America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 272: :conflict

The latest website: (the last day of the double monthly pass, don't keep it, all readers)

"Mr. Jordan, what do you think of the delay in the Rod King case?" A black reporter stopped Jordan and immediately asked loudly.

"This matter should be asked in court, no one has any way to interfere with them." Dan Zi said to him.

There are black fans but also white fans, Danzi does not want to make any sharp remarks.

"So, do you think the four white police officers are innocent?" Reporters are not used to pills.

"I don't, I don't, don't talk nonsense. Whether you're guilty or not depends on how the court pronounces it. I believe in the law." Danzi immediately denied it.

The reporter quickly recorded that Jordan said there was no way to intervene in the courtroom, and Jordan believed in the law.

Early the next morning, newspapers ran an interview with NBA upstart Michael Jordan on the Rod King case.

"Jordan appealed to black people, we should keep calm and not interfere in the legal process of the court, we should believe that the court will give a reasonable verdict in the Rod King case, I believe 10 white jury, 1 Asian, 1 Latino jury."

Early in the morning while training, Jordan's agent, David Falk, rushed in angrily, "Damn, look what you've done!"

After all, a newspaper was thrown in front of Jordan.

Dan Zi was taken aback. He hated the most when someone disturbed him during training. He glared at the manager viciously. If he found that the matter was not serious, he would definitely scold the guy severely.

Picking up the newspaper and looking at it, Dan Zi's face suddenly turned pale, that's not what I **** meant!

"This is a false report, I just said that there is no way to intervene in the court, I believe in the law!" Dan Zi was completely panicked.

If this newspaper is released, what will those black people think of him?

would treat him as a traitor!

He knows the character of black people too well, maybe he will be washed to death...

"The words you said can be interpreted in this way. Do you understand how sensitive this matter is? I can guarantee that fans will question you during the game tonight." David Falk really angry.

"Then what?"

"Accept the post-match interview, and make it **** clear. Who do you think you are? Are you a politician? What ambiguous are you playing? At this time, you should **** stand in line, stand in line, stand in line, do you understand!"

Sure enough, when Jordan entered the game that night, the overwhelming cheers of the past were changed, and a lot of boos were mixed in.

Just running out of the aisle, a coin fell on Jordan, "You **** traitor, you don't deserve to be a black man, you go lick the hemorrhoids of those white people!!"

Danzi's face turned darker...

The current Jordan is not a basketball god, he is only a 3-year-old, and his reputation is not high enough to touch.

Of course, starting in the 1986-87 season, Jordan had begun to hold all kinds of NBA records, already one of the best.

Watching today's live broadcast, Sean laughed out loud, "Emma, ​​what a miserable one!!"

This interview was ordered by him, specifically looking for those black stars to be interviewed.

Send an interview request directly in the name of New Century Media!

Must stand in line.

After being slapped hard by the reporter, Danzi is very angry now!

Listening to the boos at home from time to time, all Danzi's anger was vented towards the opponent, 50+

After the game, Danzi said to the camera: "In the case of Rod King, I support Rod. He has been treated unequally. I support Rod to obtain his legal rights through legal channels, and I hope the law can Give Rhodes a fair deal."

The experience of Danzi spread to the ears of all black stars in a short period of time. Some people laughed at Danzi, some disdained Danzi, and some simply called Danzi a traitor, even thinking of licking those white people.

One after another, this group of people received interview invitations from New World and major media.

Celebrities can dislike the media, but they can never do without the media.

If it's just a reporter's invitation to interview, but it's sent in the name of the TV station, then...

In fact, when Danzi was still on the field, Isaiah Thomas and Magic Johnson were interviewed at the same time.

Isaiah Thomas, the leader of the Bad Boys Corps and the biggest stumbling block in Jordan's life, doesn't like anyone, so he spits out, "I saw Danzi's interview, that guy is a licking dog who wants to lick the whites' toes. "

"Right is right, wrong is wrong, those white cops beat Rhodes, they should be punished by the law, if the law can't be fair, then **** the law, black people should and must always support black people!"

And Magic Johnson in New York was inevitably asked this question, "I know about this, I have been paying attention to it, and now rumors are flying, it is difficult for me to judge what is true and what is going on. It's fake, but for one thing, I support Rhodes taking those cops to court."

"The issue of racism in the LAPD has been around for a long, long time, and every LA resident knows that..."

After sports stars come entertainment stars.

Sean asked Peter to make a list of black stars and interview them one by one from top to bottom. Whether they wanted to or not, dared to accept the interview or not, they said that she or he remained silent about what happened to Black Rhodes.

Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston...

The new century is in action, and the three major TV networks are also in action. If you don't grab news traffic, others will not be polite.

Soon, famous black stars were wiped out, and even some well-known white stars were interviewed for their views on the case.

I have a **** opinion!

In my heart, I have to say it.

Sean looked very happy, "Wow, Whitney Houston has a great body."

"I will invite her to sing, sing the theme song or soundtrack to our movie." Whenever such a topic is talked about, Norris will not know where it comes from.

Sean turned his head, looked at Norris approvingly, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, arrange!

What is a talent!

Lorraine looked at Norris with a cold light in his eyes, eunuch, die!

With so many well-known figures forced to operate, the heat of the Rhodes case has been fired up again.

Black emotions are also accumulating.

On this side, the atmosphere was pulled and those celebrities were pulled out of the platform. On the other side, with the personal instigation of Rhodes and the support of a small amount of dollars, two of Rhodes' friends also stood up.

Now, the two of them are big and famous.

Recently, because of the case with Rhodes, the two have been interviewed and asked about that day.

Black people are sometimes easy to coax, they are very impulsive, as long as they create a strong sense of responsibility and mission for him, they will rush up like a mad dog.

The reason why they are mad dogs is because most of them have no brains.

The two guys listened to Rhodes' words, and after they got the manuscript, they started to promote it everywhere.

"It's useless to just strike in Los Angeles, it's only hurting Los Angeles, not Simi Valley. The trial isn't here."

"White people don't care what we do, they only see what they want to see, we have to find the right target, where the trial is, we're going to have our voices heard and let them see us black people Attitude!"

"We're going to court in Simi Valley to protest."

Under the call of these two guys, in the voice of a group of old blacks showing off their great victory in the last road battle, those old blacks who had been idle and had nothing to do, called friends and friends, as if preparing for a tour, and followed to this small town next to Los Angeles. .

This time, everyone is ready to fight the white people again!

New Century Media, which received the news early, directly sent an interview vehicle to follow up the interview.

The California State Police also rushed to intercept, but when they saw the live broadcast car interviewing car, I was stunned.

In front of the TV camera, everything must be done in accordance with laws and regulations, and there must be no mistakes.

Four police cars stopped the convoy, and Rhode's two friends jumped out to meet them.

There is a camera next to them. Not only are they not afraid, but they are extremely excited. According to a script given by a Rockefeller family man who did not want to be named, they shouted: "Did we violate California law by driving on the highway?"

"Or, California doesn't allow black people to drive out of town?"


It's not supposed to be something a black man can say!

"We just wanted to ask, where are you going?" the policeman asked with a stern face.

"Is there a law in California or the United States that black people must report their purpose to the police when they travel?" The guy jumped on the front of the car and shouted, "Do white people also need to report?"

"This is racial segregation, are California police going to reintroduce racial segregation?"

Several white police officers looked at each other, each one completely speechless.

"Very good, gentlemen, please don't break any laws." The first time a few white police officers were forced to do this, they were so angry they could only suppress their anger.

"And then, as long as I break the law a little bit, you can wave a baton and beat me up like you did with Rod King, in the eyes of your white cops, every black man deserves to die, you can Casual beating, right?"

Several white police officers blushed with anger, glanced at the camera lens next to them, glared hatefully, turned around and left.

With the roar of the engine, the state trooper disappeared at the end of the street.

oh oh oh oh...

A group of old blacks began to shout loudly. For them, this was a brilliant victory.

Nothing can stimulate their emotions more than this, and one by one, with high confidence, get into the car, and start shouting towards Simi Valley City.

The synchronized live signal also appeared in front of the TV in real time. In fact, many people who saw this scene understood what was going on.

The police are just afraid that these black people will cause trouble, but there is nothing wrong with racial segregation, not only discrimination.

It's fine in normal times. In this sensitive period, something is going to happen.

As for the latter threat, it is indeed not illegal, but everyone can hear what it means.

Strictly according to the law, it was the police's own fault.

Soon, the Simi Valley once again blocked the road with vehicles.

It's just that two of Rhode's close comrades who had been prepared this time jumped out to the camera again, "We don't know when this road became privately owned, or, this road only allows white people to pass and not black people. Let's go, we're going to call the police now to see when the California State Police, who just responded quickly, can get to the scene and clear the illegally blocked road."

"What is the result of the black people calling the police, everyone will know soon, and the facts are in front of you."

Of course the state troopers are also watching the live broadcast, to go, or not to go?

this is a problem!

Go, don't want to be told to and fro by a bunch of niggas.

So, just **** off.

Call the police, yes, the police are very busy, and can't free manpower for a while!

The police have been criticized a lot. This is America, and the police have nothing to do with anyone.

Shouting to play in front of the camera, the two guys rushed to the front of the Simi Valley car barrier again, "We're going over, we're going to Simi Valley, you have no right to stop us."

"Is Simi Valley your private domain? Isn't this **** American territory? What qualifications do you have to stop here!"

"Where to go is our legitimate rights and interests and is protected by law!"

"Guys, flip these **** cars under the road!"

When the morale of the old black man who had just won a victory was high, dozens of people rushed up and a car was overturned to the side of the road.

In the face of the camera, the more than 100 white people who came here did not dare to blatantly block it, and it would be very troublesome to be detained with a racial segregation hat.

It's not like a community, where the land is owned by the owners, and all owners can decide whether to let a black person live in it.

This is the city, and most of the land in the city is public and state-owned.

The old blacks won again. Looking at the white people who were so puffed up but could only stare, these guys seemed to have won the battle again, playing music, pointing to the middle finger, cursing, sarcasm, and howling. Get in the car and head towards Simi Valley.

Vehicles shuttled through the streets and alleys of the ancient city of Simi, and the turbulent music and roaring engines completely broke the peace and harmony of this small town.

A group of people came to the door of the Simi Valley Court, the car parked randomly nearby, and a group of big old blacks were turbulent like rolling mud.

"Have a trial!"

"Give justice to black people!"

All kinds of chaotic slogans resounded for miles around.

The mood was in place, and the atmosphere was in place. The old blacks moved out of the stereo and began to play music.

Some people took out beer, some took out snacks, and some secretly took out leaves.

In the exciting music, a group of old blacks drank, sang, danced and flew leaves.

Totally up!

The white people who were watching from afar were so angry that they could not do anything about it.

In theory, this kind of parade is illegal, and the police can be dispatched to disperse it.

With water cannons, with batons, with tear gas...

But at this sensitive moment, if the police are dispatched to drive away, a conflict will inevitably break out, and it will not be able to fight without the use of weapons.

No choice but to hold back, watch, and wait.

Until these old blacks had enough fun, and they went back after they got tired of playing.

Most of the old blacks are emotional creatures, organized and disciplined, so don't make trouble.

In the evening, the black mud finally left, leaving all kinds of garbage on the ground.

Broken glass bottles, **** bags, and a **** pool of smelly urine and shit...

The old blacks won't go to the toilet when they're having fun, well, they can't be found around here.

White volunteers had to clean up the trash themselves.

Cleaning up, cursing, and the anger of the Simi Valley whites.

The next day, when they heard that the **** **** were coming again, the white people in Simi Valley finally decided they couldn't bear it anymore!

The slogan "Defend our Simi Valley" spread among the people.

The road was blocked again. This time Simi Valley dispatched a large number of people, and many healthy old white men appeared in the team.

"You are not welcome in Simi Valley, go back!" a strong bearded white man shouted, waving a baseball bat in his hand.

"Don't let you in, you rubbish, niggas, you should deworm all the cleaned up, we will never let you pollute our land!!"

This scolding, the old black people will definitely not be able to bear it.

Across the vehicle, the two sides cursed each other loudly, which soon turned into throwing at each other.

It's just that this time the white people obviously had a good idea, and stones, bricks, paint, sticks, and Molotov cocktails were flying around.

Several old black cars were set on fire, and people were killed in retreat...

This sentence was once again conveyed to the eyes of the American people through the live broadcast lens.

Black and white conflict, racism, the situation escalated!

The loss of property is a small matter, but more than 10 people were injured in this conflict.

Especially in the show, it was the white people who scolded it first.

The next day, the larger-scale Lao Hei headed towards Simi Valley, and it felt like he was going to the battlefield in a mighty manner.

The Simi Valley also organized more manpower.

In order to avoid a larger conflict, the state government urgently dispatched a large number of police to isolate the two sides.

At both ends of the isolation belt, both sides cursed and threw debris. The scene was very hot.

Some people are like this. The more someone pulls them, the more angry they become. Some people try to break through the blockade and kill them single-handedly.

There are blacks and there are whites.

Like a lonely hero, it still looks a bit tragic.

"What are you doing to stop him, let him rush!" Sean looked at the TV with a smile, "Believe it or not, the police really want to get out of the way, those guys will definitely run back in an arc!"

"If they don't run back, they will be trampled into beef patties." Lorraine shook his head.

"It's not intentional editing this time, it's true that the white people couldn't bear to provoke a scolding war." Sean laughed while watching the TV.

"Oh, you didn't edit it, you just deliberately didn't show what the black people did in Simi Valley before." Lorraine sneered.

"That's out of my control." Sean turned to look at Norris, "Have you got in touch with Eighth Yuan?"

"They will come to Los Angeles in three days. Miss Zhang and Miss Yang are in the team." Norris knows how to focus.

Lorraine rolled his eyes.

"Okay, Los Angeles is not peaceful these days. Arrange more people on the day of pick-up."

"I understand, you must let the two young ladies feel your enthusiasm!" Norris patted his chest and assured.

Sean glanced at Lorraine and coughed lightly, "What are you talking about, I'm a serious person, don't keep your mouth shut, it's a woman's, am I that kind of person?"

"No, it's all my nonsense." Norris immediately admitted his mistake.

Lorraine pouted.

"There's another thing." Norris changed the subject and said, "Katzenberg said that Sean Pictures has become the eighth largest in Hollywood and should hold a banquet and invite people from the entertainment industry to the banquet."

Sean nodded, it should be done once, this is not to show off.

Hosting a banquet is to declare strength and status. If it is given to you, don't hide it, but show it.

"Okay, then do it, let Katzenberg arrange and invite more people." Sean nodded.

"The last thing, Whitney Houston has promised us the invitation to the theme song of "Goodfellas", and will come here tomorrow to communicate, you see..."

"Ahem, it's the strongest newcomer this year, so we can't seem to be inhospitable, right?" Sean said solemnly with a light cough, "Let's hold a dinner party."

"I see!" Norris nodded.

As soon as Norris left, Lorraine turned around and left with a fierce 'bah'.

"Hey, I'm all here for work!" Sean shouted aggrieved.


Whitney Houston August 9, 1963, 23 years old, a mixed-race black female singer and model.

Norris arranged the banquet at the hotel and opened a few rooms.

Of course, Norris's purpose is very serious, very serious.

As for the banquet, the crew has been very tired from filming, so just relax, some people will inevitably drink too much, so you can rest.

"Miss Whitney, this way please." As soon as Whitney arrived, Norris greeted her in person.

At the entrance of the banquet hall, everyone applauded as soon as they entered.

Whitney was rather flattered.

In 1981, Whitney made her debut as a model. She was 18 years old that year. She once dreamed of entering Hollywood, but she just took the road of being a singer by chance.

In 1985, the first album was released, and as a result, the Billboard album chart won the championship for 14 weeks, the album exploded, and became famous in one fell swoop.

Of course, with Whitney's current reputation, it is still far from many people in the banquet hall.

Whether it is the big director Martin, but fortunately is one of the starring Robert De Niro.

If it wasn't for Sean's order, these people wouldn't have come to give her any welcome banquet.

Norris led Whitney towards Sean first.

Sean patted Nicole Kidman next to him lightly. Nicole pouted and watched the scumbag meet the other woman.

"Introduction, this is our boss, Mr. Sean Rockefeller. It was Mr. Sean who specially asked you to sing the theme song, and it was also Mr. Sean who held this welcome meeting." Norris introduced Don't forget to give credit to your boss.

"Miss Whitney, it's nice to meet you." With an elegant smile on his face, Sean took the initiative to go up and hug Whitney.

I don't know if it's the reason why I hold the microphone all the year round. When holding it, Whitney's slender fingers are very strong.

This pair of piano-playing hands, held, may have some unusual experiences.

Don't think about it, the meaning of handshake...

"Mr. Sean, it's nice to meet you too."

Sean picked up a glass of wine and handed it to Whitney. No one came up to disturb the two, so they let the two chat.

Nicole looked good not far away, but she was in a bad mood.

"I'm a fan of yours, and this time I'll be able to see you alive." Sean said with a smile.

Whitney giggled, "It's possible that all I've seen before are dead."

"What's on TV also moves, but it's not as real as it is now."

The two were chatting, and Whitney suddenly said, "We actually met for a long time, but you don't remember me, and more than once."

"Really, it's such an honor, where is it?"

"In a bar in Newark, don't you know that I'm from Newark?" Whitney squinted and smiled, and put out her sleeve-length finger and gently tapped Sean's chest, "It seems that you lied Oh."

Whitney's mouth was wide, and her smile became more pronounced, revealing her white teeth.

Unlike other black people, Whitney's lips are not thick, the eyebrows are curved, the double eyelids are big, and they are very beautiful.

This was the first time Sean thought a black man was good-looking.

Of course, Whitney is mixed race.

"Well, I really don't know that, we are actually from the same town." Sean was stunned, he just thought Whitney was joking.

"I was out drinking with my friends and I happened to see you and Jonas and they told me that all the bars in Newark, all the gangs listen to you, and I was amazed, so young , how such a handsome man makes everyone listen to you."

"Later, I heard a lot of rumors about you."

"The more I listen, the more curious I become. Slowly, I realize that you have become the richest and most powerful person in Newark."

Well, this is something Sean didn't expect, compared to what he only knew about Whitney after seeing it on TV, this girl is actually his fangirl...

Know many things about yourself.

The two were chatting and drinking. Suddenly, Whitney covered her mouth and smiled proudly: "I may become the public enemy of all the women here, and they stare at me more and more fiercely."

"Hahaha, who made you so beautiful, charming, and beautiful like a perfect black pearl." Sean praised with a smile.

"Really? I don't believe it!" Whitney moved a little closer, clinging to Sean.

While talking, they rub against each other.

As we all know, friction can generate heat. Sean believes in science. Otherwise, why does his body start to heat up?

From the banquet hall to the elevator, from the elevator to the presidential suite.

Sean prepared a Whitney album early.

The song starts, and Sean invites Whitney to a dance.

Very, serious dance.

It's just that the dancers are a little sloppy, dancing and dancing, and the two rubbed together again.

Wear worn out...

From sofa to wine cabinet,

From the floor to the floor-to-ceiling windows,

Sean pressed Whitney against the floor-to-ceiling windows, printing a toad shape.

As expected of a generation of songs, Whitney's voice condition is too good.

It was the most beautiful song Sean had ever heard and sang.

I don't know if it's because the black body is really strong, or because the singer's lung capacity is large, he can sing and dance.


Sing for three hours.

In the end, Whitney collapsed from exhaustion.

Sean carried her when she went to the toilet...

I slept in the early morning until it was bright and then woke up leisurely.

The singer's mouth is really big.

This voice is really good.

These slender fingers are really powerful.

Blow and sing.

in place!

At noon the next day, Sean arranged for a car to take Whitney Houston away.

During the day, Whitney records songs.

At night, Whitney sings to Sean.

Just, very comfortable, Sean forgot Nicole for a while.

Nicole: (╬◣д◢)


When Sean was intoxicated with Whitney singing, and under the instruction of Rod King, the impact on the Simi Valley defense line did not stop.

Of course, during this period, Rod King received some 'donations', and no one knew who made the donations...


After several clashes, the white community in Simi Valley was overwhelmed.

There is a strange phenomenon in the United States. Before racial segregation, white Americans lived in cities and black people lived outside cities.

After the lifting of apartheid and the victory of the first stage of the black affirmative movement, the residential area was actually very clear.

Community of color, community of white.

There are many small out-of-city towns in the United States that are all-white communities.

Of course, this is called the metropolitan area, just like Jersey City and Newark in New Jersey also belong to the New York metropolitan area, Santa Monica, Inglewood, Long Beach and so on are considered the Los Angeles metropolitan area, after all, they are very close.

Like three rings and four rings.

If the Rhodes case hadn't been transferred to Simi Valley City, then no matter how fierce the riots in Los Angeles were, it wouldn't have anything to do with this side.

However, the case has shifted here.

Although they are all white, and although they are all conservatives, they can help and disturb their lives, which is really intolerable.

In a small town of less than 10,000 people, hundreds of people confront black people every day. No one can stand it.

The order of production and life has become a mess.

Locals, including the jury, are urging the court to open as soon as possible.

This is the same as what black people want.

In the words of the Simi Valley, let this **** thing end now.

In the current situation, black affirmative groups have lost control of blacks, and white supremacist groups have lost control of Simi Valley.

Everything is going in an unpredictable direction.

The Simi Valley Court had to formally announce that the Rhodes case would be heard immediately.

The case has already been transferred once, and there is no way to transfer it again.

Seeing the news broadcast on TV, a sneer hung on the corner of Sean's mouth.


Los Angeles International Airport.

Eighth Yuan's martial arts team consisted of eight people, Fang Long and the family class, Hong Jinbao came to join in the fun, and the rest were Maggie Cheung and Michelle Yeoh, a total of 22 people.

Five cars, three bulletproof Lincolns, Sean's exclusive bulletproof extended Lincoln, and a bus.

A group of 22 people did not leave the parking lot and were picked up directly by Norris through a special passage.

The 22 people in the group were startled when they saw the fifteen heavily armed American soldiers wearing dark green camouflage tactical uniforms and carrying guns.

Everyone looked at Norris at the same time, just picked up the plane, why did this battle come together...

In a place like Hong Kong Island, the general meeting of the club is just a knife. When I suddenly saw this posture, I was really intimidated...

Norrist deliberately arranged a pick-up team, and he had to give the boss a face.

"Los Angeles has been a little chaotic recently. In order to ensure the safety of travel, this is necessary." Norris said calmly, reaching out to guide everyone into the car.

"Two beautiful young ladies, please." After speaking, Norris gestured to Maggie Cheung and Michelle Yeoh, pointing to Sean's exclusive car, and the security company opened the door.

Yuan Baye, Fang Long, Hong Jinbao and others were stunned for a moment, and Maggie Cheung and Michelle Yeoh's faces suddenly turned red.

Obviously, the three ordinary cars are safe, and most of them should be buses.

Zhang Manyu and the two looked at Yuan Ba ​​Ye in a panic.

Yuan Baye rolled his eyes. Obviously, Sean gave face to the two girls. Of course, this Sean's secretary mainly takes care of the two girls.

As for them, it is purely borrowed.

The status of the film industry on Hong Kong Island is completely ineffective in Hollywood.

"Let's go, ladies first, let's make a bus, there are so many people." Yuan Ba ​​Ye smoothed out the situation.

Fang Long and Hong Jinbao glanced at each other, feeling a little embarrassed, the lady of God was given priority.

Maggie Cheung blushed, and dawdled into Sean's courtesy car. This attitude, this implication, is too obvious, isn't it?

When a young, tall, handsome, rich and talented scumbag expresses his love for a woman, even if she disagrees, the woman will show her joy.

Just like Principal Wang...

After all, what's wrong with liking someone.

Of course, diaosi can't do it, not even a single, pure and dedicated diaosi...

This is a matter of principle.

Norris looked at everything in his eyes, and then smiled and made a gesture of invitation to Yuan Ba ​​Ye.

He knew that the boss had great respect for this old gentleman, so in Norris' eyes, this one could be ranked after the two beauties.

As for the others...

Who cares about your status, get off the bus! !

In Norris' eyes, the boss's preferences are the truth!

The convoy moved forward and drove out from the special passage of Los Angeles Airport. On the bus, Fang Long and Sammo Hung looked at each other with a wry smile. It was supposed to be a luxury bus, and the conditions were really good.

But, without contrast, there is no harm.

Two of the most famous figures in the Hong Kong Island film industry, one of them has to rely on the company's two female artists to open up the market...

ε=('ο'*))) alas

In Sean's car, Maggie Cheung and Michelle Yeoh have seen many rich people, but it is the first time they have been in such a luxurious car.

I am curious about everything, the window glass looks as thick as three fingers.

Norris did not miss any moment to give the boss a face, and introduced the car to the two girls.

The highest level of bulletproof, can block sniper rifles and rocket launchers, land fortress-like vehicles.

Handcrafted and independently designed, the whole vehicle costs more than 3 million US dollars. It can buy 6 main battle tanks in addition to the United States and the Soviet Union, which is more expensive than ordinary armed helicopters.

(Because the specifications and materials of the thickened car shell, glass and chassis are very different from those of ordinary vehicles, there is no way to produce them in an assembly line)

It's not the first time that Yuan Ba ​​Ye has sat down. Looking at the surprised eyes of the two women, he coughed lightly and said, "Is there anything going on in Los Angeles recently?"

"Yes, because of a case, black people in Los Angeles are currently on strike recently, and there are a lot of parade teams. According to the boss, the situation has gotten out of control, and maybe something big will happen." Norris explained for a while.

"How could this happen, will it affect us?" Yuan Ba ​​Ye asked concerned, and the two women also broke free from Sean's dazzling image.

"Of course not!" Norris' face was full of confidence, "With a protective umbrella, even a large-scale conflict will not affect us, dare to attack us, bullets and blood are the best sedatives, it will make all minds People with fever wake up immediately."

"If their brains were still there then."

What he said was a bit murderous, and Yuan Ba ​​Ye and the two women gasped when they heard it.

Isn't it good that America is good?

Is the air free?

How does this feel like being on the battlefield...

All the way to the hotel arranged by Hollywood Beverly Hills, on the way, I saw a black parade.

The dark Kunlun slaves look quite scary.

Sean appeared in the hotel to greet the group. Of course, the main target was Maggie Cheung and Michelle Yeoh.

There are many times, and everyone slowly takes over. Otherwise, what else can be done.

Of course, Sean didn't show too much enthusiasm this time.

After all, Chinese women and Americans are very culturally different, and it is impossible to pull out to play a friendly match as soon as they meet.

Uh, of course there are women who can't walk when they see foreigners, but they are still a minority.

Fang Long mentioned about the script, but Sean didn't hear it, "Everyone must be tired after taking the plane for so long. I want to rest today and give everyone half a party at night."

"Don't worry about work, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

The script, can the script come out casually?

This thing is to communicate slowly in the hotel at night.

Well, let's talk in detail.

However, Sean's idea of ​​communicating carefully the next day was impossible.

The next day happened to be the day of the Rhodes case.

Everyone's attention was focused on the small town of Simi Valley.

When Sean remembered this, he immediately stopped the filming plans of the two crews of the company.

All come back, those who live on the Beverly Hills side, those who live in other parts of Hollywood, Sean has opened some rooms in the hotel to temporarily settle these people.

Sean's suddenly heightened vigilance caught everyone off guard, and Katzenberg went directly to Sean and asked what happened.

"This trial is not that simple. The four police officers must have been acquitted. At that time, the black people's emotions that have reached a critical point will inevitably be detonated."

"It might be a riot. At that time, it will be difficult for me to ensure the safety of other people besides those around me."

"How?" Katzenberg looked at Sean in surprise. Isn't this kind of thing normal?

Black and white disputes, racial discrimination, many times every year, what is the difference this time?

The difference is that this time, someone who did not want to be named gave a slight push behind the back.

Up to now, 99.9% of people have no idea what will happen in the end.

But as the initiator of everything, Sean certainly knows.

"Two days later will be the banquet hosted by our Sean Pictures to become the eighth largest." Katzenberg looked constipated.

It's not that I believe what Sean said, but that the boss said so, what can he do.

Pay anyway.

If you delay for a day or two, you should give the boss face.

"It's alright, it's all right." Sean waved his hand with a look of indifference, "It's a big deal, I'll send a security team of 100 people and armored vehicles here."

Katzenberg: "..."

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