America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 229: Abu's suggestion

After visiting Old Trafford, William Chen left Manchester and came to London.

The acquisition of the Manchester United club is not something that can be achieved immediately. The Glazer family will definitely not be willing to sell at a too low price. People are greedy, even if everyone thinks that they have been sucking blood on Manchester United for so many years, but they themselves said You may feel that you are doing well, you see, Manchester United's results have always been good? In addition, their family's business is very difficult now, and they definitely want to get a bid as high as possible.

Therefore, William Chen needs to constantly release pressure on them. Just like what he saw at Old Trafford yesterday, it has been published in his newspaper and the "America Headline" APP today, and it has also caused a lot of repercussions in the United States. .

In the "New York Times" online interview with William Chen, William Chen expressed his confidence in the acquisition of Manchester United, and repeated part of what he said to David Gill yesterday.

When the reporter asked William Chen, what if the Glazer family insisted on the extremely high asking price?

William Chen replied: "I believe that the investment made by the Glazer family has already made enough profits, and they will make the right choice for the sake of Manchester United, a great club."

It's just that what he didn't say is that if the Glazer family is really so ignorant of current affairs, they are probably facing means that Chen William is inconvenient to express. After all, investment banks such as Goldman Sachs are now allies of William Chen. The Glazer family's assets are all in the United States. They are affected by the subprime mortgage crisis and suffer serious losses.

More importantly, the Glazer family is not without competitors. In their main business, whether it is food processing or retail, their family is only a major shareholder of the company, and has not fully controlled it. With the help of William Chen, the second Shareholders are not without ambition to replace them.

William Chen once said that kindness is a precious quality, and only if you have enough ability can you have the right to show your kindness. In business competition, in essence, it is omnipotent.

Not only in business, the white Anglo-Saxon people in the West only put on a sanctimonious coat and talk about freedom and equality after burning, killing and looting to become rich.

William Chen came to London, mainly at the invitation of Abu, to attend the banquet he held specially for William Chen.

As a rich Russian businessman, Abu was once ranked at around 15 on the Forbes Rich List. In this year's Forbes list, he ranked 50th with about $11.2 billion in assets.

Although the ranking is not high, he can be said to be one of the people with the most cash assets in the world, er, definitely not as much as Chen William.

This time I heard that William Chen came to the UK. The reason why Abramovich specially invited William Chen is that on the one hand, he owns the Premier League team Chelsea, and after investing a lot of money, Chelsea's lineup is also very strong, and the results have been good in the past two years. .

In addition, his previous wife, Dasha Zhukova, invested US$20 million in William Chen's No. 3 Fund, which resulted in a return of nearly 11 times, and has now turned into an asset of more than US$235 million.

This also made Dasha very surprised and surprised, so there was a special invitation from Abu.

Abu currently lives in a villa, located in London's Lowndes Square, covering an area of ​​2788 square meters. The villa, which was converted from nine adjacent apartments he bought here two years ago, is worth up to $300 million and is currently the most expensive private residence in the UK.

When William Chen arrived, the Abu couple personally welcomed him to the villa. Seeing that William Chen was very interested in his house, Abu also showed him the most luxurious residence in the UK.

The internal layout of this villa is divided into 5 floors above ground and 3 floors below ground, with entertainment room, indoor swimming pool and sauna. In the design, Abu also specially equipped a study room and a playroom for his 5 children.

The interior finishes throughout the villa are Victorian, which complements the luxurious exterior structure of the villa.

"Well, if you want to buy a house in London, I can recommend you a good house. When I bought a house here, I didn't have less choice."

Abu's attitude was very kind and said with a smile on his face.

"I do have the idea, not only in London, but if I buy Manchester United, I'm going to buy a house in Manchester as well."

"Actually, it's easy to buy a house. What's more difficult here is to find the right housekeeper. You know, housekeepers in the UK are very famous. If you find a good housekeeper, you will save a lot of things and be able to take care of your home well. That's right. Just like my current housekeeper, I found it after searching for a long time, and it also has an element of luck."

Chen William agrees with what Abu said. He will have residences in many parts of the world in the future. The biggest problem is that the daily maintenance and maintenance of these residences requires reliable people to help him. After all, most of the things that can be seen by him belong to the category of mansions. The area is huge, and it cannot be done by himself or two or three maids. A good housekeeper is very necessary.

In particular, countries other than the United States often live only several times a year, and are more likely to be neglected.

"If there is a suitable candidate, Mr. Roman must recommend it to me. I am also in need of these now." William Chen doesn't mind establishing a relationship with Abu through these. After all, if they buy Manchester United, both of them are foreign owners. There will be many places where cooperation is required.

"Of course, wrap it on me."

Abu said cheerfully.

Speaking of which, there are still a lot of topics for the two of them, and Abu is also a person who is good at enjoying, just like his mansion, team, private jet, and the super yacht "Eclipse" can all be talked about.

In particular, William Chen now has a private jet and has just ordered an A380 from Airbus, so he is also interested in yachts and asks about him:

"I have boarded your Eclipse in the United States before, and I was really shocked. Now I hope to have a similar yacht. I wonder if Mr. Roman has any suggestions?"

The Eclipse is currently the largest super yacht in the world, but a yacht with a length of about 180 meters under construction is about to take away his title of world number one, and the owner of that yacht, It was the caliph, brother of Mansour, the Manchester City boss.

Abu's "Eclipse" was built by the German "Bloom Foss" company's shipyard in Hamburg. It started in January 2007 and took three years to complete. The cost is as high as 400 million euros, although it is a private The yacht, in terms of size and configuration, looks like a yacht fortress.

Hearing that William Chen also had the idea of ​​buying a similar yacht, Abu naturally recommended this shipyard to him, saying that if he had the opportunity, he could go there and have a look, whether it was a new construction by himself or an order from someone else, it was all right.

Of course, in terms of time, it takes a lot less time to get the yacht if you buy someone else's If you don't have very special requirements, or you must have the title of No. 1 in the world. With the current economic crisis, whether it was a private jet or a private yacht, orders were placed and cancelled due to financial conditions. There are many people there. If William Chen really needs them, I am afraid there will be many orders for him to choose from.

In this case, William Chen thought of his next stop when he left the United Kingdom, and it seemed that he could go to Germany to see it.

This was a private dinner, so I just invited William Chen. After dinner with the Abu couple, we continued to chat. After Abu also bought Chelsea, he told William Chen many of the situations he had encountered. He has a better understanding of the Premier League.

In the end, Abu also enthusiastically retained Chen William to stay in his home, but was politely rejected by Chen William. Because at this time, there are still people waiting for him in the hotel.

When William Chen returned to the hotel's presidential suite, he saw Yang Mi who was waiting inside.

"Darling, you're finally back, I'm hungry."

Yang Mi saw William Chen enter the room, jumped over, gave him a big hug, and said.

"Didn't I ask you to go to the hotel restaurant to have something to eat first?"

"I didn't want to wait for you."

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