America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 192: old fox

"Also, what's going on with Twentieth Century Fox? Isn't that old guy Murdoch still letting go?"

Speaking of this, Nielsen also seemed to have a headache, he said: "That old fox Murdoch, it is difficult for people to see his true thoughts. At present, his attitude is still ambiguous, he has not given too much information, and he has not taken the initiative. Contact us. There's still half a month left, and the trucker's movie will be released, and I'm afraid he's still waiting for the performance of that movie."

This is also normal. It seems that Murdoch does have some financial troubles, but it has not reached the limit, so he can continue to play sloppy eyes and wait for the release of "Avatar" that they are looking forward to.

The situation of 20th Century Fox is not like MGM. MGM can't hold on to it anymore, so William Chen can acquire without too many twists and turns. There is Murdoch behind 20th Century Fox, and it depends on him. If the other party doesn't sell it, there's nothing you can do about it.

It seems that we still have to look at the situation on Building 666 first. If the Kushnar Group can agree, then I can use the [Black Swan Scroll] on Murdoch's side.

After Nelson left, William Chen returned to the villa and saw Nikki reading a magazine on the sofa.

"Niki, where's your sister?"

Chen William sat in front of her, waited for the maid to bring him a cup of coffee, took a sip and asked.

"She probably went to the gym to do yoga."

Nikki put the newspaper on the table, looked at William Chen, and said:

"William, is your "Magic Mike" out yet? I read the report that the box office was good."

"It's okay, the domestic box office in the United States is less than $200 million."

After "Magic Mike" was released for more than a month, the box office potential is almost the same. Since late January, the number of screenings has been gradually reduced, and now it has been completely closed. In terms of box office, the domestic box office in the United States has exceeded 180 million US dollars. Fortunately, it is 30 million more than in the previous life. It seems that William Chen's appearance in the Easter Egg, plus the help of publicity, still has some effect.

As for the global box office, because some overseas countries and regions are still being released, there is no final number. Because it is an R-rated film, there are restrictions in many countries. Therefore, "Magic Mike" is only available in 8 countries and regions outside the United States. Released, the current overseas box office has exceeded 80 million US dollars, and it is hoped that the global box office will break 300 million US dollars.

As a small-cost R-rated film with a cost of only more than 7 million US dollars, this result is already amazing, and the future film industry has also entered the field of vision of many people with this film.

Although it's a little shameful to say it, this is after all the first hugely profitable film invested by William Chen, and the media are often flattering. Some positive voices.

Andy Harlin, the director of "Magic Mike", finally waited until the time to be proud. William Chen had already allowed him to lead and began to prepare for the second part of "Magic Mike", and this time he gave him 20 million The dollar budget, after all, if nothing else, after the success of the first film, the salaries of the leading actors in it will also increase appropriately.

Nikki looked at William Chen with an inexplicable look in her eyes, and said with a smile:

"I heard from my sister that she also felt the kind of performance you performed in the movie Easter Egg, William, and I too..."

Hehe, you're thinking about shit, Chen William felt that he was too soft-hearted last night, and he let it go when she begged for mercy. Next time, hum.


However, William Chen didn't expect that before Gared's reply, he had to wait for such a meeting.

"Hello, William, I didn't expect that the world has changed so much since I was released from prison. You are now the most dazzling young man in the United States and even the world. I am very happy to see you today."

Hearing the other party's words, William Chen raised his eyebrows. The old man sitting in front of him with white hair was Gared's father, Charles Kushner.

Do you wear a high hat when you meet? However, William Chen was also used to the hypocritical habit of flattering each other first in Europe and the United States, so he did not take his words too seriously.

Gu Xing

"Mr. Kushner, the first thing I'm curious about is, are you meeting me today to talk to me on behalf of the Kushnar Group?"

Charles Kushner always had a smile on his face. To William Chen, he looked like an old fox. Well, he was an old fox. He shook his head and said:

"I'm no longer in the Kushnar Group. I'm just in my personal capacity, I hope to meet you and talk about Building 666."

"If that's the case, then I don't think there's any point in talking about it, Mr. Kushner, because whatever we talk about can't be enforced, can it? Unless you represent the Kushnar Group."

Old fox, what do you want to play with me, one sings the red face and the other sings the white face, is there a strategy for going back and forth? I don't have time to waste with you.

"In my personal opinion, I agree with your proposal, William. If it were me, I would sell the shares of the building in the Kushnar Group's hands to you."

"That would have been a sensible choice, wasn't it? My conditions are already very good. But, Mr. Kushner, if you could make a decision on this matter, or if you wanted to push it, it wouldn't be like today. You said, you came to see me in a private capacity."

After William Chen finished speaking, Charles Kushner sighed and said:

"Because now the Kushnar Group is my son Gared talking after all, I can help him make a decision this time, but I can't help him make a decision forever. So he always needs to go through what he needs to go through and grow up as soon as possible. So Now no matter what decision he makes, whether it is right or wrong, I will support him and wait for him to see the key to make the decision more rational."

"I don't care how you educate your children, Mr. Kushner, in fact, if this building wasn't left to me by my parents and had some meaning, I wouldn't spend too much energy on it at all, so I don't care too much what choice Gared will make. If you must insist on completing the transformation, that's fine. But you know, in the current environment, that will only bring the Kushnar Group into danger, But that's not something I need to care about."

William Chen said with a smile:

"You should know, Mr. Kushner, kindness is a luxury, and I don't mind releasing some kindness when I'm capable enough, but that doesn't mean that after this kindness is ignored, I will still need to serve you What to consider."

"You are right, William, but I also know that you are determined to make a lot of money by shorting in this crisis, so you expected the subprime mortgage crisis, didn't you?"

"I understand what you want to say, although I can't be 100% sure, but through the analysis at the time, I did think that the real estate crisis is very likely to happen, which is why I insist on shorting. Moreover, if you and Gary If you talk about it in detail, you should know that at the beginning, I rejected his request to buy the building many times, and I also persuaded him, but in the end, he insisted on his own way."

William Chen said helplessly:

"It's always like this. When someone misunderstands you, even if it is a kind reminder, the other party will not take it seriously, and even think that you have no intentions."

Having said that, William Chen looked at his watch, got up and said to Charles Kushner:

"I'm glad we can talk so frankly today, Mr. Kushner, although these may not have much effect on the solution of the matter. But these are not important anymore. I am waiting for the final reply from the Kushnar Group, and I wish you all the best in the end. transport."

After saying William Chen shook hands with the other party and left.

Regarding what Charles Kushner said to himself today, William Chen does not believe all of these things. Maybe he really wants to hand over the family group to Gared to manage, and he also has the idea of ​​training him, but this I am afraid that only he knows how much water is in it.

Judging from the fact that before Charles, in order to prevent himself from investigating himself, he did not hesitate to frame his brother-in-law and threaten his sister. This old fox is a person who puts his interests first and uses any means to achieve his goals.

Therefore, William Chen will never believe that when the Kushnar Group is alive and dead, he can still watch his son do stupid things, just so that the other party can go through hardships and grow up?

What a great fatherly love, touching plot.

Come on, it's almost as if you're lying to those housewives who like to watch soap operas.

The purpose of the other party today is nothing more than to test the attitude of his side. If Chen William really shows that he cares too much about Building 666, then he is sure that the other party will definitely increase the weight again.

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