed onto the sidewalk, and a group of gangsters dodged left and right, and with a squeak, the car braked in place.

Before anyone could come up to look for trouble, Nicole opened the door and walked towards Sean angrily, "You really have the seeds, let me dove, no one has ever treated me like this!"

Sean looked at Nicole in surprise, is this acting so powerful?

Or maybe I was angry about the fact that I drove her out of the car yesterday.

Not to mention Sean, even Martin and others were shocked by how quickly Nicole's mood came.

"Who do you think you are, Rockefeller or Dupont."

There was laughter all around.

"Stop, stop, I just forgot, I thought it was next week." Sean shrugged and spread his hands.

"This week, this Friday, you promised, you liar." Nicole picked up her handbag and shook Sean, turned around and left.

"Oh, baby, don't be like this, don't be angry, let's talk." Sean reached out and grabbed Nicole.

"Talk about it, you have to talk to me when you let my pigeons go. Forget it, we have nothing to talk about." Nicole waved her hand vigorously.

Sean raised his brows and forgot his lines for a while, but his emotions were over.

He simply pulled Nicole into his arms, lowered his head and kissed it directly.

Nicole's body stiffened in place, her eyes widened.

Sean unceremoniously pushed his tongue against Nicole's tooth and inserted it.

After being kissed by Sean like this, Nicole seemed to be out of her control, her body softened instantly, and her hands climbed onto Sean's neck uncontrollably.

The people around were also taken aback. The script was not like this. Just because it was about to be retaken, they all screamed and coaxed.

It's just that Martin didn't call to stop at all, and the camera continued to shoot.

"Close-up, close-up," Martin ordered excitedly.

At this time, no lines can compare to the crispness of the forced kiss, the unrestrainedness, and the enthusiasm of the kiss.

Low EQ: Filming the accident to let the boss cool off.

High emotional intelligence: free play, classic shots.

Obviously, Martin is an emotionally intelligent director.

This may be the fragrance of a virgin. Under the provocation of Sean's tongue full of skill, Nicole responded awkwardly. People became more and more forgetful, her face gradually flushed, her eyes gradually blurred, and her mind went blank.

The long-standing wish has suddenly come true. How can Nicole remember that this is the set!

What director?

Is it important?

To win Sean is to win life.

The "ka" footage was almost shot, Martin shouted.


Everyone was stunned for a while, and then it suddenly sounded, and the director didn't shout just now.

Looking at the two again, they are still hugging and 'gnawing'.

Director Martin rolled his eyes, took a few steps closer, and shouted again: "Crack"

'bite' 'bite' 'bite'

The head twisted and 'gnawed'.

Forget my 'bite'.

Martin slapped his forehead heavily, gave up completely, put his hands on his hips, and watched silently, just to see how long you could 'gnaw'.

After more than two minutes, Sean raised his head and took a few breaths. Nicole was soft in Sean's arms, her face flushed, and she was gasping for breath. Her mind went blank.

Martin shook his head helplessly, "Take a break, let's go to the next game."

The back is a continuous scene of two people meeting, bars, banquets, family gatherings, seaside beaches...

A French wet kiss seemed to flip the switch, and the subsequent series of shots went very smoothly.

Sean shows off his charismatic charm and orgasmic girl-hunting skills.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it's Bill's words, anyway, anything Sean says can make Nicole giggle.

The performance of the true character, the shooting was extremely smooth, and the sour smell of love between the two could be seen through the camera.

Martin was quite satisfied.

But movies are troublesome, and I only shoot a few shots in a day.

In the evening, Sean sent Nicole home again. In the car, Nicole lay in Sean's arms and kept kissing.

Sean's hands fell from top to bottom, from front to back, as if exploring.

Sean still didn't go up with Nicole until Nicole's door.

This time Nicole was not in a hurry to invite, she only needed to know what Sean meant.

Be reserved, my mother said to be a woman to be reserved!

When I came home satisfied, I immediately went to take a shower and changed my clothes, it was wet,

The wind blows chilly...

In the car, Sean raised his hand on the tip of his nose and sniffed gently. No hurry, no hurry. The best peaches can only be picked when they are fully ripe.

Home, Elizabeth Hurley is waiting here.

"Three Dads and One Baby" was completed, and Elizabeth Hurley contacted Sean as soon as possible.

At the age of 21, it is the best age for a girl. It is still a slightly green red apple, refreshing and attractive.

Elizabeth Hurley was swimming in the pool when she got home.

Seeing Sean coming back, Elizabeth got up from the pool, fluttered her long hair, and the crystal water splashed all over the sky. She raised her swan neck and had long sleeves. She was so beautiful that she couldn't be wrapped.

Seeing Sean staring at her in a daze, Elizabeth smiled smugly.

This set of water exiting movements was specially designed in the movie. Elizabeth practiced it not only during filming, but also in private.

It shows her **** side to the fullest.

Sean licked his lips, and the beauty came out of the bath, nothing more than that.

Elizabeth has an elegant and delicate face and the noble and elegant temperament of British style, and her impeccable figure is completely released by this bikini.

He looked up at Sean with his head raised, and the smirk on his face was full of provocation and evil.

Sean leaned over to look, the Hollywood Top Ten (·Eight·) exuded endless temptation, like a magnet, firmly attracting his eyeballs.

As for how strong this attraction is, little Sean has expressed the highest respect with practical actions.

"Crack, stand at attention!"

After tearing off his suit, Sean twisted his neck from side to side, raised his head and howled, and threw him into the water amid Elizabeth's giggling laughter.

The sound of "crashing" sounded, and rhythmic ripples appeared in the pool.



"Things are done, and the first batch of 500,000 has been airlifted."

At night, Sean was lying on the bed, controlling the ball while answering Lao Huang's call, "Then please, get moving."

"Okay, but you have to hold on!"

"Don't worry, maybe, soon that guy won't have time to pay attention to you." Sean smiled mysteriously.

On the other side, Lao Huang didn't understand the meaning of the words, and hung up the phone.

It is said that these days, the box office competition of "Die Hard" and "Alien 2" is very fierce.

Die Hard won 7.6 million at the box office on the first day, 200 more than Alien, but Alien exerted force earlier after all, and the two sides have been inextricably killed in the box office list these days.

Because Sean spared no effort to expand the influence of Murdoch's **** incident, the black group did see less aliens, but the white people increased...

It can only be said that nothing is good, which is what Sean did not expect.

This is another form of the 'Bradley effect'.

(ps: The Bradley effect refers to the fact that some voters are reluctant to vote for a black candidate for racial reasons, but they think the candidate's political views are 'correct', so they support the candidate in public opinion polls, But the phenomenon of voting for his opponent in the official vote.)


The next day, afternoon.

Rod King hugged Jonas.

"Have you memorized the route?" Jonas asked concerned.

"Don't worry, everything is ready." Rod King nodded.

"Okay, then I wish all the best!"

"I wish all the best!" The two of them clapped heavily.

Jonas turned to leave, Rhode started to pick up the phone and dialed out, and soon, two friends who played better on weekdays came over.

Rhodes drove the car and went to the bar with two friends.

After playing until more than 10 o'clock in the evening, it seems that the time is almost up, and the two companions are also drinking, so Rhode proposes to go racing together!

After drinking, Rod drove two friends to the expressway.

The police's patrol time and route have long been mastered, that is, the patrols are all clear.

Stuck in time, the car rushed up the Dongwan Coast Expressway.

Soon, the car soared 180 kilometers and happened to pass a patrolling police car.

Someone blatantly speeding, this can be tolerated, the female patrolman Singh directly informed the command center through the walkie-talkie and drove in hot pursuit.

The siren at the back kept blaring 'finished' and 'finished', and inside the car, two of Rhode's friends screamed and yelled like they were mentally ill. Of course the police car couldn't stop when they chased, they just ran away!

It's about speeding!

Just to tease the police!

In the eyes of the old black, this is a heroic act, showing domineering.

Reached out the window and stretched out his **** to the police car behind him.

Rhode ran through several red lights in a row, deliberately controlling the speed of the car, and did not get rid of the police car.

You know, these days, he has to run the same route dozens of times every day. He also has professional racing coach training. His racing skills have soared. In fact, he has the strength to get rid of police cars.

As time passed, the red lights were continuously run, and the number of police cars chasing changed from one to three or five.

Just like the GTA series.

Rhodes was still taking the police car around in circles. In the end, under the siege of more than a dozen police cars, Rhodes was finally 'forced' to stop.

This is diagonally opposite a grocery store. Under the gunfire of the police, two of Rhode's friends got out of the car and lay on the ground with their hands on their heads.

And Rhode, as if he was really drinking and beating, got out of the car and approached the female patrolman who had been chasing him.

Nothing but provocation!

The Los Angeles police saw that the man was either drinking or smoking, and without saying a word, two stun guns shot him.

As a result, Rhodes survived without being knocked down.

Afterwards four police officers rushed to subdue Rhodes, but this guy is 185cm tall and has been exercising all year round. Over 90kg is full of muscles, and he is as strong as a cow.

The four policemen couldn't hold back at all.

The policeman pulled out his baton and smashed it. Rhodes moved around with agile steps.

But in the end, he was smashed to the ground by dozens of batons.

Feeling about the same, Rhode immediately begged for mercy and gave up his resistance. The police fought for a while before stopping. At this time, Rhode's body was blue and purple, and there was not much good place left.

The three were rudely brought into the car and pulled directly back to the police station.

After everyone left, the clerk at the grocery store pulled out a videotape from the CCTV at the door.

He smiled and put it upside down in his hand, turned on the video recorder next to him and recorded it again, then picked up the phone and dialed it out, "I have a cool video tape here, a few police officers beat a black man around, how much are you going to pay."

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