America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 173: accept the punishment

Among the superhero copyrights that Marvel has sold to other companies, Spider-Man is the most famous one. Through the trilogy, Sony Pictures has also received a good box office. They are very optimistic about Spider-Man's copyright. Therefore, in Chen William's view, it may be difficult to negotiate with Sony Pictures to recover the copyright of Spider-Man. It is better to directly find their parent company Sony.

Now is the subprime mortgage crisis, and Sony's situation is also not very good. Last year, Sony suffered a huge loss. Therefore, according to the investigation of Goldman Sachs, Sony intends to sell some assets to tide over the difficulties.

In recent years, although Sony Pictures has obtained a good box office through the series, there are not many other good works, so so far, it has been losing money for seven consecutive years.

Although Chen William is not going to buy Sony Pictures, he can still try to spend money to recover the copyright of the Spider-Man series from Sony.

Sure enough, Sun Zhengyi said:

"I have a good relationship with Mr. Howard, the CEO of Sony Corporation. If you need it, I will contact him for you."

The current president of Sony is Howard Stringer, who is also Sony's first foreign chairman, but interestingly, it was he who took charge of Sony America in 1999, making the predecessor of Sony Pictures - Columbia Pictures It bought the rights to Marvel's Spider-Man franchise.

Now, he has become the chairman and CEO of Sony Corporation. William Chen doesn't know if he can buy back the copyright of the Spider-Man series from him.

It's just that Sony's situation is getting worse after the subprime mortgage crisis. Therefore, Howard Stringer also needs to improve the company's performance, otherwise the position will be difficult to secure. Therefore, the possibility of buying back the copyright of the Spider-Man series is not small at this time. Say, now is the best time to buy those rights back.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Sun, and I hope you can help me get in touch as soon as possible. I hope to meet Mr. Howard Stringer before leaving Japan."

So after this meeting with Sun Zhengyi was over, we were waiting for his reply.

After returning to Nozomi Sasaki's house, Nozomi Sasaki went to the kitchen to cook for him himself. William Chen watched her wearing an apron beside her and operating it seriously.

"Seeing that you are quite skilled in movements, it seems that you do it often."

"Sometimes I don't have time when I'm busy, but I have a lot of free time recently. I learned Chinese food. How about you try it later."

Nozomi Sasaki said to William Chen cutely.

William Chen hugged her from behind and said to her:

"Do you like living here, Kiko?"

"It's very good. Life here is more convenient and the environment is better."

"Then let me buy a house here."

"buy house?"

Nozomi Sasaki looked at William Chen in confusion.

"Yes, I will occasionally come to Tokyo in the future to buy a house. Usually, you live there. After I come, I don't need to stay in a hotel. Just come and live. It's very convenient."

"Then this house is not bad now."

"That's different. This is rented by the club. It's different from buying your own house. And now the housing prices in Tokyo have dropped a lot, so it's a good time to buy a house."

Nozomi Sasaki knows that William Chen is very rich. After all, she usually pays attention to his news, so when she heard this, she didn't say anything:

"It's fine if you think it's fine. I'll listen to you, William, and I'll help you take care of the house then."

"My Kiko is really virtuous." William Chen kissed Nozomi Sasaki on the face and said to her, "Then I'll wait to ask if there are any bigger houses here."

"I think it's good that it's so big. It's too big. It's weird for me to live by myself, and it's troublesome to clean up."

Since Nozomi Sasaki said so, William Chen didn't have to buy a big house. After all, he didn't have much time to come to Tokyo. If he wanted to be big, then it would be good to let her often go to America to accompany him in the future.

Gu Zhuo

So after thinking about this, William Chen contacted the sales company of the apartment.

Nozomi Sasaki said before that the housing price of this apartment is about 8 million yen per square meter, but that was before the subprime mortgage crisis. Affected by the subprime mortgage crisis, the current housing price here has fallen by more than 30%, so The current house price is 5.5 million yen per square meter, and the apartment of Nozomi Sasaki is about 6.5 million U.S. dollars after buying it.

To William Chen, the money was just a matter of words, so soon the employees of the sales company came over and started the formalities with him.

William Chen directly asked Nozomi Sasaki to follow up on the purchase procedure. He was responsible for the payment, so he bought the apartment in Nozomi Sasaki's name.

"This apartment is too expensive, William, I..."

Knowing that William Chen was going to buy this apartment in his own name, Nozomi Sasaki said hesitantly with a look of surprise on his face.

"That's it, Kiko, it's more convenient to use your name. You're my woman, so don't make it so clear."

Although Nozomi Sasaki is with William Chen, he likes him more and doesn't care much about his money. But now William Chen treats her like this, which still moved her very much.

It's just that when the employees of the sales company left, William Chen immediately changed his face:

"By the way, Kiko, I remembered something."

Seeing William Chen's serious appearance, Nozomi Sasaki asked nervously:

"What's the matter? William."

"It seems that you didn't do what you promised me."


"You forgot, I told you that the credit card I gave you should spend at least $100,000 a month. But I found out that you haven't spent enough money for two months now. Is there a penalty? you?"

"But I often can't think of what else to buy."

Hearing this, Nozomi Sasaki said helplessly.

"Is there anything that can't be spent with money? You can learn how to spend money with those senior female artists, buy more high-end clothes, go to beauty and so on, and use the best cosmetics, these Isn't it easy to spend money?"

"I was wrong, dear, I will try my best in the future."

Chen William Chen is quite satisfied with Nozomi Sasaki's attitude, but rules are rules, and they should be punished!

So the punishment that makes Nozomi Sasaki feel ashamed is inevitable...


Sun Zhengyi did not make Chen William wait too much. The next day, he called Chen William and had made an appointment with Howard Stringer of Sony so that he could go directly today see each other.

Sony's headquarters is in Tokyo's Minato District, not far away. This time, after Chen William arrived, he directly met Howard Stringer, chairman of Sony.

At this time, Howard was 68 years old, wearing glasses and looking very gentle.

After knowing Chen William's purpose, he said very directly: "Mr. William, I know that you are the boss of Marvel now, but you must know that the copyright of Spider-Man is very important to Sony Pictures, and we will not give it up. It is, and we already have plans for a sequel."

"Everything has a price, doesn't it, Mr. Howard. I know that Sony's recent situation is not good, and Sony Pictures, which has been losing money all these years, can get a sum of money to stabilize Sony. It's the best option for you and for Sony to get through this crisis. Also, wouldn't you like to hear my price first?"

"Oh? But Spider-Man is not for sale to us..."

"$500 million... I just need to take back the film and television rights of Spider-Man. I know that you bought the rights to Spider-Man ten years ago. At that time, it only cost 20 million US dollars, and now I can sell the rights at this price. , and the previous three movies have also contributed a lot of profits to the company. So, you have made a very big contribution to Sony, right? Besides, I am afraid that you will be able to get the previous three movies. The total income of the company will not exceed this number, Mr. Howard, and now it is very easy to get this very important fund for Sony, and I think it is a very good choice."

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