America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 218: Brother, are you short of money again?

After Sheila Reis arrived in Silicon Valley, as William Chen's financial advisor, he reported the final tax return to him.

Before mid-April, it was the final tax declaration period for last year's income, but William Chen's financial team had already started to sort out his accounts as early as New Year's Day. This time, the tax payment was mainly from Meta Investment Company. income.

William Chen accepted Alicia's suggestion at the earliest and invested almost all of his income and consumption in the name of the company, that is, Meta Investment Company, and the company did not distribute any dividends, so his personal income tax was not involved. Not much, especially since his early investment income was taxed in time.

Moreover, during the subprime mortgage crisis, a large part of the income of Meta Investment Company was cashed after New Year's Day. The income before New Year's Day was mainly the cashing of No. 1 Fund in subprime mortgage bonds and the short-selling income of gold futures. more than $20 billion.

Under normal circumstances, if the corporate tax rate is below 35%, at least 6 billion to 7 billion US dollars in taxes need to be paid, but because it involves the investment of the fund, no dividends are equivalent to Chen William still holding the fund, plus the period. Many tax credits for consumption and debt, after the operation of the tax team, only need to pay about 4 billion US dollars in taxes, saving nearly 40% of the tax, which is why William Chen hired Sheila Reis as his own. Financial advisors and what it means to have a finance team.

However, this year's tax planning is even more necessary, because so far, Meta Investment Company's estimated profit has exceeded 30 billion US dollars, but with the establishment of William Chen's Caitlin Foundation and the development of overseas business, there will be More tax avoidance methods are available.

It is like the tax avoidance method commonly used by multinational companies, which is the "Irish Dutch sandwich" method. Multinational companies, including Microsoft and Apple, use this method to avoid tax.

The main reason is that the United States is a global tax collector, and the tax rate is extremely high, which is much higher than that of European countries such as the United Kingdom. Therefore, the overseas income of multinational companies can be structured in low-tax countries or even tax-free countries. Countries with low tax rates and very lax control over profit transfer also set up a branch to avoid tax by transferring overseas profits receivable from companies in Ireland to branches in low-tax or tax-exempt countries.

The corporate tax rate in the United States is usually about 35%. In this way, the tax rate can be reduced to about 20%, which reduces the tax payable by nearly half, and this method is not like the tax avoidance of offshore companies. , is perfectly legal.


"They're so cute..."

Ember hugged a little boy and said to William Chen, at this time her face was a maternal smile.

Hehe, William Chen sneered inwardly, a little boy is very cute, you have to face five and try...

At this time, William Chen was at Musk's house with Amber Heard, in Silicon Valley in mid-March. The sun was good at noon, and they were sitting on the lawn in the yard with Musk's family.

I have to say that William Chen admires Da Lula. You know, Musk now has 5 children, uh, all sons.

She is a delicate star, and it is quite rare to be able to help Musk bring these children. Musk is known to be a workaholic, working at least 70 hours a week, so he doesn't have much free time.

It seems that Da Lula broke up with him later. The main reason is that Musk is too busy, and the two of them don’t spend much time together, and this kind of tech madman also needs more efforts from people around him, such as helping him take care of his life and his 5 children.

In an interview at that time, Musk talked about that he thought that 10 hours a week would be a lot for a woman who accompanies him.

Of Musk's five children, the older two are already six years old, and the younger three are only four years old. He asked for them in two installments. That's right, one twin and one triplets, all with him. The ex-wife got it through medical technology, because their first child normally died at 7 months old, so sad, they both wanted children through medical technology, two five , is also great.

But at this time, Dalula and Musk were just newly married, with sweet smiles on their faces, and Ember and Ember looked at the children and chatted.

Musk and Chen William walked aside, sat on the chair, and started chatting about the company.

"I heard you kicked out the CEO of Twitter? I think it's a good job, I use Twitter a lot, and to be honest, their app sucks, and it's long overdue to let these mediocre **** out."

Musk really dared to say it, but his character is like this. Not only did he dare to say it, but he also drove the founders of Tesla out of the company. William Chen said with a smile:

"There has been no suitable candidate before, but this time there are also many voices of criticism."

"Don't care about those people's comments, mediocre people will only look at the problem from their point of view. Compared to changing the world more efficiently, warmth should not be our fetters. Just, William, why do you want to invest? What about Goldman Sachs and Citi? Yes, they're big names, but they're all outdated, the **** that banks and arms dealers control America, that's outdated, technology is what matters."

Brother, could it be that you are short of money again? William Chen looked at Musk who was talking eloquently and guessed in his heart.

Sure enough, I heard Musk continue to talk about the current economic situation, and then the development of Tesla's first electric car has entered a critical period, but the trouble is, with the current subprime mortgage crisis, the stock market is in a downturn, and the original The plan for an IPO in the first half of this year will be put on hold. In this case, Tesla’s current consumption of funds may not last long.

This, Tesla is burning too much money. Three months ago, he just invested 200 million US dollars in them, and now he says it won't last long? William Chen doubts that Musk is actually just leaving some reserve funds for more.

"Is the situation so tense? I have money here, but if I continue to invest, then I have too many shares. You know, Tesla is not my main direction."

Hearing what William Chen said, Musk's worries were reduced a lot, he said with a smile:

"You can invest in preferred stock. When this electric car goes public, or when we find a suitable opportunity for an IPO, you can return your preferred stock funds, or you can convert part of the preferred stock into common stock."

It seems that this guy has already figured it out, but Chen William doesn't care that much. There is really no need for him to increase his stake in Tesla. Now 35% is a suitable share. Even if it increases, It is not appropriate to hold more than 40% of the shares, otherwise for Musk, sooner or later, he will consider himself a threat, and Tesla is indeed not the main direction of William Chen, at most it will help him promote Siri.

Now that he has determined the main development direction, for companies outside this direction, they will focus on investment, and will not focus on customers, which will easily affect the overall layout.

Therefore, in the end, he also agreed to Musk's proposal to buy 150 million US dollars of Tesla's preferred stock. The dividend is not set high, and the annual dividend is only 5%. It is already very supportive of Tesla. Ske is also very satisfied.

"Would you like me to hold a party at I've been really busy recently, and I want to relax." Musk said enthusiastically.

"Next time, there is still an appointment today."

This is also a fact. After William Chen came to Silicon Valley this time, he also received an invitation from Bill Gates. He will attend a charity reception held by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation tonight.

The reason for this is that after William Chen announced that he would donate 20 billion US dollars to establish the Caitlin Foundation, at that time, bigwigs including Bill Gates and Buffett publicly praised William Chen's behavior.

After announcing his retirement the previous year, Bill Gates put his main energy on the foundation's philanthropy.

William Chen knows that Bill Gates' foundation has a "donation pledge" initiative, which is aimed at the world's super-rich.

The Giving Pledge is a public pledge in which the signatories pledge to give more than half of their assets to charitable causes during their lifetime or upon death. After this initiative was issued, it has been responded by many rich people. At present, there are more than 50 rich people who have agreed to sign this commitment, and its influence is still very large.

William Chen estimated that Bill Gates invited himself this time, probably hoping that he would join the "donation pledge". In addition, he also hoped that he would donate to his charitable foundation.

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