America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 290: : Broken hearts for the people of the world

"If it's simply forcing them to agree to sign the relocation contract, then I have a lot of options!" Jonas tilted his head to look at Sean, "Death threats and harassment, even if those people call the police, it's useless, it's not a big deal. , it will only be closed for a few days at most, most of it is community labor, and it will be continued by changing individuals to ensure that it will not take long to make those residents bow their heads.”

"Heh, you're not afraid of running into someone who is grumpy and stabs you with a gun." Sean sneered.

"Who is afraid of shooting? If you really dare to shoot, then don't blame me for being ruthless." Jonas said sternly.

"Bullshit, if you shoot, then the matter will be big. You really think that there is only one New Century in the whole United States, and other media will not report it. This is a government outsourcing project. They will not attack the gangster, but they will definitely attack the government. , the government will not take the blame for you, and the order will be withdrawn immediately." Sean said coldly.

The benefits of freedom of speech and the freedom of the media from government control are now manifested.

Don't care if the media is for sales or not, at least they really speak for the people, and they won't be easily removed from hot searches and blatantly invisible...

Of course, there are also many disadvantages, and it will make the official credibility... er, it seems to be bad.

"Then what do you say? Why don't I believe it? How can people be willing to relocate without illegal means?" Jonas pouted, with a look of disbelief.

"Or why am I your eldest brother." Sean raised his mouth, reached out and patted Jonas on the shoulder, "You are still too young. I told you to read more and read more, but you just kept going."

"These days, without culture, you can't do a good job in the mafia, do you understand!"

Jonas' mouth twitches at the thought of reading, and Bill is laughing like crazy beside him.

"Don't laugh, Bill, you **** read to Lao Tzu, and I'll find someone to start teaching you!" Sean glared at Bill and said angrily: "You are the biggest **** personal weapon in the world. The person at the helm of power, your shit-like culture, even if you don’t feel ashamed, don’t you find it difficult to manage it!”

Bill's laughter disappeared at once, and he looked at Sean dumbfounded, "No, brother, I don't want it!"

"No, you want it!" Sean snorted.

This time it was Jonas' turn to laugh out loud.

"Both of you have to get a bachelor's degree from the university, don't expect the university to release water, I will say hello." Sean swept the two's faces maliciously.


"You kill me!" The two put on pain masks.

"Okay, let's get back to business." After a while, Sean pulled the topic back, "Jonas, you want to sort out the information of those households who are unwilling to be demolished, who is the head of the household, whether they are single or have a family, Male or female, how old, what kind of personality, all the data must be collected.”

"And don't you have a large number of women in your hands now, all of them are very beautiful, pick a group of people who want to do some serious work, and let them go to those men to talk to them. If you are single, you will come directly to the door, and if you have a family, you will contact them outside. interview."

Jonas blinked, "Is this talk you're talking about serious?"

"Ahem, it must have been serious at the beginning." Sean touched his nose, "Let those women dress up softly and emphasize how difficult they are, why they don't have enough tuition fees for school, pay for their father and daughter, and say hello to brother. Sister, you need money, and only by negotiating a contract can you get enough money."

"Do you know how to sell miserably? If you want to impress people, but not show off your coquettishness, men who are too easy to get don't know how to cherish them!"

"And then!" Jonas looked weird.

"Cough, I have to casually show my style and give some hints on weekdays. I have to force myself. As long as the other party is willing to sign a contract, they can also pay a little price. Of course, it is best to let the other party take the initiative." Raised eyebrows.

"So, you call this serious work?" Jonas looked at Sean with contempt.

"For me, your big brother, the great Mr. Sean gets the land as soon as possible, isn't that **** serious enough!" Sean glared at Jonas.

"Ha, this is too serious!" Jonas laughed out loud. "What if it's a single woman? Or the man doesn't really like women, looking for those ducks?"

"Ahem, dealing with women is different from dealing with men. Don't you also have those little white faces who deceive women!" Sean continued: "It's just a piece of toilet paper, you can also use it to wipe your butt, these little white faces are also useful. , let them seduce those women, well, it doesn't matter if they have families."

"As long as one party in the family agrees to move, things will be easy."

"As for those gays..." Sean rubbed his arms in a small way, and goosebumps already appeared on his arms, "Then shoot those ducks, anyway, start with human nature."

"If some of them are old people, start with family affection. If not, you can go to the three Aijia brothers. They are screenwriters and let them design the script."

"If there is someone who eats everything but doesn't want to admit it, go to court directly. Damn, they will go bankrupt just for the lawyer's fee!" Sean said viciously.

Jonas gave a thumbs up, "Dog, or your dog, born bad!"

"I can go to your uncle!" Sean punched him in the past.

Sean also learned these methods from a book that had a good life in his childhood. After the Plaza Accord, the real estate of the book rose wildly. At this time, persuading people to relocate has become a big problem for real estate developers.

Books play their own racial characteristics, always find some novel ways.

Of course, during this period, it is indeed necessary to cooperate with some means of intimidation.

Let’s take a multi-pronged approach, as long as it’s not that kind of stubborn nails, it can still be done.

After the method was explained, Sean didn't care.

Including the design of the building and Sean Stadium, Sean handed over to Norris to contact.

I came to Los Angeles to make a bet with Murdoch, and to plan... ahem, to alleviate racial conflicts, and to fight gangsters to maintain law and order in Los Angeles, and work hard to build a new Los Angeles.

Good guy, this is too busy to catch up with the underground mayor of Los Angeles.

Sean: I'm so great.

Too many things have been squeezed in Newark, and Sean needs to go back and deal with it.


"If you don't come back, I'll go to Los Angeles to catch you!" As soon as Sean arrived in Newark, Xiao Bu ran over.

"No, no, isn't this a little bit of effort to rebuild Los Angeles, as an American, I must be obliged to do this!" Sean said with a reserved face.

"Ha! Saying that, I have to thank you on behalf of all the Americans." Xiaobu couldn't hold back his laughter, your shameless look is so **** rude.

"No thanks, you're too polite!" Sean waved his hands sullenly.

"Hey..." Xiaobu breathed a sigh of relief, "Really, if I hadn't been able to beat you, I really wanted to punch you to death."

"I know you can't beat me, but you still say it!" Sean said viciously while strangling Xiao Bu's neck.

After laughing for a while, Xiaobu brought up the business, "The coal mine has been talked about for more than half a year, what's your situation!"

"Do it, of course do it. It's not a lot of time. It will be done in the next few days." Sean sighed. It's too busy every day.

"What's the plan then?" Xiao Bu said impatiently: "Your power plant over there in Cartagena will be built in a few months. You're in no hurry, right?"

"Plan... Have you registered the company?" Sean tilted his head and looked at Xiao Bu.

"There is no need to register, I have registered a mining company in the early years." Xiaobu said proudly: "It has a history of 8 years."

"Eight years, still history?" Sean looked at Xiao Bu with a weird expression.

Xiaobu instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"Eight years, can be combined with the word history, this is something I didn't expect." Sean looked at Xiaobu with a playful face and gave a thumbs up, "piu~ bright!"

Xiaobu's brows twitched.

"I just like how confident you are."

"Just like your oil company that never drilled a well?"

"Fake, Ni Zongkai!" Xiaobu's nose was crooked, this guy is so annoying, and his words are so irritating.

"Wow quack quack!" Sean put his hands on his hips and laughed wildly.

Relentlessly mocking the future president, cool!

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble!" Sean said after avoiding Xiaobu's kick, "In this way, you can directly ask the Colombian government to apply for the purchase of land in Guajira province in the name of the company. , aren't there already proven coal mines with huge reserves there?"

"They won't sell it, or if they sell it, the price will be very high." Xiaobu shook his head and said.

Colombia has huge coal reserves, the largest in South America. Although the government has no ability to develop it and cannot find a market for it, it will not be sold at a silly low price.

That is to sell national resources, even if they take money privately to government officials.

"If you don't sell it, you won't sell it, but at least we have to go through the process." Sean said with a smile: "This is called procedural justice."

"Then what?" Xiaobu knew that there was a follow-up.

"Then I sent someone to go there. Guajira Province happens to be on the border with Venezuela. There is an anti-government guerrilla group supporting them with a batch of weapons..." Sean said slowly.

"You want to support the rebels to take down Guajira Province?" Xiaobu looked at Sean in astonishment.

It is not surprising, after all, the United States, which never interferes in the internal affairs of other countries, often supports the rebels of various countries.

But in the past, this was all the country's efforts, but now I suddenly heard that Sean wanted to support him from a private person, and he didn't react for a while.

"Why, no?" Sean glanced at Xiaobu.

"Okay, why not!" Xiaobu laughed, he remembered that Sean was the largest private armed force in the world.

It must be an exaggeration to say that the capture of Colombia is an exaggeration. Of course, this does not mean that it cannot be beaten, but that there is no way to occupy it.

But to say that supporting an armed force to win a province is certainly not a problem.

What's more, the province of Guajira is close to the province of Bolivia. Guajira province has only about 500,000 people. Sean is simply covering the sky in Bolivia.

After the occupation, it is not about how to mine and how to mine.

As for the Colombian government army, neither Sean nor Xiaobu mentioned it.

The government army sucks!

Reality is not a game. It is not that if there are guns, artillery, and organization, it can be called an army, and it can exert its combat effectiveness.

These days, the gap between army and army is bigger than the gap between man and dog.

With the same equipment, a rabbit can hit thirty in a row.

The reason why the army is called the army is more about belief and spirit.

With weapons alone, it is very likely that the gun will turn around and run away on the battlefield.

A ghost can chase a group of people in my Qing Dynasty like a rabbit.

Pablo was able to send someone to fight the military in the Colombian capital to get his captured brother back from the court...

As far as this combat power is concerned, it is really negligible.

After the matter was settled, Xiaobu went to do it, and Sean also took action.


"Blow me up!"

"Winter, Boom!"

"Winter, Boom!"

"Winter, Boom!"

In Sri Lanka, far away in the Indian Ocean, Prabhakaran, who was supplied with supplies, stood up again.

After listening to the advice from the free country, Prabhakaran decided to change the target of the attack from slums to livelihood facilities, power plants!

15 individual mortars, Prabhakaran brought them all at once.

Such good equipment has never been obtained before. It is easy to carry, has a large shooting angle, and has strong destructive power. It is suitable for cooperation with infantry as a supplement to firepower.

This thing is too suitable for jungle warfare, individual guerrilla warfare.

Therefore, after the Vietnam War, despite the low technical content of this thing, many countries refused to export it.

If this thing is brought with dozens of doors, a large combat unit can completely lose its combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

The booming explosion sounded inside a thermal power plant, causing huge damage and chaos in an instant.

The workers in the power plant ran away crying and screaming, and the guards in the factory had to find a way to rush out and destroy the mortars.

Otherwise, the factory will be completely destroyed!

It's just that Prabhakaran had been prepared for a long time, and the man rushed out just now, dozens of AKs, covered by a wave of firepower, and the man was beaten back, leaving only a few corpses on the ground.

With the help of the mortar, Prabhakaran felt that it would work again!

A power plant was destroyed, and Prabhakaran was not satisfied.

On the other hand, the owner of Kieran Ora Power Company, who suffered heavy losses, was furious and punished his two female secretaries severely.

Otherwise, what else can we do?

I can still find trouble with Prabhakaran. If he has that ability, he will not lose to the current President of Sri Lanka in the election.

Of course, it is not that there are no measures at all, and the umbrella company stationed in Sri Lanka was found immediately.

Where the power plant can't escape, it can only find someone to protect it.


"Damn umbrella, **** American!" In the office, Kieran Ora pushed the two female secretaries to the desk, cursing as if to vent, and his hands kept tearing at the secretary's body. clothing.

"A group of vampires, carrion-eating vultures, waste that can only give birth to daughters!" He picked up a milky white stick-shaped thing with a spiral on the table, and pressed the switch.


"I will kill you, I will kill you!!!"


Several power plants have to hire people, and the price offered by the umbrella is obviously not something he can afford.

Not daring to say anything in person, Kieran Ola severely 'punished' the two secretaries.

I scolded and scolded, and punished, but I still have to do things.

On the same day, Kiran Ola issued an order to recruit veterans from Sri Lanka to form a security company imitating the umbrella.

"It's just a security company, how much technology does it really have?"

"Can't I form it myself!"

"Yes, it can't compare to the American soldiers, but we have more people, and we are afraid that you will not succeed!"

Kiran Ola is the richest man in Sri Lanka, and he still has the ability to copy answers.

He found a team of officers from the army, recruited more than 200 people, and formed his own security team within a few days.

For a while, Kieran Ora's waist straightened up, "Firearms, aren't they just firearms, we have money!"

"Go to Asan to buy it, I have already inquired, Asan integrated Soviet receivers, grips, magazines, card shoots and speed machines, Belgian gun stocks, gas regulators and flash suppressors, and American handguards. After 15 years of careful research and development, we have developed the most advanced firearm in the world, the INSAS 5.56mm rifle.”

"Yes, let's use the best one. I have already contacted Asan about this. They promised to call me some of the stock that was originally used to assemble the troops."

"With such advanced firearms, a mere Menghu organization can't handle it!"

If you don't have your own information channels, and you don't understand yourself, then of course it's what others say.

If Asan dares to brag, Kieran Ola dares to believe it.

Of course, there is one thing Kieran Ora said rightly, the gun of Asan is indeed a well-known firearm.

After all, ordinary guns don't have the magical step of boiling water before firing...

It can only be said that Asan is a country that has turned the rotten into a miraculous country.

(PS: If you are interested, you can search for it. Reality is far more exciting than fiction.)

(PS2: Cooking guns are available in all countries, but they are all used on old firearms or firearms that have been sealed for many years. There is only one new gun that needs to be boiled. There is no semicolon.)


"No, not long after I came back from Sri Lanka, are you going to throw me into the rainforest?" Yuri looked at Sean with disgust.

"Then don't worry if you don't want to go, there are a lot of us in Colombia." Sean said "oh" and stood up to give birth.

"Hey, don't!" Yu Rui grabbed Sean, leaned over and said with a smile, "Can I rest assured that I leave it to the people below for my brother's business?"

"Can I?"

"I can not!"

Sean squinted and looked at Yuri sullenly, "I found that after going to Sri Lanka twice, your skin has become thicker and thicker."

"Complimented!" Yuri laughed.

To be honest, Yuri's gang in New York is not small, the largest Italian gang in Manhattan.

It's just that under the influence of Sean, the internal management of the gang is also flat and formulaic. It doesn't matter whether he is the boss or not.

In the past, he had no money or leisure, and he could honestly join gangs. Now it can be said that he is completely free of wealth, and that person will inevitably have more pursuits. The trip to Sri Lanka has opened up a new world for Yuri.

Naturally he didn't want to stay in New York and grow his hair.

As for reselling arms, triggering wars, and causing many deaths...

It's like if I don't **** sell these arms, those places are instantly peaceful!

"Tell me, what's going on this time!" Yuri patted her chest and said.

"This time I went to Guajira, Colombia. The southern part of Guajira is on the border with Venezuela and Norte Santander. There is an anti-government organization called the Cadip Armed Forces. There are about 2,000 people. I need you to sell them the arms. , and then have them send troops to occupy the province of Guajira."

"Those armed forces have the same level of combat effectiveness as drug criminals. No, they are simply drug criminals. How could they possibly be able to occupy a province!" Yuri rolled his eyes.

"Sell them advanced weapons, train them soldiers, it's not easy."

"It's not difficult to sell equipment, but this is training soldiers... You don't want me to go!" Yuri looked at Sean in surprise.

"You, the pattern, the pattern is going to be opened!" Sean reached out and patted Yu Rui's chest, "You pulled it down just thinking about selling some weapons? You don't have any lofty goals and noble ideals?"

Yu Rui looked at Sean with a bewildered expression. No, I am an underground arms dealer. Tell me about lofty goals and noble ideals?

Why, you still want me to kill Martin or Boeing!

"Dead wood can't be withered!" Sean gave Yu Rui a punch, "Look at the protective umbrella, the world's largest private security service consulting and solution provider."

"You can also learn and set up a world-leading solution provider for the armed forces."

"No, wait, what are you saying, not only do I sell the arms to them, but I also organize a training team to help them train soldiers and plan and command the battle?" Yuri looked at Sean with an exaggerated expression.

"You call this lofty goals and noble ideals?"

"Why are you really selling war!"

"Isn't this ideal not noble enough to fight for the whole world, for the people who yearn for freedom, democracy, peace, independence, and liberation?!" The corner of Sean's mouth pulled out a strange arc.

Yuri stared blankly at Sean.

hiss! !

If you say that, it sounds really **** noble!

"So, the Menghu organization is seeking the independence and freedom of the Tamils, is it seeking liberation, and is it resisting the oppression of the Sinhala people?" Yuri immediately realized that these things are actually true in the army. has spoken.

It's just that after so many years of retirement, I have long forgotten.

"Then what do you think, after saying that, do you feel taller immediately?" Sean smiled strangely.

"Good guy, I'm a good guy!" Yu Rui opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief, "As soon as you say that, the tragic color comes up immediately. This is a lifelong struggle for independence and resistance to tyranny!"

"This is a special spirit of sacrifice!"

"Sure enough, you people playing with your brains, your hearts are really dirty!" Yu Rui looked up and down at Sean, as if I would be careful about you in the future.

"Fuck you!" Sean kicked him angrily.

"Don't talk nonsense of your mother, do it or not!"

"God, the ideal is so lofty, you say that, my blood is starting to boil!" Yu Rui laughed.

"The trainer doesn't need me to help you find it, right?"

"That's definitely not necessary. We know too much. I'll go back and pull a few Latino officers, so the language barrier is over." Yu Rui already had a plan in his mind.

"Well, but let me remind you, you go to the university and find someone who studies modern history or sociology, and ask them to come up with an essay based on Columbia's history and current situation." Sean touched his chin and proposed 'major' 'Opinion.

"This article should refer more to the 'red' doctrine, combine history and current situation, be more tragic and passionate, and promote it during training to create a sense of justice and a sense of mission."

"Shit, thank you for the **** Colombian government!" Yuri stretched out a thumb, "Really, Sean, I always thought you were born too late, more than 100 years earlier, you were definitely a rebel Chief, I'm afraid that America won't be able to make you split."

"No, it doesn't take more than 100 years. If it was a few decades ago, World War II and World War II would have been different."

"I'll take it as if you're complimenting me!" Sean snorted twice.

"However, how do you charge for this money?" Yu Rui asked after thinking for a while.

"How much you have, how much you pay, if you don't have enough, give them a loan and repay it after they occupy Guajira Province. You tell them that you, as a mentor, will help them to invest." Sean said with a smile.

"Fake, you are interested in Guajira Province!" Yuri reacted immediately.

"Nonsense, otherwise I'll **** care that they are not democratic, they are not free, what does it have to do with Lao Tzu." Sean sneered.

"Okay, leave it to me. For two months, I promise to cultivate the team. As long as I have money, it's not a problem." .

Oops, my heart is really broken for the people of the world!

"You're laughing so evilly, what bad idea are you planning?" As soon as Lorraine came over, he saw where Sean was smiling.

"Hey, baby Lorraine is back!" Sean grinned and walked up to hug him.

"Don't be disgusting with me, look for those little **** of yours." Lorraine stretched out his hand to push, just with strength...

Anyone who understands.

Sean hugged him hard, pinched his hand on Lorraine's butt, sigh, good Q.

"Go on!" Lorraine pushed Sean away with a knee, his face flushed.

"What's the result of the investigation?" Lorraine raised his hand and sniffed under his nose, and asked casually.

"There are a lot of questions, you can see for yourself." Lorraine handed the document over.

Sean frowned and pulled out a piece of paper, with a photo in the upper left corner and an introduction next to it.

When, what company did you join, what position did you take, what time did you have in the last two years, and how many accounting problems have occurred.

Of course, financial review is not a police investigation. It can only find the wrong places in the accounts, but no specific corruption methods or evidence can be found.

But Sean isn't a cop either.

"Fuck, someone really dares to be greedy for Lao Tzu's money!!" Sean's face was bad, he didn't want to read it after reading a few, and just put it aside.

"Oh, do you really think that you are a god? Isn't it normal that someone dares to embezzle your money?" Lorraine sneered, "The ancient feudal emperors had more power and could kill the whole family. ."

"Can that be the same!" Sean snorted, "I can kill his whole family too!"

"Damn, I really don't understand what they think, or is it that Sean is too kind and looks like a bully?"

Sean stared with big eyes, "I kill people without blinking my eyes!"

"It's terrifying!!" Lorraine hugged his shoulders, raised his head, and looked at Sean with contempt.

"Hey, I'll just..." Sean turned around two times angrily, "Wait, you can see if I can do anything."

"Don't make trouble!" Lorraine grabbed Sean, "This matter has to go through legal channels. This is a serious company, and it's easy to be targeted if you mess around."

Sean rubbed his teeth and Hanako bitterly, "Get everyone up for me today and let me know."

He also knew that what Lorraine said was right, that there are rules of right conduct, and this is not a gang issue after all.

Financial audits are so much fanfare that they can’t hide it. After the audit is over, a group of people are missing over there, and they won’t be able to explain it at all.

The United States is not dominated by the Sean family, so he has no control over the media.

No one can control it.

"I already told Bill about it," Lorraine whispered, she knew Sean too well.

"Huh?" Sean raised his brows, "No, I won't notify you, everyone will be withdrawn."

"What?" Lorraine was taken aback.

"If they want to run, they can run. I'm not a devil, Sean." Sean sneered twice.


In fact, at the beginning of the financial review, many people in the following companies were a little bit restless.

They know what they do, and they also know who the boss Sean is.

When you are embezzling, you feel that you will not be discovered, and you feel that you are doing it flawlessly.

After the financial audit is completed, many people below know that they are finished. The relevant things have been repeatedly investigated, how can they not feel at all.

Thinking of Sean's reputation, many people who are afraid are already ready to run.

However, from the time the audit was about to end, these problematic people discovered that they were being watched.

Those people are blatant, and they don't appear in their field of vision all the time.

Some people were so frightened that they called the police directly, but the police had already been notified.

The person here was taken away, and the person over there was immediately replaced.

The harassment cannot be characterized, and bail is not used. The front goes in and the back comes out.

For a time, an atmosphere of terror has pervaded various companies.

This makes those who have ghosts in their hearts unable to eat or sleep, and all the escape plans they have thought of are stillborn.

I just don't know why, all of a sudden, all the people under surveillance have withdrawn.

Downs, a store manager of Sean Fitness Group, has embezzled hundreds of thousands of He knew that he couldn't hide it. Just when he was anxious about how to run, he suddenly found that no one was watching him. .

Without further ado, I didn't even think about it, my family didn't care, and went straight to the airport.

"Give me a plane ticket." Downs tried his best to suppress his anxiety.

"Where are you going, sir?" the conductor said with a professional smile.

"Wherever you go, the nearest flight!" Downs forced a smile.

This is the best way, I don't know where I'm going, I don't believe that Sean can really find him.

"Okay, sir." The conductor gave Downes a strange look.

Paying the money and getting the ticket, Downs hurriedly turned around and left.

As soon as Downs left, the man sitting on the suitcase not far away took off the newspaper in front of him.

Looking at the take-off schedule in his hand, seeing the direction Downs was walking, he pulled the suitcase and followed...

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