America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 158: Ivanta Family Crisis

"This matter is not so urgent." William Chen took a sip of American coffee, then got up from the boss chair, walked to the sofa, and sat down.

He looked at Alicia and gestured for her to sit beside him.

Alicia's face changed slightly, she turned her head and glanced at the door of the office, hesitated for a moment, then moved her body and sat beside Chen William.

"Where's your ring? Lost it?"

Chen William grabbed her hand, looked at the empty space above her ring finger, leaving only a faint trace of a ring, and asked aloud.

"I just don't want to wear it anymore..." Alicia said with an unnatural look.

William Chen knows that although Alicia's husband Pete lost his position as governor of New York State after the prostitution scandal, he participated in the election for the state attorney general after this incident, and successfully won the election with a relatively high approval rate. this post.

It can be said that Pitt's ability to engage in politics is still very strong, or that under this election method in the United States, his ability to show off is still very good.

Of course, going through these things isn't necessarily a bad thing for Pitt, now.

After Pitt had to resign as governor because of the scandal, he was succeeded by the former lieutenant governor of the Elephant Party.

And now this dear man, after successfully squeezing Pitt out of the governorship, it didn't take long before the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, and he realized that what he needed to face was the broken mess that was destroyed by the crisis.

Because of the subprime mortgage crisis, the funds in the financial system have been depleted. In addition, due to the collapse of housing prices, many people have been expelled from their houses because of their mortgage payments. Various companies have closed down. Even those companies that have not closed have begun to lay off employees. The reduction in spending has led to a surge in unemployment.

The current governor of New York is facing such a tragic scene. Most of the people's dissatisfaction with the state government is borne by him. For a while, the support rate of the elephant party in New York State plummeted.

It is conceivable that when the gubernatorial election is held again a year later, if Pitt runs again, there is a very high chance that he will return to the throne of governor.

But now it seems that the relationship between Alicia and Pete is still only a formal couple, and they are already separated from each other.

As if she didn't want to talk too much about these things, Alicia changed the subject and said, "Your private equity fund seems to be doing very well, William, this subprime mortgage crisis has made you a lot of money again."

"The most important thing in investing is to follow the trend. If you are in the right direction, it is difficult to make money. Also, aren't you one of the winners?"

I have to admit that Alicia is indeed a smart woman. Her investment of $2 million in Fund No. 3 is now worth more than 10 million, but she has not mentioned any redemption of William Chen's shares in her law firm. The matter seems to be so acquiesced, this attitude is naturally to make Chen William continue to trust her.

At this time, Alicia's arm on William Chen's side lifted, and then fell to him...

But her gaze fell on the office door when she turned her head.

"Don't worry, Alicia, no one will come in without my permission."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the office was opened, Erica walked in, and her eyes fell on the two people who were separated instantly in the room. She didn't seem to notice anything. Facing Chen William's gaze, she said lightly:

"Mr. William, you made an appointment with Miss Ivanta at noon, and the time is almost up."

After speaking, she turned around and left.

"William, I'm going to do what you ordered."

After saying this, Alicia got up, looked at William Chen with a half-smile, and said:

"It seems that your control of your subordinates is not as optimistic as you think."


Yes, Ivanta returned to New York after a business trip. After Chen William relieved the embarrassment a little, he still got the flowers he ordered from the front desk, and then took the elevator to the office floor of the Troup Group.

Entering Ivanta's office, William Chen handed her the flower. After Ivanta took the flower with a smile on her face, she offered a sweet kiss.

"I heard you said you bought a new manor? William."

During the meal, Ivanta asked what William Chen had told her before. At that time, he also took a photo and sent it to Ivanta from above.

"Yes, the housekeeping company is cleaning up now. We should be able to move in tonight, why don't we go and experience it together?"

Hearing Chen William's words, Ivanta gave him an angry look, but no matter how he looked at it, Chen William felt that it was more like provoking himself?

"How was the trip, dear?"

"It's not ideal. Although the crisis has not hurt our company as much as other real estate companies, the bank can clearly feel that financing is much more difficult. Two projects under construction have been affected, and the progress is very slow now."

"Is it a big impact?"

William Chen has predicted that the Troup Group will be affected by the crisis to some extent, but now I still want to know more about their specific situation.

"The main thing is that the entire financial system is now illiquid, the funds are drying up, and it is difficult to raise funds. My father is also very troubled by this, and he is trying to find some investors."

"Your group is ready to accept shares?"

"Yes, there is no way to do this. Although high-end real estate is not as large-scale as other residential properties, there is a large-scale outage, but correspondingly, under the influence of the crisis, many wealthy people are more cautious about real estate consumption and high-end consumption. Now, our group’s high-end hotel business has also declined, and it is very dangerous for the capital chain to continue like this.”

Ivanta said with some distress:

"But it doesn't seem to be that easy. After all, the real estate market is now bearing the brunt of the crisis. Even the capital that used to be positive about investing in our group is now acting more cautiously, and those institutions that make inquiries are more cautious about the company's valuation. I can't satisfy my father."

In fact, the situation of the Troup Group is worse than what Ivanta said. According to the investigation results obtained by William Chen, the Troup Group is now in debt of more than 2 billion US dollars, and many of their projects are financed with banks. Operating with leverage.

When the real estate market is good, this can quickly expand the company's scale, but in the event of a crisis, especially now that the entire financial system has dried up liquidity, it has been difficult to continue financing from banks. When their projects stall, it will cause great danger to the capital flow of the entire group, and the previous loan interest will continue to increase.

The most frightening thing is that even if the project is completed, because the current housing price continues to fall, people's willingness to buy a house is very low, which makes it more difficult for the group to withdraw funds, and in severe cases, there is even the danger of bankruptcy.

The situation Ivanta said also indicates that the current capital is aware of the dangers of the Troup Group. Therefore, on the one hand, it is afraid that even if funds are invested, it will be difficult to revitalize the cash flow of the entire group; on the other hand, it is also taking advantage of this opportunity. Depress the price so that they can invest in the Troup Group at the lowest valuation.

Although in the previous life Ivanta's father always claimed that his assets were over 10 billion, but in fact, his assets were around 3 billion US dollars, and most of them were insisting on spending time After the mortgage crisis, with the heating up of the real estate market, his industry was able to recover and have great development.

At present, with the shares he holds in the Troup Group, the actual assets are now about 12.3 billion US dollars, which is nearly one-third lower than before the subprime mortgage crisis.

"Honey, how much money do you need now to get through the current predicament?"

Now that you know that the Troup Group is destined to survive this crisis, taking the opportunity to invest now, on the one hand, you can borrow the other party's experience in real estate, and on the other hand, you can connect the interests of the Ivanta family more closely with yourself, so how? Said, it is a good opportunity, and Chen William is not short of funds now.

"What?" Ivanta's eyes lit up after hearing William Chen's words, and asked, "Do you intend to invest in our company?"

"Yes, you are my woman. If you encounter difficulties, I will definitely help, dear." William Chen held the hand of Ivanta on the table opposite, and said gently: "Also, you forget Did I say that I will support your idea to develop the Huaguo market, then after the Troup Group has a certain right to speak, I can persuade the board of directors to let you take charge of the Huaguo market."

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