America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 280: : strange property

The fierce reputation of the umbrella as a blessing, coupled with the toughness of this clean-up turmoil area, was transmitted through the live broadcast signal, so that the entire Los Angeles was silent.

But if anyone was shocked the most, it was definitely the Los Angeles police who followed behind.

Umbrella seldom shouted during the operation, and if they didn't listen, they would kill them directly.

It's not like their Los Angeles police, who rely on their voices to maintain order.

Bill borrowed 100 police motorcycles from the Los Angeles Police Department and handed them over to his security guards.

But for those who want to run, as soon as the accelerator is twisted, and the sound of 'hum' rushes up, they are knocked down with a stick!

It was completely the ancient cavalry chasing and killing those infantrymen. This scene was captured by the camera and broadcast on the TV station in conjunction with the results of a day in Los Angeles that completely quelled the riots in one-third of the area.

On the morning of the first day alone, a full 2,000 people were arrested in four hours of operation.

Regardless of gender, age, or race, anyone who creates riots will be arrested!

Fragments of people's hands and feet were **** with ties and lay on the side of the road.

The audience that saw it was directly polarized.

Part of it is the practice of raising both hands and feet in favor of the umbrella while raving, and this part is almost all white.

This is not an ordinary crime, this is a riot, this is a riot that endangers the whole society, terrorism, and this kind of thunderous means should be used to deal with this situation.

From the effect point of view, it is also very good, very powerful!

Another part of the people scolded the umbrella company for being too violent and too cruel.

They are just ordinary robbers, not murderers. They just looted a little while in the chaos and set a little fire. Why are they so ruthless.

Education can be persuaded completely.

Many people, many organizations, are already clamoring to sue the umbrella company for excessive violence.

But in fact, they themselves felt that this time it was okay, compared to the last time they killed more than 160 people directly, it was much easier to start.

While scolding, and fear in his heart, completely extinguished the mind of making trouble in the street.

Look at the people on the TV who are being rushed up and knocked down with a stick.

Lying on the ground motionless, the ghost knows if he is dead.

Tom Bradley was very satisfied with the efficiency of the Umbrella Company. That night, he delivered a televised speech again, declaring a state of emergency in Los Angeles, and all arson attacks would be regarded as terrorist attacks, and would be subject to the most severe, no-nonsense actions. Strike mercifully, and police and law enforcement can shoot directly.

That night, the armed helicopters of the umbrella began to patrol the sky.

Man, you never listen to advice.

There are always people who think top style is cool.

There are always people who feel they need to be different from others.

There is always someone who feels that challenging authority is immediate gratification.

There is always someone who thinks...

"chuchu chuchu..." M134 six-barreled Gatling, coupled with a certain proportion of tracer bullets, aimed at the arson crowd and it was a chug.

In fact, it started running as soon as the sound of the helicopter's propellers was heard.

However, the headlights of the nose directly locked the fleeing crowd, and then it was the baptism of the metal storm.

The bullet plowed straight through the fleeing crowd.

How could the flesh and blood be able to withstand Gatling's strafing!

Any body that was rubbed by the bullet was directly smashed to pieces.

The stump is broken, the blood is flying...

Those who survived the metal storm were simply terrified.

"The people below listen, everyone is lying on the ground, holding their heads in their hands, and their feet are raised!"


It turns out that they are the same as ordinary people, and there is no difference.

Still, death is really cool.

The corpses were all mixed up in pieces and couldn't be sorted out at all.

The helicopter circled in the sky, and soon, the Los Angeles police who were forced to operate arrived at the scene.

Looking at the shards of stumps on the ground, half of the head exploded...

But half of the abdominal cavity...

The entrails lying on the ground...

The dozen or so police officers present began to vomit frantically.

Who has never seen a corpse in the Los Angeles police, but such a broken body, I have never seen it a few times.

Is this Los Angeles Avenue?

Is this a human slaughterhouse?

The arsonist lying on the ground was crying loudly, the police are here, and the help is here!

They don't want to deal with umbrella people anymore.

Those guys are just killers.

If you don't say anything, you just kill people first when you come up, you're simply a lunatic, a pervert.

The cruelty is indeed a little cruel, but the effect is really good.

When I cleaned up the messy area again the next day, the progress was really fast!

The umbrella team didn't even arrive, it was just a roar from the car's loudspeaker.

Good guy, people just start running towards the house, even if they are still holding something in their hands, they will run away without saying a word.

When the Umbrella's vehicle arrived, there was no one on the street but litter everywhere.

Sean laughed after hearing this, what is a net street tiger.jpg

Whether it is praise, or scolding, whether it is like or hate.

After the city government and the president characterized the Los Angeles incident as rioting and terrorism, the shackles of the umbrella company were completely released.

Besides, if the municipal government is satisfied, the presidential palace is satisfied, and the capitalists are satisfied, this is enough.

To put it badly, how much does it cost to lose a day of work in Los Angeles?

Several hundred million!

How many people were killed?

It's just for fun!


Sean has stopped paying attention to the riots in Los Angeles. He finally found time to care about his business.

The people from Hong Kong Island stayed here for several days, and the script has not yet been seen.

In the conference room of Sean Pictures, Jackie Chan, Hong Jinbao and his party all arrived.

"I'll tell you about the design of this script first." Sean didn't talk nonsense and started talking directly.

"The background of the story is in Los Angeles. The protagonist Fang Long is a kung fu lover. His idol is Bruce Lee. After a holiday, he came to Los Angeles and wanted to see where Bruce Lee last filmed the movie."

"I was woken up by the speeding party when I was sleeping in the hotel at night. In order to prevent my car from being damaged, the protagonist jumped from the upstairs to stop the heroine Zi Qiong's speeding behavior..."

"The next day, when Fang Long went downstairs to buy something in a retail store opened by a Bangzi countryman, he encountered the group of speeders who stole things and clashed with the store owner again.

"This is just an insinuation of the riots in Los Angeles this time. It's a bit of a hit."

"Afterwards, Fang Long had a conflict with the Biker Party, and was injured and collapsed in front of Zi Qiong's house, and was rescued by the heroine."

"The protagonist was about to return to the hotel, and was seen by the bikers on the road again. There was a conflict. Once on the street to help take care of the heroine's younger brother, he encountered two gangs trading. Coincidentally, the diamonds traded were left at the heroine's house."


"Zi Qiong, in the play, you learned opera when you were young, and you have a foundation of kung fu, especially in the conflict where Fanglong came to look for trouble with the bikers after the bikers smashed the Korean storefront for the second time. There's a lot of good fights, and that's when you get out of the bikers."

Sean cut off the role of Uncle Zhong in the original Hongfan District.

The role of Fanghua in the original middle leaf was replaced by Michelle Yeoh, and some scenes were added, but the general framework was still based on the original red fan area.

After some explanations, Fang Long was very satisfied.

Because Sean specially designed a lot of scenes for Fang Long's style, such as jumping off a building, jumping from a car, and fighting in a place full of debris.

As we all know, Fang Long is the God of War in Furniture City!

"This drama, Fang Long, I can let you be the assistant director." Sean looked at Fang Long and said, "And all the action scenes are up to you, I think you should be satisfied with this. "

"Thank you, Mr. Sean." Fang Long's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He had a serious conflict with the director last year when he was filming "Dragon Detective" in Hollywood.

Not to mention the lack of action scenes, the filming was still a piece of shit, but Fang Long was so angry that he cursed, but this is Hollywood, and no one looks down on him at all, even if the main investor of this film is Jiahe, it is useless.

James Glickenhurst told Van Loon directly, this is **** Hollywood, this is my movie, mine, if you don't make it you can get out!

Fang Long found Golden Harvest and hoped to replace the director, but Golden Harvest was unwilling to pay the liquidated damages due to contract issues, and secondly, he also felt that American directors must know the American market better, which would be beneficial for Fang Long to enter the United States.

In the end, Van Loon had to succumb to American director James Glickenhurst and finished the film with tears in his eyes.

In the end, this movie also managed to get a full $910,000 at the box office!

Yep, that's $910,000...

It can be seen that the director's skill is profound, and it is impossible for normal people to use Fang Long as an actor.

The theaters are crying.

After Fang Long finished filming, the whole person was depressed. After returning to Hong Kong Island, Fang Long re-shot some scenes and edited again, which was several times higher than the US box office.

But it's not bad, Fang Long made a "Police Story" in order to vent his anger, and it exploded!

Therefore, Fang Long was so happy that he almost jumped up when he heard that Sean gave him such a right.

"On the director's side, I will say hello. You can use him as a tool, and the entire crew will cooperate with you, but there is one thing you need to remember." Sean looked at Fang Long and said.

"You said." Fang Long looked solemn.

"First, listen to Hollywood's opinions on safety. I know you are not afraid of getting hurt. You are very brave, but it will be very troublesome to delay the shooting progress. This is Hollywood, and the cost of shooting every day is dozens of times. on Hong Kong Island."

"Second, this is a movie that wants to open up the American market. In addition to fighting scenes, you have to listen to the opinions of the directors and screenwriters in the crew. It has to meet the tastes of Americans and have universal values." Sean said the original In the plot, it is very disdainful to urge the Bikers to change their ways.

Can they get the **** right?

They can't!

They don't have that ability!

"OK, I understand." Fang Long nodded heavily.

"That's it, someone will contact you to set up a crew, and the actors will be matched for you." Sean explained, looking at Zhang Manyu, "Manyu, let's go, leave space for them to discuss , let's talk about your script."

Michelle Yeoh: Huh? ? ?

Looking at Maggie Cheung who got up and walked to Sean's side with a smile, Michelle Yeoh's mouth twitched fiercely.

I feel like this movie doesn't feel good right away.

No, it's just a script, where are you going? ! !

Can't we talk about the script here?

Can't you?

Sean: Of course not!

Such a good script, of course, has to be discussed in the hotel room!

"This is a strongly critical film, not a literary film, but not a commercial film." Sean explained to Maggie Cheung while walking.

"It's impossible to make any money from this movie. I knew it after I wrote this script, but this movie can make you perfect for your acting skills and make up for your lack of a professional background. With In this film, you will also establish a brand new image, which is different from Zi Qiong, a different image, and broadens your acting career." Said, Sean looked at Maggie Cheung affectionately.

Being watched by Sean's eyes, Maggie Cheung's breathing was stagnant, she seemed to realize something.

You clearly know that this is a scumbag, but when he really appears in front of you and starts a sweet talk attack on you, as a woman, you can't resist it at all.

After all, if a scumbag is so easily resisted, then he can't be a scumbag!

What's more, Sean is still the best among scumbags.

Young, handsome, funny, humorous, and finally if, really rich! !

Well, what rich people say is humorous.

From the building, there is a hotel next to it.

Zhang Manyu didn't know how she got to the door of the hotel, and suddenly she entered the room, her body was completely uncontrollable, and her breathing began to become heavy.

She is still a virgin!

The moment the door was closed, Xiao En turned around suddenly, stretched out a standard 'Bi Dong', and pushed Maggie Cheung against the door with great force.

Looking at Chi Chi's deep blue eyes that looked like the sea, and the scorching breath slapped on her face, Maggie Cheung couldn't breathe.

The small mouth opened slightly unconsciously, the eyes were slightly closed, and the eyelids kept shaking.

Seeing the appearance of this fertilized deer, Sean couldn't bear to speak.

so cruel,

I really like!

Sean's whole body was almost stuck to Maggie Cheung's face, but he didn't kiss him.

Maggie Cheung's heartbeat has been so fast, so fast, her face is red, as if it is about to burn, and she keeps shouting in her heart, how are you?

Seeing that Maggie Cheung was almost on fire, Sean slowly kissed.

As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world!

After a long while, the lips parted.

Zhang Manyu kept panting, and for a long time, her blank mind gradually began to receive information again.

Reached out and gently stopped Maggie Cheung's waist to the living room.

Maggie Cheung sat softly on the sofa, Sean turned around and said, "Get ready, let's try the show right away."

Looking at Sean who turned around and went out, Maggie Cheung blinked her big Kazilan eyes, is it about to start?

I twisted my body nervously, my hands kept clenching and loosening, clenching and loosening, and blood pressure began to rise again.

Taking a few deep breaths, he reached into the bag next to him, where there was a box of small umbrellas that had been prepared a long time ago.

For this day, Maggie Cheung is both looking forward to and nervous. Having received this kind of education in the UK since she was a child, she must bring a small umbrella, otherwise she will become pregnant.

Men are impulsive and will not take the initiative in many cases, so women should prepare in advance.

Just holding on to the small umbrella, Maggie Cheung's face turned even redder, and she felt like a bad woman with deep scheming.

"Huh, what is this!" Suddenly, Sean's voice rang in his ears.

"Ah!" The sudden shock made Maggie Cheung's heart skip a beat, and she pulled out her hands like a conditioned reflex. Her hands were just twisted together, her knuckles were white, and she quickly shook her head, "No, it's nothing."

"Really!" Sean put the wine bottle and glass in his hand, sat beside Zhang Manyu, leaned over slightly, and asked playfully, "Then, take it out and show it to me."

"No, no, no, no!" Maggie Cheung's shy whole person seemed to be on fire.

Ahhh, what a shame.

Sean laughed wickedly, "I saw it looked like a condom, what are you doing with this?"

"Ah ah ah!" Maggie Cheung couldn't stand Sean's teasing anymore, she threw herself into Sean's arms, and Xiaoquan kept hammering.

"You're so bad!" I said, but I silently answered in my heart, I like it very much.

Looking at the beauty in his arms, Sean showed a Duncan-like smile.

Good people get tired and crooked for a while.


(?????)?(?3 ̄)( ̄??)

Maggie Cheung's whole body is soft.

Sean didn't want to eat Maggie Cheung in one bite.

Now Sean, if you want to find a woman, you just need to hook your fingers.

You Dao is always in a commotion, and now Sean prefers the feeling of flirting with a woman before taking it down.

After pouring the sober wine, Sean began to formally talk about the script.

(This Endless Flower is extremely famous, but most people should not have seen it. There is no official video platform, so I will briefly introduce the plot, 3000 words)

"This film has two female characters, Louis Zhang, a sweet-looking and lively Chinese woman. She is a waitress in a restaurant. Because she is Chinese and beautiful, she is always harassed by male guests."

"The other female character is called Selma, she is Louis Zhang's best friend, a little woman who fell in love at the age of 14 and got married at the age of 18, an ordinary housewife, since she married Darryl, a car salesman, all day long unkempt around the stove and men, life is like a cemetery, full of deadness and gloom."

Xiao En held Maggie Cheung and sipped the wine in the glass, listening to Xiao En explain the whole plot.

As a best friend, Zhang decided to bring Selma to have fun together and release the suffocation in his heart.

After the two discussed it, they brought a bunch of messy things into the car. The most interesting thing was that Selma also brought a revolver from the house, which surprised Zhang.

Selma is also plausible, it is very chaotic now, the streets are full of hooligans, perverts and murderers, just the two of us who are beautiful and graceful, it is necessary to carry a gun for self-defense.

This woman is entirely because she has been holding back too much at home in the past few years, and when she goes out, she begins to relax in revenge and completely let herself go.

In the evening, the two came to a bar. Selma asked for a bottle of wine to appetize. Zhang Ting rolled her eyes and warned her not to relax too much. By then, if she drank too much, others would have chickens to rub against her.

Selma waved her little hand, and **** couldn't stop me even if I wanted to indulge today.

At this time, a middle-aged uncle with quite a bit of charm came up, and Zhang, who was in the restaurant, saw at a glance that this man was not a serious person, who would deliberately sit next to two lonely women? prostitution.

But Selma, who fell in love and married at a young age, was just a little white flower in a greenhouse, completely out of touch with society. The melancholy temperament of the middle-aged uncle and the stories in his words instantly hooked Selma's heart. .

With the music together, the two began to rub when they entered the dance floor.

Rub, rub, the devil's pace.

While Zhang was going to the bathroom, the middle-aged uncle tricked Selma out of the bar to prepare for the sky, the wild, and a tree of pear blossoms over begonias.

But Selma just wanted to come out and relax, and said that she already had a driver for this car and could not be driven by someone.

The middle-aged uncle took off his trousers and told me no, he raised his hand and slammed Selma. Today, if I did you, it would be useless if **** came.

Jesus did not come, Zhang came with a pistol.

It turns out that the gun is much more useful than **** at the critical moment.

The original thing passed like this, but the middle-aged wretched man is very angry now!

He felt that the two women wouldn't dare to do anything even if they had guns, so he scolded them frantically, and said something disgusting.

Zhang Zhang was reminded of some bad memories. He turned around and raised his hand and shot the middle-aged wretched man in the head.

Half of their heads flew away, and things became serious at once. The two of them didn't have the heart to drink, so they immediately got into the car and ran away.

The timid and cowardly Selma felt that the police would definitely be able to find them, so she was ready to surrender herself. The wretched man wanted to forcibly drive, so we were just self-defense.

But Zhang said, "You were **** in a bar just now, and everyone saw that you hooked up with that person. When this testimony goes to court, will the jury believe you?"

This passage implicitly expresses that Zhang has had a lot of bad experiences because of his predominance of the yellow race.

At this time, the police learned from the barmaid that Mr. Cannon Fodder was a scum, and his death was the greatest contribution to a harmonious society. Through the waitress, the police quickly locked Zhang and Selma.

The two who fled found a hotel to live in. Where did Xiaobaihua experience this? She couldn't do anything but cry, but at least she didn't think about betraying Zhang by herself. After all, it was Zhang who killed and it had little to do with her.

Zhang thought a little more, called his boyfriend, and if you still have me in your heart, give me that sum of money.

Afterwards, the two began to run away from each other. Zhang was going to Mexico and asked Selma for her opinion. Selma definitely called and asked her husband.

As a result, Selma's husband was watching the game, and he didn't take it seriously at all. He only told Selma to come back at night, otherwise he would make her look good.

Selma was heartbroken, and when she came out of the phone booth, she accidentally bumped into a handsome guy who said he was a backpacker traveling alone and wanted to hitch a ride.

Selma, who was originally heartbroken, forgot everything as soon as she saw the handsome face of the man, and couldn't refuse at all.

On the other hand, Zhang was very cautious, and rejected the Dashuaibi in one go.

Originally, she could reach Mexico by passing through Texas, but Zhang didn’t want to go to Texas anyway. It turned out that she was raped there and did not get a fair sentence because of racial discrimination.

So the two decided to take a detour. As a result, luckily and unfortunately, they met Dashuaibi on the side of the road again.

Thelma looked, Emma, ​​ape shit!

Dashuaibi's wit and humor on the road made the journey full of joy.

At this time, the police on the other side found Selma's home through clues. Selma's husband did not believe that the timid, cowardly and submissive wife would shoot and kill.

Encountered by the police on the road, Zhang drove the car to change the route. At the agreed place at night, the commander bid farewell, and Zhang's boyfriend arrived with money.

Zhang put the money with Selma.

When Zhang and her boyfriend were arguing in the next room, Da Shuai Bi had already left and returned. It turned out that it was raining outside, and Da Shuai Bi had nowhere to go.

A lonely man and a widow were in the same room, and it was pouring rain outside. This scene was simply too appropriate.

Shuaibi was chatting all over the world, Selma asked him what he was doing, and Shuaibi said this time that he was a robber, specializing in robbing convenience stores and gas stations, and even taking off his shirt in a loud voice Performed.

How could a simple Selma hold a handsome man better than this ruffian and nasty man, and soon, the two of them began to happily bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.

"Tell a story, tell a story, why did the big boss take off his shirt?" Maggie Cheung, who was hiding in Sean's arms, suddenly asked.

Sean was not annoyed by the interruption at all, but smiled and said, "It's hard to understand this in words."

"Then, how do you think it's better to express it!" Maggie Cheung looked up at Sean.

The flirtation just now made Maggie Cheung feel itchy, and it just happened that this part of the play was going on.

Exciting, can't help but want to be molested again.

Addicted, what to do.

Sean stood up with a smirk on his face. The hand holding the shirt suddenly tore it with force. With the sound of 'Peng', 'Peng' and 'Peng', the shirt was torn directly.

The strong muscles are exposed to the air, the well-defined muscle contours, the neatly arranged eight-pack abs, you can feel the explosive power just by looking at them.

The belt is not tight, it hangs over the hip bone, and some slightly curly black hair can be seen on the last two abdominal muscles.

The hairs on both sides point diagonally downwards, making people want to peel off the belt to see, where did these hairs finally converge?

Maggie Cheung became heavier after taking a breath, and the air was filled with thick hormones at some point.

Sean pulled up his belt, thrust his hand inside, and made a gesture of firing a gun.

It's just that this action was done extremely slowly, and Maggie Cheung's breathing became rapid again.

Sean didn't seem to see Maggie Cheung's reaction, so he acted shirtless on his own, entered the convenience store, and suddenly pulled out a gun while standing in front of the counter...

The muzzle of the gun was pointed at Maggie Cheung, while vigilant about the surroundings, while shouting to Maggie Cheung to pay for it quickly.

"Where am I rich!"

"Don't quibble, you can't lie to me, I saw it, it's in your chest, so the drum must be a good thing, I'll take it out soon!"

"I hate you!" Zhang Manyu blushed and spat lightly.

"Okay, don't you cooperate? It seems that I need to come by myself!" Said, Sean smirked and rushed up.

The two soon rolled into a ball...

He wiped the oil hard.

Sean's trousers were a little wet, Maggie Cheung was already short of breath, and the slender neck of the swan was red, so Sean let Maggie Cheung go.

After breathing for a while, Maggie Cheung came over, but she felt uncomfortable down there, and hurriedly ran towards the bathroom with a blushing face.

"Oops, Oops." Maggie Cheung looked at Xiao Nene, who was already soaking wet, but she didn't bring a replacement at all. What should I do now?

Not only was the inside wet, but even the skirt was a little wet...

Looking at Nei Nei in my hand, it is now wet and can't be worn at all, and it is chilly when the wind blows.

It's not a difficult problem, it's a strange feeling.

It really doesn't work, I have to stop wearing it, but if this is discovered, it will be embarrassing.

After thinking about it, Maggie Cheung finally came up with a good idea, let the inner coolness here first, and then wear it later.

For now, just do it.

should not have been found,


While encouraging herself in her heart, Maggie Cheung put down her skirt.

He washed his hands and forced himself to calm down before stepping out of the bathroom.

Just taking a step, it feels so weird.

Sean looked up and down.

Being watched by Sean's eyes like this, Maggie Cheung felt as if someone had seen through it, her skirt was hot, and her face instantly turned red.

Shyly sitting next to Sean, I felt a different feeling in my heart while I was embarrassed.


The two snuggled together again, and Maggie Cheung lay down in Sean's arms again with her legs together.

The head just rested on Sean's thigh, and the eight-pack abs were in front of him. Did those stubborn black hairs itch on his face and ears, making Maggie Cheung go numb every time, as if he had been electrocuted.

Sean continued talking.

"After a night of wind and rain, Zhang bid farewell to her boyfriend at the coffee shop downstairs in the morning, while Selma came over with her chicken coop-like hair to prepare for breakfast."

Zhang looked at Selma up and down, seeing his best friend's blushing face and a happy face, he hurriedly asked you what's going on?

Only at this time did Selma say that last night, the handsome man killed a horse,

Gun out like a dragon!

Dragon into the sea!

Overturn the sea and turn the river!

When the sea cries...

Zhang didn't feel right, so he hurriedly asked the handsome comparison.

Selma said with a fascinated face: "I'm taking a shower in the room."

"What about the money!?"

The two hurried back to the house and saw that the $6,000 that Zhang's boyfriend had just sent was gone before it was hot!

Zhang's face collapsed, hugging his head and crying.

On the contrary, Selma, I don't know if it was because of Shuaibi's hard work all night, that she opened the second vein of Rendu or injected something strange.

Selma said to Zhang with a sullen face: "Isn't it just money, look at me!"

On the other hand, the police found Selma's husband. They heard that you were rude to your wife. Women, if you are gentle with him, she will change her mind. If your wife calls back, be gentle.

Selma drove Zhang to a convenience store, and then strode in. The woman took the gun and completed an incomparable number of robberies according to the procedure that Da Shuai Bi said.

And this scene was all captured on surveillance.

Selma's husband never imagined that the woman who was walking around the pots and pans would have such a wild side,

Love it, love it!

If you were like this, I would have let you hit me!

A successful robbery allowed Thelma to completely release the beast in her heart.

On the other hand, the police also caught Da Shuaibi through Zhang's husband.

When the police saw Da Shuaibi's face, they were instantly uncertain and twitched.

The reason is very good, if you hadn't **** the woman and stole the money from the two, the two women would not have gone on the road of no return.

The police brought Selma's husband to Da Shuaibi and told him the facts.

Selma's husband was immediately angry when he saw this handsome bi who was cuckolding him, and the handsome bi decided to cooperate with the police immediately.

Selma really called home, but her husband's sudden gentle tone made Selma, who completed the super-evolution transformation, realize something in an instant.

The two continued on the road in desperation, and were stopped by police for speeding on the road.

The handsome policeman was shot in the neck by Selma in just three seconds, and he immediately fainted.

The police were locked in the trunk, and the two continued on the road with the captured guns.

On the way, Zhang called her boyfriend, but the police picked it up. The uncle of the police was not bad. He advised Zhang to turn back.

Say one thing, do another, and immediately turn around and don't recognize anyone.

The police tracked down the two through the location of the phone booth.

The two women who continued to flee also discussed, Selma said that she would rather die than go back to the depressing days she once had.

Zhang said: Me too!

As the two continued to flee, they encountered the truck driver who had harassed them.

The two heroines fooled LSP into the desert next to them, and blew up the fuel tanker after a threat.

Afterwards, the two women were chased by a large number of policemen. The two women rushed into the desert and used a low passage to escape the police briefly.

The two were both scared and excited, and there was a kind of excitement after resisting the oppression of the patriarchal society.

The blue sky and white clouds and the desolate yellow Grand Canyon,

Above the head is a clean and clear blue sky and white clouds, and at the foot is the endless Gobi Desert and the Grand Canyon.

Just like the situation of the two, the clean and clear world is right in front of you, but you can't reach it, and you will never be able to get rid of the desolation and depression.

At this time, the helicopters and police cars tracked will approach the Grand Canyon step by step for the two women.

The police wanted to kill the two women, but the uncle who had been investigating the two women could not stop them.

And the two women don't want to succumb to this world at this moment.

The two women held hands, stepped on the accelerator, and leaped straight towards the canyon.

The two flying in the air seemed to really touch the clean and clear world...

Sean tells the whole story, although he uses humorous way throughout the whole process, but Maggie Cheung is an actor after all, and he can still conceive the skeleton of the whole movie in his mind.

This is a totally critical feminist movie, or a feminist movie.

Through the perspective of two women, the whole film criticizes the enslavement of men's rights to women's rights, the indifference and racial discrimination in the patriarchal society.

The males in the film are completely portrayed as negative characters, unreasonable husbands, irritable villains, untrustworthy boyfriends, ruthless punks, annoying tank truck drivers, and the only seemingly sympathetic policeman. Appeared helpless.

At this moment, the United States is at the end of the second feminist movement. Such a film will inevitably arouse women's sense of identity, and it will also arouse large-scale discussions and reflections in society.

It is very good for Maggie Cheung to star in such a movie.

Once the label of new ideological women is marked, Maggie Cheung's status in the industry will be greatly improved in the future.

This is an award-winning work!

The excited Maggie Cheung hugged Sean's neck and kissed wildly, active and enthusiastic.

Sean is very suspicious that this woman is looking for an excuse to take advantage...

After a while, lips parted.

Maggie Cheung took the screenwriter Sean to discuss the script.

This time it's really about the script.

Maggie Cheung attaches great importance to this film, she will go all out and make it well no matter what.

She asked Sean to help her dig deeper.

"Where are you digging?" Sean asked with a smirk.

"Ah, you hate it. People are talking about digging into the hearts of the characters, the stories of the characters. I want to write a biography of the characters." Maggie Cheung said coquettishly with a blushing face.

"Why do I hate it, where did you think of it." Sean was serious.

"Humph!" Maggie Cheung snorted lightly, and tapped Sean's chest with her fingers, "Big bad guy, bad guy, you know how to bully others."

After flirting for a while, it tickles again,

Wet, Sean began to talk seriously.

Maggie Cheung is very devoted, let Sean grab here and touch there, as long as it is not in the middle stage.

On the other side, in the conference room, Jackie Chan and others have been reading the script, and Michelle Yeoh will occasionally look up at her watch.

By the afternoon, when everyone was hungry, Jackie Chan proposed to eat together.

When Michelle Yeoh saw that Maggie Cheung hadn't come back, she was very worried.

Well, I just don't know whether she is worried about Maggie Cheung or Sean.

After a phone call, Maggie Cheung felt hungry.

Before I knew it, I had been entangled with Sean for hours.

After all, she was still a girl, and Maggie Cheung blushed very much, so she said goodbye to Sean.

Before leaving, Maggie Cheung was going to put on her little inner.

Don't want to, Sean hugged Maggie Cheung from behind, "Don't you want to show the feeling of indulgence?"

"Challenge, don't wear it!"

"Ah!" Maggie Cheung exclaimed, blushing as if she was familiar, thinking that Sean knew she didn't wear it, she felt that she really wanted it.

It's on fire!

Too ashamed to have.

Sean was still lying in Zhang Manyu's ear and whispered like a devil, "It's not far from here, I'll let the car take you!"

"The women in the play are challenging the influence of the world. You want to experience the heart of the characters, which is a good way."

Sean kept bewitching.

"I, I, I..." When Zhang Manyu thought of going to the street without wearing it, she immediately felt a burst of numbness in her body.

I don't know when, the drowsy person has appeared at the hotel entrance with A gust of wind blew, along the skirt, hiss...

Holding Sean's arm in one hand, Maggie Cheung gritted her teeth and pressed her legs together.

Michelle Yeoh was very concerned about Maggie Cheung, and when she saw Maggie Cheung looking like this from a distance, she immediately walked over quickly, "Manyu, what's the matter with you?" "

"Ah, no, it's nothing." Maggie Cheung tried her best to be normal, but Michelle Yeoh still felt something was wrong.

His face was so red, his legs were tense.

No, there is a problem!

Michelle Yeoh is very sharp.

With narrowed eyes, Michelle Yeoh proposed to let Sean go to dinner with them.

Sean agreed with a smirk, but Maggie Cheung, "No!"

"Ah, no, I mean, want to go back to the hotel."

Thinking of going to dinner without wearing it, Maggie Cheung just thought about it and felt like it would overflow.


She didn't know how she believed Sean's words and challenged herself.

She felt that her whole body was going to break down now.

"You're very strange!" Michelle Yeoh's eyes narrowed slightly, she always felt that Maggie Cheung suddenly brought some strange attributes.

"No, no, okay, the car is here, get in the car." Zhang Manyu urged.

Sitting in the car, Maggie Cheung's legs were tight.

Sean always rubs her thighs with the back of his hands from time to time, clearly feeling goosebumps on her legs.

This is an overly nervous response.

Arrived at the hotel, got off the bus, there were many people along the way, Maggie Cheung bit her lower lip and kept forcing herself to keep calm.

Finally reached the floor where he lived, without saying a word, let go of Sean's arm and ran back quickly.

Spread your legs, it's chilly...


I still owe 160 whole...

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