America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 225: 20th Century MGM

On April 1, April Fool's Day, after half a month of negotiations, William Chen bought the New York Times Group from the Salzberg family for $2.8 billion.

When the news was announced, many people still thought it was an April Fools joke, even though there had been rumors that William Chen was in contact with the Salzberg family in hopes of buying The New York Times.

It's just that they soon realize that this is not a joke, but a fact.

The next day, Bramall Norwood, who had served as an executive at Time Warner and News Corp., officially took office as CEO of Meta Entertainment and Media. He announced that Meta Entertainment and Media would adjust the company's business to be more adaptable. With the development of the times, Meta Entertainment and Media has developed into the world's leading content provider.

In the announced adjustments, the "New York Observer" will be merged into the "New York Times" group, and the "Observer" APP will be renamed "American Headlines", becoming a news distribution platform, all newspapers under the "New York Times" group, All will publish a mobile web version on this platform and accept subscriptions from users.

Twentieth Century Pictures will merge with MGM Pictures, integrating their IP, production and distribution to become Twentieth Century MGM Pictures.

The debt of the two companies included in the 20th Century MGM Pictures, as high as 3.3 billion US dollars, will be fully repaid by the parent company Meta Group. From then on, the 20th Century MGM Pictures will start a new history and go into battle lightly. .

The merged company, the former CEO of Twentieth Century Pictures, Jim Gianlopoulos, assumed the CEO position, and the former CEO of MGM Pictures resigned and left.

The release of these news immediately attracted the attention of the United States, and each of them was a heavy news.

At this time, the Meta Entertainment and Media Company, which has three major companies, The New York Times Group, Marvel Entertainment and 20th Century MGM Pictures, has an overall valuation of more than 20 billion US dollars, and will surpass News Corporation to become the fourth largest in the United States. media company.

However, for the news of the merger of 20th Century Pictures and MGM Pictures, many people are concerned about what kind of pictures will appear in the titles of their films in the future? Is it to change the original "FOX" under the title of 20th Century Pictures to "MGM", or to use the classic Lion's Roar title of MGM?

In this regard, Jim Gianlopoulos replied in an interview that MGM in the 20th century will use a double title, the title of "21thTURYMGM" in the big production films, and the MGM classic in the small and medium production films. The lion's roar title, but the words "MetroGoldwynMayer" above the original version will be changed to "21thTURYMGM".

For example, the upcoming new film "The Hangover" will be the first film to use the new Lion's Roar title, and the upcoming "Iron Man" will be the first film to use the "21thTURYMGM" title, but in In this film, there will also be a Marvel Studios title.

Of course, the merger of the two companies is still very complicated, not only the procedures need to go through the process, but also whether the integration of the two companies can develop healthily depends on the ability of Jim Gianlopoulos.

At the same time, whether the companies under Meta Entertainment Media can cooperate and cooperate closely with each other is also a test for Bramall Norwood, the head of the entertainment media business that William Chen found through a top headhunting company.

Just when the reporters hoped to find William Chen for an interview because of these news, they found that he had left the United States and appeared in the lens of the French media.

After completing the acquisition of the "New York Times" Group, William Chen handed over these follow-up matters to Bramall Norwood, which is also a test for him. After all, his high salary and stock options are not easy to get. .

He himself, with the Hilton sisters and Miranda, took the Gulfstream G550 to Paris, France. The first stop was to go to the headquarters of the Hermès Group. The CEO of the group and the Hermès family announced that he would inject the shares of the Hermès Group he held into the company. HC Fashion Inc. thing.

It is also worth mentioning that before William Chen left, he had already bought an order for the Airbus A380, the largest passenger plane in the world, and added $80 million as the interior decoration cost to build the aircraft. For your own palace in the sky.

The Airbus A380 is a four-engine, 555-seat super-large long-range wide-body passenger aircraft developed and produced by Airbus.

The aircraft made its maiden flight on April 27, 2005, and its first commercial flight on October 25, 2007.

In July last year, the first Airbus A380 was delivered to Air Lee Singapore, which opened the first A380 flight from Lee Singapore to Huaguo HK.

Even because of the subprime mortgage crisis, the other party has already made a huge discount, plus the renovation, the final cost will exceed 380 million US dollars, because it is a direct purchase order, so the body has been assembled at this time. After the final renovation, it is expected to be delivered within six months.

This time, William Chen went to Paris for another purpose. By the way, he would find a designer to complete the interior design of the Airbus A380 for himself, and then go to the Airbus headquarters in Toulouse to finally determine the interior decoration of the aircraft.

On the way to France, William Chen also deeply realized the significance of ordering the A380. How should I put it, um, the main reason is that the Gulfstream G550 has limited space, and the bedroom is still too small. If there are four people, some of them cannot be used...

In particular, Chen William is 188cm tall. When he first came to this world, his height was 186. Suddenly, he found that he didn't pay attention during this time, and he grew 2cm again - his height, not somewhere else, otherwise it would be too much. Terrible.

And Miranda is a supermodel, and the Hilton sisters are not low in height. I can only say that this bed is barely enough. I feel that if it is two people with Ivanta, who is 180 in height, the length will be a little tight. .

Therefore, the A380 at that time must have a bed that is at least two meters wide, and the length should be longer. Well, that's it.

Next, when William Chen arrived in Paris and met Trick Thomas, CEO of the Hermès Group, and members of the Hermès family, he had an intuitive understanding of the influence of football in Europe.

Because Trick Thomas' first sentence after seeing William Chen was to ask him: "Mr William, there are rumors that you are going to buy Manchester United, is this true?"

And Chen William found that the representatives of the Hermès family also looked at themselves with curious eyes, and it seemed that this issue was more of concern to them than Chen William's intentions today.

"Yes, Mr. Thomas, I do have this plan, and I am currently in contact with the Glazer family."

Just yesterday, Camilo Hagen of Goldman Sachs, on behalf of himself, began to contact the Glazer family in the United States, and tentatively offered a purchase price of $1.2 billion. The Glazer family seemed not satisfied with the offer, but There is no direct rejection, which shows that there is still room for discussion.

And quickly, the 21-year-old William Chen, the fourth richest man in the world, was spreading the news of his intention to acquire Manchester United. This incident immediately attracted the attention of fans all over the world.

At this time, it seems that Trick Thomas is also one of these fans, just listen to him say:

"As a fan, I like Manchester United very much. I really hope that you can buy it successfully. It is a tragedy for the Glazer family to control this club. They even sold Ronaldo to Real Madrid. This is simply unforgivable. "

"Also as a fan, Mr Thomas, I can understand your mood, which is why I want to buy Manchester United and develop them after I have the ability."

But I didn't expect that because of William Chen's plan to acquire Manchester United, their meeting this time went very smoothly. It may also be because after William Chen acquired Hermès, he still respected the management of the brand by the Hermès family and did not interfere too much. , which is also the reason why the other party has a good impression of him.

In addition, the Hilton sisters were originally the top celebrities in the United States. Their daily outfits and accessories would be photographed by reporters and published in newspapers and magazines. Therefore, their identities were very consistent with the brand positioning of Hermès. After the group's shares were injected into HC Fashion, a joint venture with them and managed by Paris, there was no objection.

At the same time, Paris also said that after that, her bags will only use Hermès products, and she also liked the Hermès brand very much before, and she has collected many classic styles of Hermès.

Indeed, Paris and Nikki still know a lot about fashion. When they visited the Hermès Group, they also had a lot of communication with their designers. It can be seen that the other party still recognizes their sisters very much.

In this world, the Hilton sisters don't have much negative news, they just love to play. Although Paris was sued for drunk driving last year, her response at that time was very decent, and she won the praise of many people. good feeling.

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