America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 281: : Entrepreneurial dream!

(There is no water at all, why don't you do it? Just dry it, just dry it, the friction is too great, as we all know, friction generates heat, and fireworks are dry at this age, are you not afraid of being too dry and causing a fire...)

"Sir, Jonas asked you to meet at night." After five days, the entire riot in Los Angeles was basically calmed down.

This is all thanks to the strength of the umbrella.

During the five-day riot, according to official reports, more than 4,000 people were injured in this conflict, more than 15,000 people were arrested, more than 3,400 fires broke out, more than 1,000 buildings were burned, and the direct economic loss exceeded 1 billion US dollars. , the indirect economic loss cannot be calculated temporarily.

Among them, the death toll in just a few days has reached 227, of which 189 were killed by the umbrella company.

On the first day, more than 160 were killed. During the quelling of the rebellion, more than 20 were killed again.

If it were not so brutal, it would not have produced such a great deterrent effect, and it would not have been able to completely quell the unrest in Los Angeles in just two days.

This is something the police would never dare to do.

This is not a question of combat effectiveness. First, the Los Angeles police are not so murderous.

Second, you are all in the quagmire of Los Angeles, and you can't hide what you have done.

This is especially free America, America that shoots every day.

Capitalists do not dare to arbitrarily deduct workers' wages, nor do they dare to force workers to work overtime in the United States.

It is not uncommon to be secretly shot with black guns in revenge.

After Freud was knelt down and died, more than 30 gangs in Chicago directly issued death threats to the police, which directly alerted the FBI in the United States.

It's okay to kill one or two, or hit it, but the police really don't dare to kill on such a large scale.

But, the umbrella dares!

Unofficial organization, some trouble can't find their head.

Besides, the employees of the umbrella have strict confidentiality mechanisms, not to mention that not everyone is qualified to investigate this information.

Even if you are qualified to investigate, as long as you make a move, Sean will receive the news immediately.

Sean spends so much money on the military every year, and this information is still prioritized.

In addition, the umbrella has no intersection with any local gang.

Umbrellas don't need to give anyone face!

"Is this Jonas from Sean? Has his information been collected yet?" Tom Bradley was still in a good mood, he put down the pen in his hand and asked.

Secretary Edwin Charles touched his nose subconsciously.

Tom Bradley was taken aback, Edwin was the closest person to him.

Of course, I'm talking about work here.

Most of the secrets received are known to the other party.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Tom knew that Jonas's identity might be a problem.

"Mr. Jonas is the founder and helm of the New Jersey Mafia family, the Jonas Family."

"Black, hand, party!?" Tom said with a strange expression of disbelief.

He is a politician and a veteran black political star. He is stared at by all parties and has contact with the Mafia. Isn't this sick?

"Jonas is one of Sean's starting team, Sean started by selling fake wine, and Jonas is the dark side of Sean."

That's the downside of being famous.

If the famous people in the United States establish various lists, the rich list, the political list, the star list and so on.

On the rich list, Sean will definitely be in the top 100.

For such a person, there will be many agencies to actively collect his intelligence.

It's like the consulting firm that Armstrong set up to establish a complete file of various celebrities.

Although I can't make it so exaggerated that I urinated the bed several times when I was a child, most of the information can still be found out.

Of course, these materials are classified as confidential, and no one dares to disclose them to the public.

Just like what happened to Jianguo in the last two years, no one dared to disclose the details of Jianguo's life.

There are definitely people who are willing to buy this stuff, but if it doesn't work, it won't work.

"Originally, the old Mafia group Dimio in New Jersey was completely swept away by them. From the data, we believe that there was a protective umbrella involved. The battle at that time was too neat and tidy. The old Mafia group that has been entrenched in New Jersey for 70 years, It was completely wiped out in just a few days.”

"Of course, time has passed for so long, and there is no evidence to show all this, and now Sean has been completely separated from the Jonas family."

"Well, at least on the surface."

"So, Sean is going to let the Jonas family enter Los Angeles!" Tom frowned, rubbing his eyebrows irritably.

As a politician, you must know the intention of the other party before meeting the guests, and you must be aware of it.

If you have a draft in your heart and figure out the pros and cons, you can say refusal or agreement.

An interesting phenomenon.

Politicians' mouths seem like farts in public, even in election manifestos.

But what is promised in private has to be said and counted.

Los Angeles is already very chaotic. The Jonas family is backed by Sean and the protective umbrella. At first glance, it is a tough stubble. Now the protective umbrella also has a certain amount of law enforcement power. This...


It's hard to speak, especially Jonas is a black man.


He's a politician who really doesn't want to get involved.


It's hard to be a politician, it's even harder to be a black politician.JPG

What the boss thinks, Edwin Charles doesn't want to interrupt now, bowing his head and pretending to disappear.

"See you first, see what he has to say." Tom stood up. "Change the place."

An hour later, Jonas, dressed in a suit, hat and gold-rimmed glasses, walked into an unremarkable restaurant.

This restaurant is under Tom's control.

On the second floor, Edwin Charles stood in the corridor waiting. Seeing Jonas in this elegant attire, Edwin's eyes flashed with surprise.

The two nodded, and all the way to the end of the corridor, Edwin pushed open a door.

Jonas nodded with a smile and stepped inside. "Mr. Tom Bradley, good afternoon."

"Who are you?" Tom was stunned, he had never seen Jonas again.

No matter how Jonas looks like a white-collar worker, no one will see him as a mafia leader. Tom's surprise is normal.

"Introduce yourself, New Jersey Jonas Family, Jonas." Jonas said with a slight bow and a smile.

"Oh! Nice to meet you, Mr. Jonas." Tom was stunned for a while before he realized it, and quickly stood up and shook hands with Jonas.

After putting it down, Tom spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to be you just now, well, it's beyond my expectations."

Jonas pursed his lips and smiled.

He admitted that it was a bit tiring and unnatural, but it worked well.

This look is what Sean requested.


Jonas still remembers what Sean said at the time, "No one stipulates that the mafia has to wear a golden dog leash around the neck, black sunglasses, loose and fat clothes, tattooed messy things, and walk sideways."

"Do you need to use this to scare anyone?"

Sean shook his head, "Of course not."

"So, why do you make yourself look like that?"

"Uh..." Jonas blinked. He was a guy who patronized girls to fight during school, and could recognize all the words as a victory for universal education. How could he know how to express it.

"Cool!" It took a long time to say such a word.

"Cool, different from others, to stand out?" Sean looked at Jonas, "So, these mafia, these gang members have to tell everyone that they are a big bad guy, a scumbag, a beast, a garbage ?"

Jonas looked confused, the answer was definitely not, but, let him refute, he didn't know how people should say it.

Because, as long as a person dressed in this way fights there, the actual effect will be like this.

"Black people want to integrate into the mainstream society, don't want people to discriminate against them, but they like to engage in some maverick culture. This is very **** in itself. You don't want to integrate yourself. Isn't it natural to be discriminated against?"

"The mafia is one of the components of society, but it is not an above-mentioned role. The more it is, the less you should highlight yourself and integrate yourself into the mainstream society, so that you can live longer."

"Don't let people think you're a badass when they see you, and you should be arrested. As the dark side of society, the mafia will exist, and will always exist, but I don't like people who need to come to our own homes one day. I'll see you in prison."

"Well, the villa over there is actually quite comfortable." Jonas said with a smile.

"You know Frank Lucas, right?" Sean asked suddenly.

"Certainly, a mafia star, country boy leader, black philanthropist, good family man, civic leader, and of course, a super drug lord who was re-arrested two years ago and sentenced to seven years in prison." Jonas said it at once.

(The American gangster is the story of this filming, the fourth largest drug lord in the world, on May 30, 2019, Frank died in Newark, New Jersey, USA.)

"Yeah, a very successful black criminal, facts aside, that's a very attractive black man, you can learn from it, or, Gustavo, if you don't know the details of that guy, you can tell Is that a drug lord?" Sean said with a smile.

"Queshi, that guy looks like a good guy no matter what, every time I see him, I feel awkward!" Jonas grinned.

"Learn from him, read books every day, and dress yourself up as a first-class person."

"Read!" Jonas wailed in pain.


After seeing Jonas like this, Mayor Tom's interest suddenly increased greatly, and he was less resistant to Sean's introduction of a mafia leader to him.

That's the way it is.

What is the image and temperament of an organization's leader, then what will the organization he leads be like.

Except for puppets, of course.

Sean is ruthless, either not doing it or doing it absolutely, and the umbrella has inherited this style.

Ma does not like money, he only likes to fool around, and there will be many fakes and shoddy products on a certain treasure.

Taizu's waist is hard, and our army will not retreat.

I have the advantage of being bald, and if it is slightly down, it will collapse at the touch of a button.

Therefore, Tom can think that if Jonas's 'skin' is shiny, then the Jonas family's skin will never be ugly.

At least it sounds better than the name of the lame gang and the blood gang.

Pour the wine, and just a few simple chats, Tom could see that Jonas had learned manners on purpose.

I talked about it before, etiquette is very important.

The kind of people who wear a vest, shorts, and pull a mopboard and break into other people's hotels, which only existed in the first-generation YY novels 20 years ago.

I've never seen a successful person do this.

"If Mr. Tom is not busy, then I will introduce you to the Jonas family first." As he spoke, Jonas handed Tom the trimmed cigar.

"I don't think the Jonas family is a criminal organization," Jonas said.

The first sentence that came up took Tom by surprise.

"Criminal organizations in the United States and even around the world are almost all entangled with drugs, but on the first day the Jonas family was established, we stipulated that the Jonas family would never interfere in the drug trade, nor would Jonas family be allowed. Drug use by any core member of the Sri Lanka family."

"Once found, deal with it directly." Jonas said lightly, but Tom heard the murderous intent.

This made Tom's mouth twitch slightly. He felt that this rule was very inhumane, and he occasionally smoked a little marijuana himself.

This is America!

"What you get, you have to give. The members of the organization get money easily from the organization, so they must quit drugs. If a person can't quit drugs, we don't think he can remain loyal to the organization."

"It is not difficult to make a person addicted to drugs. You must know this. You are not afraid that someone will deliberately play tricks on members of your organization. Since there is no doubt about death, then he will inevitably rebel to stay alive." Tom, the old politician The loophole was found immediately.

"First, it's not that easy to get addicted to drugs. Second, this can only mean that this person is not strong-willed, has no knowledge of people, and has no brains. This kind of person can only do bad things, so there is no room for maneuver." Qiao Nasdan said with a smile.

"As for how to prevent it, it's not difficult. The guy who is addicted to drugs is certainly dead, but all the people who make him addicted to drugs are also dead. We don't care what his identity is, he is dead. ."

"So, what's the purpose of tricking someone into becoming addicted to drugs? Just to find an uncomfortable way to die?" Jonas spread his hands.

"As for hacking, it's useless." Jonas shook his head, "Even if I die, the Jonas family will still be the Jonas family, there will be no change, someone will avenge me, all relevant personnel, No evidence is needed, all of them will be buried with me."

Tom opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment, yes, the Jonas family has roots.

While speechless, Tom also had to admit that the Jonas family who could do this was terrible.

It is an exaggeration to be flawless, but it is hard to find loopholes.

In America, being drug-free at all is... excellent!

(So, the readers are excellent!)

Of course, other gangs are also rooted and poisonous.

Later, Jonas told Tom about the family structure of the Jonas family, the completely flat management model, and the gray industries developed outside of drugs.

The reason why gray is not black is that it is thought that he is a side ball. The country will definitely not encourage it, but it will not deliberately ban it.

For example, a large number of slot machines, such as underground medical care, such as the service industry, such as boxing, such as security, such as debt collection, such as unsecured loans...

At least in the US.

These gray industries can provide a large number of employment opportunities. Although they are not on the table, they can indeed make money and support people, which can greatly reduce the crime rate.

In fact, Los Angeles itself has a large number of gray industries, such as 'party service providers', a call is made, and a party will be set up for you immediately, and what services are available.

There are tens of thousands of people engaged in this industry in Los Angeles, but there is no organization at present, it is very chaotic, and a large number of crimes are spawned.

But under the flat management provided by Sean, it is much better, and the strong background makes those sponsors dare not be too presumptuous.

It's good for everyone.

Jonas also came up with a series of internal New Jersey city government data, a clear reflection of the problem of lower crime rates.

Tom thought it was amazing that a Mafia family actually played with data, and it was very...

In the end, Tom only left one sentence, "We've never met, and I don't know you. Don't make too much noise."

Jonas stood up with a hat in one hand, and pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose. He didn't say a word, just nodded, put on his hat, and turned away.

Looking at the door that was closed again, after a while, Tom smiled, "This day is interesting."

Not long after, Edwin Charles pushed the door and walked in and said in a low voice, "People are gone."

"Well, let's go back too." Tom stood up.

On the other side, Jonas, who got into the car, twisted his neck hard, his legs spread apart, and he sat in the back row with a big thorn. He raised his hands and stretched his arms. , hurry up, go back and relax."

The smell of that big bad guy came out again.

Seriously, it's actually quite tiring.


"The post-production of Leonard Nimoyin's "Three Dads and One Baby" has been completed. I asked people from major theaters to come to Hollywood to participate in the film screening. It will be in 5 days."

Sean Pictures, Katzenberg walks with Sean.

The animated film "The Little Mermaid" was directed by Katzenberg, and the investment was huge. Of course Sean wanted to take care of it.

During the tour of the production site, Katzenberg talked about a film from another company.

"Have you seen the finished film, how do you feel?" Sean asked aloud.

"I feel pretty good, youth films, the main theme of scumbags turning their backs on evil, women are all beautiful, and the dramatic conflict between scumbags and gentle daddy is also very good, at least when I watch it, I can't help but think that if I go to take care of children What a bad scene it would be, it's funny."

Having said that, Katzenberg shrugged, "You can take a look at it later. Of course, I can't say whether the specific market will accept it or not."

"Okay, I'll take a look at it later. If the movie will be effective, then discuss the release date. If it's not good, find some audiences of all ages to have a small movie viewing party. Anyway, it's a small production, and it can make up for it. ' Sean ordered casually.

Katzenberg nodded, "If it's suitable, just arrange it directly in the Christmas stall. This kind of relaxed theme is quite suitable."

Neither of them cared much.

The two came to the production site of the animated movie The Little Mermaid. Sean just glanced at it, um...

Various models, computer graphics, renderings, a bunch of lines.

Didn't get the **** out of it except seeing a bunch of people going about their business.

Of course, I didn't understand it, but I was shocked.

Walking out of the inside, Sean didn't say a word, Katzenberg was quite clueless.

This big boss is not like other bosses he has served, and other bosses are not satisfied with him at most.

It's a big deal, I don't do it anymore.

This person is likely to cause you a car accident one day after your resignation, or completely disappear from the world.

It's very punishing!

Just when Katzenberg was feeling up and down, Sean suddenly said: "You said, can we find a few grievances for this film, ahem, find a few investors."

"Ah!?" Katzenberg looked at Sean with a bewildered expression, he really couldn't understand, Sean's thoughts were about to escape so quickly.

"Why? Boss, do you think the investment amount is too high?"

"No no no." Sean pointed his finger inside, "What's here is just a bunch of codes and **** lines, the **** knows how much it cost, I don't understand it anyway, and I don't think Other investors can understand, I said he invested 30 million is 30 million, I said 60 million is 60 million, who knows, so..."

Katzenberg: "..."

So, are you ready to cheat?

Spend other people's money, make your own movies, and finally tell the investors that you owe us a few million after we have operated your tens of millions?

Of course, this is what Hollywood has always done.

The ghost knows where Jackie Chan's "Dragon Meng Detective" was spent, and the box office was 910,000...

Reality is often stranger than fiction.

"You have been rooted in Hollywood for so many years, and you should know where to find an 'investor'." Sean emphasized the word "investor".

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Katzenberg couldn't help laughing. Damn, the richer he is, the worse he is.

However, this is really a good idea.

Hollywood really has a group of people who do this intermediary business.

"Well, I will arrange for someone to set up a special computer stunt company separately, and then the company will separate part of the current business into the new company, and it will be convenient for profit transfer after decoupling." Sean looked at Katzenberg seriously, " I'm a serious businessman, and I don't do that kind of trickery."

"This cartoon Sean Pictures really didn't make any money, and the accounts are very clear."

Katzenberg squeezed out a bright smile, "The boss is right!"

"Okay, that's it." Sean smiled and changed the subject, "I see that you have recruited a full one-third of Asians, and I am satisfied with that."

Speaking of this, Katzenberg also laughed, "Speaking of this, I have to say that I admire your vision, boss, these Asians are really capable, they learn fast, work very seriously, and are very dedicated. They will volunteer to work overtime without overtime pay when the job dictates."

"To be honest, the current work progress is far beyond my expectations. It is at least one-third faster than the average production speed in Hollywood, which greatly saves costs."

"The most important thing is that under the influence of these Asians, even if other employees are unwilling, they have to increase their working hours and improve their work efficiency. After all, they are really ashamed of being compared by a group of Asians. "

Having said that, Katzenberg smiled unkindly. He really didn't expect a group of Asians to inspire the catfish effect.

Sean laughed.

Roll, give me all the **** rolls!

"Energy comes from competition, pressure and challenges. We are stimulating the potential of our employees. Only by constantly challenging ourselves can we grow." Sean coughed, and Boss Ma said possessively: "Let Employees know that in our company, the most valuable thing they get is not those knives."

"Of course, the knife music is very good, but the better the growth, the faster and the higher the growth rate, the more knife music you can earn in the future."

"Don't limit your vision to just a little bit of salary at the moment, but take a long-term vision." With that, Sean stretched out his hand and gestured forward.

"If your goal is just a star, then, even if you really succeed, you will become a star, and if your goal is the moon, then at least you can become a star."

"People's life is limited. On average, they can only live to 75 years old. If you remove the childhood and old age, and then remove the sleeping, eating, etc., the time for you to learn and grow is very short."

"When you are young, work hard, learn more, and practice more. When you become famous, you will naturally find that women will come to you by themselves, and you will find better ones."

"Wasting time and energy on women, in bars, and having fun at a young age, is the stupidest kind of waste. Women will only affect the speed of their growth."

"These truths should be told to the people below often in meetings, to find a model that can inspire everyone and set it up, to put these inspiring words on the wall, and to make everyone who has gone out from Sean Pictures to be Be the best in the industry.”

Sean began to talk eloquently, pouring out the time-tested and time-honored delicious chicken soup that he had eaten back then.

Not to mention those employees, even Katzenberg himself was excited to hear it.

It's just that I feel a little weird in my heart.

Why are there 'people' going out from Sean Pictures?

Hearing Katzenberg's question, Sean just cast a single glance at him, "Old, unable to work, and suffering from illness, why keep them? Is it possible to give them retirement? Of course, to market It's gone!"

"Of course, this is called exporting useful talents to the society."

Katzenberg: (O_o)??

What about growth?

What about the moon?

What about knife music?

What about beautiful women?

Fuck Fake!

Katzenberg looked at Sean with a bewildered look on his face, no wonder he became the super-rich person in the United States in just a few years.

This conscience is eaten by dogs!

: Don't come, I really can't eat anymore.

There is no way, the conscience is gone, and the earning will be more.

"Okay, that's it." Sean smiled and patted Katzenberg's shoulder with a dull face.

Having just come into contact with such an 'advanced', 'advanced' entrepreneur-level management concept, as a novice capitalist, it is normal for Katzenberg to be unbearable for a while.

Gradually, the conscience is gone, and it will be fine.

"Then, I'll go first, Madonna asked me to go out to sea to enjoy the sun, and call me if I have anything." Sean made a phone call gesture, and without waiting for Katzenberg to recover, he took care of himself. gone.

Katzenberg was left alone in the wind.

Not long after walking out, Sean stopped and turned back.

"What's the matter, boss." Katzenberg, who had just slowed down, asked.

"I forgot to mention one thing. In fact, the company can give some special benefits to those who are unwilling to work overtime and feel that they are very powerful and talented." Sean stretched out a finger and drew a few lock up.

"Uh, I don't understand, what special benefits." Katzenberg frowned and tilted his head slightly. He intuitively told him that the boss was about to impart some shocking experience.

"You can talk to them cordially, praise them, affirm them, and give them confidence." Sean gestured.

"Ah? This, isn't this the exact opposite of the method you just taught?" Katzenberg looked confused.

"Otherwise, do you have to criticize them? No, no, for these self-righteous guys, criticism will only be exchanged for disgust, praise, praise greatly, encourage them, encourage them to start their own businesses." Sean's mouth curled up. .

With a meaningful face, he said: "Encourage them to put all their money into entrepreneurship, and even help them get bank loans and open their own computer stunt production studio."

Katzenberg blinked. He had been in Hollywood for so many years and had been a senior executive of the company for so many years, but he knew too much that starting a company was not that easy.

If you don't have a strong network, you want to go it alone and pay the **** loan. This is the rhythm of courting death!

That's when he reacted.

Boss, you are a real dog!

Smile and push people into hell.

"I can see what you think when you look like this!" Sean smiled, "You must think I want them to go bankrupt, right?"

"Uh..." Katzenberg spread his hands and didn't say anything, but that's what he meant.

"Small, the pattern is small!" Sean tapped Katzenberg's chest lightly with his finger.

"Since we have supported them to start a business, we won't leave them alone." Sean said with a holy face: "At a critical moment, we can outsource some of our business to them."

"That kind of non-technical, simple repetitive work is used to maintain and relieve their pressure."

"Of course, we can do all of this by ourselves, it only takes some labor, but you are very kind, and you can't bear to see your subordinates in trouble, but you can't outsource the business at a price higher than the cost, that is against the company It is stipulated that if you are digging the company's foothold, you have to take responsibility."

"So..." Sean grinned, eight teeth, sparkling, special.


"So, I have to help my subordinates, and I can't dig the company's foothold. I can only outsource it to them at a price lower than the company's cost." Katzenberg is also an executive, and he knew it at a moment, and suddenly, "they have no business and are idle. With these businesses, although they won’t make much money, they can at least maintain the company’s operations and allow the company to survive temporarily.”

"The company saves costs, speeds up work progress and efficiency, and puts time in more valuable, high value-added places instead of tedious and repetitive work without technical content."

"Yes, yes, it's called the best of both worlds, each gets what they need, and both benefit." Sean laughed and patted Katzenberg's shoulder, "Don't look at all the complaints when they work for the capitalists, All kinds of complaints, not wanting to add even a minute of work, and **** paid to go to the toilet and paid to eat."

"Tie him so tightly in front of the computer, so that they have no time to develop some **** market, we need some low-level subsidiary factories, don't we!"

"When they start their own company, they will work crazy overtime, they have to sit in front of the computer to eat, and they have to think about how to complete their work when they poop!" Sean gritted his teeth and said: "rest? Vacation? Go fuck. of!"

(Listen to what my brother said, the water in business is very deep, you can't control it!)

"They will never remember how much they hated working overtime."

"When the time comes, they will still say, thank you!!"

"Hi!" Katzenberg gasped fiercely, making an important contribution to global warming.

Murder will be punished!

The boss is the **** boss!

This heart is really black!

Since then, Katzenberg has firmed up a belief, to **** his entrepreneurial dream! !

After snatching all the bamboo shoots at once, Sean left with a contented face.

Tianhou's invitation is true. Her husband will return to Los Angeles in a few days. Before her husband comes back, Tianhou wants to have a good time.

Fight the chicken in the sea!

Sean also knows the taste of the marrow, so you can experience the feeling of driving on your behalf.

Driving someone else's car and burning other people's oil without considering maintenance at all,

All kinds of difficult movements, changing patterns.


A full two days floating at sea.

Not refueling, but driving.

When returning to Santa Monica again,

When I got off the boat, I was walking on the looped legs, and the queen was already broken.

But his face was full of satisfaction.

Sean was refreshed.

As soon as he came back, he saw Lorraine at the villa.

"Oh, dear Lorraine, come and hug, have you missed me?" Sean smiled and stepped forward to hug.

Lorraine's face was cold, and he kicked his legs with a high kick, and the high heels directly pressed against Sean's chin, "The smell of the whole body, stay away from me!"

"Ah, is there?" Sean gestured to raise his hand to smell it, but he grabbed Lorraine's little foot, and pulled off the high heels in Lorraine's exclamation, scratching the sole of his foot.

"Ah, where can't it be!" Lorraine's face flushed instantly, his five toes were tightly curled together, and a tingling burst from the soles of his feet to his chest, causing a wave to roll.

"do not stop."

He couldn't pull his foot back. In order not to make a strange noise, Lorraine directly put his finger in his small mouth and bit down hard.

His face was itchy and painful.

"Hey, hey, I said, Sean, it's muddy!" Sitting on the sofa, Shen Bi watched the two flirting and flirting with a dark face, "My old man is still here, really, a sin!"

"Blind, blind!"

Sean glanced at Shen Bi who was lying on the sofa with Ge You, "Why are you here!"

Shen Bi: "..."

If I hadn't been able to beat you, I would have punched...

"You shameless bastard, ah, peek at other people's flirting." Sean put down Lorraine's feet without any hesitation.

Lorraine glared at Sean with a blushing face. He didn't even want the shoes on the ground, turned around and ran towards his room upstairs.

Anyone who is sensitive can't stand being repeatedly touched.

"Didn't you sort out those properties in New York, why did you come all the way to Los Angeles." Sean walked over to the old man and sat down.

Le Huizhen ran out of nowhere and brought the brewed tea.

"Oh, baby, come and give my brother a kiss." Sean pulled Le Huizhen over and kissed her with a snap.

Shen Bi rolled his eyes fiercely.

Oh shit!

Now Shen Bi only feels regret, regretting how he was full of work when he was young.

In the end, making wedding clothes for others, only the old body is left, and suddenly turning around, the memories are only black and white.

Not the slightest bit of yellow.

Old, figured out, but can only look at the tears.

"Fake, Sean, can you get the **** out of it, not to mention that I'm gone!" Shen Bi angrily stood up and gave birth.

Shocked that a man would do such a thing in front of an old man!

Le Huizhen struggled to get up, turned around and ran away with a blushing face.

"If it wasn't for the fear of your madness, I'd say a few words." Sean pouted.

As soon as Shen Bi walked away, Sean hurriedly went to pull him, the old man was quite good-natured.

After taking his seat again, Shen Bi said, "You participated in the riots in Los Angeles. You must know that most of Los Angeles has almost become a waste area in the central and southern parts of Los Angeles, all the way to Inglewood."

Sean nodded, "I didn't participate, I was just a spectator."

"If you didn't say that, I almost believed it." Shen Bi sneered and continued: "The chaos is easy to calm down, but the destroyed buildings need to be restored. This is a huge business opportunity!"

"Huh? You mean demolition and reconstruction work." Sean reacted immediately, the city government must invest.

At the same time, in order to restore the economy, some policies should also be given.

"Yes, no." Shen Bi shook his head and said with an inscrutable expression: "The water in here is very represents a starting point of tens of billions of interests."

"Ah?!" Sean was stunned, completely confused, "The total loss is only more than 1 billion, where did the tens of billions come from?"

"Heh!" Shen Bi gave Sean the look of you still young, picked up the teacup and blew lightly, taking a long sip.

The old man sold the lawsuit.

Sean guessed that without asking, the old man could have afternoon tea.

Sean thought maliciously, when he is old, time can be wasted casually, and he can't play anymore anyway...

Delayed, but had to ask for advice.

The old man was satisfied, and then continued: "If no one guessed that there would be a riot in Los Angeles at the beginning, I would believe it, but after the riot happened, the handling was so slow, if no one secretly intervened to stop it, I would not believe it."

"Yeah!" Sean was startled and sat up straight, "What do you mean!"

"What do I mean?" Shen Bi sneered for a while, "Do you know how many shacks and village houses were demolished on Hong Kong Island for development?"

"Do you know how much effort the Hong Kong government spent to demolish these shack village houses?"

"Do you know how much profit is hidden here?"

"It's good now. There was a big riot in Los Angeles. How many buildings were burned, how many people were panicked, and housing prices and land prices fell wildly."

"The land that was impossible to buy in one piece before is now hopeful."

"Planning that was not possible before can be reimplemented."

"And at a lower price!"

"Do you know how much profit there is in it?"

"Especially near the rich area!"

"Hehe, a carnival feast is about to be staged."

Shit, a plant!

Sean was stunned, no, no, no, he won't be prostituted for nothing!

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