America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 167: Gulfstream G 550

After completing the increase in Netflix shares, William Chen was finally able to have a little free time.

After continuing a conversation with Hastings about the future development of Netflix, William Chen understood that because of the rise of the hulu website, Hollywood companies held shares in the website, thus breaking Netflix's purchase from Hollywood. The possibility of content playback, so now he has firmly hoped to enter the field of content self-production, which also reassured William Chen. He knew that this was the right path for Netflix.

Now William Chen has become a major shareholder of Netflix, which also gives Hastings more confidence, because he has a film company and Marvel, and he will be a very good provider of content for Netflix in the future.

Not to mention the superhero movies of Marvel, but the TV series they are preparing to produce in order to promote the Marvel universe, if they can be broadcast on Marvel, it will also attract a lot of users.

Next, William Chen came to Gulfstream, accompanied by Miranda who had just returned to New York after participating in the catwalk in Paris.

When buying helicopters before, William Chen told him to pay attention to the news of private business jets. Now, under the economic crisis, many rich people are facing defaults on orders from those aircraft manufacturers. This situation is suitable for William Chen to pick up leaks.

It's not that he has to save money, but because the orders of these manufacturers are full before, such as Gulfstream and Bombardier, the orders are all lined up in a year or two, which means, order now, wait until you get it. The plane, I am afraid, will have to wait at least two years, and if it is not a standard model, it will take longer if the interior decoration needs to be customized.

But which rich man buys a private jet and doesn't need a custom interior decoration? Therefore, taking over other people's orders now not only shortens the delivery time of the aircraft, but also has a much more favorable price. Those manufacturers who have accumulated so many orders are already manufacturing as planned. Once there is a default in the middle, then the Just had to find someone to take over.

Because as I said before, the rich often order private jets, and the interior decoration is custom-made. You definitely cannot take the finished plane ordered by this person and deliver it to others.

Now the opportunity is here, which is why William Chen and Miranda came to Gulfstream today. According to the introduction of the other party, they currently have four default orders to deal with. William Chen can choose the most suitable custom decoration among them. Choose to take over according to your own taste.

Gulfstream has already received the deposit from the owner of the original order. Now that the other party has breached the contract, the deposit will not be returned, so the price to William Chen will be lower.

These four orders are all for the Gulfstream G550 business jet. Since its launch in 2003, this business jet can be said to be the most popular model at present. Chen William has also experienced this aircraft. When he went to China with Deng Wendi before, he took this business jet of Murdoch, and he felt pretty good.

Although it is advertised as the first ultra-long-range business jet that can fly non-stop from Tokyo to New York, in reality, it also depends on various situations, so it is often necessary to go from the United States to Asia, and it is necessary to refuel in Alaska in the middle.

Of course, Gulfstream also has plans for a new aircraft at this time. That is, the G650, which was announced last year, is larger than the G550 and has a longer range, but this aircraft has not yet been officially delivered, and it has only undergone a test flight. , according to the beautiful sales representative of Gulfstream, the delivery of the first G650 will take two years, and there are already many orders lined up.

William Chen remembers that both Musk and Amazon's Bezos owned this plane in his previous life, but their upgraded G65550 was enough for the time being. There's no need to wait so long to order the G650. As for the G650er, if you really want more space, you might as well learn from the local tyrants in the Middle East and directly buy a large passenger plane and use it as a private jet after transformation.

But in that case, it is not only expensive, er, this is not so important, the most important thing is the trouble of taking off and landing the aircraft, such as Boeing or a large passenger aircraft with an empty shell transformed into a private jet, for the airports that take off and land. Required, must be a large airport.

Business jets such as Gulfstream and Bombardier have a wide range of airport choices, and small private airports can fully handle it. In fact, most private jets in the United States take off and land at small and medium-sized airports, which is more convenient. There are also more choices, and you can choose to land at a small airport near your destination.

Once the plane is too big, you can only arrange the runway of a large airport like a passenger plane, which is quite troublesome.

So the best way is to have both sizes, depending on the situation to arrange which plane you take...

In the end, William Chen chose an order with a decoration style that was more in line with his own ideas. This order was scheduled relatively early. Gulfstream said that it has been basically completed at present. In the later interior decoration, the maximum width may be one month. can be delivered to him.

Yes, this order was originally worth more than 42 million US dollars, and Chen William only needed to pay 35 million US dollars to win it.

"Our current G650 order has also been returned by the other party, and the price is very suitable. Is Mr. William interested in seeing it?" After placing the order, the salesman from Gulfstream continued to ask.

Forget it, William Chen politely refused. For example, the G550 has been launched for so long, and the safety must be guaranteed, and now ordering the G650 will be the first batch of aircraft. Let others try it first.

"If I buy a business jet again, I still hope to have a bigger and faster one, so the G650 will wait for the time being. If you have plans to upgrade this model in the future, you can let me know."

After booking the Gulfstream G550 with William Chen, Milanda was still a little confused. Before, she only felt that this kind of private jet was still far away from her, but now she has experienced the feeling of ordering for herself.

"It's incredible, William."

She was still a little surprised until she returned to the Long Island manor with him.

Of course, in order to help her get used to it as soon as possible, in the face of her symptoms, William Chen only needs to apply some medical skills and give her a few injections so that she can recover as soon as possible.

As expected of a supermodel, Milanda's figure can be said to be the best among Chen William's women, especially watching her curve change from behind is very pleasing to the eye.

William Chen can say that he feels a little hard work, and he has recently entered a fast rhythm. The next day, he left New York with Miranda and arrived in Silicon Valley.

This visit is mainly about Zoom. Currently, Zoom’s warehousing system in California is under construction. Rick Walton talked with the local about very good support conditions. They also value Zoom’s future investment and provide Jobs, in the context of the current economic crisis, these are the things that state governments around the world are most concerned about.

And behind Zoom are members of the Walton family and William Chen, who has been making big acquisitions recently.

In San Francisco, after the development of Zoom's APP, the first trial operation was carried out. So far, the effect is still good. Mainly taking advantage of the opportunity from Christmas to New Year's Day, Zoom distributed a lot of coupons to newly registered users. Using these coupons, you can indeed buy low-priced products.

This is also welcomed by users. During this subprime mortgage crisis, many people are living can save money on shopping, and it can also be delivered to home. After experiencing it, many people also They have all become loyal customers of Zoom.

Of course, this is all based on the premise that Zoom burns money in the early stage, and it cannot be said to be money-burning completely. The initial coupon is equivalent to promotion, but it is basically not profitable after that, which is equivalent to the original normal Profits are given back to users.

Because the warehousing system is under construction, at present Zoom mainly provides products from their partners. According to the original algorithm, the zoom APP will give priority to recommend nearby users in the search page according to the user's location when they purchase products. Or the result of a more favorable price, and after the user purchases a product, the next product, the partner of the previously purchased product will also be displayed first, so that in the same shopping, the same supplier will be arranged as much as possible to pack for delivery.

In addition, even now, Zoom's delivery personnel have also undergone simple training, and the personnel have reached a certain scale. Under the current economic crisis, the unemployment rate remains high, so for Zoom, it is a good thing, not only can it have more choices for delivery personnel, but relatively speaking, the salary is also much lower than before.

Now it can only be said that Zoom is initially running, but there are also many problems, which need to be solved one by one in the future. When the whole process becomes more and more reasonable, it will gradually expand to other cities.

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