America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 216: very satisfied last night

Fall in love with, the road to fame and fortune in America

When William Chen ran from the beach back to the villa in the morning, he saw that Scarlett had woken up. She was wearing William Chen's shirt and was making coffee.

His white shirt was a bit too big for Scarlett, and the hem didn't even reach her thigh, but it looked very sexy.

Noticing William Chen who walked in, Scarlett whistled softly and said:

"The coffee will be ready soon."

"Do you drink coffee for breakfast?"

William Chen asked strangely.

"I don't think you have anything to eat in the refrigerator."

This is also true. The house on Marbury's side can't be lived in once or twice a month, so things like coffee beans can still be in stock, and the ingredients must not be kept. Chen William had to call the bodyguard, Ask them to bring some breakfast.

When Chen William came down again after taking a shower, he saw that Scarlett had changed her clothes and was sitting on the sofa. She looked at the phone with a smile on her face, and couldn't help asking:

"What are you looking at? It's so interesting?"

Scarlett didn't speak, and handed him the phone directly.

Out of curiosity, William Chen took the phone and looked at the screen. It was an entertainment report. After glancing at it, William Chen was a little speechless.

In this report, the reporter interviewed an unknown actress who claimed to be Chen William's ex-girlfriend, and then the other party told some things about her time with Chen William in it... It can only be said that the language is very bold, anyway, it can fully to satisfy the curiosity of the public.

Taking a look at the photo, he looked pretty good, er, he recalled it carefully, it seemed that something happened to his predecessor really happened to her, and it lasted for about a week...

Under Scarlett's half-smile, Chen William returned the phone to her. During this period of time, with the disclosure of William Chen's wealth, his popularity rose again. What followed was that when his predecessor was still in Hollywood, women who had had scandals with him were frequently found by reporters. When interviewing the things he got along with at the time, he has only heard of three things so far.

Fortunately, at this time, William Chen's bodyguard came to the villa and brought breakfast, which eased William Chen's embarrassing atmosphere a little.

Breakfast was very simple, sandwiches, milk and burritos. After breakfast, William Chen wiped his mouth and said to Scarlett:

"You know that Marvel Studio's "Iron Man" has been filmed and is in post-production, and it will be released soon. After that, we have plans to shoot the second film, and there is a character in it, that is Black Widow, This is a very important role in the Marvel universe that will be released later, and I think it is very suitable for you."

Scarlett raised her eyebrows and said slightly mockingly:

"Is this the reward for my hard work last night?"

"I prefer you to see it as an image fit. To be honest, when I first saw the setting of this character, I thought it was very suitable for you, short red hair, tight leather jacket, this image is up to you to control , will be valiant."

"It seems that this is some kind of new role-playing. What are you looking forward to trying? Maybe in order to get this role, I should try this new image with you next time."


William Chen sighed and said with some sincerity:

"I want you to know that even though we have broken up now, I think we are still friends. If this role is really suitable for you, it will definitely be the first choice."

"Even if we didn't go to bed last night?"

"Yes, it has nothing to do with that."

"Well, I believe you, William."

After Scarlett finished her coffee, she stood up from her seat and said:

"Even now, after everything has happened, it sounds a little hypocritical of you to say these words."

She walked over to the sofa, put her coat on her arm, picked up her bag, turned her head and said to William Chen:

"Besides, you are indeed much better than before. I was very satisfied last night."

"Well, Scarlett, I'll go out right away, I'll drop you off by the way, it's not easy to take a taxi here." William Chen got up and said to her.

"No, I forgot to tell you, William, I'm divorced, and the new house is next to you."

William Chen said that he would go out immediately, but he did not say anything casually. Shortly after Scarlett left, he went to the airport.

Picked up Amber Heard on the way, and took the William to Silicon Valley together.

Ember had finished filming "Iron Man". After seeing William Chen, he became more and more happy. He took the initiative to hug him, and after kissing, he said:

"I'm so glad to see you again, my dear."

Ember was very envious of Da Lula being able to find a rich boyfriend like Musk, so after meeting William Chen through a party, he took the initiative to have a relationship with him. At that time, William Chen had just started to make a name for himself in the field of investment, one after another. The acquisition of the "New York Observer", Twitter, and the first investment in Netflix and Tesla made the outside world's evaluation of him reversed for the first time. Although it is still accompanied by doubts, his previous image of a prodigal has improved. many.

Therefore, Ember also determined that William Chen is very rich, at least not worse than Musk, which is the main reason why she made up her mind to bet once.

After that, as she expected, even far beyond her expectations, William Chen continued to make huge acquisitions, including the $4 billion purchase of Yahoo's Alibaba shares, the purchase of Marvel, the purchase of MGM...

This also allowed Ember to get the role of Pepper in "Iron Man", but until recently, with the announcement of the 2010 Forbes Global Rich List, Ember had a specific understanding of William Chen's net worth. , also made her ecstatic, the fourth richest person in the world, what does this mean?

This means that as long as she grasps Chen William's thigh, even if she can't get any public identity, as long as she can have a child, then she won't have any worries for the rest of her life. Knowing that William Chen has half of the Chinese blood, Ember also read many articles about the traditions of the Chinese people, knowing that they still attach great importance to their descendants, so he is even more determined.

"How did you feel about filming "Iron Man" this time?"

"It feels great, dear, I think this movie will be a success, I trust your vision."

At this time, Ember, who was beside William Chen, looked extremely well-behaved.

After arriving at his villa in Silicon Valley, William Chen first met Nelson who had come earlier.

After buying siri company before and establishing an artificial intelligence R&D center in Silicon Valley, William Chen had the idea of ​​​​acquiring siri company and Nuance, the world's dominant company in the field of intelligent voice. Since then, Nielsen has sent special personnel to carry out this matter.

"Boss, the economic crisis this time has also had a great impact on Nuance's stock price. Their stock price has dropped by 50% from the highest point. According to the stock price, Nuance's current market value is around $1 billion. But The acquisition did not go well, the company's management insisted that the current stock price is far undervalued, and their company's current situation is not bad, through cooperation with those big companies including Samsung, Philips and enterprise users, they are profitable although Not as good as before, but there is no problem keeping the company running.”

"And for Nuance's current position in the field of intelligent voice, the reduction in revenue is nothing more than a reduction in investment in research and development, and it is completely able to stick to it in a short period of time. Therefore, for our acquisition proposal, the response is not Not active, even according to your instructions, the other party refused to pay a 100% premium to the purchase price."

From this point of view, Nuance Company is really a tough one to crack, but this situation is also among the several possibilities that William Chen envisioned. After all, their current position is too comfortable, there are too many patents in intelligent voice, and the technology is more advanced, so they are not worried about the emergence of competitors, and their pursuit of technology research and development is not so great.

Just like speech recognition technology, it can be used with a success rate of 90%, and 95% is already very good, and beyond this accuracy rate, for every 1% increase, the cost of R&D investment will rise sharply, but the use of In terms of experience, the improvement does not feel too obvious. Therefore, if you invest 100 million US dollars to develop and optimize the results, the income that can be generated is far better than the effect of investing 10 million US dollars in advertising promotion. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com is no wonder that Nuance is not very enthusiastic about deepening research and development.

In this way, they can fully rely on the current technology to live very well. This is also the reason why those giants did not take much effort to poach people from nuance and develop their own speech recognition technology that is not inferior.

"How many shares have we got now?"

"Before this, we have been secretly absorbing nuance's shares from the secondary market, plus the shares obtained from institutions at a premium, our shareholding is now around 15%, and we are still in contact with other institutions. However, since our overall takeover offer to Nuance's management at a premium of 100% was rejected, the asking prices of those institutions have increased significantly, and now they have not considered a premium below 100%."

Nelson frowned slightly and said so.

"Then let's stop for a while, the current shareholding is enough for us to have a certain right to speak in nuance company, let's talk to Adam Cheyer of siri company, use the backup plan, and try our best to cooperate with nuance company. The company's technical personnel are recruited, and then pay attention to their company's technically excellent people, and try to recruit Siri, um, the R&D center can also enrich some personnel, let them figure it out."

At present, the three founders of siri company, Adam Cheyer serves as the ceo of siri company, Tom Gruber serves as the cto, and Daig Gitras is more interested in artificial intelligence and serves as the director of the artificial intelligence research and development center. .

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