America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 269: :

"Sorry, this is the police call. If you don't need to call the police, please don't occupy the public line." When the operator heard the video of the **** policeman beating the black criminal, he instantly lost interest.

Is this a **** thing?

Crazy, just like asking the police to pay for it, this guy must be crazy poor.

The clerk hung up the phone, and he didn't know why.

Likewise, this video cannot be exposed by New Century TV, only other local TV stations in Los Angeles.

Fortunately, the choice is huge.

How can a media person not be sensitive to news, law enforcement, and racial discrimination have always been the code of wealth. As soon as I heard the other party say this on the phone, the TV station quickly sent someone over.

It was played on the video recorder in the grocery store. At the beginning of the picture, Rhode's car was forced to stop, and the two companions got out of the car and lay on the ground.

Later, Rhodes got out of the car and made insulting actions. The police fired. After being knocked to the ground by the stun gun, Rhodes struggled to get up. Four policemen jumped up and smashed at Rhodes with batons.

"Oh my God!" the person watching the video exclaimed, the baton waving looked scary, and felt pain through the screen.

Rod hugged his head, dodged left and right, and was beaten screaming again and again, and a clear shout can be heard here, "Don't let him run away, hit his joints, hit his wrists, yes, hard, Hit his elbow, break him, hit his ankle!"

The officers paused the video playback and counted them carefully. The three policemen hit Rhodes 33 batons in total, and kicked 17 times when Rhodes lay on the ground screaming and begging for mercy.

The scene didn't stop until Rhode was completely motionless before being handcuffed and thrown into the car.

"After reading it, how much are you going to give me?" The clerk smiled and looked at the staff, and made a gesture of counting money in his hand.

"$200!" The staff member said after thinking about it.

"Then you can leave. I also know many TV stations. I think New Century is good. They support the black affirmative movement. I think the rich gentleman must be very generous." The clerk immediately lowered his face and made an expulsion gesture.

"NO, NO, NO, my friend, listen to me, you must have heard it wrong, I said 2000!" The staff immediately shouted, if he could spend less, he could deduct some by himself .

"5,000!" The clerk pointed to the videotape and said, "$5,000, you take it away, he can make a huge profit for your TV station, and I promise not to sell it to anyone else, it's yours!"

"No, it's too expensive, and the TV station won't approve such a large fee."

"Then you call your fat pig boss to clear their heads."

Seeing that the clerk's attitude is firm, and all the routes in hand are the only one, the TV station people can only contact the station.

After repeated confirmations, $5,000 was in hand, and the two parties also signed an exclusive transfer agreement.

Watching the TV car leave, the clerk grinned, saying that this agreement was what they wanted, and the clue was sealed at the point of coincidence.

Of course, the $5,000 belongs to the clerk, but he still needs to continue working here for a while.


On the other hand, a few policemen in the police car didn't take it to heart at all. There was music on the car, and no one paid any attention to Rhodes, who was crying in pain.

It's just a black man. This is the daily routine. It's no big deal.

Racial discrimination or something is common in the Los Angeles Police Department, or in any police department in the United States.

The crime rate of black people is too high, it always causes a lot of trouble for the police, of course, this is not the point.

White people also commit crimes, but white people commit crimes with a very strong purpose and can give you a lot of bribes, but black people can't, most of them are petty theft, or they are drunk and make trouble everywhere, and 8 times out of 10, they have something to do with black people. , or a group of poor ghosts who can only live on relief funds, and there is no oil or water on them at all.

A group can only bring trouble, but it cannot bring benefits. It is natural to be hated and discriminated against.

Back at the police station, people are thrown into the hospital, and the medical expenses are the public account of the government.


After the TV station got the video, it was a treasure.

A group of people cried out in excitement after watching the video.

What kind of violence and racial discrimination is this? This is clearly knife music, countless knife music!

This videotape must be put to good use. This is a trump card. Since the exclusive license has been obtained, it must be used to the extreme.

Never doubt the charm of Dao Le.

The TV station did not release the news immediately, but closely monitored the police station until Rod King was sent to the hospital for examination and treatment.

Through the relationship, the TV station got Rod King's inspection report for the first time.

Skull fracture, forearm fracture, thigh fracture, calf fracture, rib fracture, several teeth fell, moderate concussion, 48 soft tissue contusions, 12 wounds, 98 stitches...

When the injury report was sent back, the people on the TV station were flushed with excitement. Without saying a word, during the morning news time, the edited 82-second video of a white policeman beating a black man was released, and the injury was attached at the back. Report.

During the broadcast, not only could you clearly hear the violent words of "hitting his joints" shouted by the police, but the host was even more expressive, full of indignation and loudly accusing, "This is violence, a crime."

"I beat him for a full 82 seconds, and kicked violently for about 20 seconds after the black man completely lost his ability to resist, almost beating people to death. This is far beyond the strength of normal law enforcement. We have to doubt these human motivation."

"Human rights, human rights, we have been shouting that the world should be equal, human beings should be equal, and there should be no such thing as racial discrimination in modern society, but until today, until now, our law enforcement agencies are still doing it. such a thing."

"It's just, it's terrifying!"

A flood is coming!

Of course, that's what the TV station wants to see!

If there is no torrent of public opinion, how can there be performance, how can there be knife music!

After all, Dao Le is innocent.

Watching the news on TV, there was a cruel smile on the corner of Sean's mouth. He didn't need to do anything at this point.

This 'society' will push things forward on its own.

As soon as the news was broadcast, there was an uproar. The three major TV networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS, quickly contacted the TV station to get the right to broadcast the video.

This route is worth thousands of dollars, and everyone knows it.

Soon, in less than an hour, this video appeared on the three major wireless television networks and quickly passed to the ears of every American.

New Century Media also purchased the copyright, of course, including Pete Cherning and others did not know that this incident was originally planned by Sean.

Anti-racism is 'politically correct', and this theory is inherently correct whether it discriminates against blacks or other minorities.

All TV stations emphasize this in their reporting.

Everyone knows how to get people's attention and how to expand their influence.

TV stations, the three major TV networks, New Century Media, including Murdoch's News Corp. all made efforts to interview celebrities from all walks of life.

In the beginning, it was a group of black movie stars in Hollywood.

They are all "beneficiaries" of racial discrimination. In order to show that there is no racial discrimination in Hollywood and that the moon of the Great America is the roundest, the law stipulates that every movie must have a positive image of black people.

Of course, most of the writers and directors are white, and there must be black villains in every movie...

Therefore, as the beneficiaries of racial discrimination, they ate the dividends of discrimination against blacks. At this time, they must stand up against the violence of the Los Angeles Police Department and speak out for the unjustly treated black compatriot "Rod".

Facing the camera, black stars and black politicians denounced the Los Angeles Police Department loudly.

As the matter fermented, politicians from the Donkey Party who wanted to win black votes also jumped out for interviews, calling for "fair" law enforcement, and asking the Los Angeles Police Department to come out and explain the matter to the public.

No matter how unpopular black people are, they can still vote.

Being able to vote has the value of being bought and praised.

This kind of thing naturally also spread to Sean.

This scene was filmed on the beach in Santa Monica. Sean and Nicole showed off their good figures. Now many people in Hollywood know that Sean participated in the role.

After the filming was over, a reporter wanted to interview Sean.

Sean didn't refuse, and he couldn't refuse. To refuse the interview at this time obviously means supporting racial discrimination...

"I'm sorry about this. All I want to say is, 'Fair, fair, or **** fair', we need a fair enough social environment."

"Of course, my views can only represent myself, not those of people like Merck."

At the end, Sean did not forget to stab Murdoch.

It's normal, so I'm happy anyway.

The Los Angeles Police Department really did not expect the video to be so big. This video is broadcast on major TV stations in a loop. No news in the United States today can overwhelm this matter.

Not in the future.

The people below are also stupid, especially the police operator last night. His IQ is completely incomprehensible. A common thing that happens every day in the United States does not know how many times can cause such a big wave.

Do people feel that the need to eat is worthy of attention?

All I can say is that habits are terrible.

The media reporters are very powerful, and they quickly unearthed the whistleblower, the clerk George Holliday.

After the interview, I found out that the other party called the police immediately and claimed that the video could be sold to the police station, but the police station refused.

What does this represent?

This means that the police chief is going crazy!

(The local police chief in the United States is appointed by the mayor, and the mayor of Los Angeles is black.)

The most important thing is that it is useless for the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department to be mad, so the top must be able to control the bottom?

Bird you, you are the leader, don't bird you, you are nothing.

After all, reality is far more outrageous than fiction.

"Get the **** out of here, right now, right now!" the police chief shouted angrily.

"Mr. Director, this Rhode is indeed breaking the law. Drunk driving and speeding are certain. It will be released now, so how should I explain it to the media and the public?" This order was immediately refuted by the Deputy Director.

"Release people now, doesn't that prove that this Rhode did not violate any laws at all?"

"Since there is no violation of the law, why can we arrest people? Doesn't this tell everyone that it is wrong for us police officers to arrest people!"

"If this is the case, will the police below see the criminals in the future?"

In the face of a series of rhetorical questions from the deputy director, the director was numb at the time.

Everything the other party said is reasonable and reasonable. This is a government department, and everything is about procedures, legality, and rules. As long as the deputy director's words are stuck within the rules, the director will be useless.

"Okay, then you keep detaining people." The director slammed the door in anger.

The rest of the people in the room looked at each other and laughed.

If something goes wrong, what should you be afraid of? If something goes wrong, you will also ask the director for trouble. Who let you be the leader?

As for the deputy director and the following people, as long as they strictly follow the rules and regulations, it will be useless even if Reagan comes.

It's just overhead, and Lei also asks you to carry it!

According to the rules and regulations, if the formalities are not complete, you will not be allowed in.

As for crushing people at the official university level, it does not exist here in Laomei, and being caught by the media and those parliamentarians is a crazy output.

The director could only save himself, and immediately held a press conference to explain what happened last night to the media.

From finding speeding, to drinking and driving, to insulting police officers, everything was made clear, hitting someone is just to subdue the other person, because this person is strong and dangerous.

The media reporters made a record below, as if they were very serious.

Turning around, in the video released on the news, the previous paragraph was all pinched off...

The only thing left to beat is to subdue the opponent.

Immediately, the host asked, why are you still beating and kicking after being knocked to the ground?

Is it dangerous for a begging man to be knocked to the ground?

Once the interview video was released, it immediately aroused greater public opinion.

As if adding another barrel next to the powder keg, this time, the situation is even more tense.

The director was numb when he watched the interview video, no, what about my previous explanation, what about the long explanation?

In the afternoon, many black people took to the streets and started to march under the instigation of people with a heart.

This really wasn't something Sean sent someone to instigate.

In the free country, there are numerous "black equal rights" organizations, large and small, and "anti-racism" organizations.

"This incident is a good breakthrough, to launch a march, to call on all blacks to unite, fight for greater rights, and fight for political status", this kind of speech has been prevalent in various organizations.

Every time something happens, you can call on some black people to donate, and call on the black people to donate.

Of course, the vast majority of these groups are genuinely anti-racist, and many of them are white.

At the call of these organizations, a large number of black people poured into the streets, and they gathered on the Avenue of Florence, on the Avenue of Normandy, in front of the city hall, in front of the police station.

Each parade ranged from a few hundred people to as many as a thousand people, surrounded by LA police officers who were watching coldly, all white.

Parades, every day, no one cares.

TV stations and media reporters pointed their guns at them, some interviewed, some filmed, and the news quickly spread throughout the United States.

Among them, in the square in front of the city government office building, there were more than a thousand people sitting in a sit-in.

They want the mayor of Los Angeles, the black political star, the leader, Tom Bradley, to do justice.

Volunteers are organizing the supply of food and water. I have to say that they are experienced and the parade is well organized.

The public's mood has slowly been on the verge of danger. Although the orderly demonstrations of these affirmative groups have vented this sentiment a little, it is only a difference of 1 meter from the cliff or half a meter.


"It seems that we don't need to take action?" Jonas's face was full of smiles in Sean's villa in Hollywood.

"Need." Sean shook his head.

"Ah, isn't this parade going well?" Jonas was taken aback.

"The top priority is to get Rhodes out first. He is very unsafe to stay there." Sean shook his head and said, "Every organization has its own demands, and those affirmative rights organizations just use the contradictions caused by the Rhodes incident to expand themselves. influence, do you understand?"

"I don't understand, aren't we the same?" Jonas shook his head.

"Fuck, what the **** you want is a zero-dollar purchase, a zero-dollar purchase that spreads widely, to pull those **** and the two big local gangs in Los Angeles into the water!" Sean gave Jonas a chest. fist.

Seeing that Jonas is still confused, he can only explain: "Those affirmative action organizations will never try to get Rhodes out, they want to ensure that things are within their controllable range, what they want is to march, to expand The power of the 'affirmative' organization is to show its own political ideas and the political status of black people, not to really make a zero-dollar purchase."

"It's only going to bring about a whole society's boycott of black people in that situation."

"And we have to get Rhodes out, and only when Rhodes comes out can he file a lawsuit against the LAPD!"

"Only by filing a lawsuit can this matter be elevated to a game between the ethics court and the legal court."

"Rise to a game between conservative ideas and liberal ideas."

"Rising to the big frame racial conflict between black and white... Forget it." Seeing Jonas's confused look, his eyes began to roll, Sean shook his head, "You don't need to know so much. ."

"Didn't an affirmative rights organization contact you before, you went to them, paid them money, and asked them to hire a lawyer to bail Rhodes out."

"Okay, I got it, um, please Johnny Cochran, I know that guy, he's the most famous black barrister in the country, he's sure to get this done!" Jonas said excitedly.

"Remember, remember clearly, don't hire those big lawyers, just ordinary lawyers, affirmative action organizations don't have that much money, and we want Rhodes to lose the case!"


"Ah what, only when Rhodes loses the case can it prove that the judges are biased towards white people, that racial discrimination actually exists, and that he has manipulated the laws of the United States, and that can lead to more contradictions, OK!"

"OK, OK." Jonas finally understood.


On the crew side, Sean is still participating in the filming.

A wig shop owner named Moore borrowed Jimmy's loan shark for gambling, and Henry played by Sean and Jimmy went to ask for the debt.

Moore was beeping and Jimmy tied his neck with a telephone wire, and Henry blushes beside him.

This passage has been played over and over again, and there is no trace of performance at all.

As if Sean was Henry, the bad guy.

The old character performed.

Just then the phone rang, and it was Karen, played by Nicole, who called for help.

Sean quickly drove up to Karen.

Nicole was held in Sean's arms. She was very sad when she remembered that Sean only talked to her every time in the past few days without going to her house to drink tea.

Director Martin was very surprised, this emotion is too full!

Sean quickly asked, "What's the matter, what's the matter, don't cry, tell me first."

Nicole just remembered to say the lines, "A kid who lives opposite my house, he touched me, grabbed me, I told him to stop, he didn't listen, I struggled, he got angry and hit me."

While parking, Sean drove hurriedly towards Karen's house.

"Crack, great, get ready for the next scene!" Martin yelled.

As soon as the camera turned, Sean had already driven to Nicole's house, and Nicole was in the co-pilot, wearing sunglasses on her face to cover her crying eyes.

Sean told Nicole to go home to wash her face and have a good rest, until Nicole opened the door and went in, then took out a revolver from her pocket.

Opening the car door, with a cold face, he strode towards the three boys who were cleaning the car.

The three dragons looked at Sean who came over with a cold face. For some reason, it was clear that Sean didn't have a fierce expression on his face, he didn't curse, and he didn't raise his gun, but the three were just afraid, inexplicably afraid, and his calf They all started to twist.

Not to mention the three of them, everyone in the crew felt scared when they saw Sean at this moment. He felt cold all over his body, cold from his bones.

Only Martin, the camera kept following Sean for a close-up, he looked at the monitor and kept mumbling, "Okay, okay, okay, pretty, that's what it feels like!"

Could it be that Sean adjusted his state and let go of part of his murderous aura. This is not something that actors can simulate.

According to the original plot, the neighbor hooligan should have taken a few steps forward and questioned Sean, what are you doing, find fault, bastard!

After all, it's still three-on-one.

It's just that Sean can't say what he was shocked by at this moment.

"Crack!" Martin jumped out, pointed at the dragon's nose and yelled, "You **** talk, what about the lines, are you stupid, has your brain been eaten by deworming, if you don't want the lines, you can don't, If you hit it directly, you can achieve the desired effect.”

As soon as he heard that his lines were going to be cancelled, he immediately quit the trick. He only had three lines in the whole film.

After scolding, turning his head, Martin looked at Sean with a smile on his face, "Mr Sean, it's very good, you are a natural actor, your acting skills should take Oscar, God, you are a performance delayed by business. genius."

Everyone in the crew rolled their eyes in unison. Is this a performance?

This is him, of course it is!

Starting again, the frightened face turned pale, but he still forcibly said the lines, but Sean didn't say anything else. He grabbed the hair of the dragon with one hand, took out the gun and held it in his hand, and smashed the head of the dragon with the handle of the gun. .

That vicious look scared the other two dragon sets back again and again.

The camera gave a close-up, the eyebrow bone of the dragon set was cracked and there was a big hole, and the face was covered with blood like no money.

"I swear, you'll be dead if you appear in front of Karen again!"

After finishing the fight, handmade, and glaring at the other two, Sean turned around and walked away angrily.

Opposite the door, Nicole watched all this secretly from the door, only to feel her heart beating faster, Sean beat someone for her, and she was willing to give everything!


The kind that can't wait.

The plot is also full at this time, and the emotions are in place. At the door of Karen's house, the two embrace each other and kiss passionately.

As soon as the camera turned, the two walked towards Nicole's room with their heads and necks entangled, bumping into things from time to time.

When they got to the room, they both fell on the bed.

Of course, the original plot did not have this section, but the current script was written by Sean.

Pieces of clothes were torn, thrown and dropped on the floor. The two kept groping for each other. Even if there was a camera next to them, Nicole was still extraordinarily enthusiastic and self-absorbed.

In this section, there was only one cameraman and director Martin in the house, and after the other lighting crews were done, they were kicked out.

Sean's big hand explored from Nicole's face all the way down, passing over the **** collarbone, the elastic peak, the snake-like waist, and finally grabbed it hard, slippery, tender, Q-bomb...

"Ah!!" A soft whisper came out of Nicole's mouth.

Lying on Nicole's body, feeling the oppression in his chest, Xiao Xiao expressed his lofty respect and pushed up through his clothes.

Nicole's cheeks were flushed and her mind went blank...

Thoughts are already wet.

Seeing that the fire was about to go off, Sean held down Nicole without waiting for Martin to stop, and sat on Nicole and turned to look at Martin, "Director, it's almost there."

It is impossible for him to really make a post in front of others and the camera.

Of course, other people's wives are different...

However, go back and try...

Nicole looked up slightly and could see little Sean holding up his pants. His face was red and hot. He raised his head and tried to bite, so he reached out and poked it.

Sean was suddenly shocked.

"Okay, okay." Martin finally came back to his senses, and he was also fascinated by what he saw just now. "The next scene, you cover the quilt and shoot."

Cover the quilt and start over, without any emotions brewing at all.

Nicole couldn't wait.

Sean: Hey, where are you grabbing your hands, don't pull my pants, there are still people here!

Nicole: I can't handle that much anymore, the opportunity is rare, I have to deal with you today!

Sean: Let go, it can't be there.

Nicole: Stop struggling, baby, wow quack!

The two hugged each other, and there seemed to be two big bugs rolling under the quilt.

Obviously nothing can be seen from the monitor, but Martin already has a picture in his mind.

The camera is aimed at the feet of the two of them. The small feet with bright red nails sometimes shrink their toes and sometimes open their fingers, as if they have experienced some indescribable storm...

Just looking at it can make foot control people, well...

Sean propped up his upper body, raised his head, and his expression was a little grim.

As if experiencing something painful.

Shit, I can't take it anymore!

Turning his head, "It's almost there, go out, go out, close the door!"

Only then did Martin and the cameraman realize it, their faces were full of understanding, they didn't speak, they turned around and walked out.

The crew members saw that there were only two people coming out and closed the door. All of them looked erratic. Whenever their eyes met, their faces were full of uncontrollable smiles.

Hey, hey hey hey.

"Cough cough." Martin raised his head and clenched his fist and coughed, and said solemnly: "Well, everyone is very tired from filming, so take a rest."

Crowd: We don't know if we are tired or not. Which of them must be tired, and they may not have the strength to shoot for a while.

In the room, Sean lifted the quilt and glared at Nicole. Half of his pants had just been taken down.

Nicole's cheeks were crimson, her hands covered her face, but her fingers were slightly wider.

Left hand, grab, pull.

The legs are skillfully squeezed.

The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is red!

Di Shen was in a quiet and happy spring night, and all the heart flutters disappeared.

The flowers and leaves once broke the stamens, and the willows shook the willow branches.

The golden guns fought fiercely in three thousand battles, and the silver candles came to Qi Bajiao.

It does not hinder the musculoskeletal resistance of the two bodies, and even removes a roll to go to the cloud bridge.


outside the door.

For ten minutes, everyone watched curiously.

In fact, this kind of thing is more common in Hollywood.

The filming is all about handsome men and beautiful women, and they are also couples who play the roles.

Otherwise, there will be no so-called fake dramas. After a drama is filmed, the relationship between lovers will be directly determined, or they will be derailed.

Everyone is accustomed to it, and generally the battle does not last long. After all, the foreplay is done during the shooting.

Emotions are in place.

And there are people from the crew waiting outside, and they will come out soon after venting.

twenty minutes……

Everyone outside looked at each other, still not coming out?

If it wasn't for the slight screams, everyone thought the two were asleep.

A group of male actors frowned and looked strange.

Several actresses in the crew bit their lower lip, their faces turned red, and their legs were clamped.

A woman simply ran to the window on the side of the room while everyone was not paying attention and leaned against the wall. After a while, she couldn't stand, and fell to the ground shivering softly.

It took more than half an hour for Sean to be happy. This was the first time Nicole couldn't bear it.

Lying on the bed, Nicole slumped in Sean's arms, gasping for a while before gradually recovering, "Mr. Sean."

"What do you call me?" Sean smiled.

"Husband!" Although Nicole was lethargic, her mind still remembered.

Sean's body froze slightly, and he reached out and clapped "snack", "Call me brother!"

Nicole's mouth pouted immediately, but she didn't dare to say anything.

After a while, the needle was pierced to get up.


"There are a lot of people outside, the crew is still waiting." Nicole said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, let them wait." Sean said while playing.

"That's not good." Nicole hesitated.

"Forget it, then I'll go out. You can rest here. You don't need you in the next scene anyway. After today's filming is over, I'll pick you up." After speaking, Sean bowed his head and arched again, causing Nicole to giggle. laugh.

He got up, put on his clothes, put Diao Chan on, put on some wrinkled clothes, leaned over and gave Nicole a kiss, then turned and walked out.

Seeing the disappearance of Sean's back, a big smile appeared on Nicole's face, as if the little fox who stole the chicken, stretched out her jade arm and waved it hard in the air a few times, done, finally won!



It's been 50 minutes since Sean appeared in front of everyone again, and when they looked at Sean again, everyone's eyes were full of weirdness.

This body, I don't see it, it's talented?

Have medicine?

But no matter what, the women in the crew looked at Sean with more and more fiery eyes.

Across the distance, Sean was burned.

Too hot.

In this eerie atmosphere, Sean finished filming the rest of the plot in high spirits.

In the evening, Nicole, who took Nicole home and put her whole heart on Sean, didn't realize that the route was not for her house.

When the car stopped and the two got out of the car, Nicole realized what she realized. Her eyes were full of surprise and she looked at Sean in disbelief, "This, where is this?"

"Your new home, go have a look." Sean grabbed Nicole's little hand with a smile, took out a key and put it in her hand.

"Ahhh..." Nicole screamed happily and rushed over to open the door.

This is a rich white area, on the east side of Universal Studios, near Burbank. This house is worth more than 300,000 US dollars, covers an area of ​​270 square meters, has 2 floors, 6 rooms, 8 bathrooms, with one Basement, two garages, a garden, a swimming pool.

Running wildly upstairs and downstairs, Nicole shouted happily and jumped into Sean's arms.

"Don't get excited, there is something more exciting for you, sign this This house is yours, and you are mine." Sean carried Nicole to the sofa , there is a document on the coffee table.

Nicole flushed with excitement again, and her knuckles turned white with the force of her hand holding the pen.

Picking up girls is that simple.

Rich, rich, or **** rich.

After signing, Nicole threw herself into Sean's arms again, without Sean moving at all...


Applying for bail in the United States is very simple, as long as you have enough money, you don't need to go through a judge.

Just tonight, Rod King, who had paid enough bail and was wrapped in bandages and casts that made him look like a mummy, was finally released on bail.

Looking at the night sky outside, Rod Quan breathed the free air greedily.

He swears, this is the last time in this **** prison!

A large number of reporters rushed up like flies smelling the smell...

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