America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 171: Tokyo Raiders

After the establishment of Troup-Chen Business Management Company, the current headquarters is located in the Troop Headquarters Building. Of course, it is said to be the headquarters, and there are not too many people now. Even the half-floor office building is not full.

Ivanta did not delay too much in New York, and has already taken her subordinates to the Magic Capital of China.

Originally, William Chen was going to go with her. At least he knew a little more about it. At this time, many American companies didn't know anything about the situation in China. When they first arrived in China, they behaved in different ways. Not suitable, after all, this is a different cultural attribute, that is, the way of dealing will be very different.

It's just that he has been hanging around in California for an unexpectedly longer time. Of course, he is not only hanging out with Miranda, but also constantly arranging various things, so he will go to China later to join Ivanta.

Now that the acquisitions of MGM and Hermès are almost arranged, William Chen can finally leave the United States and go to Asia.

The first stop, he did not go directly to the magic capital, but took a flight and went to Tokyo, Japan with the people from Goldman Sachs.

After learning that William Chen was coming to Tokyo, Nozomi Sasaki almost jumped up on the phone, and eagerly asked him the time of landing, and wanted to pick him up.

But then, she realized that she is currently a star, and she was worried that it would affect William Chen if she was photographed. In this regard, Chen William doesn't care, just say to her as she likes.

Therefore, after the flight arrived at Tokyo Chengtian Airport, William Chen saw Nozomi Sasaki, who was fully armed. Seeing her image, William Chen couldn't help laughing. After getting into the car of Goldman Sachs to pick them up, William Chen smiled and nodded Sasaki Nozomi, who had a shy face, and said:

"Looking at how tightly you wrap yourself up, even a fool can guess that you are a star."

"Ah, what should we do, no one will photograph us." Nozomi Sasaki asked with wide eyes and a look of surprise.

"Don't worry, little idiot, even if you take a picture, you have to be able to recognize you."

Hearing William Chen say this, Nozomi Sasaki was relieved a little.

Originally, when he came to Tokyo this time, William Chen still planned to stay at the Hilton Hotel, but Nozomi Sasaki blushed and said that he had a house here and lived by himself, so he could go with her, and William Chen changed his mind.

As for the bodyguards who came with him, just find a nearby hotel and stay there. Anyway, he doesn't need bodyguards at Nozomi Sasaki's house, just let them come and pick him up when he goes out.

Nozomi Sasaki's home is located in Aoyama パークタワー in Shibuya District, Tokyo. This is a high-rise apartment building. It is one of the most expensive apartment buildings in Tokyo. Many celebrities and rich people like to buy real estate here, because It is located in the center of Tokyo, and the management here is strict and the supporting facilities are complete.

When I entered her home, I saw that it was very clean and the decoration was very warm. Nozomi Sasaki's apartment is about 150 square meters. After asking her, Chen William realized that the house price here is really not cheap. It costs about 8 million yen per square meter, which is more than 400,000 yuan per square meter in Chinese currency. It's high, comparable to the most expensive places in New York.

So after conversion, isn't her house worth nearly 10 million US dollars? Is it so profitable to be a star in Japan? Nozomi Sasaki has only debuted a few years ago.

Chen William asked in surprise: "Is this the house you bought yourself?"

"How can I? I can't afford such an expensive apartment. This is the place the company just rented me recently."

Oh, no wonder, it seems that their club has enough money to rent such an expensive place for her to live.

"By the way, where's your bodyguard? Does he also live nearby?"

"Yes, she lives not far from here, and the club specially rented an apartment for her."

When Nozomi Sasaki went to New York last time, William Chen hired a female bodyguard for her to accompany her to Tokyo, so when she remembered it, William Chen asked.

"William, after taking such a long flight, you should take a rest first."

Nozomi Sasaki went to the bathroom to put water on William Chen and massaged him, looking like a virtuous little wife.

Of course, the final result can be imagined, the two have not seen each other for a while, naturally...learning knowledge is more important.


On the day William Chen arrived in Tokyo, he felt the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis on the country.

On this day, Yamato Life Insurance filed an application for bankruptcy with the Tokyo District Court, requesting the application of the "Rehabilitation Special Law" set up for bankruptcy, which is also the first financial institution in Japan to go bankrupt in this crisis.

Affected by this news, the Nikkei stock index fell again and has fallen below 13,000 points.

It is reported that as of the end of December last year, Japanese financial institutions lost more than 2.5 trillion yen due to subprime mortgages, and this number is still increasing. It is conservatively estimated that Japanese financial institutions hold US subprime-related products at 1.5 trillion yen. yuan or more.

"How are the house prices in Tokyo now?"

After nearly two hours of study, the two embraced each other, William Chen asked.

"I don't know the specifics, but I read reports that it has dropped a lot. In some places, it has dropped by more than 40%. Even here, where I live, it has dropped by 30%."

On the flight here, William Chen also asked the people of Goldman Sachs about the situation here, and he got a general understanding of it.

Japan was affected by the subprime mortgage crisis for many reasons. Their financial institutions purchased products related to subprime mortgage loans in the United States, which was only one of the direct factors.

Another reason is the withdrawal of foreign capital that has heated up Japanese real estate, resulting in a decline in housing prices, affecting all levels.

Speaking of Goldman Sachs, they are also one of the foreign investors entering Japanese real estate. In August 2007, Goldman Sachs Group invested 37 billion yen to acquire the Tiffany Building in Ginza, the most prosperous district in Tokyo.

These changes can be clearly seen from the proportion of foreign capital in the shares of the three major Japanese real estate developers before the subprime mortgage crisis.

In the four years from 2005 to 2009, the foreign capital proportion of Mitsui Fudosan increased from 39% to 48%; the foreign capital proportion of Mitsubishi Estate increased from 22% to 41%; the foreign capital proportion of Sumitomo Real Estate increased from 13% to 40%. %.

Therefore, when the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, foreign capital accounted for more than 40% of the top three real estate developers in this country.

Most of these so-called foreign capitals are American capital, mainly investment banks such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and related investment funds.

Do you think they are here to help Japan develop real estate? I just want to take advantage of the real estate boom and come here to make some quick money. It's just that after the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, these funds frantically sold real estate in Japan in order to keep domestic assets, which caused Tokyo's housing prices to plummet.

At that time, the US capital even invested more than 300 billion US dollars to buy the Tokyo Imperial Hotel with the most royal background in Japan. This hotel is a century-old famous restaurant where the Japanese royal family held weddings, and now it no longer belongs to Japan.

The most infuriating local people is that this American investment company has a very unsightly name - "Cerberus" (watchdog), which can be said to be blatantly beating and humiliating.

But what can they do in the face of the native American soldiers? Of course try to forget...

It can be said that the current economic situation in Japan is very bad. In addition to the impact on finance and real estate, their foreign trade has also suffered a fatal blow. During the subprime mortgage crisis, the prices of raw materials including oil and ore have risen~www.readwn. com~ and the appreciation of the yen have affected their export trade and put many related companies into crisis.

Of course, William Chen cares about these things, not sympathizing with them, but he will make a lot of money because of it. Goldman Sachs, in order to recover the losses in the subprime mortgage crisis, this time shorting the European and Asian stock markets, half of the funds were invested in Japan and South Korea.

This is the situation in Japan now, and South Korea is not much better, so Chen William invested the 10 billion US dollars at that time. Up to now, Goldman Sachs happily told him that at least in Japan and South Korea, he has earned more than 100 % of profits, combined with European profits, conservative estimates will eventually exceed 200%.

Financial weapons are really powerful. America is like this. I can’t make it easy, and I can’t make it easy for you. Especially for my allies, I’m never soft-handed, and the wool that should be picked must be picked up.

After all, they are sober themselves, how can they have eternal allies? The so-called allies are the most unreliable things. Only the most powerful countries can have the most loyal allies. Weak countries do not deserve to have allies, and they will be betrayed by allies at any time.

So as long as the United States continues to be strong, they will have no shortage of allies. Even if they say that the earth is not round, their allies will do their best to prove that this conclusion is correct for him. What? Dare you say the earth is round? You are an evil country, you are not universal, you are wrong everywhere.

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