America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 195: William's maiden voyage

Chen William didn't lie to Delphina, he was going to leave for China today. In addition to the acquisition of the Magic Capital Global Financial Center by Troup-Chen Business Management Company, Ali's boss Ma is also urging him.

Rolls-Royce arrived at Teterboro Commercial Airport, and William Chen's Gulfstream G550 has been informed in advance, ready to wait here.

Greeted by the crew, William Chen boarded the William.

Today is also the inaugural flight of this plane, which will fly from New York to Magic City. The two pilots, both middle-aged in their forties, came to chat with Chen William for a while, and told him that the application for flying to the Magic City had been completed, and the plane was ready to leave at any time.

This time, when I went to the magic capital, it was only Chen William who brought his two bodyguards, so if you want to experience a thousand miles in one day, I am afraid you have to wait for the next time.

After directly stating that he can leave now, when the driver left to go to the cockpit, Chen William's attention was placed on the two flight attendants he hired. At this time, the two were standing together. Black silk, hot body, very seductive.

"Mr. William, do you need something to drink?"

The person who spoke was a girl named Zhang Jiao. She was from China, with a beautiful face and a graceful face.

"Just bring me a glass of water."

When Zhang Jiao went to fetch him water, another flight attendant, Aisha Gonzalez, walked over to him, took William Chen's coat, and helped him put it in the closet in the bedroom.

Aisha Gonzalez is a mixture of Venezuelan and Lebanese blood, looks like a hot and unrestrained Latino, like a fashionable sports car, the most striking is the exaggerated arc of the sports car, and the spectacular car lights.

These two flight attendants were selected by the Gulfstream Company to select Chen William before. I wonder if their consultants had misunderstood what Chen William said about "safety and reliability". The tablet computer for him to choose from, clicked into it, was a database with the Vir logo, and it was full of information about all kinds of beautiful flight attendants.

Uh, he is familiar with this process. When he chose the maid of the manor before, this was the way.

As one of the sponsors of the Ethnic Minority Charity Foundation, William Chen has been practicing his own charitable standards, so he specially chose two flight attendants from ethnic minorities, one from China, who can speak Chinese, English and Korean Zhang Jiao; the other is Aisha Gonzalez from Venezuela who can speak English and Spanish.

It's not that he doesn't like big American girls, it's just that there aren't many American flight attendants in the Vir logo database, and he hasn't seen anything that he particularly likes.

And William Chen doesn't have any evil thoughts at all, just because he likes to learn knowledge, these two girls have languages ​​that he hasn't dealt with yet, so it's easy for him to learn, um, that's it.

After making the choice, he didn't know what it meant, and Chen William didn't care too much about the fact that Jean specially brought out the health check-up reports of the two to show him.

However, after having his own private business jet, the journey from America to Magic City felt much easier. The office facilities on the plane were also complete. He handled emails in the work cabin and read a book for a while , When you feel a little tired, you can go back to the bedroom and sleep on the comfortable big bed.

When Zhang Jiao gently knocked on the door, woke up Chen William, and told him that the plane would land at Modu Airport in less than an hour, Chen William almost forgot that he was on the plane when he woke up. .

After Chen William agreed, Zhang Jiao adjusted the lighting in the bedroom from the top of the starry sky to a soft state, and quietly glanced at the firm and neat muscles of Chen William's upper body, she couldn't help feeling her heart beating a little faster.

However, as a flight attendant of a private jet, after joining Gulfstream's service department, she has also undergone rigorous training, so she endured her shyness and went over to help Chen William put on his pajamas, and then he went into the bathroom next to him to rinse briefly. .

Zhang Jiao, on the other hand, wanted to help him make the bed in the bedroom. She listened to the sound of the water flowing in the bathroom, and she couldn't help but imagine Chen William's outrageously handsome appearance.

The flight attendant provided by Gulfstream is also a two-way choice, so when William Chen chooses two people, they themselves will have a reconfirmation after receiving the notice.

After Zhang Jiao resigned from civil aviation in China, she passed the assessment of Gulfstream's service department with a close friend of hers. When she joined the private service business, she would also be curious about who the customers she will serve in the future will be. , after all, she also knew that those private flight attendants who would hire them, especially those hired for a long time, must be billionaires.

At first she thought that those billionaires are middle-aged people with pot belly anyway, so although it will be a two-way choice, the range of choices will not be too large after all.

But no one thought that she had been notified that she was chosen by William Chen, which is equivalent to winning the big lottery. As them, who wouldn't hope that they would be chosen by William Chen with such a good-looking figure. of the super-rich selected?

Therefore, when she secretly told her good friend about this matter, the admiration of the other party is still fresh in her memory. For this reason, she is often asked by the other party to treat her. In her words:

"Jiaojiao, you really saved the galaxy in your last life. If I can be selected by William, I won't be paid. I have to wake up laughing every day when I sleep in bed."

Thinking of "serving the bed", Zhang Jiao's face, who was making the bed, became more and more rosy. She thought of Chen William's sturdy figure that made people want to lick the screen just now. Oh, I can't think about it anymore...

Just as Chen William finished rinsing, wiped his hair, and walked out of the bathroom, he saw Zhang Jiao making the bed. At this moment, she bent over to make her curves more obvious, and from Chen William's point of view, she couldn't help but feel a little respectful.

Although Zhang Jiao's figure is not as exaggerated as that of Aisha Gonzalez, it is already very proud among Asians.

In this regard, Chen William doesn't like too exaggerated, such as Ka Daishan's body shape later, but it doesn't feel beautiful, like Zhang Jiao's, which is just right in his opinion.

Hearing the sound of Chen William closing the bathroom door, Zhang Jiao realized that she was wandering the world just now, and her movements were a little slow. She couldn't help but panic a little. She was afraid that she would give the boss a bad impression on the first day. Xiang Chen William wanted to walk to his side and help him get dressed.

However, the bedroom was a high-grade wool carpet, and Zhang Jiao was wearing slender high-heeled shoes. She stumbled and lost her balance. When she couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, she felt that she had entered In a firm embrace, she smelled the faint scent of high-grade body wash, and realized that she was being held by Chen William. For a while, Zhang Jiao felt as if her brain had stopped Seeing that Zhang Jiao was about to fall, William just went over to support her, but because it was too sudden, he felt where his hand was... um, how do you say it? very good……

After helping Zhang Jiao up, she regained her senses.

"be careful."

Hearing Chen William say this, her face turned even redder. In addition to the unexpected shame just now, there was also a sense of difference between the other party during this contact...

This is also a small episode. When William Chen packed up, the Gulfstream G550 had landed at Modu Airport, and he took the bodyguards to get off the plane and headed to Yan's Garden.

As for this plane, it will be on standby at this airport temporarily, and the crew's work will be temporarily completed, but it should not be too far away. They must be on standby at any time. Once William Chen needs it, they will do it as soon as possible. Prepare.

The service personnel of this kind of private jet are like this, and the salary is high. If they are lucky and the employers use less aircraft, then it can be said that they can always take vacations. drastic reason.

Knowing that William Chen came over today, Ivanta temporarily put down her work and brought a car over to pick him up.

The two also hadn't seen each other for more than a month. Seeing Ivanta, who looked like a strong woman in business attire, appeared in front of him, Chen William couldn't help holding her in his arms for a while. kiss.

As for whether or not this is due to the influence of the little episode just now, this William Chen has too late to think about it.

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